The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1791 Ingenuity

The solution Zhang Fan came up with was very simple.And in this matter.He is going to use such a method to do it.It is indeed rather special.However, this is also a special situation that needs to be treated in a special way.the most important is.Now this way.It is also the safest method imaginable.Maybe this method may not be able to get things done.But it will definitely not be a big problem.

Of course.This matter is for Zhang Fan.Nature is unusual.Or to put it another way.This matter is for Zhang Fan.That must be successful.certainly.This thing is more than successful.There are also more important factors in it.If you want a perfect solution.Not impossible.It's just more troublesome.

And this thing.It is not the kind that can be perfectly solved by one method.For Zhang Fan.He has thought of it.Use a solution to solve one of the problems.Then go to solve another problem in another way.Although it's more difficult than that.But now that's the only way he can do it.

And now.Can't do anything yet.not to mention.Now Yu'er is still injured.Wait until everything is a little better.It's not too late to make plans.

Speaking of Yu'er.It also made Zhang Fan feel annoyed.then.Even Yu'er, who was seriously injured, knew it.If I just came to Zhang's mansion like this.Indeed, he could see Zhang Fan immediately.But if this is the case.There are also many troubles.therefore.Even then.Yu'er is also very persistent.Or maybe she already had plans.That's why he was able to come to the Yamen under that circumstance.

But now.Although her injury is still not healed.But it's okay now.But how to place Yu'er.It became a problem.

Naturally, Zhang Fan couldn't take her home to recuperate.After all, everyone in the family knew her.Now I see her coming alone.Instead of following Fang Yueling.That was enough to make the family suspicious.If the family members know that she is wounded all over her body.Then it is even more taking her home would do a better job of recovering her.But Zhang Fan still didn't intend to do this.

this matter.Zhang Fan didn't want to hide it from his family.Just let the family know.It can't solve this matter.On the contrary, it will make this matter more troublesome.therefore.Zhang Fan did not intend to tell his family.Even if it is to say.It is also a matter of waiting until it is determined that the matter has been resolved.And now.He will not say anything.

In this way.How to arrange Yu'er has become a problem.If you can't take it home.Could it be possible to put her in the yamen.This is obviously inappropriate.It's not just because of the people coming and going in the Yamen.It is really not suitable for Yu'er to recuperate here.more importantly.Zhang Fan really didn't want Yu'er to stay here.The reason is needless to say.

certainly.It is also impossible to arrange a place outside to place Yu'er there.Although this approach is much better.But taking care of it is also troublesome.And wait until Yu'er's injury is better.There are some things that Zhang Fan still needs to discuss with her.That would be inconvenient too.

How to arrange Yu'er.Now it has become a problem.but.Zhang Fan already had a solution in his heart.And this method.Zhang Fan also set his mind on Wang Meng.

Look at the door.He looked at Wang Meng again.can be clearly found.There was a malicious look on Zhang Fan's face.But for Wang Meng.Although he usually doesn't show much inside.He also obeyed Zhang Fan's instructions and orders.But now.He was stared at by Zhang Fan.There is also a sense of crisis.

Before Wang Meng figured it out.Zhang Fan said to him: "Let me tell you. Wang Meng. I have to ask you for something."

Wang Meng couldn't help shivering.But what Zhang Fan said.He had to listen.Although I already know more or less in my heart.It should not be a good thing for Zhang Fan to ask him to do so.But Wang Meng still said: "Your Excellency has something to order. I will definitely do my best in my humble position."

"Hey. It's not something that requires you to go all out." Zhang Fan said. "It's about this Yu'er. You know it too. Although people in my family know her, it's just what she looks like now. If I take him home, I'm afraid it will be troublesome at that time. I even said I can't explain clearly. It's just that I can't let her rest in the yamen. So I'm thinking about changing her place."

"It turned out to be such a thing." His mind was not pure.But Wang Meng didn't think too much.At this time, Zhang Fan hadn't realized Zhang Fan's original intention.He said very happily. "My lord, please don't worry about this matter. I will find a place for you to find a place. Let Miss Yu'er recuperate there. We have many places like this."

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Zhang Fan said. "After all, she is also seriously injured. If there is no one to take care of her, I don't feel at ease. I won't be able to explain to Yueling then. Let's talk about it. After she gets better, I still have many things to ask her. If Arranging her outside is troublesome for me. What's more, Fang Zhenqian is really serious this time. I'm afraid that even if she has already arrived in the capital, Fang Zhenqian's people will sneak in. If they succeed. It's not too much trouble."

