After the two brothers Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu tied up Wang Gao and his party.It didn't take long for Liang Chao to bring people out.Everything just now was seen by Liang Chao and the others.Even what Wang Gao was happy about.Liang Chao and the others saw it all.And it's not just about seeing.Liang Chao and the others also understood why Wang Gao was happy.But for these things.They don't need to ask.So they don't care at just need to focus on what's in front of them.

When they saw Liang Chao, they came out with hundreds of people.To be honest, brothers Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu were a little surprised.Although they already knew it through their Ama's mouth.Ming Ting's people are nearby.And they would never be so naive as to think Liang Chao was the only one here.There must be someone else.But they couldn't think of it.There are so many people.And what's even more terrifying.So many people hide around their tribe.But they are unaware.This also allowed them to somewhat understand the strength of the Ming court.At the same time, it also told them that they can cooperate with Ming Ting now.It's really a good thing to do it instead of confronting it.

this time.Even Hu Ergan didn't intend to express himself.I also knew that I should take the initiative to step forward at this time.So Liang Chao and his party just showed up.He rode forward alone.In front of Liang Chao, he got off his horse even more.Said: "My lord. The villain has captured the evil leader Wang Gao and his party. Now I will hand it over to my lord."

"Three people." Liang Chao looked incomprehensible.Look at Wang Gao's side. "Wang Gao is the only criminal in the imperial court. Who are the other two?"

"This..." All of a sudden.Hu Ergan didn't understand what Liang Chao meant.But right away.He will understand. "What your lord said is true. Wang Gao is the only one. The other two are just mountain thieves. They were caught by mistake." Hu Ergan naturally understood Liang Chao's meaning.He knew that the Ming court only needed Wang Gao alone.And indeed it is.Now the battle is won.Except for Wang Gao.Everyone else doesn't matter at all.

And for them.After all, they violated the contract and arrested Wang Gao.Even if it took advantage of the loopholes in the covenant.But a breach of contract is a breach of also doomed the future of those two people.I'm afraid it won't be long.Those two will move their heads.

"Yes. That's fine." Liang Chao nodded.He signaled the people behind him to go forward and escort Wang Gao back.He then said to Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu who also rushed over. "The credit of the two of you. The court will never forget it. Because the situation is urgent now. I have to escort him back to deal with the business. After the two of you go back, please tell your Ahma. Let him Get ready earlier. Go to Beijing to receive the reward. Same thing. The two of you have made great contributions this time. At that time, please invite the two of you to go to Beijing."

Hearing what Liang Chao said.The two were immediately overjoyed.The two just knew that what happened this time could bring them benefits.Can let them get the Ming court's reward.But the two of them didn't think of it.They actually asked them to follow their Ama to the capital to receive the reward.They originally thought that there was only Wang Tai alone.After knowing that he was going to the capital.Naturally, I am indescribably happy.

Although it is also a reward.No more and no less.But the situation of going to the capital to receive the reward.But it represents something completely different.Their Ama didn't say anything.This is what it should be.But for both of them.This means something completely different.

future.His Ama is here in Liaodong.Definitely able to stand up straight and speak.Nobody cares anymore.And the two of them after this.Even if they can't be like their Amana.But the land of Liaodong.And absolutely no one dares to underestimate them.

This is for Hu Ergan.This is what makes him more beautiful.Of course he would not refuse.But for Kang Guru.This means something completely different.Even Hu Ergan received the same treatment.But for him.He will be able to counter Hu Ergan's weight in the future.Undoubtedly one more piece.To this.Naturally, Kang Gulu would not refuse.

now.this matter.Definitely a happy situation for everyone.Wang Tai is about to get what he has longed for.And his two sons were also very happy.You can get many rewards for this matter.Even Wang Gao.Although he knew that this time he was bound to die.But the same.He had expected to betray his royal platform.What will be the result of his Hada Ministry.This is for Wang Gao.Maybe the ending was pretty good too.

And here.The court was able to capture Wang Gao.Naturally, everyone is happy.And Zhang Fan was able to completely remove the scourge of Wang Gao.According to nature, it is a good thing to say nothing.Even Liang Chao.He was very concerned about being able to catch Wang Gao.That's definitely what he wanted.Liang surpassed that thing after all.Although he has calmed down a lot now.But that incident was definitely not something Liang Chao could forget.the most important is.Now Wang Gao has been caught.

