The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1770 The So-Called Future

Wang Gao faced Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu who came to arrest him.Not just because there is really nowhere to escape from where he is now.It's just that Wang Gao is arrogant.But he also understands.The other party wants to be unfavorable to oneself.It is definitely not a matter of a day or two.It will be like this now.It must have been planned for a long time ago.That being the case.If he still wants to escape.That is absolutely impossible.

and.The posture of Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu coming.Not to kill him.And obviously to capture him alive.In this way.It became more obvious who was instigating this matter behind it.It is obvious that people from the Ming court have already contacted Wang Tai.Otherwise, as far as Wang Tai himself is concerned.He just needs to kill himself.There is no need to capture yourself alive at all.And since he captured himself alive.Then this is not out of Wang Tai's original intention.Very simple reason.

certainly.Wang Gao is not irresistible.Even if he himself has no force.But after all, he still has two skilled and loyal subordinates by his side.Even if it is resistance, it can be done.But that doesn't make sense at all.A skilled subordinate.There is no shortage here in Liaodong.Especially for the Jurchens there is no shortage.And since the other party came like this.It must have been planned long ago.No matter how much you resist.This result will not change in any way.On the contrary, it will only make him more desperate.As for loyalty.That would just make these two fight to the death.Still nothing will change.

only.In addition to these, Wang Gao.There is actually another option.Since the other party clearly wanted to capture him alive.Then hand it over to the Ming court to receive the reward.So according to Wang Gao's personality.Even if things have reached this point.He also doesn't want these people to be Gao has another choice at this time.Take your own life immediately.

but.Wang Gao probably wouldn't choose this either.It wasn't that Wang Tai didn't think about it at the beginning.And Wang Tai knew it too.Talk about the credit that a living Wang Gao can get in exchange for the Ming court.Far more than handing over a dead Wang Gao.And the reason why Wang Tai had such big expectations.It is because he knows Wang Gao very well.Knowing that Wang Gao is at the end of his life.Will not do such a thing.

Why exactly.fear death.Or some other reason.Now it seems that there is no need to go further.all in all.Wang Tai is convinced.Even at this point.Wang Gao will not kill himself either.And Wang Gao really wouldn't do that.The reason is no longer necessary to delve into.all in all.That is the case.

Looking at the people who came to arrest him.Wang Gao was surprisingly anger.No questioning.There was no resistance either.It was as if he was waiting for the opponent to catch him.

And Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu who watched Wang Gao use this state to deal with this kind of thing.But there was no movement.It's not that they were not surprised by Wang Gao's attitude.this kind of thing.Perhaps there are many precedents in history.But it was also the first time for them to see it.The reason is not surprised.It is entirely because in the eyes of the two of them.Wang Gao is fine no matter what.The most important thing is to capture him alive.Just hand it over to the people of Ming Ting.

"Uncle, don't blame my nephew for being rude this time." Kang Gulu was more energetic than Hu Ergan.At this time, it is natural to be in the limelight.So he spoke first. "What are you waiting for?"

The people on the side heard it.Naturally, it is to hit the horse forward.To bind Wang Gao.Hu Ergan on the side was at the same time as Kang Gulu was giving orders.Indeed, he frowned.But he didn't say anything.Perhaps it seemed to him.This is also a very normal thing.It's just that his younger brother is eager to make contributions.But he didn't think so much.He didn't expect that his concubine younger brother would have such skill.

but.The two brothers have their own minds.One didn't care about it.This small change was seen by Wang Gao in front of him.Wang Gao didn't understand.Originally under the command of Wangtai.The Hada Department is already very beautiful.Just because of the current Jurchen Ministry.The one led by Wang Gao is the most powerful.Therefore, the Hada Department is considered to be powerful.But it can't be said to be the strongest.And Wang Tai has to hide his strength everywhere.

But this kind of thing.How could people like Wang Gao not understand.And at the same time.Wang Gao also knew.This time Wang Tai sent him to the Ming court.He will definitely be greatly rewarded by the Ming court.In this way.In the future, the Hada tribe will be able to lead the entire Jurchen tribe.That's a no-brainer.

but.Just now Wang Gao saw some situations between the two brothers.For these two brothers.Even if Wang Gao didn't make much contact.But after all, there has been a dispute between him and Wang Tai for so long.How could the problem between the two be ignored?And just now.Kang Guru's deeds.And Hu Ergan's reaction to this.Wang Gao paid attention to everything.

Wang Gao who saw this scene.It was an involuntary laugh.

Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu two people.Seeing Wang Gao suddenly burst into laughter.They all frowned involuntarily.They didn't know why Wang Gao laughed so much.If you simply think about it.I'm afraid ordinary people will figure it out.Wang Gao because of this incident.Knowing that there is no way out.So I got lost insanity.

But the two didn't see it that way.Because of Wang Gao just now.Since the two of them showed up.Go all the way here to catch him.All of them looked very calm.Just ask.Wang Gao, who was extremely calm at that time just now.Why did it come at this time.But he suddenly became happy.Wang Gao's appearance is really happy.It's not that casual look.

Wang Gao's appearance.It made the two brothers curious.original.Neither of them should be talking at this time.But it was also because I was too curious.In the end, Hu Ergan, who couldn't resist this curiosity, asked, "Why is Uncle laughing so much? Could it be something interesting?"

"Interesting story." Wang Gao seemed to have heard a bigger joke. "Hahahaha. This is much more interesting than funny things. Wangtai, Wangtai. You are doing everything possible to make the Hada department stand out. Now you are doing this. Naturally, you are right. But. It seems that you have also reached the time when you are old and dim-witted .Maybe your Hada department will be prosperous for a while. But in the end, it is inevitable that you will be ruined. Hahahaha..."

"I don't need to worry about my Hada department." Hu Er felt that Wang Gao was talking nonsense.With a wave of his hand.Said. "Tie them up. Gag me too."

Hu Ergan didn't see anything.But Kang Gulu on the side broke out in a cold sweat.Compared with Hu Ergan, a carefree direct descendant.Kang Gulu has the status of a concubine.But it also made him work harder.At the same time, his mind was much more serious than Hu Er's.

What Wang Gao said just now.Perhaps in Hu Ergan's view.It's just nonsense that Wang Gao said when he was in despair.But Kang Gulu, who just wanted to get ahead.In his heart, he understood what Wang Gao said.In case Hu Ergan sees anything from what he said.This is definitely not a good thing for Kang Guru.

After all, Kang Gulu is now.fledgling.There is no way to compete with Hu Ergan at all.If Hu Ergan attacks him now.He was simply irresistible.and.Although Wang Tai would not have too much prejudice against his son because of his status as a concubine.But that's not all.therefore.If something really happened now.Wang Tai definitely favored Hu Gulu was really worried just now.Wang Gao's words will make Hu Ergan somewhat alert.

but.Obviously Hu Ergan didn't hear anything.After all, he has no sense of crisis.I don't even think about so many things.He just thought it was Wang Gao's crazy words.Even Hu Ergan ordered Wang Gao's mouth to be gagged.This made Kang Gulu greatly relieved.Hu Ergan didn't hear anything.In this way, he will not let him bring any danger to himself.This definitely made Kang Guru feel like he was walking on the verge of life and death.

only.Kang Gulu is only thinking about Hu Ergan now, but he didn't understand Wang Gao's implication.But he only cares about himself.But also did not expect.The key point of Wang Gao's remarks.

The point is not that the two brothers are at odds.Or maybe the two of them will argue with each other in the future.The most important thing about Wang Gao's words is.He saw the discord between the two brothers.And Wang Gao had already expected it.What kind of blow will this disagreement bring to the Hada Ministry?

Wang Tai was indeed deliberate.Want to develop the Hada Department.Finally unified Jurchen.And now.What Wang Tai did was absolutely correct.And Wang Tai is now even more fawning on the Ming court.This has accelerated his development even more.In addition, this time Wang Gao is completely finished.It also gave the Hada Department more room for development.

look.All obstacles that can hinder Wangtai's plan.It was all swept away.But actually.This obstacle has always been by Wang Tai's side.Just in his heir.on his two sons.But.It is also because Wang Tai is too close to this obstacle.So he couldn't see clearly at all.So.Wang Tai would not care about this matter at all.

But Wang Gao could see it clearly.This kind of thing happens a lot.Not to mention Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu.A descendant.A concubine.Even brothers who are both descendants.In this kind of environment.I'm afraid I will fight to the death in the future.How could these two people be spared?

So Wang Gao is happy.Gao Xing Wangtai tried every means to strengthen the Hada tribe.But in the end.He can't escape this kind of thing.

Although Wang Gao knew that he would never see that day.But as long as he understands in his heart.The fall of the Hada tribe is already doomed.Wang Gao was very happy.Even if that's not what he did.But for him.This is equivalent to the fate of Wang Tai's betrayal of him.

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