The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1790 Keep it as it is

Troublesome things happen one after another, but for those who are in trouble, they have no right to choose whether they want such trouble, or in other words, since trouble has already been found, there is no way to escape , I can only accept the move in this way. Maybe no one will like this feeling, but there is no other way.

For Zhang Fan, this is not the first time he has encountered this kind of trouble. It does not mean that things are the same, but that this kind of situation that makes people understand that there is no way to escape trouble is the same, and Zhang Fan has long since encountered such troubles. He has learned how to deal with this kind of thing. He knows that in this kind of thing, one must be calm. No matter how much this thing stimulates you, you have to be calm. Otherwise, the trouble will only change. It will be more troublesome, but it will make you unable to think of any solution.

Therefore, even though this incident had a profound impact on Zhang Fan, and it was something that he was very concerned about, Zhang Fan was still very calm when thinking about what to do. He understood that if he put too much emphasis on If it is emotional, I am afraid that it will make him unable to think about the solution.

Of course, this matter has such a deep relationship with Zhang Fan, so Zhang Fan actually has no way to put aside all his feelings and allow himself to look at this matter completely calmly, but even so, he can It is not easy to achieve Zhang Fan's current appearance.

All in all, Zhang Fan was still so calm in this situation, and after hearing what Yu'er said, he was able to think of a solution immediately, although the solution he thought of was nothing more than a solution. It's just a prototype, but it's really not easy to be able to do this.

However, it is precisely because the issues that Zhang Fan has considered are actually just a prototype. Therefore, Zhang Fan did not intend to speak out. What's more, Yu'er is injured now, and she is more concerned about this matter, so Zhang Fan intends to take it easy, and it is best to wait until Yu'er is slightly better before discussing the matter with her. After all, Zhang Fan was very clear about this matter. Compared to himself, Yu'er probably paid more attention to this matter. Getting excited and involving the wound was not a joke.

Of course, there are other reasons for this. For example, although the news from Yu'er is not good, and Fang Zhenqian's ambition is really scary, but it's okay. Now, this matter is really as Fang Yueling thought, not in a hurry, not to say that there is plenty of time, but in terms of time, it is indeed relatively ample, so don't worry too much.

Here I have to mention the method that Zhang Fan thought of.

From Yu'er's words, Zhang Fan was already very excited when he heard Yu'er say that Fang Yueling was pregnant, and after being excited, Zhang Fan was able to start thinking about solutions immediately.

This matter is really very troublesome. It is obviously impossible to solve it perfectly and make all the people involved willing. At least, Fang Zhenqian will definitely be disappointed, not that Fang Zhenqian However, if Fang Zhenqian succeeds in this matter, more people will be disappointed in the future, and there will be more troubles. In comparison, it is better to let Fang Zhenqian down.

As for what to do in the end, after Zhang Fan thought about it, he really didn't have any good solution. After much deliberation, Zhang Fan finally felt that the solution that Fang Yueling had originally thought of was actually the best solution. up.

Perhaps, Fang Yueling will come up with such a way to deal with all kinds of changes without change, and let this matter be resolved naturally, or in other words, this is not what Fang Yueling wants, but because she is in the middle of the gap In the middle, there is really no other way, so this is the only way to do it.

Zhang Fan knew about Fang Yueling, so Fang Yueling would come up with such a solution, whether it was because of a sudden inspiration or because she had no other way, in short, Fang Yueling had such a solution.

But Fang Yueling's method, under Zhang Fan's thinking, actually made Zhang Fan feel that this is a pretty good method.

If it is said that in this matter, that is, the people of Jinyiwei knew what the situation was, and Fang Yueling who knew it had to speed up the process of the matter to prevent greater troubles. If this did not happen, Perhaps this method is not the best solution in this matter, or in other words, it may be possible to come up with a better solution at that time.

But when things have developed to this stage, for this matter itself, there is actually no better choice. After all, everyone who should know knows it, and people who shouldn't know know it too. Therefore, in this case, a change of approach is required.

