The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1781 The Last Wait

Although Zhang Fan didn't dare to eavesdrop on what was going on.But this also showed how much Zhang Fan cared.Although he hasn't eavesdropped on what's going on.But he was also waiting in the nearest courtyard.Waiting for the result in the end.only.Zhang Fan just came here not long ago.Just saw Ru Xue come out from inside.

After seeing Ru Xue come out.Zhang Fan immediately became nervous.Zhang Fan, who didn't know what was going on inside, saw Ru Xue come out.I thought they had already agreed.And this time.Zhang Fan had a lot of things on his mind.Also very fast.He immediately thought of a possibility.That is, it is very likely that his mother has already agreed to this matter.

think about it.If Mrs. Zhao didn't agree.Then Ru Xue and Zhang Yufang will not just give up.So if Zhao Shi didn't agree.They won't just give up.therefore.Zhang Fan confirmed it.If Mrs. Zhao didn't agree.Ru Xue would not come out so early.

If so.Think in reverse.Only after Mrs. Zhao agreed to this matter.Zhang Yufang and Ru Xue will leave.therefore.Zhang Fan came out as soon as he saw Ru Xue.I am very happy in my heart.I thought my mother had agreed to this matter.

The joy in his heart was clearly shown on his face.Zhang Fan walked up to Ru Xue with a smile on his face: "How is it? Has Mother already agreed?" Although he thought so in his heart.But Zhang Fan still asked.

And answer Zhang Fan's.It was Ru Xue shaking her head.

Seeing Ru Xue shake her head.Zhang Fan was immediately disappointed.After all, the reality is completely different from his ideal.and.Ru Xue's silent answer also made Zhang Fan's heart heavy.Just as he thought before.If your mother doesn't agree.Then the two should continue to talk to her inside.But if Mrs. Zhao didn't agree.The two of them came out.Does this also indicate that this matter has no way.

But Zhang Fan suddenly discovered something.He immediately asked, "Where's uncle?"

"I'm still talking to my mother inside." Ru Xue didn't know that Zhang Fan was so short.I actually thought of so much in my heart.She was just talking about the actual situation. "After I told my mother about this before, my mother naturally disagreed. But just now my uncle asked me to come out. I want to say something to my mother alone. I don't know what to do now."

Ru Xue's words.It made Zhang Fan's tense mood relax a lot.He still knows a little about his uncle.At the same time, I also know that Zhang Yufang works.Even if it's not like Jin Yiwei.You must have more than [-]% certainty before doing it.But at the very least, Zhang Yufang feels that there is something to do.Success is at least half of the way.He will do it.That is.No matter what Zhang Yufang wants to do now.At the very least, he only did it because he felt that doing so was very likely to succeed.

As for what Zhang Yufang discovered.Zhang Fan was not inside.And Ru Xue didn't know what was going on.But that being the case.That's how things are.So now the only option is to trust Zhang Yufang.I believe he can handle this matter on his own.Even if there is still uneasiness in my heart.But now he can only think so.

Although this feeling.Zhang Fan didn't like it very much.But now there is no way.That's all.

"What did that mother say just now?" Although Zhang Fan has nothing to do now.Can only wait for the result.But he still wanted to ask what was going on inside.

Ru Xue naturally had nothing to say.Since Zhang Fan asked so.She also told Zhang Fan everything that happened inside just now.And nothing is missing.Even the words of Zhao's rejection of this matter in the end.All those reasons were told to Zhang Fan.

After hearing what Ru Xue said.Zhang Fan also became deep in thought.Although this incident happened to Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan is also very concerned about this matter.But at the same time.Zhang Fan was also able to consider this matter somewhat calmly.After hearing what Ru Xue said.Zhang Fan also began to think about it.

Ru Xue recalled what Mrs. Zhao said just now.It can be said that they told Zhang Fan the whole story.There is nothing missing in this.There is also no place for adding oil and vinegar.What did Mrs. Zhao say.She just told Zhang Fan what to say.Not at all adulterated.Although Ru Xue didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking about.But she can also understand.Zhang Fan wanted to analyze what Zhao said.Let's see what Zhao's plan is.

Although Zhang Fan did so, it was useless.After all, it was Zhang Yufang who was talking to Mrs. Zhao inside now.Even if he thought of something now.Also powerless.But after all, Zhang Fan couldn't just ignore this matter.And if you think about it more, you can indeed figure out what the next result will be.

