The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1768 Planning to Chapter Go

The war in Liaodong is finally over. This event that has been expected for a long time is finally over now. The ministries have more people than Li Chengliang's army, which was prepared earlier, and they are menacing. However, under Li Chengliang's long-term preparations, even in this era when the number of people determines the outcome, even if the enemy is menacing, But the problem is that they have no chance of winning against Li Chengliang who has been preparing for a long time.

And the result was just as expected at the beginning, the opponent attacked, but Li Chengliang dispatched a surprise army and directly took over the opponent's camp. Now Wang Gao's whereabouts are unknown, and because of this, the enemy's army was quickly defeated up.

Of course, because of the large number of people in the place, it is impossible to defeat them immediately. Even if their leader is no longer there, their morale can be seen for a thousand miles, but these people are different from the Ming army. So this is also a lot of time.

But no matter how long it takes, there will always be a moment of end, and in the end, the result is already doomed. Li Chengliang won in the end, and those people also failed in the end.

Of course, although this battle was very fierce, and the two sides had been at loggerheads for a long time, the results of the battle did not cause much casualties on both sides. After all, Li Chengliang had prepared for a long time, and he did not want his own There were too many casualties among his subordinates, so when Li Chengliang was fighting, he also made his subordinates very aware of this. Therefore, under such deliberate preparations by the Ming army, naturally there were not many casualties.

On the opposite side, they naturally don't care about this, and they spare no effort to attack, but the same, they may not think about it, but Li Chengliang has to think about it. After all, Liaodong doesn't mean to solve the king Gao is really safe, not to mention whether Wang Gao is alive or dead now, and the possibility of him being alive is still very high.

Therefore, Li Chengliang also understands that if too many foreigners are killed, the situation in Liaodong will worsen in the future. Therefore, when Li Chengliang attacked, he also deliberately kept this point. At that time, although both sides had casualties, they were not large.

Those of the Ming army are completely negligible, and even on the opposite side with relatively large casualties, with a scale of 5 people, in fact, only 5000 people died in battle, which sounds like a lot, but for such In terms of the current battle situation, this is already very good. Of course, in the case of these 5000 people who were confirmed dead in battle, there are still many injured, but there is no need to mention the injured.

All in all, this battle is completely over, and the remaining enemy troops were all captured by Li Chengliang's men. The number of prisoners is really quite a lot, and there is even the possibility of rebellion at any time, so what to do? To deal with these people, not only the speed must be fast, but also the force must be precise.

On this matter, Li Chengliang had already made plans, but he couldn't decide these plans. He could only write to the court and let the court make a decision, but at the same time, he also passed on his own methods to the court. Zhang Fan, I hope Zhang Fan can help and deal with this matter according to his method, which will be much better for Liaodong.

All in all, no matter what, the war in Liaodong is over, and what will happen after the war is over.

For the imperial court, for the entire Liaodong, and for those people living in Liaodong, this is a big change, but for some people, after the war is over, it is time for them to have some activities For example, Wang Gao who is currently hiding in the Hada Department.

When Wang Gao broke the Jianzhou Weicheng, he knew that the opponent was coming fiercely. It was completely impossible to rely on the one or two thousand defenders here to fight against the 1 people who had already broken through the city wall. Therefore, Wang Gao Gao was not optimistic about the almost impossible possibility at all, so he immediately made a decision to run away.

Escaping is a very simple matter. Even if Wang Gao is arrogant, he will still plan for his own safety, so he has already prepared the method and route of escaping. At that time, the city wall was breached and the situation was very chaotic, so the scene was very convenient for him to escape.

As long as you put on a little disguise, no one will recognize you, and no one will pay attention to you. Even if the opponent breaks through here, the purpose is to catch or kill yourself, but before the situation has stabilized, all the resisting Before everyone surrenders, the other party does not have the strength to take care of these things.

Therefore, it was very simple for Wang Gao to take advantage of this opportunity to escape through the route he had prepared long ago.

As for where Wang Gao should go after escaping, although he had already begun to think about this issue, he still hadn't decided where he should escape.

It stands to reason that it should go north. After all, the north side is really his own territory, and as long as he escapes back to his own territory, even the guards there are not enough now, but after all, it is his own place. It is also easier to resist.

