Wang Gao is going back.And Wang Tai who came to see him off.A very regretful look.He even wants to stay with him for a while longer.It's just that anyone can see Wang Tai's hypocritical appearance.And Wang Gao was only acting on the surface.It is also a very want to stay.But the situation doesn't allow it.It's a pity that I can only leave.

the play.Even the people next to him looked a little disgusted.Not to mention the two of them in it.I'm afraid the two of them are now sour in their stomachs.Not spit it out is the most benevolent.

When Wang Gao escaped from Jianzhouwei.It's not just one person.Only his words.It is also impossible for him to come to Wangtai.If Wang Tai killed him unknowingly.Even if it violated the covenant.But no one the sake of your own safety.Wang Gao brought people with him.not much.There are only two.But those who can be brought by Wang Gao's side at this time.Whether it is skill or loyalty.They are definitely the ones Wang Gao can trust.

This war is over.Wang Gao intends to return to his territory.And since it is time to wait.So Wang Gao went back this time.Also be careful.The three dressed up in disguise.And hit the road.

Looking at Wang Gao who was drifting away.Wang Tai kept sneering in his heart.He waved.Let your two sons come to your side.Said: "You all know the matter. I don't need to tell you what to do. Wait a little bit. Wait for them to go a little farther. Wait until they are out of the scope of my department. Then do it. After that, people from the Ming court will come to you What to do when the time comes. You just listen to them."

"Ama, I understand." Wang Tai's two sons Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu said in unison.

For both of them.This matter is also an opportunity.Hu Ergan is the son of Wang Tai's descendant.Hence the succession of the Hada tribe.It was originally meant to come from him.But at the same time.The continuous development of Hada Ministry.Hu Ergan also saw it.I also know that this time as long as Wang Gao can be eliminated.Then the Hada tribe will eventually lead the Jurchen ministries.Then his future is also unlimited. the same time.Hu Ergan also understood.I want Hada to really sit back and relax.There is no way to rely on their tribe alone.And Daming's aid and support became even more important.then.Hu Ergan valued this opportunity very much.

And Wang Tai's other son Kang Gulu.It is also very important to this matter.Different from Hu Ergan.Kang Gulu came from the side room of Wangtai.His status is naturally inferior to that of Hu Er.But also because of this.Just like the offspring of other big shots.Kang Gulu is more ambitious than Hu Ergan.Also more angry.And on this matter.He thought more than Hu Ergan.

Except for those compared to what Hu Ergan thought.Kang Guru thought more.

first.What happened this time was indeed an opportunity for him.And Wang Tai also said it very clearly before.There is no way around this matter.Wang Tai himself could not do anything.So this is left to the two of them to do.Wang Tai treats his two sons.It's somewhat biased.Kang Guru understood this in his heart.But this bias is not great.Otherwise.This time the action.Wang Tai would not let the two brothers do it.Instead, let Hu Er do it alone.

Wang Tai made it very clear on this matter.let them do it.They are also good.And the Ming court will also reward them.Not just the yellow and white thing last time.There are also officials.

To this.Kang Guru is extraordinarily caring.His background is not as good as that of Hu Ergan.But if the Ming court rewards it.But not biased.Not because he is a concubine.And Hu Ergan is a descendant.There is a difference.After all, there is credit between the two of them.

and.Kang Guru has been thinking about this matter for a long time.The conclusion drawn is.The rewards that I can get at that time.It will definitely not be lower than Hu Ergan.It may even be higher.

The Ming court did have the intention of letting their Hada tribe lead the Jurchen.But at the same time.The Ming court will not support them unreservedly.And Ming Ting also didn't want them to really unite as one.Therefore, the two brothers became the best targets for Ming Ting to play tricks.therefore.Kang Guru had this idea.And have to say.Kang Guru's idea is not wrong at all.Although Ming Ting doesn't know this yet.But wait until you know.Those ministers in the DPRK will never let this matter end so simply.

certainly.It's just a little bit.And the most critical thing is not the level of the reward.But after this reward.He and Hu Ergan are at the same height.

in the past.Because he was born from the concubine.So his status is lower than Hu Ergan for no reason.Don't underestimate that it's just a little lower.This one completely decided that he was not the one who would inherit the Hada tribe in the future.It's Hu Ergan.therefore.Kang Gulu was very angry about this.But there is no other way.

