The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1765 Looking for help

"Miss, what's the matter?" Yu'er came in briskly.After seeing Fang Yueling.Even in the voice of speaking.It also reveals joy.Actually.Even now Fang Yueling is married.She also became Zhang Fan's woman.But when Yu'er called Fang Yueling.She still uses the word "Miss" to address her.This has never changed.

About that look of joy on his face.Recently, Yu'er has always been like this.certainly.This is also a good thing for Fang Yueling.Although Fang Yueling is not good at words.But for this sister who has taken care of her for so long.Fang Yueling was naturally grateful.Seeing that she is no longer what she used to be.Often reveals the kind of hatred of others.Hate the general expression of this world.Fang Yueling was naturally very happy.

But now.Fang Yueling called Yu'er because she had something to do.And this matter will get Yu'er into big trouble.original.Fang Yueling felt that she had made up her mind.Even if I feel sorry for Yu'er because of this.But that's all she could do.only.When Fang Yueling saw Yu'er's happy look clearly written on her face.Fang Yueling began to feel unbearable again.

Although she didn't know exactly why.But the most important thing is.What she's going to do next.Or something to ask Yu'er to do.But it is very likely that the smile on Yu'er's face will disappear.And this impact will definitely not be a temporary thing.It's a lifetime thing.all in all.this matter.Fang Yueling really couldn't bear it.

But.Fang Yueling also understood at the same time.Now things have come to this point.It's not something that can be solved without the heart.And if she got into any trouble because of this incident.Fang Yueling would really feel very sorry in her heart.But now the matter has reached the point where it can't be solved just by saying it's okay.But for Fang Yueling.Even if I feel bad about it.He had to do it too.all in all.In a word.Forced to do so.That's all.

"Sister. There is something I want to tell you." Fang Yueling has never been able to beat around the bush.Either she doesn't speak.If you want to say it, it is natural to say it clearly. "It's just that. Although I can only ask my sister to do this matter. But now I can only rely on my sister. It's just..."

"Miss, if you have any orders, just say it. Do you need to be polite to me?" Even Fang Yueling could clearly see that she was troubled on the surface.And Yu'er was also a little worried.But Yu'er was still happy in her heart.Because Fang Yueling was in trouble.The first thing that comes to mind is her.This is for Yu'er.It is also a kind of self-satisfaction that is very in line with her heart.

For Yu'er.As long as it was proposed by Fang Yueling.She will definitely do it.This is true no matter what.No matter how ordinary she is, she will definitely do it.Needless to say.Today's Fang Yueling showed a look of trouble.Then ask Yu'er for help.Yu'er is even more obliged.Help Fang Yueling solve his troubles.This is in Yu'er's view.Obviously, it can make her gain Fang Yueling's trust even more.This kind of thing is for her.Definitely not to be ignored.

certainly.Although on the surface it is said so.But in fact, Yu'er has already begun to think in her heart.What happened to Fang Yueling now?Why do you look troubled.Now Fang Yueling is pregnant with Zhang Fan's flesh and blood.This is for Yu'er.Naturally, it was the scene she least wanted to see.But at the same time, Yu'er didn't blind her eyes because of this incident.She was very clear in her heart.Because of this matter, Fang Yueling is very happy in her heart now.

at this point.Yu'er can naturally understand.After all, she has also experienced Fang Yueling's current situation.Although she was cheated by the man.But at least at that time.She still doesn't know.therefore.that time.Even if it is actually being deceived.But Yu'er is also extremely happy.And she at that time.As a woman who loves a man deeply.How could she not want to give birth to a child for the other party too.

Yu'er, who has had this kind of experience, can naturally understand what Fang Yueling feels in her heart now.So she also understands.Today's Fang Yueling.It is indeed very happy.

But at the same time.Yu'er also understands that Fang Yueling is feeling happy now.There are also many worries in my heart.The thing she had expected on the way back.when they come back.When Fang Zhenqian knew that Fang Yueling was pregnant.Sure enough, it happened.

Yu'er's view on this matter.It's amazing.on the one hand.her role in it.Although she is Fang Yueling's maid.But she should be classified in the camp of the Five Poison Sect.Although at the beginning.Fang Yueling cared most about her desperate person.But after all, it was Fang Zhengan who rescued her.For Fang Yueling.Yu'er felt close.But for Fang Zhenqian.All Yu'er has is respect.certainly.And with fear.

therefore.Fang Zhenqian's decision.Yu'er did not dare to disobey.

