Although things turned out to be different from what Zhang Fan thought, and Zhang Fan even felt that things were not as bad as the worst situation he thought before, but no matter what, he told Zhaoxue about this matter, And even Zhaoxue's performance made Zhang Fan feel a little bit sorry, but after all, Zhaoxue agreed to this matter. All in all, a trouble has been resolved now.

But this trouble is not the biggest trouble, because Zhaoxue agrees or disagrees, although it is said to be considered from the mood, but this matter itself has no way to only consider the mood, even if Zhaoxue disagrees, as long as she knows this This matter, even if Zhang Fan forced it, this matter can still be done.

The biggest trouble lies with Mrs. Zhao, which is different from Mrs. Zhaoxue's side. Although Mrs. Zhao's side is also very difficult to tell her about this matter, that kind of difficulty is the same as that encountered by Ms. Zhaoxue's side. Comparing the two different things, it is very simple to simply tell the matter and let Zhao know it, much simpler than Zhaoxue's side.

The problem is that it is not difficult for Mrs. Zhao to know about this matter. The most important thing is that after Mrs. Zhao knows about this matter, she must agree to accept Wei Laiyao into the gate of the Zhang family. , This is more troublesome. After all, even if you don’t know all about Zhao’s thoughts, you still know more or less. Therefore, as long as you are a member of the Zhang family, even the number of times you meet Zhao is not counted. Many Wei Yaoyao understand that it is very difficult to get Mrs. Zhao to agree to this matter.

Therefore, although Zhang Fan made it clear to Zhaoxue, he not only let her know about this matter, but also made her agree to this matter. Although Zhaoxue was very helpless, agreeing meant agreeing. I also understand that there is some reluctance in Zhaoxue's agreement, but this reluctance is not because of Wei Leiyao herself, which is very good.

But at the Zhao family, Zhang Fan really didn't know. Even now, Ru Xue and his uncle Zhang Yufang have gone to tell Zhao about this matter, but Zhang Fan is still extremely nervous, and still doesn't know what will happen. How, even, now he is at home, a few steps away, but Zhang Fan doesn't even have the courage to eavesdrop.

And Zhao's side...

"No." Although Zhao didn't drink it out, the meaning of rejection in that voice was very strong, "How can this kind of thing be possible?" Obviously, after listening to Ru Xue and Zhang Yufang discussing the matter, Zhao After talking to her, and wanted to ask her to agree to the next thing, but Zhao naturally refused in one breath. For her, this matter should not be done.

"But, brothers and sisters, this matter has come to this point now." At this time, Ru Xue really couldn't persuade her, so she had to let Zhang Yufang say, "Let's not say anything else, on the contrary, people have already been killed." The stomach is getting bigger, if you just ignore it like this, then it’s okay, "

"Then give her a sum of money and let her leave the capital. In short, I will never agree to this matter," Zhao said absolutely.

When Mrs. Zhao said this, the two of them were completely shocked. To be honest, the two of them had discussed a lot before, including Mrs. Zhao's reaction to this matter, and how they should authorize Mrs. Zhao, but the two of them No matter how you say it, I never thought that Mrs. Zhao would say such a thing, not only absolutely, but also the restless indifference in the words, but it was so obvious.

"Mother, how can this matter be like this?" Even Ru Xue couldn't help but say nothing this time, "It's not like Wei Sister Mother has never seen her before, and Mother also likes her very much. If she treats her like this, then what can she do?" manage,"

"That's right, I did meet her, and I really liked her, but these are two different things," Zhao said, "To be honest, I sympathized with her more than I liked her. I was in the same situation as her, Even her experience is more miserable than mine, and she can persevere, and she has spent all her family wealth to take care of so many orphans. I naturally agree with this, so I like her very much.

"But now, things are completely different. I didn't expect that how can this be done? How do you ask me to agree to this matter? A widow should be a widow in peace. That's right, if you take her into the house, even if people outside will not make irresponsible remarks due to Fan'er's status, but those people in the court, although Fan'er won the Queen Mother and His Majesty in the court I appreciate it, but even if Faner doesn't talk about the affairs of the court, I can think of some. There must be many people who don't like Fan'er in the court. what to do,"

Zhao's words made the two of them at a loss for what to say for a while. Although they had thought of such a situation, they still didn't have much confidence in how to deal with this kind of thing. After all, Zhao's will be the biggest The reason for this was pulled out. From the perspective of the family, this really made them not know what to do.