If it turns out to be good.That's even better.But if the results are not ideal.Then Zhang Fan can at least make plans early.See if there is anything that can be salvaged about this matter.certainly.If Zhang Yufang can't understand Zhao's words now.Afterwards, Zhang Fan wanted to make sense.That would be very difficult.But even so.It was impossible for Zhang Fan to just give up.Even if it's completely hopeless.He still has to work hard on this matter.

Ru Xue's thoughts are naturally correct.But after Zhang Fan finished listening to Zhao's words relayed by Ru Xue.Zhang Fan settled down and thought about it.Although Zhang Fan's experience.Because of age.It's not as rich as Zhang Yufang.But after all, Zhang Fan worked hard in the court.Those who are facing are those old and cunning people.Moreover, the interests discussed by the people in the DPRK are not just money.Even money is only a small part of the addition.More power.It even includes the future and life of many people.Therefore, even Zhang Fan was young.Not as much experience as Zhang Yufang.But after this kind of thing.His thoughts are much more than Zhang Yufang's.

so.After what Ru Xue said just now.Zhang Fan only thought about it for a while.He came to the same conclusion as Zhang Yufang just now.

same.Zhang Fan also thinks that this matter is really interesting.Because Zhao's reason for refusal did not come from her original intention.On the contrary, it speaks with such a principle.This made Zhang Fan understand.Zhao did not disagree with this matter.It's just that her thinking inertia made her feel that she couldn't agree.And want her to agree.Then you have to spend your time persuading her.

And Zhang Fan also understood.Zhang Yufang must have seen the reason.That's why Ru Xue was dismissed.I want to talk to Mrs. Zhao alone.

Although even so.Even if he knew Zhang Yufang, he could hear the insincere in Zhao's words.But in the end can not persuade Zhao.It is still unknown.It can only be said that the possibility of this matter is much higher.But can it make sense?Still have to see the final result.But the bare minimum.The possibility is very high.

"My husband. What do you think?" Ru Xue looked at Zhang Fan in deep thought.She also couldn't help asking.After all, this matter has come to this time.It's no longer acceptable.And Ru Xue doesn't want to discuss what she thinks about this matter now.As long as it can be done, it will do.But Ru Xue is smart.But she didn't have that kind of observation after all.So what Zhao said just now.She didn't hear what it was about.Instead, she found it even more difficult.And just now.Whether it's Zhang Yufang or Zhang Fan.After hearing these words.All have unusual behaviors.This made Ru Xue feel that they also found this matter very difficult.So Ru Xue also began to worry in her heart.

"This matter is indeed very troublesome." Zhang Fan said. "But now it seems that it is not a very troublesome thing to talk about Tong Niang. On the contrary, it is much easier than we expected."

"Huh." I heard Zhang Fan say that.Ru Xue was a little overwhelmed.

"Now let's wait for news from Uncle." Zhang Fan said.

"That's right. What's going on with Zhaoxue." Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't want to talk about it now.Although Ru Xue still had doubts in her heart.But she didn't continue talking about it.Instead, it changed the subject.

"It's also easier to handle than we expected." He said about Zhaoxue's affairs.Zhang Fan's mood also improved a lot. "When I first told her about it. She was really surprised. But she was surprised. She thought I was joking with her. But it was just right. Just because she interrupted it. It was just right. She didn't I was too surprised because of this incident. There is nothing to worry about. This is a mistake."

"Child Zhaoxue." Ru Xue heard what Zhang Fan said.Also a little helpless.Maybe Zhaoxue is the same age as Ruxue.And being a younger sister is only because she was born late for a while.But even so.In the eyes of Ru Xue, a sister.Even Zhaoxue is married to Zhang Fan.Even now she is about to become a mother.But in Ru Xue's eyes.Zhaoxue is still a young child.therefore.After Zhang Fan mentioned Zhaoxue's reaction just now.Ru Xue also had nothing but helplessness in her heart.But it wasn't surprising.After all, this can be regarded as the reaction that Zhao Xue, who is under her influence, can have.

Moreover.This matter is just as Zhang Fan said.This is also a good thing.Anyway, as long as she doesn't influence Zhaoxue too much, she can accept this matter.That's it.

"Also. I always feel..." Zhang Fan added another sentence. "I always feel that Zhao Xue didn't just agree to this matter. On the contrary...she was very happy. I guess I got it wrong."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Ru Xue wanted to laugh a little.She thought about this matter a lot.Of course, she had considered Zhaoxue.And she had already thought about this problem.Zhaoxue will be like this.It didn't surprise her either.

Now.Everything is waiting for news from Zhang Yufang.

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