But compare.She also knew about this matter.Not only did she know what Fang Yueling was thinking.At the same time, he also knew Fang Zhenqian's real plan for this matter.That is.This thing is up to now.The only people who knew about it were Fang Yueling and Fang Zhenqian, father and daughter.And Yu'er.oh.Now we need to add another Shao Shupeng.It's just that Yu'er doesn't know this.

view on this matter.Yu'er was conflicted in her heart.But this contradiction is not intense.

Fang Zhenqian's approach.It is indeed beneficial to the Five Poisons Sect.Of course, Yu'er has no doubts about this.As for Yu'er itself.He is also a member of the Five Poisons Sect.Since this matter is beneficial to the Five Poisons Sect.Then she naturally shouldn't object.not to mention.If this thing really happens.For Zhang Fan.Definitely a huge hit too.Recently.Yu'er sometimes fantasizes.After this thing really happened.And let Zhang Fan know.Imagine Zhang Fan's surprised and regretful expression.Yuer can feel very satisfied.

only.Now that this matter has been looked at separately by Yu'er.Then you can't just watch the part that can make Yu'er happy.And since there is something to be happy about.Then naturally there is still something to be unhappy about.unhappy place.It is also very obvious.Of course, if this matter really succeeded according to Fang Zhenqian's idea.Fang Yueling would definitely be very sad.

same.This thing is also very predictable.If Fang Zhenqian's strategy succeeded.And it doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan can be deceived or not.But Fang Zhenqian would probably hide the child well.By the time.Even if everyone knows it.Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan have a child with Fang Zhenqian.It is estimated that no one will see the child.I'm afraid even Fang Yueling is no exception.

Fang Zhenqian understood Fang Yueling's thoughts.He also knew that Fang Yueling would never agree to this matter.Once this thing is successful.Then Fang Zhenqian would never let their mother and son meet.Not for anything.It's just that Fang Yueling will not be able to bear it.Take the child away.Once the child reaches his father.No matter how talented Fang Zhenqian is.But he wanted to snatch someone from Zhang Fan.It also became if Fang Yueling is the child's biological mother.But Fang Zhenqian is a grandfather.They will not let their mother and child meet.

And this kind of thing.separated from his own flesh and blood.Even Yu'er has never been a mother.But that didn't mean she couldn't imagine the sadness that this feeling could bring.But for Yu'er.Even if she is just an outsider.Even if she had never been in such a situation.But she can also think of it first.What's more, if Fang Yueling really encounters this kind of situation then.You must be separated from your own flesh and blood.And it was under the arrangement of my father.This feeling.It will only be more painful.

For Yu'er.The little pleasure of success in this matter.It is absolutely impossible to compare with the pain it brought to Fang Yueling and make her feel uncomfortable.therefore.If you let Yu'er choose.Even if the consequence is to make Fang Zhenqian arise.Make Zhang Fan happy.But as long as Fang Yueling can be happy.For Yu'er.That's the most important thing.Everything else is secondary.

This feeling.It's really indescribable.But Yu'er has already made up this idea in her heart.

only.Although she wanted to understand.But if Fang Yueling didn't speak up.There's nothing she can do about it.Even if she understands.Fang Yueling was also extremely opposed to this matter in her heart.But as long as Fang Yueling doesn't speak.Then she would never do anything against Fang Yueling's will.

And now.After hearing that Fang Yueling had something to ask her.But this matter will cause her to get into countless troubles.

That's all Fang Yueling said.But this is enough for Yu'er.Just by these words.Even Fang Yueling hadn't said what she wanted her to do.But for Yu'er.She also understood what Fang Yueling was talking about.Even she still didn't know what Fang Yueling wanted her to do.But she also knew what it was about.

at this point.There is no doubt about it.

"My sister should know what's going on now." Fang Yueling didn't know that Yu'er had already thought of it.she continued. "Now. I'm pregnant with my husband's flesh and blood. But after my dad found out about this, he has other plans. He intends to hide it from my husband.

"At first I didn't want to talk about it. After all, I can't hide this matter no matter what. As long as my husband finds out, it will be solved naturally. But the situation is different now. The Jinyiwei people also know about this matter. My sister should be able to figure it out. If the people in Jinyiwei know about this matter, and then pass it on to Xianggong, there will be big trouble."

"I understand." Yu'er nodded.She was also a little surprised.She didn't expect that the people in Jinyiwei already knew about this matter. "What does the lady want me to do?"

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