Under Zhang Fan's preparations, Wei Leiyao's family, which was originally more troublesome than Zhao's, was settled. In this way, Wei Leiyao's matter was completely resolved, and all subsequent The rest is to get Wei Yaoyao close to the door. Of course, it is impossible to make this matter too big. No matter how much Zhang Fan likes Wei Yaoyao, it is after all a concubine, let alone Wei Leiyao's identity, so it should be low-key.

Of course, for Zhang Fan, a man of power in the court, there is no such thing as low-key at all. No matter what he is doing now, of course, those in Weizhong don’t talk about it, but as far as Zhang Fan himself is concerned, No matter what Zhang Fan does, no matter how much he hides it, the news will still spread.

However, Zhang Fa already knew this point, so he didn't intend to make it too secretive. Zhang Fan knew in his heart that as long as he did it quietly, it would be enough. Even if those people knew about it, they would not regard it as a major event, at most it would be brought up during small talk, and this is completely enough for Zhang Fan, after all, any matter There is a limit, and being able to do this is already enough.

Of course, taking a concubine is not a big deal, but it still needs to be prepared, not to mention there is no rush at this moment, besides, Zhang Fan has other things to do now .

The matter of Fang Yueling also caused Zhang Fan a very headache, but fortunately, although this matter was extremely troublesome, he was not in a hurry, and there was even ample time left for Zhang Fan to think about what he should do. This matter also has a huge impact, and it is necessary to think carefully and come up with a solution that can solve this problem and prevent any conflict between the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei.

Although Jin Yiwei is not afraid of the Five Poisons Sect with his strength, and although the Five Poisons Sect has indeed helped in many places, for Zhang Fan, the Jin Yiwei has given the Five Poisons Sect a lot of help. I don't care about anything, but if there is a conflict between the two parties, it will be bad.

Not only because if the two parties clashed, it would cause a lot of trouble, but more importantly, if the matter really developed to that point, it would be very difficult for Fang Yueling, who was caught in the middle, to do it. And Zhang Fan didn't want Fang Yueling to have any extra thoughts because of this matter, so for Zhang Fan, this matter must be resolved perfectly.

But right now, this matter is not urgent, and now Zhang Fan has another matter in front of him.

The previous war in Liaodong was over. For those captured, there were Jurchens, Tumed and Taining tribes. Although they lost the war, they did not lose too many people. , so the number of captives is very large, how to arrange these people has become a problem.

But for Zhang Fan, this matter is not something he should worry about. Those people in the court are too experienced in this kind of matter, and there is no need for Zhang Fan to intervene. Therefore, Zhang Fan is also happy. Leisurely, I completely left the matter to the people in the court.

And in this war, those who should be punished will definitely be punished, and similarly, those who should be rewarded will naturally be rewarded.

Li Chengliang commanded the battle, and with sufficient preparations, he also won the battle, and not only won, but now even Wang Gao was captured, although he was not the one who captured Wang Gao, but the matter You can't look at it that way. After all, if there was no surprise attack by Li Chengliang to defeat the Jianzhou Guard, Wang Gao would not have escaped at all, and he would not have gotten to this point. Therefore, even if Li Chengliang did not personally capture Wang Gao, But Li Chengliang still has to remember the credit for capturing Wang Gao.

What's more, Li Chengliang didn't just do such a thing. He knew how to fight and won the victory. , waiting for the reward.

Of course, from the looks of it, everyone felt that Li Chengliang had made such great contributions in this battle, so the rewards he could get would definitely not be small.

It's just that this is only on the surface. In fact, people who know about this matter, including Li Chengliang himself, know about this time. The rewards he can get are not many, and most of them are probably yellow and white things. , or some objects as rewards, but in terms of reputation, even those false official positions, he has no share.

Maybe it's really unfair to say that meritorious service is not rewarded, but in fact, this kind of thing is always like this, you can't do it perfectly, on this battlefield, there are always more or less shortcomings, and if the above If someone wants to find fault on purpose, there must be as many reasons as there are. In this way, if the merits and demerits are offset, if there is such a small reward, then one can be thankful.

