The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1761 It's really embarrassing

I said it before.What happened to Wei Yaoyao now.The most critical thing actually lies with Mrs. Zhao.As long as Mr. Zhao agrees.Then the next thing.It's all easy to handle.And how should I tell Mrs. Zhao about this matter.Zhang Fan had no clue at all.And at this time.Zhang Fan chose to escape very wisely.Let Ru Xue handle this matter completely.

Maybe Zhang Fan did this.If it is seen by others.It's not really what men do.Now that I know it's difficult.Then you should go by yourself.What's the matter with a woman who pushes difficult things to her.

only.That's what I said though.But again.It is also very light to say.But really do it.That would be a world of difference.And obviously.on this matter.Zhang Fan really had no good solution.In other words, he could only count on Ru Xue.certainly.As for what Ru Xue will do.Zhang Fan is not very clear.And Ru Xue didn't say anything.

But after.Zhang Fan understood what Ru Xue probably wanted to do.certainly.This understanding does not mean that Zhang Fan really sees it thoroughly.She completely understood what Ru Xue was thinking.Actually.Until Zhang Fan knew about it.He didn't have a clue in his mind.The reason why Zhang Fan would know.In fact, it was Ru Xue who talked to him personally.

Ru Xue's thoughts.It's very complicated on this matter.It's not about Wei Yaoyao.And if it's true.Ru Xue still likes the sister Wei Yaoyao very much.After all these years of my husband's death.Can still live like this alone.What's more, Wei Yaoyao had adopted a large number of orphans before.And if it's about family background.Although Wei Leiyao's family background is not as prominent as Ru Xue's family.But at least it's pretty close.Even the two of them are very similar.

But if you like it, you like it.One thing is one thing.But when Ruxue found out about the relationship between Wei Yaoyao and Zhang Fan.Even after Wei Yaoyao was pregnant with Zhang Fan's child.Ru Xue's heart naturally changed.

Not because of what happened.From then on, Ru Xue began to hate Wei Yaoyao.Not so.after all.It has been a long time since Wei Maoyao died and Zhang Fan died.She is very lonely alone.Adopt those orphans.Although an act of kindness.But why is it not a way for Wei Yaoyao to vent her loneliness.And in this case.Wei Yaoyao got acquainted with Zhang Fan.What's more, Zhang Fan is not just a member of the imperial court.And still young.Wei Yaoyao will have a good impression of Zhang Fan.It is also very normal.

But for Zhang Fan.Although Wei Yaoyao is a married person.But the age is not very old after all.her age.Pretty much the same as Joanna actually.Even smaller than Joanna.In addition, Wei Yaoyao looks even if she is not beautiful.But it's also pretty.And people who read from childhood.There will be a temperament naturally.Zhang Fan will become interested in Wei Yaoyao.To be honest, Ru Xue didn't feel surprised at all.

even.Zai Ruxue found out about Zhang Fan and Wei Yuyao.And Wei Yaoyao was pregnant with Zhang Fan's child.Two completely different thoughts popped up in Ru Xue's mind.

first.Ru Xue will develop to this point for Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao.Really not surprised at all.Even thought it was normal.certainly.It's not that Ru Xue would approve of such a thing.It's just that she thinks it's the same time.In fact, Ru Xue didn't have much objection in her heart.

But if you don't object, you don't object.What Ru Xue didn't object to was just this matter.If Zhang Fan has always been like this with Wei Maoyao.But she didn't know.Even if she knew it.Ru Xue didn't think there was any problem either.

But the key question is.Now Wei Yaoyao is pregnant with Zhang Fan's child.This is unusual.It's been said many times before.Ru Xue this is indeed more enlightened than those women nowadays.But at the same time.After all, Ru Xue was born and raised in this era.No matter how enlightened she is.Ideas still have to follow the times.And some things.No matter how enlightened you are.But in this day and age it is not allowed.

After Ru Xue heard that Wei Maoyao was pregnant with Zhang Fan's child.A lot of thoughts came into my mind.I also thought about how to understand this matter.She thinks a lot.Including giving Wei Yaoyao a fortune.Let her go away; or simply refuse to admit it.Don't look at Ru Xue who is usually warm and moist.Once this time comes.No matter who it is.There will always be such thoughts in my mind.

But these thoughts of Ru Xue.In the end, she rejected it all.Not that her good intentions were at fault.Make it impossible for her to do so.The reason why Ru Xue rejected these ideas.It's all because of her rational consideration.After she thought about it.Discover these ways.Even if it's not a bad idea.But it can't solve this matter.It will even buy hidden dangers for the future.

As for the hidden danger that Ru Xue considered.I won't talk about it here.But all in all.The methods that Ru Xue thought of.She rejected them all.

And finally.Ru Xue only left with one idea.That was exactly what Zhang Fan expected.Accept Wei Yaoyao into this family.

If so.Perhaps there will indeed be trouble in a short time.But think in the long run.As long as this short period of trouble is over.There will be no more trouble in the future.

certainly.Ru Xue finally made this decision.And not just for Zhang Fan.Or it was considered to help Zhang Fan achieve his wish.Among them.Ru Xue also considered Wei Yuyao's problem.Although this matter.It is impossible for Ru Xue to consider Wei Maoyao alone.Her first consideration.It must be about Zhang Fan.Regarding the interests of the entire Zhang family.But in the case of such interests do not conflict.Ru Xue naturally wanted to consider her problem.

all in all.If this matter is said to do so.It's a good thing for everyone.Then that's the only way to do it.

then.Ru Xue is Zhang Fan's wife.It is also necessary to bear the responsibility of telling Mrs. Zhao about this matter.But having said that.Ru Xue also felt that it was really difficult to tell Mrs. Zhao about this matter.Even she felt a little helpless.

but.Ru Xue is not unintelligent.Things are tricky though.But in a short time.Ru Xuedai also thought of a way.It's just this way.Zhang Fan's help was also needed.But to Zhang Fan to help.This matter must be made clear to Zhang Fan.

then.Ru Xue who wants to understand.There was no hesitation at all.Call Zhang Fan directly.Tell him about it.

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