The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1782 Still Asking

Zhaoxue's reaction to this matter really surprised Ruxue, but after being surprised, she thought about it carefully, but found that doing so was the way that suited Zhaoxue's temperament, not to mention, Zhaoxue's temperament, in Inadvertently, she also helped them to settle this matter, at least with her, and Zhaoxue was not stimulated by it, so it was a good thing.

When hearing Zhaoxue's reaction to this matter, Ru Xue also felt a little funny, but it was just such a short-term adjustment. Now this matter is still not settled, so they are still waiting for Zhang Yufang to come. However, neither Ru Xue nor Zhang Fan had any way to find out what was going on. They could only wait.

So, now it's not just Zhang Fan who is anxious, even Ru Xue is also anxious. Zhang Fan is better, after all, he also heard some meaning from what Ru Xue said just now. At the very least, he believes that his uncle can handle this, and from what his mother said, he can tell that this matter is not so difficult, but even if he understands that this matter is easier than he imagined, But it is still very difficult, so Zhang Fan is still very worried about what will happen.

On the contrary, Ru Xue was really worried, because from the very beginning, Ru Xue didn't think that this matter was easy. I really can't hear anything easy in what she said. Although Zhang Fan did have an abnormal state after listening to Zhao's words that she relayed just now, but Ru Xue He didn't ask much, and Zhang Fan didn't say anything, so, in Ru Xue's opinion, this matter is still very difficult.

All in all, in Ru Xue's view, this matter is very difficult.

The two of them just waited here, Zhang Fan naturally didn't dare to find out what was going on, and even if Ru Xue came out by herself just now, if she was asked to go back now, she would not be able to get rid of her face, so, The two people who didn't know what was going on inside were even more at a loss, but this kind of helplessness was not panic, but became a little idle.

The two of them didn't speak at this time, they just sat and didn't know what they were thinking. This kind of silence made the two of them not say a word. This kind of situation is not natural at all, but fortunately now There are only the two of them here, and there are no outsiders, so even though the atmosphere is weird, it's okay for the two of them to be like this.

However, I am afraid that the two of them feel uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, this kind of waiting still makes people feel very uncomfortable, especially when faced with such a thing that is really not sure whether it can be done. This feeling is even stronger.

The two of them didn't know how long they waited, maybe it was only for a while, or it could be a long time, but finally, there was movement over there.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhang Fan looked up and saw that it was his uncle Zhang Yufang who came. It was obvious that no matter what, the matter had come to an end.

Seeing Zhang Yufang come out, both Zhang Fan and Ru Xue hurriedly stood up and walked in front of him, Zhang Fan asked impatiently: "Uncle, what happened, did mother agree?" ,"

"I finally agreed," Zhang Yufang said what Zhang Fan wanted to hear most.

And when Zhang Yufang said that his mother finally agreed to this matter, Zhang Fan was naturally extremely happy, and even Ru Xue was beaming with joy. Slightly disagree, it's not that the relationship between her and Wei Yaoyao is not so close, so she disagrees, Ru Xue just thinks it's a bit inappropriate to do this, so she disagrees, but the matter After reaching this point, Ru Xue had no other choice but to do this.

This is Ru Xue's advantage. There are some things that she does not want, but now that she has no choice but to do this, she should put all her thoughts on it.

All in all, now that Zhang Yufang has said that Mrs. Zhao has agreed, it is naturally a good thing.

"But don't be too happy too early," Zhang Yufang smiled when he saw Zhang Fan's happy face, but he changed his face immediately, and put on a serious look, and said , "Although your mother has already agreed, but this matter is not finished yet, before that, your mother still has something to do, Ru Xue, you just let someone go and arrest that Wei Weiyao Take it here, Fan'er, you go in now, your mother has something to tell you, and she will talk to that Wei Yaoyao later, "

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Yufang said, Zhang Fan hesitated a little. It didn't mean that Zhang Fan was afraid of seeing his mother, or that he was hesitant after hearing his mother tell him about this matter. In fact, since the matter had reached this point Well, as long as Mrs. Zhao can agree to this matter, then everything is easy to talk about. Even if he goes to Mrs. Zhao's place and Mrs. Zhao scolds him badly, as long as Mrs. Zhao can agree to this matter, that's fine.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Fan hesitated was not at all because he was afraid of seeing his mother. The reason why he hesitated was because what Zhang Yufang said just now was very clear. Mrs. Zhao not only wanted to ask him to go in and talk alone, she also Wanting to talk to Wei Yaoyao alone, Zhang Fan was not worried about himself, but worried that his mother would embarrass Wei Yaoyao.