The so-called change actually means that nothing remains the same. After much deliberation, no matter what, in fact, the original method Fang Yueling came up with has become the best method. Perhaps Fang Yueling would have chosen to be so realistic It is because there is no other way, or it is a helpless choice under the powerlessness, but considering the current situation, this is a good way.

However, in such a short period of time, Zhang Fan actually only thought about so much. As for how to do this matter, to be honest, Zhang Fan did not have a specific solution, but since he had Knowing the general direction, it is just around the corner to find the correct method. In addition, this matter itself is not something that can be done in a hurry, not to mention there is still a lot of time. If this is the case, then everything is easy to say, as long as It is necessary to think of a solution within the time limit, but the time limit for this matter is relatively long, which is very generous.

"I already know about this matter," Zhang Fan, who more or less had an idea in his heart, spoke with a lot of confidence, or for things that have already been solved, even if it is troublesome, people say Speaking of it, the feeling is completely different, at least Zhang Fan is like this now, "You can rest assured to heal your injuries, I will take care of this matter,"

Although she didn't know what Zhang Fan's idea was, when Yu'er saw Zhang Fan's confident appearance, she felt more at ease, even though there was a gap between Yu'er and Zhang Fan. , and the gap is still very strong, but one thing is one thing, Yu'er still believes in Zhang Fan's ability to handle things, not to mention that this matter is related to Fang Yueling, Yu'er also knows that Zhang Fan is impossible. Don't care.

Therefore, even if Zhang Fan didn't tell her how he planned this matter at all, and didn't even disclose any information, but even so, when Yu'er saw Zhang Fan's confident appearance, she felt That's how much I can rest assured.

Let Yu'er continue to rest, Zhang Fan and Wang Meng went outside to discuss.

"My lord, what are your plans for this matter?" Wang Meng and Zhang Fan didn't have so many worries, and he asked just like that when they came out.

As for Wang Meng, Zhang Fan naturally didn't hide too much, and just said what was in his heart.

Hearing Zhang Fan's general plan, Wang Meng also bowed his head and remained silent. When he heard Zhang Fan's plan just now, the first thought in Wang Meng's mind was not to agree with it, but to feel that something was wrong. In his opinion, today's At this time, it is obviously impossible to use the original old method.

However, when he saw Zhang Fan's confident face about this method, he began to think again, and after thinking about it, Wang Meng felt that this method of adapting to all changes with the same change might not be bad, even more so. What's more, this matter is really complicated. Zhang Fan intends to continue to do so. There may be many problems in it, but compared to finding a new method and encountering more troubles, this method is It has become the top choice.

Of course, it doesn't mean that after Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's words, he felt that Zhang Fan's method would definitely succeed, but at this stage, he really couldn't find a better method than this. Zhang Fan's method is really good.

"Then... my lord, how about our people," Wang Meng continued to ask, this matter is not only related to Zhang Fan, Fang Yueling, and Fang Zhenqian. After all, it also involves five people. The matter of the Poison Sect and Jinyiwei, not to mention the death of people, "Our people, could it be that they died so inexplicably?"

This problem is also one that makes Zhang Fan feel very troublesome. Originally, this matter was only between two families, but now it has been implicated outside, and now, even one of his subordinates died because of it.

However, the impact of this matter has not yet spread to the outside world, otherwise Zhang Fan would not insist on using the old method. Of course, the most important thing is that even if he is dead now, at the very least, the dead There are very few people, and the identities of these people are also very few people know that they belong to Jinyiwei, even if it was reported by the following newspapers, and Wang Meng who received the news realized that this matter is not simple, before Zhang Fan knows , he told those people to shut up and told them not to spread the matter.

But, no matter what, people are dead after all, and their own people are killed like this. If they don’t want to come up with a way to deal with it, it’s not about how to deal with their subordinates. stable.

This is what Wang Meng is thinking about. Although he can ignore other things, but now that this person is dead, he must come up with a solution.

"I know about this matter," Zhang Fan said, "I will not let them die in vain. I will definitely get this justice back, but now, this matter cannot be considered in this way. What Fang Zhen did, I will think of a way, as for Yu'er..." Speaking of this, Zhang Fan looked at the door not far away, pondering,

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