I'm afraid in this matter.The only one who wasn't very happy.Li Chengliang is the one to count.

Although Li Chengliang won the war.And he can be said to be the biggest hero.But at the same time.Li Chengliang is behind this scenery.But there are unspeakable difficulties.Although those hardships are all his own making.But he wants to make amends now.That's all there is to it.And just won the war.Obviously still not enough.If.Li Chengliang was able to capture Wang Gao's words alive.That's the icing on the cake.It really can make him feel better.

but now.This matter is a foregone conclusion.The person who arrested Wang Gao was designated as Wang Tai.If it wasn't for such an accident.Even Zhang Fan.After catching Wang Gao.Hand him over to Li Chengliang.Let Li Chengliang take the credit.Zhang Fan also felt nothing.After all, this is all for the stability of Liaodong in the future.

But now.Things are different.In comparison, let Li Chengliang take the credit.It is better to give this credit to Wang Tai.After all, Liaodong must be stable in the future.And this kind of stability can't be done only by Li Chengliang.The Jurchens are the most numerous in Liaodong.And even this time the war was won.But Liaodong at that time.It's not just Li Chengliang who can be completely need some special means.

Li Chengliang was an outsider after all.Even this time he defeated Wang Gao.But his identity as a foreigner.What's more, it's just denouncing force.It is not a problem to make Liaodong settle down.But can it be stable for a long time?That's the relying on Li Chengliang.Still not enough.

And what the court needs most is stability.For the imperial court.Just be able to settle down.It doesn't matter who is in charge.The most important thing is to control the people over there.It must be controlled by the court.That is.If there is a Jurchen tribe that can lead the Jurchen tribe.And at the same time.This tribe is still under the jurisdiction of the imperial court.Obey the words of the court.This is for the court.That's the best option.

now.Just so happened.Then the imperial court would naturally choose this way.Even Zhang Fan himself.He will never give up this best choice for Li Chengliang alone.Use the less reliable option this matter.It can be said that everyone is happy.But only Li Chengliang was excluded.

and.In fact, Zhang Fan did so.There is also a reason.It's not just because Wang Gao happened to escape to Wangtai.So I can only choose Wang Tai to do this too.Not for this reason.The most important thing is that.The Hada Department of Wangtai has developed very well.All it takes is a little push.Just from this point of view.Choose Hada.The court can save a lot of thought.

certainly.That's not the only reason.The matter between Wang Tai's two sons.It is also the reason why Zhang Fan chose the Hada Department.compared to other tribes.This kind of thing is not exclusive to the Hada Department.among other tribes.Those leaders also had many heirs.There are also a lot of descendants and concubines.That almost every tribe.There will be this kind of problem.As for how to deal with this problem.This is no longer within the scope of consideration.

Zhang Fan and Wang Gao actually saw the same problem.It's just that although both of them saw it.But their point of view is different.Wang Gao looked at this matter with the thrill of revenge.What Zhang Fan considers is restriction.

Zhang Fan understood.After this incident.The Hada Department really soared into the sky.But in the future.After the Hada Department led the entire Jurchen.Will it escape the imperial court's control?Even develop again in the future.Another Wang Gao was born again.These are all uncertain things.

so.In order to prevent this from happening.There must be a hidden danger.And today's Hada Department.Not only does it meet the condition of being able to quickly lead the Jurchen.Even the condition of internal incompatibility.There are also.These two conditions add up.The Hada Department became Zhang Fan's best choice.

future.After the Hada Department led the entire Jurchen.It will also start to embark on the road of power expansion.But at the same time.His interior will definitely not be stable.Zhang Fan understood Kang Gulu's thoughts.He also knew that Hu Ergan would never willingly give up his position when the time came.therefore.At that time, disputes are inevitable.

and.Let the Hada Department maintain the ability to lead the entire Jurchen.Also make it not too stable.It will not breed some rebellious thoughts.This is the most important.

all in all.This was all Zhang Fan's plan.certainly.Even if it is time.The two brothers Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu are really good brothers.Mutual resentment was each other.Create brilliant words.Zhang Fan would never sit back and watch this kind of thing happen.By the time.Zhang Fan will definitely find a way to drive a wedge between the two brothers.

As for what it will look like when the time comes.No one knows yet.But Zhang Fan was already prepared to do this.

all of these.At least until now.All of them are under Zhang Fan's control.

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