Now Ru Xue has a feeling of having no idea.

But Zhang Yufang is different. Zhang Yufang is a businessman. Even if it is a business handed down from his ancestors, Zhang Yufang still has to face many people and things if he wants to run it. Therefore, his experience is really rich and very rich. In addition, the people he contacts in the business field are even more strange, so Zhang Yufang has a lot of eyes.

What Zhao said just now really makes people feel that there is no way to refute, but this is not the case in Zhang Yufang's view.

The most fundamental thing about this matter, and what made him feel the most difficult, was Zhao's traditional concept. In Zhao's view, it was absolutely inappropriate for a widow to remarry, and now this kind of thing happened in In my own family, my son not only has that kind of relationship with a widow, but even has a child, although he has not yet been born.

In the final analysis, it is the matter itself that will make Mrs. Zhao object, but what Mrs. Zhao said just now is indeed a reason, but that reason is not based on Mrs. Zhao's original intention, but from what Mrs. Zhao said. Considering the family in general, although compared with those traditional things, this reason makes people feel that there is no way to refute it, but Zhang Yufang can see the difference.

In fact, for Zhang Yufang, Zhao would not mention her thoughts, but only consider it from this aspect, which itself is a very strange thing, or to put it clearly, it is about what they originally thought, Zhao's own views on this matter can actually be changed, but compared to her own, other reasons are more important.

Zhang Yufang, who knew the news, suddenly felt that this matter was not as difficult as imagined. After all, if Mrs. Zhao rejected this matter from her own ideas, it would be a matter of principle. And once a problem involves a person's principles and bottom line, it is very difficult to change it.

As for the reason Zhao just said, although it is very serious, even compared to her own reason, it seems more unchangeable in reality, but this reason does not involve her principles and bottom line.

This is a very simple truth. No matter what it is, there is a different view in the eyes of everyone. Maybe some people think it is important to see it this way, but others don't think so.

In this matter, Zhang Yufang, who is familiar with Zhao Shi, understands that Zhao Shi's reason is not her principle. No matter how important this reason is, it can be changed. Of course, as for how to change it, it depends on whether they have the ability to convince Zhao, but at least it is not impossible to change.

However, once things involve principles, it is really difficult to change. It is not impossible, but I am afraid that it will take a huge price, and Zhang Yufang thinks that is impossible.

Now, the situation is the first one. Although Zhao's performance is very strong, making Ru Xue feel that there is no way to start, but Zhang Yufang understands that things still have a turning point.

"Ru Xue," Zhang Yufang, who had figured it out, first turned his head and said to Ru Xueshu, "Go out first, let me talk to my siblings alone."

Ru Xue was a little puzzled, but he looked at Zhang Yufang with a look full of confidence. Although Zhang Yufang hadn't said it before, maybe he had a flash of inspiration just now, and maybe he thought of something. What's more, this This matter was handed over to Zhang Yufang, Ru Xue was naturally relieved, nodded, and Ru Xue turned and left, leaving Zhang Yufang alone to deal with Zhao.

After Ru Xue left, Zhang Yufang said to Mrs. Zhao: "You disagree with this matter. I'm afraid it's not just for this reason. No, it's not for this reason at all."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Shi heard Zhang Yufang's words, a look of surprise flashed across her face, and she immediately said, "How is it possible? On the contrary, he managed to..."

"You don't need to explain," Zhang Yufang interrupted Zhao Shi before she finished speaking, "Our two families may not have known each other for a long time, but I understand your thoughts very well. Will you not agree? This is what I wanted when I knew about it. This time, it was Fan'er's idea to let me convince you. Presumably, you can also imagine this. In this way, the reason for your refusal just now It makes no sense.

"This matter was Fan'er's idea from the beginning to the end, that is to say, he had already thought about it a long time ago, and he had to do it. If this is the case, then how could Fan'er not think of the impact of this matter on him? Well, even though he didn't tell me about it, I believe that he has already made preparations for this matter.

"This point, I think you also understand in your heart, so the reason you just said is not the truth at all. Why do you disagree?"

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