The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1767 Has Been Decided

Fang Yueling and Yu'er are still discussing what to do about what happened now. Although the two of them already have a way to deal with it, that is to let Yu'er come to the capital and tell Zhang Fan everything, and use what they can find to deal with it. The smallest range of people involved in this matter will suppress the impact of this matter to the minimum. Although there is already a solution, how to do it has become a new problem. Now, Fang Yueling and Yu I am still thinking about how to solve this problem.

In this regard, the two of them are not clueless, and they already have a rough solution, but in the end, this method still needs to rely on the power of Jin Yiwei. Of course, after hearing Yu'er's method, Fang Yueling didn't want to I have to agree, after all, she doesn't want to implicate the Jinyiwei people in this matter, otherwise she would not have asked Yu'er to do this matter at the beginning, and she just asked Shao Shupeng to pass the news back to Zhang Fan.

But Yu'er came up with a new method, just letting Shao Shupeng, who knew about it, to contribute, but other than him, no one else knew about it.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Shao Shupeng didn't tell Zhang Fan about this matter. He told Zhang Fan about it through Yu'er himself. At least, Jin Yiwei will not have too much contact with this matter, they are only helping, so this matter will not cause any major trouble.

However, although this proposal is really good, and even Fang Yueling, who is extremely sensitive to this matter, agreed to Yu'er's method, she still doesn't know what to do, but fortunately, this Although this matter is relatively urgent, it doesn't have to be done right away. It's okay to have two or three days to figure out a solution.

What kind of solution Fang Yueling and Yu'er can come up with, now they can only leave it to them to worry.

At the same time, the situation in Liaodong has also undergone new developments. When Liang Chao received news from Zhang Fan, he also understood what the imperial court could give Wang Tai on this matter, and Liang Chao did not have the slightest idea. There was a delay, so he immediately went to Wang Tai and talked about it.

Things went very smoothly. After all, I already knew that Wang Tai's hatred for Wang Gao was just because of the covenant they had made, so Wang Tai had no choice but to take Wang Gao in, but from Wang Tai's heart As far as he is concerned, Wang Tai really doesn't want to care about him, and even, if possible, Wang Tai wants to kill Wang Gao himself.

In this case, in fact, as long as you use the right method to tell him well, then there is absolutely no problem if you want to persuade Wang Tai to hand over Wang Gao, and if the court can give Wang Gao this he would have If there are some benefits to what you are willing to do, then it will be easier for Wang Tai to do so.

And Liang Chao is in such a very favorable position. Now that he has all the conditions that can persuade Wang Tai to do this, then this matter is for Liang Chao, whether it is public or private, he must Solve it quickly. Although Liang Chao showed a very calm attitude from the beginning to the end of the matter of arresting Wang Gao, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any thoughts in his mind. After receiving Zhang Fan's message, he immediately did it.

Similarly, things went as expected. When Liang Chao just met Wang Tai and talked about it, Wang Tai naturally refused to agree, although at that time, when Wang Tai already knew that Ming Ting also wanted to When Wang Gao was arrested, and he also knew that this was an opportunity for him, he was already tempted, but even if he was tempted, he still had to show something different on the surface.

This matter may be regarded as politics, but at this time, it has become a business, and since it is a business, then a different attitude must be adopted.

But no matter what, one intends to sell and the other intends to buy, and there are only the two buyers and sellers, there is no third party, so this business can be negotiated no matter what, the only difference lies in the asking price That's all.

In the end, the matter was settled. Although Liang Chao didn't tell Wang Tai what benefits the court would give him if he succeeded in this matter, this was because he was afraid of taking Wang Tai a step further. Of course, in fact, there was no need to It is too clear, Ming Ting has always been generous in this kind of matter, so he has no need to worry at all, as long as he knows that as long as this matter is done, his benefits will be absolutely indispensable. up.

For Wang Tai, this is also an excellent opportunity to get rid of Wang Gao's troubles. Maybe even so, there is still that paper of covenant between them as a bondage, but no matter how smart the two of them are, this kind of Things can't be played by the ministers of the Ming court who spend their minds on this kind of thing all day long. This is a very troublesome matter for Wang Tai. Figured out a solution.