And wait until this thing is over.After the Ming court granted the reward.He and Hu Ergan were standing at the same height.Wait until then.Although he is still a concubine.But he also has the official position that the Ming court rewarded.In this way.Even if it's different.But among tribes.Those who looked down on him because of his status in the past.There will be no more thoughts like that.

In this way.Kang Gulu was standing at the same height as Hu Ergan.It is officially possible to compete with Hu Ergan for the Khan position.This is for Kang Guru.It can be said to be a huge opportunity.therefore.Kang Gulu attaches great importance to this matter.

at the same time.Kang Gulu also has plans for this matter.Although his Ama Wangtai did not say.Or maybe even Wang Tai didn't know about it.But Kangguru is sure.When they started to arrest Wang Gao.The people of the Ming court must have been watching from the sidelines.therefore.Kang Gulu had to perform better at that the very least.Hu Ergan must not be in the limelight.

He didn't do this to show how capable he was to the Ming court.Absolutely not.He did this only to tell the people of Ming Ting.On the matter of arresting Wang Gao.He does the most.So when the time comes.He can be rewarded even without Hu Erganduo.But definitely no less than Hu Er.That's what Kang Gulu had in mind.

These two brothers.Just because of different origins.So now on this matter.It is necessary to have different thoughts between the two.But now.They are not the point.

After leaving the Hada Department.The three of Wang Gao did not delay at all.Immediately went to his own tribe.Although it is naturally impossible to go straight on the road.After all, it was too dangerous.But even if it's a little detour.It won't take long.

The main thing is.Although now Wang Gao is not worried that he will be caught up by the Ming army.But he also wants to guard against Wang Tai.Although it is said that Wang Tai didn't do it at the best time to do it.Then I won't do it now.But Wang Gao is now at the most insecure time.So he would never let his guard down so easily.

only.Although Wang Gao was right to think so.But there are some things that he didn't expect.Just like now.Behind them were spies from the Hada Ministry following them.Always report their current direction to Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu.And the Hu Ergan brothers had already prepared for it.Ready to be rushed out anytime.

The territory of the Hada tribe is not small.But again.Liaodong, which is not too big in this territory.After all, there are so many large and small tribes.Therefore, the territory of the Hada tribe is not large.It didn't take long for Wang Gao and his party to walk out of the Hada tribe's territory.And just when the three of Wang Gao felt a little relieved.The two guards with Wang Gao suddenly became alert.

See the appearance of two people.Wang Gao knew that something was wrong.really.The next moment, the neighing of horses was heard in the distance.Then there was the sound of horseshoes running.And bursts of smoke and dust also followed.

See here.Wang Gao knew that something was wrong.the way he chose.It's just a flat river.There is nowhere for him to hide.Even with two highly skilled and loyal subordinates by his side.But facing so many people on the other side.It is also hopeless.Wang Gao didn't think about who the other party was at all.What are you trying to do here.Because there is only one possibility.Wang Gao understands.My own life may have to be explained here.

Not much. After more than 30 rides, Pentium stopped in front of him.Look at the two leaders.Wang Gao did not show any expression of despair.Instead, he laughed.

"Two virtuous nephews. Why is that?" Wang Gao looked at Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu.said with a smile. "Could it be that I'm worried about my uncle's safety. I'm here to see you off." This is completely ironic.After all, he is going back to his territory quietly now.Sending it here will expose him instead.certainly.This is just Wang Gao's boring joke.

"Exactly." Hu Ergan said. "After all, this is the way to the capital. Not to mention the long journey. And the situation is not stable now. So the two young nephews are here to escort. They will escort uncle all the way to the capital."

"The capital." Hearing these two words.Wang Gao's eyes narrowed for a moment.But the next moment.He laughed out loud. "Hahahaha. You are a king. You actually came up with such an idea." Now.Wang Gao didn't want to struggle anymore.He didn't even say anything about the covenant between the two.Actually.He didn't see the pursuers until he left the territory of the Hada tribe.He already understood what Wang Tai was planning.

And at the same time.Wang Gao also understood.I have nowhere to escape today.There is only one way to go.then.Now that he has realized that he has nowhere to escape.And even begging for mercy is useless.Wang Gao simply didn't do that.Instead, he laughed.

And for Wang Gao's abnormal reaction.Whether it is Hu Ergan or Kang Gulu.Neither of them their eyes.Wang Gao is not human at all now.It's just a prop for the two of them to increase their ranks.

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