The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1794 Come Prepared

After Mrs. Zhao agreed to the matter of Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao, everyone in the family was also happy. Of course, in the matter of Wei Leiyao, some people feel that it is really inappropriate. Things, even among them, even if there are helpful people, their ideas are not so unified. Many of them, even if they agree to this matter, the premise is because of helplessness. So to be honest, some people do not disagree with it from the bottom of their hearts, but they just have no choice. This kind of contradictory mentality is really shared by many people.

But fortunately, Mrs. Zhao agreed to this matter. Although Mrs. Zhao did not agree to this matter at first, Zhang Fan and Ru Xue, who had already expected this, had already made up their minds. Uncle Zhang Yufang was invited to help talk about this matter. There was no danger, and this matter was considered passed.

As for what Mrs. Zhao thinks about this matter, to be honest, it is really difficult to give a conclusion. I am afraid that even Mrs. Zhao herself is not very clear, but at the very least, Mrs. Zhao knows, because she heard Wei Weiyao is already pregnant with Zhang Fan's child, so it's no wonder that this child has been a great help. If not, the Zhao family would not have agreed so easily. After all, she is pregnant anyway. Zhang Fan's flesh and blood, and in the face of this, Zhao has no way to refuse.

But no matter what, this matter has already been agreed, and this matter cannot be postponed, after all, Wei Yaoyao is already pregnant, and it would be a bit outrageous to delay it, so, Now that he has agreed to this matter, it is natural to do it earlier.

Of course, this matter is not decided by the Zhang family. No matter how big the Zhang family is, Wei Leiyao still needs to say something, but fortunately, Wei Leiyao's husband's family has already There is no one else, if not, I don't know what will happen to this matter.

But even so, after hearing about this matter, the members of Wei Leiyao's natal family still seemed to disagree. Born in a scholarly family, some ancestors were officials, and this kind of family naturally couldn't care more about these things, so it's no wonder that after they heard about this matter, their first reaction was to object.

Of course, Zhang Fan will not give up just because they just objected. He has already prepared for this matter. Now that his mother has passed the most difficult test, how could he possibly do it? Stop here.

Moreover, Zhang Fan really put a lot of effort into this matter. This kind of matter got stuck with Wei Yuyao's family. At this time, he should have found someone to talk about it, but Zhang Fan still had to deal with it because of this matter. He deliberately went to the door by himself, and Zhang Fan made a lot of ostentation. Although in this way, other people would know, but Zhang Fan obviously didn't care that this matter was known by others.

Really, Wei Weiyao's family really didn't expect the identity of the other party to be like this. When they heard Wei Weiyao talking about this matter, they naturally opposed it, and their opposition was so fierce that even She didn't even hear Wei Leiyao finished speaking, so she interrupted her, and after that, Wei Leiyao was locked at home and was not allowed to go out.

Of course, it’s not their fault. For them, Wei Yaoyao did something they thought they couldn’t do, and they really couldn’t imagine that the other party would be such a person. Now, after Zhang Fan came to visit, they were immediately dumbfounded. They didn't even need to ask Wei Yaoyao about Zhang Fan's identity. In this era, people who can make such a ostentation are not just rich, the most important status, and this also means that Zhang Fan's status is not ordinary.

Frightened, after hearing Zhang Fan's intention, they immediately went to Wei Weiyao to ask for clarification. After hearing what Wei Weiyao said about Zhang Fan's identity, they were even more shocked. It couldn't be more, how could they have imagined that their daughters were already widows, but they were able to catch up with such a prominent person.

Of course, the shock it brought to them really helped this matter a lot, but it didn't completely let this matter pass without such a shock. Zhang Fan still had to go Talk to Wei Yaoyao's family.

But what Zhang Fan wanted was this effect, and even this ostentation was done on purpose, what he wanted was this kind of contrast.

After all, this kind of thing can be understood without even thinking about it. After Wei Yaoyao's family knew about this matter, the first thing they thought was probably that they disagreed with this matter. Under the circumstances, they began to consider this matter according to their own ideas, and they had to reject this matter, or in other words, according to their ideas, it is possible for a widow like Wei Yaoyao to have such a relationship with a man , It’s not much better, either because of Wei Leiyao’s beauty, or because of Wei Leiyao’s family wealth, it’s nothing more than these two points.