After all, although this matter can only be done like this now, it is fundamentally a mistake, and now it is just a mistake, and both Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao who did this matter were at fault , perhaps, Zhang Fan's responsibility is heavier, but Wei Yaoyao is not completely innocent.

Zhang Fan was not afraid of his mother scolding him, but for Wei Maoyao, he was really afraid that Mrs. Zhao would embarrass her. This was the main reason why Zhang Fan hesitated.

Zhang Yufang is so smart. Even now he only has a general understanding of this matter. He has never even seen Wei Yaoyao's face. Everything is just what others say, but even so, this kind of matter For him, he could understand what was going on without even thinking about it. Therefore, Zhang Yufang immediately understood what Zhang Fan was worried about.

"Don't worry," Zhang Yufang reassured Zhang Fan, "You think this matter is too complicated. In your mother's heart, she knows all about this kind of thing, and you are the one to worry about it. No, it's because she doesn't know. Now that she knows it, she still can't understand the truth. Besides, since your mother has already agreed to this matter, Wei Yaoyao is also the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family. , in this way, your mother won't embarrass her too much, not to mention that she already has your flesh and blood in her stomach, don't worry, "

Hearing what Zhang Yufang said, Zhang Fan also felt much better. Indeed, the matter was just as what Zhang Yufang said. Since Mrs. Zhao has already agreed to this matter, Mrs. Zhao wants to talk to Wei Yuyao now. It is also a very normal thing, and just like what Zhang Yufang said, Mrs. Zhao understands the truth of this, so Mrs. Zhao will not make things too difficult for Wei Yaoyao.

Zhang Fan, who understood what Zhang Yufang said, also nodded to his uncle and walked in.

Zhang Yufang and Ru Xue were left behind, Ru Xue looked at Zhang Yufang, she was very curious, just now she thought this matter was very difficult to handle, but she did not expect that Zhang Yufang would really do it, which made Ru Xue She was very surprised, so she was very curious about how Zhang Yufang did it.

I could see the doubts on Ru Xue's face, and understood what Ru Xue was wondering about, and Zhang Yu just smiled at this, and he didn't intend to explain it. He explained that he didn't know how to tell Ru Xue. After all, Ru Xue was his nephew and daughter-in-law. Although they were good in terms of relationship, but after all, they had different generations and different genders. Some things were really hard for Zhang Yufang to say.

Fortunately, Zhang Yufang is an elder after all, even if Ru Xue wants to know about this matter, she has the right to know, but as an elder, he doesn't need to say too much, even if he deliberately shirks it.

"Mother, the baby is here," Zhang Fan greeted before coming to his mother.

"You still know that I'm your mother." Mrs. Zhao glanced at Zhang Fan sideways, with a look of anger on her face, "It's good for you that such a big thing happened, let your uncle come to help You, it's me who is suffering, I dare to say that I was the last one to know about this matter, if it hadn't been for this matter to reach the current stage, you don't know how long you will keep it secret, and you don't know how much more you will do What's going on?"

"This...mother, I didn't do it on purpose, baby," Zhang Fan said in a helpless tone, "Besides, children always have things that they don't want their parents to know on weekdays, but when it's really hard to do anything about it, Don’t you still need your parents to help you?”

"You're still a child," Zhao asked back, but she didn't speak. Maybe that's the case sometimes. In this kind of thing, she would treat Zhang Fan as an adult, but in fact, on weekdays, Zhang Fan Fan, no matter how old he is, what status and position he has in the court, how much respect he has won, even if he will be under one man and over ten thousand in the future, Zhang Fan is still a child in her eyes, her Pro-son, and the child will always have some things to do by himself, but he doesn't want his parents to know, but sometimes, when he has no way to deal with this matter, he can only rely on his parents to do it. Help him out.

What Zhang Fan said was not bad, and Mrs. Zhao obviously agreed in her heart, but now Mrs. Zhao is questioning him. If Mrs. Zhao admits it, then there is no way to talk about it. Now, Mrs. Zhao still has a lot to say to Zhang Fan.

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