The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1760 A little nervous

It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't understand Liang Chao's thoughts, but to Zhang Fan, no matter whether Liang Chao wants to seek Wang Gao's revenge, or even just ask to understand, but Zhang Fan believes that no matter what, Liang Chao will They will act according to the goal of this operation, and in Zhang Fan's view, whether Wang Gao is dead or alive this time, as long as he is caught by his own people, that is enough. An important reason for letting Liang Chao go.

Of course, Zhang Fan has also considered some issues. Although he said this time he sent people to Liaodong to hunt down Wang Gao, after all, Liaodong has a vast territory, and they have no idea where Wang Gao will go. Fan also only sent a hundred people. Although Zhang Fan is confident that if he can find him, his men will find Wang Gao before Li Chengliang's men, but that is after all compared with Li Chengliang's men and horses. It doesn't mean that people from Jinyiwei will definitely be able to find them.

And even if it was, Liang Chao was really lucky, he really found Wang Gao, and he did something irrational after that, Zhang Fan also had to deal with it.

No matter what Liang Chao would do, Zhang Fan had already expected his irrationality, and after that, Zhang Fan also ordered the people below to go with Liang Chao. At that time, Liang Chao's irrationality, if he just killed a few people, or simply killed Wang Gao, then don't pay attention at all, but if Liang Chao's irrationality will be given to him, or even to him If the companions bring any danger, then they must stop Liang Chao immediately, this is what Zhang Fan explained.

Zhang Fan's confession in this way was not a matter of ignoring Liang Chao's feelings at all, but was formulated for Liang Chao's current situation, and Zhang Fan believed that he was right to explain it this way.

And even if they went out this time, they didn't find Wang Gao, but in Zhang Fan's opinion, it was nothing. After what happened this time, Liang Chao would have a certain degree of anger or resentment in his heart. It was right to dissolve it, but as for what to do with the remaining part that hadn't been resolved, Zhang Fan wasn't worried, as he would always be able to think of a solution when the time came.

Although this kind of approach of taking one step at a time is not what Zhang Fan wants, but now, this situation can only be like this. It would be good if it can be solved once and for all, but the key is that there is no such thing now. The way, that's the only way.

Thinking of Zhang Fan here, he thought of Xiangmei. In fact, Zhang Fan had already thought about the issue between Xiangmei and Liang Chao more than once.

If Liang Chao didn't know Hong'er, or even got married, Zhang Fan was definitely in favor of the matter between him and Xiangmei. Xiangmei liked Liang Chao in her heart, but for Liang Chao, Zhang Fan He was very familiar with her, so at that time, if Zhang Fan was asked to consider it from the perspective of being an older brother, even if Xiangmei was really his own sister, he would still let her marry Liang Chao.

But now it's different, it's not about anything else, after Liang Chao's incident, although he is a man of seven feet, he is not the kind of daughter's mind, but in fact, Liang Chao's heart is also fragile now. very.

In other words, at this time, it was not a big problem for Xiangmei to find ways to get into Liang Chao's heart. As for whether such an approach was despicable, Zhang Fan didn't think much about it.

However, Zhang Fan feels a little unworthy of Xiangmei now, perhaps because of Zhang Fan's experience 500 years later, some of his ideas are indeed bolder than those of today's people. It seems that what Xiangmei is doing now is completely just to comfort Liang Chao, and her comfort will even take her whole life, although this is what she wants, but when she thinks Zhang Fan felt uncomfortable about this whole matter.

It's just that Xiangmei, a silly girl, obviously hasn't come out of such a long love affair, she still likes Liang Chao in her heart, and with the passage of time, her love has not only not decreased, but has increased Not a lot.

It is true to say she is stupid; to say she is stupid, different people have different opinions.

But even so, even if Zhang Fan loves Xiangmei as his own sister, it is precisely because of this that Zhang Fan also respects Xiangmei's choice. If we talk about this road, it is really Xiangmei. If she is willing to go, and even if there are twists and turns in the process, but she is willing to bear it at the same time, Zhang Fan will naturally agree, and it's not just as simple as agreeing, Zhang Fan will also help her in the future.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan has such confidence in this matter. In fact, most of the reasons come from Liang Chao. It is precisely because Zhang Fan believes in Liang Chao that he dares to make such a decision. It's not because Zhang Fan believes in Liang Chao, it is absolutely impossible for him to hand over Xiangmei to him now. Of course, it is a bit too close now, at least it will take a long time for this matter to happen. .

What's more, Zhang Fan still has a lot of unresolved problems in front of him, and thinking about this matter now is really making himself busy.

Talking about his own affairs, Zhang Fan felt a little headache again.

Some things I learned from Joanna, although Joanna told Zhang Fan everything she heard, but after all, Joanna didn't know what Ru Xue and the others were thinking in their hearts, and on Zhang Fan's side, To be honest, although Zhang Fan and Ru Xue have been married for several years, sometimes Zhang Fan can't figure out what Ru Xue is thinking.

But there is a situation that Zhang Fan understands very well in his heart. Although it took only two or three days for Wei Yuyao's matter to be published, the speed of this matter is not slow at all. , Now the matter has reached a critical point. If everyone in the family knows and agrees, this matter will be easier to handle.

Although Zhaoxue was troublesome, Zhang Fan knew that as long as he found a way to tell Zhaoxue safely, it would be fine. After Zhaoxue found out, even if Zhaoxue would be surprised, it would not be a problem to agree.

But the most important thing is actually his own mother, Mrs. Zhao is there.

Zhang Fan had no idea how Zhao would react when he found out about this matter, whether he would agree or not.

And now, it's time to tell Mrs. Zhao, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling nervous.

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