Of course, this is just what Wei Leiyao's family thought when they heard Wei Leiyao talk about this matter just now, and they didn't listen to Wei Leiyao's explanation, they just thought so stubbornly, but this No wonder they, after all, this is really insulting to them, so it is natural not to want to hear more.

And under such circumstances, Zhang Fan came to visit suddenly, and still made such a big show, how could this not surprise them.

When Wei Yaoyao told them about this matter, although Wei Yaoyao had no chance to explain it, her family members were not stupid. There is no explanation, but they can more or less hear it, no matter who the man is, he also has some identity.

But from their point of view, that man's identity is at best a petty official, and it is absolutely impossible for them to think too much about it.

But when they saw that Zhang Fan came to their house with such a big show, they were all stunned. In fact, there was no need to question his identity because of Zhang Fan's show. You can know that Zhang Fan's identity is extraordinary. After all, in this era, the ostentation of travel is very particular. It is not just anyone who can pull out this ostentation as long as they can afford it. They must have an identity to set off just work.

Seeing that Wei Leiyao's family members were so surprised, Zhang Fan was also very happy, because his goal had already been achieved. Zhang Fan's goal was not to surprise Wei Leiyao's family members, or to show how much he had status. He just hoped that the surprise brought by such a scene would not only relax Wei Yaoyao's family, but also make it easier for him to talk about it.

And after arriving at Wei Leiyao's home, Zhang Fan was very courteous, and even brought a dowry gift, which was even more unusual.

After all, Zhang Fan is taking a concubine now. According to the custom, if he takes a concubine, he may be given a dowry gift, but it will not be so open and aboveboard. With such a big ostentation, Zhang Fan will not even need Zhang Fan to come forward to propose marriage. Come on, but again, there is no rule saying that you can't do this, and Zhang Fan did this to show his sincerity.

Afterwards, it was Zhang Fan who talked with Wei Maoyao's father.

Wei Yuyao's father was also a very learned man. His family was originally a scholarly family. He studied since he was a child. Wei Yuyao's father was also admitted as a scholar and passed the Juren. Children and grandchildren need him to get married and marry a wife after returning home, and inherit the incense, so this will delay his time to go to the capital to catch the exam. Although his home is not far from the capital, even if he is married, he can take the exam again in the future. But three years later, he no longer had this thought. Although he still wanted to do so, he had to worry about the family affairs, and in the end, he let go of this matter.

But, no matter what, Wei Weiyao's father is also a scholar, and as long as he is a scholar, who doesn't yearn to be an official, otherwise why did he study in the first place? People who are officials have always been yearning and respectful, but now seeing Zhang Fan who is different from ordinary officials, Wei Yongcheng's attitude is even more unusual.

Of course, this is nothing under normal circumstances, but Wei Yongcheng is very embarrassed by the current situation. After all, his daughter is a widow whose husband died, and she has this kind of relationship with Zhang Fan again. If it is said that Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao maintain this relationship in such a secret way, it is fine if no one knows about it, but now, Wei Leiyao is even pregnant, and Zhang Fan wants to admit her, which makes her Wei Yongcheng was extremely embarrassed.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan is not without embarrassment about this matter, but for Zhang Fan, he understands the priority of this matter in his heart. This thing needs to be done.

Not to mention anything else, this time, Zhang Fan came prepared after all. Compared with Wei Maoyao's family, they knew that this incident was not long ago, and they were completely unprepared. Zhang Fan took a lot of time. It is so cheap, and because of Zhang Fan's status, he faintly overwhelms the other party. Although it is really inappropriate to say this kind of thing, Zhang Fan understands that if he really cares about it, the trouble here may be worse than that of his mother Zhao. Shi's side is even more powerful, so Zhang Fan has already made up his mind before coming here, and this matter must be resolved quickly.

It can be said that Zhang Fan's judgment is not wrong at all. Because of Zhang Fan's preparedness and identity, Wei Yongcheng was shocked. Although he uttered a few words of opposition, they were all rejected by Zhang Fan. Press down.

In the end, he still agreed to this matter. Although the details cannot be explained in just a few sentences, but for Zhang Fan today, as long as he can agree to this matter, it will be fine.

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