The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1763 Not a Solution

That's right, in fact, Fang Yueling has already figured out a way, but even if she has figured out a way, she has been hesitant to use it, or even though she has figured out this way, but she It was never intended to be used at all.

Obviously, since the method Fang Yueling came up with can not only help solve this matter, but more importantly, it will not affect the relationship between the Five Poison Sect and Jinyiwei, or even the relationship between her and her father Fang Zhenqian. Even if it has some influence, it's not big, so just relying on these, it can be seen that the person who can help Fang Yueling must be someone who has a very close relationship with her.

Fang Yueling, although she said that if necessary, she would naturally use other people. Back then, in order to find her father, she used a special method to become the leader of the Five Poison Sect. She used other people a lot. But that was also because the relationship between those people and her was just that, not one step closer, but Fang Yueling naturally had no way to deal with people who were very close to her.

Therefore, although Fang Yueling came up with this method, she never wanted to use it. It wasn't that she couldn't use it unless it was absolutely necessary, but that she never thought of using it at all. Although she thought of this possibility, she didn't But it is simply impossible to do it.

But now, the situation has a new development, the matter has developed to the point that it is not a last resort, but a step further than the last resort, if she does nothing, then Shao Shupeng will definitely spread the matter, although Shao Shupeng hesitated in the face of her request. Perhaps this was a very different situation for Shao Shupeng, but for Fang Yueling, he just hesitated. Therefore, in order to ensure that Shao Shupeng would never spread the matter, then There is only such a way.

It wasn't that Fang Yueling planned for Shao Shupeng, the relationship between her and Shao Shupeng was not that good, the key problem was that she had to avoid those troubles.

"Madam has a solution." Hearing Fang Yueling's words, Shao Shupeng was naturally happy. After all, it was the best situation to be able to solve this matter without causing any trouble. Shao Shupeng himself, faced with this situation, he has no reason to do that kind of thing, so he is naturally happy, but at the same time, his rationality tells himself that Fang Yueling may be deceiving him, after all, this matter If there is such a solution to the matter, why didn't Fang Yueling do it a long time ago? She had to wait until there was no way to bring it up.

Perhaps, Fang Yueling did have a reason for doing this, so now that this matter has reached the point where there is no way to turn back, she only proposed this method, or, Fang Yueling has nothing to do at all, she just said that to deceive Myself, let myself not speak out.

Of course, for Shao Shupeng, he naturally hoped that it would be the first type, but at the same time, it was his rationality that told himself that the truth might be the second type.

In other words, for Shao Shupeng, he should not believe in Fang Yueling. Of course, if Fang Yueling can tell the truth, then it is the best situation, and even Shao Shupeng is happy to see this situation Yes, but in short, Shao Shupeng didn't quite believe it.

"I do have a way," Fang Yueling didn't know that Shao Shupeng felt that she was deceiving him, so she just replied, "It's just that I didn't want to use this method at first. When I first thought of it, I thought it was good, but I didn't want to use it at all, because This will also implicate a person and cause her a lot of trouble, so although I thought of this method, I never wanted to do it, but now, this matter has reached this point, and I can't do it otherwise, "

What Fang Yueling said was very sincere. I think no matter who saw her appearance or heard her tone of voice, they would believe her words, but Shao Shupeng didn't. The main reason for deceiving her is that this matter is really not a trivial matter to him, so it is not that Shao Shupeng is worried, but because Shao Shupeng dare not make any assumptions about this matter. coming behavior.

Seeing Shao Shupeng's willingness to believe, but not daring to do so, Fang Yueling's mind can somewhat think of his feelings, but Fang Yueling can't tell Shao Shupeng too much about this matter, after all, it is also implicated There were other things, so Fang Yueling couldn't tell him everything. Therefore, Fang Yueling felt that it was normal for Shao Shupeng to have such thoughts.

However, now is not the time to care about these things. Although it is necessary to consider the other party's thoughts, originally this matter did not need to be too anxious, but now it has to come up with a solution quickly.

"I know what you're thinking in your heart. You must think that I said this on purpose to appease you. I just said this to keep you from speaking out. In fact, I didn't Any way." At this time, Fang Yueling also understood that it was not time to wait for this matter, so she didn't have to hide it anymore, so she simply said clearly, "You don't have to do this, I also understand your feelings. Besides, I don't mean to blame you, but this matter is really as I said, and I do have a way to solve it.