Moreover, regardless of what other people think of this matter, at least for Li Chengliang himself, this is what he wants.

Li Chengliang knows that he has many enemies in the court now. If he gets more rewards because of this credit at this time, then his troubles will be even greater, and the people staring at him will be even more serious. Many, this is what Li Chengliang, who has done a lot of dirty things in the past, doesn't want. Therefore, for Li Chengliang, what he needs most now is to keep a low profile. If he can be low-key because of the lack of rewards, less Li Chengliang is absolutely willing to let people trouble him.

And for Li Chengliang, there is really no need to reward this kind of thing. He is now the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, and he is in charge of the affairs there. This is enough for Li Chengliang. If he is really rewarded with a higher official , It is not necessary, even if he is given a false title and transferred from Liaodong, this is not what Li Chengliang wants.

As for the money and the like, Li Chengliang would not refuse. Although the things he did before made him extremely rich now, he didn't care about them at all, but since Li Chengliang talked with Zhang Fan, He has decided to change the previous way, so he can't continue to do this kind of thing, so for Li Chengliang today, he will not refuse money, especially this kind of money. Righteous money.

All in all, the current Li Chengliang has Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, but at the very least, Li Chengliang accepts all this very willingly in his heart, and he does not have any complaints. That's enough.

But now, because of the trial of Wang Gao, Li Chengliang temporarily put aside his affairs and rushed to the capital.

Speaking of Wang Gao's trial, this has to be mentioned. After all, Wang Gao has harassed Daming for so many years and caused great harm to Liaodong, whether it is the people or the officials. Now, the culprit is finally the culprit. , was sent over, this matter is everyone's joy, and therefore, Wang Gao's trial can be said to be extremely eye-catching now.

But this time, on the surface, the credit for capturing Wang Gao did not fall on anyone in the court, but on Wang Tai, the leader of the Hada Tribe who was also a Jurchen with Wang Gao. .

Of course, to be precise, this matter was not done by Wang Tai. After all, he and Wang Gao had a covenant. And if you destroy the Great Wall yourself, then you can't do this thing.

And this matter, on the surface, it seems that Wang Tai's two sons, Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu, did it behind Wang Tai's back. , but Wang Tai's two sons have not made any vows with Wang Gao. No one can say anything about this superficial matter, so this is the best.

Therefore, as the biggest contributors to this matter, Wang Tai's two sons naturally went to the capital to participate in the trial of Wang Gao this time, and Wang Tai, who was completely "stained" by the glory of his two sons, was also punished. Invited to Beijing.

Of course, I still don’t know what the court will give them the father and son last time, but if you think about it for a while, you will know that this reward will definitely not be less. Why the court invited Wangtai to Beijing? I know a little bit about it Most people can more or less guess it, so there is no need to think too much. The imperial court will definitely train Wangtai's Hada tribe to control Liaodong and the Jurchen tribe, and Wangtai will be very beautiful because of this. .

Especially for this matter, everyone will know that even on the surface, it was Wang Tai's two sons who arrested Wang Gao. of a son.

This is not just something that has been agreed before, what's more, this kind of thing is not harmful to Wang Tai.

Even if other Jurchens questioned him in the future, Wang Tai could say without hesitation that it was not that he broke the contract behind his back, but that the Ming court did it on purpose. Otherwise, he would actually go to arrest Wang Gao's two A son, why is the reward not as high as him.

All in all, the imperial court had already made plans, and facing the Ming court's decision, Wang Tai was naturally happy, and he had no reason to refuse this matter, and all of this, for Wang Tai , is a good thing, but also a great time.

As for the most important one in this matter, that is Wang Gao, what will happen to Wang Gao, you don't even have to think about it, it must be extremely miserable.

However, everyone felt that Wang Gao deserved what he deserved, and no one else was to blame. Moreover, other matters in this trial were far more eye-catching than Wang Gao's own affairs.

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