The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1778 Trying to persuade

Zhang Fan made it right for Zhaoxue, and the difficulty was not as great as he imagined, or Zhang Fan thought this matter was too complicated at the beginning, so it was time to seriously talk to Zhaoxue about it , but it has become very simple. Now, since Zhaoxue has been explained, the remaining troubles are only on Zhao's side. Although there is only such a trouble, everyone knows that the remaining troubles What came down was more troublesome than all the previous troubles combined.

On Zhao's side, Ru Xue and Zhang Yufang also chose this time to talk to her about this matter. Similarly, they had already discussed this matter before they talked about it, and the result was, It was really difficult to tell Mrs. Zhao about this matter, but it was also because of the difficulty, so the two of them made more preparations before talking about it.

After the two left, they told Zhao Shi about the matter, as expected, Zhao Shi's first sentence was to refuse this matter, this was something both of them had thought about, and there was nothing to say about it. It's just that how to convince Zhao Shi next is the most important thing.

However, after Mrs. Zhao rejected their words, Mrs. Zhao continued talking before they had time to speak, and what Mrs. Zhao said was nothing else but the reason why she refused.

What Mrs. Zhao said, or the reason, was completely reasonable. What she said, the reason made it impossible for people to find fault with it, or even to refute it. What she said Everything he said was for the sake of the whole family, so that all things that might endanger the family must be put down.

Of course, Mrs. Zhao is right to say that, but there is no absolute thing in the world, even if it is said that what she said is impossible to refute, but in fact, there is still a way to make sense of her.

Perhaps after hearing what Zhao said, Ru Xue would indeed feel that what Zhao said made her unable to refute at all, but Zhang Yufang had a different opinion. Zhang Yufang even felt that Zhao could speak like this, On the contrary, it is a good thing, of course, it is a good thing for this matter.

Although Zhao's reasoning is serious and makes people feel irrefutable, it is not what Zhao has in mind. Zhang Yufang, who is familiar with Zhao, understands this. If Zhao really disagrees with this matter, there is no room for it at all. , she wouldn't say that, but said something like this is offensive, but she didn't, that is to say, this is not Zhao's original intention, so Zhang Yufang thinks that there is still room to follow Mrs. Zhao bargained.

Therefore, Zhang Yufang dismissed Ru Xue and wanted to talk about this matter with Zhao alone. After dismissing Ru Xue, Zhang Yufang let go of the conversation. The matter of his family is, after all, the matter of the Zhang family. Therefore, there is no need to cover up this matter when he talks about it, it is very straightforward.

Zhang Yufang pointed out very bluntly that what Zhao said was not what she originally meant at all. Even this seemingly serious reason was actually just an excuse for her. , But anyone who wants to reject others naturally has thousands of reasons, but the more grand the reason seems, the more untenable it actually is. On the contrary, it sounds selfish, and the small reason is actually It is even more difficult to persuade the other party. Zhang Yufang knows this very well, so he is sure to persuade Zhao.

When Zhang Yufang said this, Zhao's face clearly showed a flustered expression. Although it was only a flash, it was still seen by the shrewd Zhang Yufang.

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Zhao clearly still wanted to argue, "How is this possible? It has nothing to do with who she is. She is a widow. Fan Er took her into the family. How is this going to happen?" thing,"

"Look, didn't you just tell your reason?" Zhang Yufang didn't panic at what Zhao said, but said very calmly, "It's here at all, and it has nothing to do with the big things at home. Brother and sister, you also understand that since Ru Xue and I will come to tell you about this matter today, it is obvious that Fan Er has already made plans, and since Fan Er is like this, it is obvious that he has already made plans. What is Fan'er's mind, I don't need to talk about it, you know more than I do, if Fan'er really intends to do this, do you think he will not be prepared? As for what will happen after talking, Fan'er must have already thought of it , I have already thought about what to do, so you don't need to worry about this matter at all.

"Brother and sister, the only reason why you disagree, after much deliberation, is that the other party is a widow. If the other party has never had a husband, even if she is divorced, I am afraid you will not object, but The other party is a widow after all, so you don't agree, don't you?"