"But if you have no way to rest assured anyway, then what I will tell you is that the most important thing about this matter is to let Xianggong know the situation here, whether it is you who say it, or I find a way to tell him. , no matter which one it is, the result is the same, as long as the goal is achieved, I say that, you agree, "

Faced with Fang Yueling's words, Shao Shupeng naturally had nothing to say, and nodded his head in agreement, not to mention the fact that things are like this, no matter what they do, there is only one ultimate purpose, and that is to let Zhang Fan know about this matter. As for the matter, as for what Zhang Fan will do after he finds out about this matter, and whether it can be resolved, this is not what he has to worry about, nor is he able to worry about it.

Therefore, what Fang Yueling said was naturally not wrong at all, no matter what to do, as long as Zhang Fan could know it, it would be fine, and it made no difference to Shao Shupeng in what way.

"Since you agree, that's fine." Seeing that Shao Shupeng agreed, Fang Yueling nodded and continued, "Then I'll ask you again, are you willing to believe me?"

"This..." Shao Shupeng was stopped by Fang Yueling's sudden question. It's not that he didn't believe Fang Yueling, but the question that he never thought about was that he never thought that Fang Yueling would ask himself this question, and now Fang Yueling Suddenly asking such a question, he was indeed stopped for a while, and he didn't know how to answer.

But Fang Yueling didn't urge her. She naturally understood that other people would be so confused when she asked such a sudden question. Therefore, Fang Yueling waited patiently for Shao Shupeng to recover.

After that moment of absent-mindedness, Shao Shupeng also came back to his senses immediately, and began to think about this question, whether he could trust Fang Yueling, if in the past, Shao Shupeng was asked this question, he would naturally answer without hesitation that he would believe it Yes, it's not only because Fang Yueling is Zhang Fan's woman, but the questions brought about by her identity make him have to answer in this way. More importantly, after he understands the relationship between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan, he also dares to answer in this way. .

But the current situation once again made him hesitate at this time.

And again, Fang Yueling continued to give him enough time to think about this issue.

In the end, the result of consideration: "Return to Madam, the villain believes in Madam," Shao Shupeng answered in this way. His answer is worth thinking about. The reason why he said he believed it was not because he really believed that Fang Yueling had a way to solve this problem. The reason for saying this is because Shao Shupeng believes that no matter what Fang Yueling does, she will never do anything that is unfavorable to Zhang Fan. In other words, Shao Shupeng's answer is completely saying that he believes in Fang Yueling. It will definitely not be bad for Zhang Fan, not that he believes that Fang Yueling must have a way to solve this matter.

"In this case, it's easy to handle," and Fang Yueling was very happy after hearing his answer. Naturally, Fang Yueling understood Shao Shupeng's meaning. In fact, from the very beginning, what she asked was actually this The question is, she doesn't want Shao Shupeng to believe that she can do it, she just needs to make Shao Shupeng believe in herself, and since Shao Shupeng answered this way, it's easy for her to say, "Since you believe in me, then I will ask you to accept this matter." Don't ask any more questions, you just need to know that I will definitely let my husband know about this matter, and it's not my original method. It doesn't take a long time to climb up, and it won't take long before my husband will know about this matter. You can do this rest assured,"

"Since madam said so, then the villain is willing to do what madam wants." At this time, Shao Shupeng didn't insist anymore, and agreed directly.

This matter is indeed interesting to talk about. Maybe Shao Shupeng has not believed that Fang Yueling can solve this matter until now, but it doesn't matter anymore. Even if he doesn't believe it in his heart, as long as he believes it on the surface OK.

Maybe this is really a bit of self-deception, but now he is in such a situation, there are many things that he can't help himself, so even if he is self-deception, then there is nothing to do.

Besides, Shao Shupeng himself did not believe that Fang Yueling could solve this matter, but seriously, Fang Yueling really had no choice but to deceive him. I am afraid that Shao Shupeng himself did not know this, but, Now that Fang Yueling has said so, there is no need for Shao Shupeng to insist any longer, so what if he leaves the matter to Fang Yueling.

As for how Zhang Fan should reply, it seems that he has to revise the letter he wrote last night.

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