Shao Shupeng went to see Fang Yueling, and told her frankly that he knew a lot of things, and this also made Fang Yueling worried, fearing that if things came out of Shao Shupeng's mouth, it would cause a lot of trouble, so Fang Yueling also Putting aside his identity, he asked Shao Shupeng not to speak out. Of course, at the beginning, Shao Shupeng did not agree because of his duties, but after Fang Yueling said that he would solve this matter, Shao Shupeng finally agreed to Fang Yueling.

Although Fang Yueling did have a solution and planned to do so, and at the same time Shao Shupeng also agreed, but Shao Shupeng really believed that Fang Yueling really had a solution, which is not necessarily the case, but now this matter is only possible. This can be the case, and Shao Shupeng took it as a good reason for himself. Since Fang Yueling said that there is a way, then he thinks that Fang Yueling really has a way. Going out is much better.

After meeting Fang Yueling, Shao Shupeng returned to his residence. He took out the confidential letter he wrote last night. He also had plans to delete the contents of this secret letter after he came back, but when it came to this juncture, he began to hesitate again, not because of anything else, the most important thing was that Shao Shupeng had no way to rest assured.

Although it is really wrong to want to go back on something that has been promised, but this matter is different after all, and it is not unreasonable for Shao Shupeng to hesitate because of this.

After some thought, Shao Shupeng didn't destroy the secret letter, but just put it away. Originally, he planned to send it out later today, but he put it away instead. It wasn't destroyed, it was just put away. This matter is really not small, so even if Shao Shupeng agreed to Fang Yueling, he would not leave any room behind.

Maybe, what he did would cause a lot of trouble in the future, but for Shao Shupeng, he was in this line of work after all, and if he didn't leave any way out, he definitely didn't know when things would go wrong. Of course, It's not that he doesn't know that this kind of behavior of leaving such a retreat will sometimes cause trouble in itself, but for Shao Shupeng and his past experience, it is better to leave a retreat than not to leave, so, Compared with the possibility of trouble, Shao Shupeng did it anyway, which is something he can't help.

It's just that he didn't think that among this possibility, it is precisely this possibility that will bring many troubles in the future, but he still doesn't know anything about it now.

On Fang Yueling's side, after sending Shao Shupeng away, Fang Yueling didn't move, she was still sitting in the original place, thinking.

Fang Yueling was also troubled by this matter. Although she agreed to Shao Shupeng and said that she would solve this matter by herself, and Fang Yueling was not deceiving Shao Shupeng, she really had a way, but at the same time, Fang Yueling also It's really difficult to do, because she really doesn't want her way.

In fact, this matter is very simple. If Fang Yueling's idea is really perfect, then she doesn't have to recite Shao Shupeng's words to this point before making a plan. She would have done it a long time ago. Then this matter It became very simple. The reason why she didn't do that was enough to show that this method was not perfect.

Yes, this method is perfect if it is only for this matter, but this matter cannot be considered only from this matter, especially if Fang Yueling intends to do so.

Fang Yueling's solution requires a person to help, that is to say, no matter who that person is, if Fang Yueling really plans this matter, then that person will also be involved. This is why Fang Yueling hesitated at the beginning. The reason why she decided not to do that was because she didn't want to involve someone who didn't have much relationship with her. If it was someone else, then that would be fine. But, if Fang Yueling just wanted to limit this matter to her family If it is within the range of her, then this person must also have a very close relationship with her. Therefore, Fang Yueling didn't want to do this at first, but now, she can't do it.

After much deliberation, there was no other way, and in the end, Fang Yueling made up her mind.

Yu'er has been in a very upset mood recently. When Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan confirmed the relationship, she was in a very unhappy mood, but it was something Fang Zhenqian decided after all, not to mention that Fang Yueling had no objection to this, so From her standpoint, it was impossible for her to make any rebuttals, but it was precisely because she couldn't speak out what was in her heart that Yu'er was even more depressed.

After that, as a maid, she also went to the capital with Fang Yueling and lived in Zhang Fan's home. Although she still looked down upon Zhang Fan, especially after Fang Yueling became his woman, Yu'er She hated Zhang Fan even more, but she couldn't change this matter after all, not to mention that during that time, Yu'er also saw how Zhang Fan treated Fang Yueling, and she also understood that the relationship between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan was really good very.