Although Zhang Yufang didn't want to hear these words from Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao didn't say them just now, so now he said them without any scruples.

Once again, Zhang Yufang knew that he had made the right bet. After Mrs. Zhao heard her words, the flustered expression on her face became more obvious, and the time she stayed on her face was longer. Zhang Yufang who saw Mrs. Zhao like this , I also feel that the possibility of being able to explain her is more clear.

"But, isn't that right?" Zhao still wanted to say, "After all, she is a widow. Since she is a widow, she should keep her own place and not cause troubles. But she is with Faner is it? You want me to agree to this matter, but if I agree, how can I go out to meet people in the future, "

"Brothers and sisters, how difficult it is to be a widow. Although I can imagine it, I am not qualified to say anything, but you too... You have been like her, so you must understand how deep the suffering is. , In this way, it’s possible that you still don’t agree,” Zhang Yufang said, “What’s more, why can’t widows marry again, not to mention that Fan’er just accepts her as a concubine, so what’s the matter, and I think Fan’er is so It is really not easy to do, although the reason why the two of them got along in the first place, I think Fan'er's responsibility is not small, but Fan'er is a man after all, since he did something wrong, he should bear it, Fan'er dares to take it, as long as But I understand that this level is difficult for you, so I begged me to help him, and I also knew this, so I agreed.

"Widow, what's the matter with widows? There is no law in the imperial court that stipulates that widows cannot remarry. Although there are chastity archways, it has never been said that widows will be thrown into prison if they remarry. Moreover, how difficult is the chastity archway?" Li, how many bitter tears are behind your back, or that sentence, you understand better than me, but why, you just don’t agree, "

Zhang Yufang said a lot of things in one breath, and these words were all correct, so that Zhao Shi didn't know how to refute for a while.

At such a moment, Zhao's heart did loosen, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with agreeing to this matter, but at this moment, Zhao had no way to agree, not because of anything else, but because of this disagreement. Promise is something she has already decided since she just heard about it. Even now that her heart has loosened, she still has no way to agree.

However, after all, her heart has loosened a bit, and although this loosening is in her heart, Zhang Yufang can see it very clearly, and at the same time, he also understands that what he said just now is not Useless effort, at least to impress Zhao, this is a good start, and Zhang Yufang also understands that now is the critical time, and we must pursue the victory.

"Besides, it's not just that Fan'er wants to do this, it's not just that you have a hard time," Zhang Yufang continued, "Speaking of which, this matter will make Fan'er feel more troublesome, and I'm afraid it's Ru Xue and the others. , After all, when the time comes, you will really come into the house. You are a mother-in-law. When you live on weekdays, children's affairs are probably not big things, and you won't bother too much. They are the ones who really want to live together. If Ru Xue and the others If you don't agree to this matter, I am afraid that even if Zhang Fan has the heart, he will not do so, and there is no need to come to you to talk about it now.

"But now, I am not the only one who is here to help Fan'er speak, even Ru Xue is here, so it can be seen that Ru Xue and the others have already agreed to this matter, even they have already agreed to this matter, But you still object, don't you think it's too unreasonable?"

This time, there was no panic expression on Zhao Shi's face, but she became silent. Just now, she still maintained the appearance of what she wanted to say, but this time after Zhang Yufang finished speaking, She didn't want to say anything more.

"And what you said just now, I can't pretend that I haven't heard it," Zhang Yufang ignored it, and continued, "You said you wanted to give her some money and let her leave the capital, let alone anything else. If this is the case, what will Fan Er do?

"No matter what, she is pregnant with Fan'er's flesh and blood after all. Fan'er is not a cold-blooded person. If he plans to do so, do you think he will ignore his own flesh and blood, even if things are really like yours? As I thought, I am afraid that this matter will only bring more troubles in the future, compared to this, I still think that it is a good thing for Fan Er to bring her into the family, "

Zhang Yufang's words came to this point, and he stopped for the time being. He planned to see Zhao's reaction before making plans.

As for Mrs. Zhao, after listening to Zhang Yufang's long speech, she didn't respond for a long time, and just sat there quietly.

Just when Zhang Yufang was a little impatient and wanted to say something more, suddenly, he heard Zhang's sigh,

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