But the problem is that Wang Gao is worried that after the Jianzhou Weicheng is broken, although the suppression will take time, the time will not be long, and it will end soon. After it is over, Li Chengliang must have ordered him to be arrested. If he can't be found, Li Chengliang will definitely think of the possibility that he has escaped. Wang Gao and Li Chengliang have dealt with each other a lot, and they are very familiar with each other. Therefore, no matter how you think about this matter, Wang Gao Gao knew that Li Chengliang would never feel so comfortable that he was dead.

And if this happens, Li Chengliang will definitely send troops to chase him, and the first thing Li Chengliang thinks of is that he will flee to the north. If he really fled to the north, wouldn't it be a trap for himself.

Therefore, in the end, Wang Gao did not choose to flee to the north and flee to his own territory. He chose to flee to the south. The south is within the range of Li Chengliang. Li Chengliang, and Wang Tai of the Hada tribe who had made a covenant with Wang Gao, if someone had trouble, the other party would help.

Of course, Wang Gao didn't like Wang Tai very much. There were too many fights between the two of them. Even the covenant was concluded in such a helpless situation. It's not that Gao is not worried that Wang Tai will betray him, but even if he has such dangerous thoughts in his heart, Wang Gao understands that he has no other choice except this choice.

What's more, there is a covenant between the two after all, no matter what enmity there is between Wang Gao and Wang Tai, or how much they dislike each other, but a covenant is a covenant, after making a covenant No matter what kind of deep hatred the two sides have had, they must be implemented according to the provisions of the covenant. To the Han people, the Jurchens look like savages who drink blood, but for Xinyi, it is unexpected. In addition, Wang Gao also knew that Wang Tai was working hard to manage his tribe, so Wang Gao bet that Wang Tai would not betray him, thus destroying the results he had gained from years of management.

In the end, Wang Gao made a choice to flee to the Hada Department of Wangtai. His plan was to hide there now, and then return to his own territory when the Ming army had relaxed after the war was over.

At that time, although the defeat was certain, it would take time for the real defeat. Once Li Chengliang couldn't find Wang Gao, he would definitely send someone to chase him immediately, but if he couldn't catch him after a while, he would relax.

All of this was in Wang Gao's calculations, and he did the calculations, so he dared to do this.

However, there is one thing that Wang Gao didn't calculate correctly, that is, people's hearts are really fickle, and it is precisely because people's hearts are the most difficult thing to figure out, so many times, things that are clearly planned to be seamless are all to be solved. Lost on this.

Wang Gao was hiding quietly in the Hada Department. When he first came, Wang Gao could clearly find that Wang Tai looked at him as if he was looking at trouble, but for his own safety, Wang Gao I endured this breath, and I also planned in my heart. When I went back and was safe, I had to find a way to get rid of Wang Tai. Wang Gao also had a way to deal with the covenant.

Waiting and waiting, finally, the war is over, and the result is not unexpected, Li Chengliang won. Although this is what Wang Gao has understood since the Jianzhou Guard was breached, but when he heard the news, And knowing that Li Chengliang was still victorious, he was still very upset.

But fortunately, Wang Gao also knew that the casualties on his side were not large, so he naturally understood the reason why Li Chengliang would do this, but at the same time, Wang Gao also wanted to thank the disputes in the Ming court, which can be regarded as a gift for him. A lot of capital was left behind, which laid the foundation for his future comeback.

Now that the war is over, Wang Gao wants to go back immediately. After all, it is safe to hide like this, but he is under control. Wang Gao is naturally unhappy with this feeling, so he found it immediately after hearing that the war was over. Wang Tai said that he wanted to go back.

And Wang Tai also put on an expression of regret, but in fact he was happy to get rid of a big trouble.

Wang Gao saw his expression in his eyes. Although he made an expression of gratitude on the face, he had made up his mind in his heart. The first thing after returning home was to find a way to get rid of Wang Tai. OK.

Of course, now is definitely not the time to turn his face. Whether he can return to his own territory safely depends on Wang Tai's help. He accepted everything he liked to hear, without any intention of refuting it.

It's just that, in Wang Tai's view, his words were just last words in his dying struggle.

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