The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1796 Gradually Calm

Wang Gao's trial came as scheduled.And the pomp is really huge.Even the emperor himself was there.certainly.This is just going through the motions.Because everyone knows it.The matter of Wang Gao has already been concluded.No matter how it is judged.The ending has already been decided.

certainly.It is precisely because of this.This trial has also become very important.The most important point.It is like sending a message to the whole world.If you dare to confront the court.Then Wang Gao is their fate.

How many things did Wang Gao do?Of course it means bad things.No one knows this anymore.But the bottom line is.They knew that Wang Gao was certain to die.As for when to die.That is no longer within the scope of concern.But for Wang Gao.He also already knew his fate.Today's Wang Gao is just silent.

How many people stood up and elaborated on Wang Gao's crimes.Even Wang Tai, who is also a member of the Jurchen family, was asked to stand up.Explain in detail what bad things Wang Gao did.certainly.At this time, Wang Tai didn't look like he could do anything about it.A very enthusiastic look.He told all the bad things Wang Gao had done.There are some things in it.Really unheard of.Even Jin Yiwei, who had investigated Wang Gao for many years, and Li Chengliang, who was very familiar with Wang Gao, didn't know about it.

As for the things that Wang Tai said.Is it true or not?Then no one will know.Maybe it's true.Or maybe Wang Tai wanted to show his credit.And to impose some things on Wang Gao's head.But it doesn't matter.For Wang Gao.He knew he was doomed.One crime to bear is death.Carrying ten or one hundred items is also death.therefore.Even if some things were not his doing at all.It was just imposed on him.He was too lazy to ask.Silent directly.

And Wang Gao's silence.Just like the default.This also made Wang Tai even more proud.It is also more diligent.

all in all.In the end.Many people have stated Wang Gao's crimes.Some didn't get it.All the shit bowls were put on his head.finally.Wang Gao is also a heinous person.It just turned into a more heinous person.certainly.Did Wang Gao act as someone's scapegoat?That's not clear.

However, Wang Gao had no intention of refuting at all.He took over all the crimes.There is no meaning to talk at all.

Wang Gao is really such a willing person.Certainly not.But he knew he was at the end of his rope.There was no room for survival.But he didn't pull a group of people to accompany him to hell.That doesn't sound reasonable at all.But for Wang Gao.Perhaps even at this time.There are some things in his heart that people can't understand.

And the end result is.Wang Gao committed dozens of serious crimes.Xing Xing was sentenced by the emperor himself.Imprisoned in prison.And is scheduled to be executed next year.

Wang Gao's trial.Although it lasted a long time.But for this time.But it is not over.It's far from over.After the trial of Wang Gao.It is time to start talking about rewards for meritorious deeds.

First of all, it is naturally the greatest contribution to this battle.Li Chengliang is gone.But it's been said before.Li Chengliang will not be rewarded.At most, he will be rewarded with something.

Although these rewards sound very generous.But people in the court know it.There is nothing substantial in these rewards.Therefore, they are more or less psychologically balanced.Even some people still have great prejudice against Li Chengliang.But this time the reward.It also makes them feel good.At least Li Chengliang made such a great contribution.But not too proud.This is what they want.

And this is also what Li Chengliang wants.He didn't want to offend more people because of this incident.This is what it looks like now.That was just right.

And Li Chengliang later accepted the reward.But it was Wang Gao, father and son.Speaking of aliens.was invited to Beijing.And it was a matter of rewarding the emperor himself.Naturally, this was not the first time in the Ming Dynasty.But it is also very rare.therefore.The three of Wang Tai and his son are also extremely concerned.

And this time the reward.It is obvious that the imperial court wants to use Wangtai and his Hada department.To manage the Jurchen in Liaodong.Dominance may not be a good thing.But if this family dominates.He was even able to lead the entire Jurchen tribe.It was also under the control of the imperial court.This is a great thing for the court.And the court definitely hoped so.

As for other people.Also started to think about it.How to make friends with Wang Tai and the others.Although foreigners.Although making friends with them is not good for one's official career.But in the imperial court.Having one more friend is always a good thing.No one will refuse this matter.