"That's... what your lord said." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Wang Meng also nodded.Agree.It's just that he hasn't seen Zhang Ahfan's original intention until now. "What does the lord mean..."

"What I mean is to put her in one place to recuperate. While being taken care of, it is also necessary to protect her safety," Zhang Fan said. "Speaking of which, Wang Meng, you are alone. There is no one else at home. How about..." At this point.Zhang Fan didn't speak anymore.Instead, he just looked at Wang Meng like this.

This time.How could Wang Meng not understand what Zhang Fan meant.But Wang Meng understood what Zhang Fan meant.Immediately turned pale with shock.He never thought that Zhang Fan would come up with such an idea.How could he agree to this.

In a hurry.Wang Meng shook his head.side waved.Then he opened his mouth and said: "My lord, you can't do it. You can't do it."

first time.Zhang Fan was so flustered when he saw Wang Meng.This was also an eye-opener for Zhang Fan.And he wanted to do it even more.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"My lord. How did this happen?" Of course Wang Meng disagreed. "Humble job does not have a wife. There is only one person in the family. And Miss Yu'er has no husband's family. What's more, she is a woman. It is no problem to let the low job take care of people. But to take care of a woman. There is really no way for the low job. This is really wrong Right." Sure enough.Wang Meng immediately refused.

"Oh. I can't help it." Zhang Fan said. "You know that too. She is looking at how troublesome I am. If I take her home, it will not only be worried by the family. I am afraid it will not be good for her to recover from her injuries. Let her live with you. I will feel relieved. Not only can I There is someone to take care of her. And I also found out just now. She doesn't dislike you. It's good for her injury. What's more, you can protect her well. It kills three birds with one stone. Why not do it. "

"No no no. It's still inappropriate." Obviously.Wang Meng would not agree. "If you don't want to bother Ms. Yu'er, there are also women in Weizhong. Just let them take care of Ms. Yu'er. As for the protection of safety, this is the capital. Although fish and dragons are mixed, we in Weizhong want to protect one person." Zhouquan. It's not very easy to handle. What's more, even if she is placed in the home of the humble staff, the humble staff still has to be on duty every day. In case the other party takes advantage of this time to assassinate. Even if the martial arts are high, the humble staff is powerless . Not right. This is really not right."

"There will always be a way." Even if Wang Meng's desire not to do this is so strong.Even the reason Wang Meng said is so reasonable.But obviously.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind.So now I want Zhang Fan to change his mind.It is also almost impossible. "If it's about guarding, I already have a plan in mind. In short, this matter is settled like this." Finished.Zhang Fan turned around and left.No chance was left to Wang Meng.

Looking at the back of Zhang Fan leaving.Just now Wang Meng really wanted to get ahead of him.Persuade him to give up this plan.But Wang Meng didn't do that.Not because Wang Meng agreed.In fact, since Wang Meng knew about Zhang Fan's plan.until now.Wang Meng strongly disagreed.

But Wang Meng knew it.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind.Nobody can change that.and.Even if he really stopped Zhang Fan.Tell him how much you don't want to.I'm afraid after Zhang Fan agreed on the surface.Behind the scenes, he will change the way to do this matter.And the result is probably what Zhang Fan wanted.

therefore.Even if you don't want to.Wang Meng also wanted to understand what he didn't want to do.It's not that Zhang Fan was tricked by being so confused.That's right.Even death.I have to die to understand a little bit.Can not be vague.

But Zhang Fan will do this.Of course he has his meaning.

It's not such an exaggeration.Although it is true that Zhang Fan is interested in matching Wang Meng and Yu'er.Although only just found.But Zhang Fan felt it.Wang Meng and Yu'er can be said to be people with completely opposite temperaments.In fact, it was an unexpected fit.and.If Yu'er, a lost person, can find another man.I'm afraid it will be completely different.

not to mention.Zhang Fan knew Wang Meng well.He didn't think it would be a problem to do so.Even Yu'er had done many vicious things in the past.But Zhang Fan believed it.Your own decision should be right.

only.In fact, these are all just reasons.It's not the real reason why Zhang Fan would do this.The reason why Zhang Fan would do this.The most important thing is actually because if this thing can be done.Then I will save myself a big trouble in the future.but.own this idea.He would never tell Wang Meng.

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