Although this method is not perfect for Wang Tai, it is the best method at present, or in other words, there is no better method than this.

All in all, during Liang Chao's conversation with Wang Tai, Wang Tai agreed with Liang Chao's words. Although the matter had not yet been finalized, Wang Tai agreed.

Even though this matter was already on the agenda, it was not too urgent, so Liang Chao also gave Wang Tai time to consider and prepare for this matter.

After the stipulated time, Liang Chao once again sneaked into Wang Tai's tribe to meet him, and Wang Tai also made preparations for this, although during this period of time, he seldom had people guarding his tent. It was close, but when Liang Chao sneaked in this time, he could clearly find that the guards were looser than when he sneaked in last time, which was obviously ordered by Wang Tai on purpose.

Of course, Liang Chao would not be complacent because of this. Before he came this time, he was also prepared. Once things changed, he would immediately respond.

Once again, Liang Chao saw Wang Tai in Wang Tai's big tent.

"Khan, how are things going?" After Liang Chao saw Wang Tai, he didn't even say hello, and asked about it directly. Up to now, those things on the scene are no longer necessary Yes, the most important thing is the actual benefits that the two companies can obtain.

"I've already thought about the matter," Wang Tai naturally said directly without being too wordy, "I agree with this matter. I will ask my son to tie Wang Gao and hand it over to you. You won't treat me badly, right?"

"Please don't worry about this, Da Khan," Liang Chao also said clearly, "The last time I came, I came to see Da Khan only after receiving news from the court. If you have contributed to the imperial court, there will be no shortage of rewards, but I don't know what it is.

"However, I can reveal the news to Da Khan, how to reward, this matter is personally inquired by Her Highness the Queen Mother, Da Khan, even the Queen Mother personally nodded, so will the reward be less?" He still didn't say the specific content of the reward, but even so, he believed that what he said could already impress Wang Tai.

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Wang Tai was naturally relieved, but then he said: "One more thing, since my two sons are also involved in this matter, then my two sons can't do it either. They did it for nothing, the imperial court must reward them, and the rewards are not those yellow and white things, it is necessary to increase the rank and rank, "

"That's okay," Liang Chao continued to nod. Regarding this point, the news that came from the beginning also made it clear. If someone acts on his behalf, then that person will also be rewarded. Of course, Liang Chao still doesn't know what it is He also said it, but this time it was not that Liang Chao deliberately concealed it, but the news that came back did not say, "I can assure the Great Khan about this matter, as long as there is something in the matter of arresting Wang Gao." There must be no one who deserves credit, and they will be rewarded one by one according to their merits. The court has always done things like this. If the people below just contribute, but they don't get any rewards and rewards, then who will help the court in the future? Big Khan said it was the truth, "

Liang Chao's words made Wang Tai completely relieved. Originally, when Liang Chao asked him to talk about Wang Gao's matter, at the very beginning, Wang Tai wanted to hand over Wang Gao, even if he didn't give him any money. Benefits, but at the very least, this matter can relieve him of a large part of his heart disease, which is already a great benefit to him.

But now, not only can he get rid of his major heart disease through this matter, but he can also obtain greater benefits from this matter that can bring him benefits, and this incidental The benefits are even more what he dreamed of. Under such circumstances, only a fool would disagree. For Wang Tai, an ambitious tribal leader who is still developing well in his tribe, this is like The cat smelled the smell of fish, no, it was like seeing a fresh fish in front of him, there was nowhere to escape, it was just waiting for him to come forward, Wang Tai would never refuse such a thing no matter what .

"Then what is Da Khan's plan?" Liang Chao asked. Now that the problems in this matter have been resolved, it is natural to talk about what should be done next.

"Today, the war is over," Wang Tai said.

The so-called war naturally refers to the war caused by Wang Gao. Now that the war is over, how to deal with those defeated people is still debating what to do, but the war is over. .

"As soon as the war is over, Wang Gao wants to go back to his territory," Wang Tai continued, "Don't you think this is the best time to do it?"

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