And this time.A reward from the imperial court to Wangtai.That was really a big deal.Although in advance.The DPRK and China have already discussed things.But not many people knew about it in advance.It is now publicly announced.Naturally, people are surprised.

Wangtai was granted the title of Youzhu Kingdom by the Jin Dynasty.Add the rank of General Dragon and Tiger.And his two sons.Both Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu were appointed as the governors.All three rewarded 20 taels of gold.Master Da Hong wore a fringe suit.This is an incredible reward.If it is for the people in the court.It's not bad.But after all, Wang Tai is a Jurchen.In this way.This reward is incredible.

And the father and son who accepted this reward.That was naturally ecstatic.This reward is for the court.Maybe nothing.But for them.This is a big deal.Wang Tai has this reward.It represents him and his Hada tribe.That means it has been approved by the Ming court.In this way.In the future he will lead the Jurchens.Of course it is very easy.

And for his two sons.This reward is also not to be ignored.For Hu Ergan.He was born in the first place.And this reward also made his status even more distinguished.In the future among the Jurchen ethnic groups.And no one dared to be rude to him.

And for Kang Guru.It can be said that this time the reward.He is the happiest.Because what he got was the same as that of his own brother.Maybe he is a concubine.When he was born, he was more than a head lower than his elder brother.But now.Under this same reward as his elder brother.He was already standing at the same height as Hu Ergan.Kangguru believed.With my own efforts.Use the glory that comes with this reward.Some things will also become much simpler.

only.None of them thought of it.Even people from the Ming court.Even if you have this thought.But also did not expect.This reward.Brought to the father and son.Whether it is Wangtai.Or his two sons.The influence of Khurgan and Kangguru.That is immeasurable.And finally.It will also be troublesome.

But the bare minimum.Today no one knows.And everyone was very happy about it.

The end of this matter in Liaodong.Wang Gao's ending has also been determined.This event signifies many things.all the time.In fact, from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.Be it inside or outside.There are dangers.There are always people inside who want to make trouble.And there are always people outside who are staring at such a fat spot in the Central Plains.But now.This situation disappeared temporarily.

external.The biggest, and arguably the only, threat is the Tartars.Now it is under the agreement reached between its leader Al Da and Daming.The two sides also stopped fighting each other.Although it is said that Da Ming has no plans to lift the border defense at all.Although there are still small groups of forces that will come to harass from time to time.Although there will still be conflicts.But this conflict.It is no longer the tense situation of the past.

And after removing this concern.There is nothing outside that can threaten Daming.There is even no power for Daming to worry about.all in all.Externally.Now you really don't have to worry about it.And even today's peace may not last.Maybe something will happen in the future.But the bare minimum.Now you don't have to worry about these problems at all.This is naturally a good thing.

And internally.It's also calm now.The reactionary forces that continuously appeared in the country at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Now it is in an instant.disappeared.This is two years in a row.The Ming court wiped out the entire Bo clan.And there has been chaos in Liaodong for decades.Wang Gao almost made people feel that there was nothing he could do about him.Now it is completely subdued.Although these two are foreigners.But the fighting power of these two foreign races is extremely strong.Really no one knows.No one if they are just foreigners.But these two things.It also makes other people with small thoughts dare not move anymore.

In this way.Not just externally.Even in your own home.No one dared to make trouble anymore.There was not much trouble inside or outside.Daming today.It really settled down all of a sudden.As for some disputes.That's for such a huge country.At best, it was nothing more than a family quarrel.Bickering or something.There is no way to hurt anything at all.

And that might sound good.But for those ministers in the court.This means something else entirely.Nothing to worry about.That means they don't have to worry about anything.If you don't worry about these things.These people are really not used to letting go completely.Fully focus on how to govern the country.They always have to figure something out.

therefore.Now Zhang Fanjuzheng is at such a stage again.A new law is proposed.And Zhang Juzheng, who had already started preparing before.Now it is even more panicking in the court.people who know.For example Zhang Fan.That is, he didn't care about Zhang Juzheng doing this.But people who don't know.I thought Zhang Juzheng was going to do something earth-shattering.Everyone is very worried.

But obviously Zhang Juzheng didn't care about these people's opinions.He still does his own thing.And it's still far from the time for him to bring up this still intends to whet their appetite for a while longer.

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