Therefore, gradually, Yu'er has changed her view of Zhang Fan. Of course, it doesn't mean that Yu'er agrees with Zhang Fan just because of this. In fact, she still hates Zhang Fan from the bottom of her heart. Zhang Fan has somewhat changed.

And this kind of change continued until she followed Fang Yueling to leave the capital for Sichuan. On the way, she changed again.

No, it's not because of this time and timing, and the change of the scene. In fact, when she left the capital, although Yu'er still didn't like Zhang Fan, it had changed greatly from the original one. The key question The thing is, something happened.

Fang Yueling's reaction, maybe as Fang Yueling herself, she has never experienced it, so even if it happened to her, she still doesn't know it, but Yuer is different, although Yuer has never experienced it, But she is not young, and she has experienced various scenes before. She has seen this kind of thing a lot, so she naturally understands it.

Therefore, when Fang Yueling's reaction just appeared, Yu'er understood in her heart that Fang Yueling was pregnant, and as for the child's father, Zhang Fan was the only possibility.

So, once again, Yu'er's resentment towards Zhang Fan, which had been put down in the first place, rose again inexplicably. Of course, Yu'er's resentment came for no reason, and it could even be said to be unreasonable. But who made her a woman, what's more, this kind of resentment was only in her heart, and she didn't say it out. In short, Zhang Fan was inexplicable. Of course, there was a big reason for it, and she was once again hated by Yu'er.

But although it is said that the child belongs to Zhang Fan, it is Fang Yueling who is pregnant after all. Therefore, after Fang Yueling became pregnant, Yu'er took care of her even more meticulously. Once again, resentment towards Zhang Fan was aroused, but at the same time, she was somewhat happy about this situation, because Fang Yueling's situation now required someone to take care of her. Of course, even Fang Yueling was only two months pregnant. Time, you don't need to be so careful, but after all, Fang Yueling has no experience and doesn't understand these things, and Yu'er distorted some facts as a person who has experienced it. All in all, because of this incident, Yu'er is now With a good reason, it was a surprise to her to be able to stay by Fang Yueling's side all the time, and at a very intimate level.

Of course, after returning to the Five Poisons Sect, this relationship can be maintained. Yu'er is not stupid at all. When it comes to those thoughts, she has much more thoughts than Fang Yueling. On the way back, when Yu'er found out that Fang Yueling was pregnant, Yu'er had already expected what would happen after she returned to the Five Poison Sect. Perhaps she did not expect that Fang Zhenqian would have It's such a big plan now, but she also wants to get it. Fang Zhenqian will definitely find a way to hide it after learning the news.

Therefore, Yu'er has long foreseen that the news of Fang Yueling's pregnancy will be concealed, and there are only a few people who know about it, and she is one of them, so she can continue to use this reason to communicate with Fang Yueling. Have a more intimate contact.

Therefore, Yu'er during this period of time can be said to be painful and happy. The happiness lies in the fact that she can use this reason to continue to contact Fang Yueling and become more intimate than before. The pain lies in the fact that after Fang Yueling gave birth to the child, she She will become even closer to Zhang Fan, and she will no longer be able to tolerate her in her heart. Of course, in Fang Yueling's heart, Yu'er may always be there, but she will never be in that special position. It's just wishful thinking, but Yu'er is just deceiving herself.

Today, Yu'er also heard that Shao Shupeng was coming to see Fang Yueling, and at the same time, Yu'er had nothing to worry about. All in all, this was a very common thing for her. From her point of view, it was just that Zhang Fan missed Fang Yueling, so he wanted someone to ask her about her situation.

Of course, even Yu'er didn't want to understand. If Zhang Fan just wanted to simply ask about Fang Yueling's recent situation, he might as well write to Fang Yueling directly, but why did he pass other people? This is partly because of Yu'er's recent mood. It was really good, but let her ignore this point, and didn't even think about whether there was anything in it.

All in all, today's Yu'er is still in a good mood. Even if she occasionally thinks of Zhang Fan, her heart is full of hatred, but this hatred is different from the previous one.

Just now, news came over there, saying that Fang Yueling wanted to see her, so Yu'er was in a happier mood.

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