The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1800 Try to get used to it

After Zhang Fan placed Yu'er in Wang Meng's home.first day.So many things happened.But only for such a day.This situation already made Wang Meng feel a little unbearable.Although he didn't say anything.Even his expression didn't show any unwillingness.But.Wang Meng really felt that he couldn't go on like this.

At first he also felt wrong.Only at that time.Because of Zhang Fan's strong pressure.He also had no way to refute.And then.Wang Meng had no way to refuse.It is also comforting myself in my heart.He felt that this incident was due to Zhang Fan's pressure.And even though the other party is Yu'er, he already knows that he is a very difficult master.But now she is seriously injured.Presumably there will be no troubles.Even if he is different from that girl Yu'er.But in this case.It shouldn't cause anything to happen.

only.Wang Meng's feelings now.To use a sentence that Zhang Fan would occasionally say in private before.That is silly and naive.Wang Meng really saw himself that way.

him at the time.If he really rejected Zhang Fan seriously.Even if this is Zhang Fan.Presumably it will not be imposed on him.And for good reason.He just needs to bite the words "difference between men and women".Zhang Fan couldn't come up with any reason why he had to do this.

But.All this is just an afterthought.The situation today.It happened under the premise that he had already promised.Although Wang Meng already regretted it very much.But regret is regret.want to repent.But it's impossible.

but.Although I understand this.But obviously he wouldn't give up just like that.therefore.After all that happened on the first night.Wang Meng also made up his mind.After seeing Zhang Fan, I immediately raised it with Zhang Fan.To repent.To arrange Yu'er to go elsewhere.

That's the whole thing.It was the premise that Zhang Fan would look like this when he saw Wang Meng the next morning.have to say.There really wasn't much that happened.But these things are all things that give Wang Meng a very, very headache.It can even be said that it made Wang Meng feel.Just one night.But for him.But it was incomparably tormented.therefore.Wang Meng planned to come to discuss this matter with Zhang Fan today.

But how could Zhang Fan fulfill his wish.In fact, when Zhang Fan was doing this yesterday.Already thought of this.And came to Yamen this morning.After meeting Wang Meng for the first time.He already understood Wang Meng's thoughts.It's just that Zhang Fan really didn't give Wang Meng a chance.Find him in Wang Meng.Before you speak.I hurriedly prevaricate.Said something happened at home.He just came to the yamen to see if there was anything wrong.If not, he'll be back soon.

See what Zhang Fan said.Even Wang Meng.He also understood in his heart that Zhang Fan was just prevaricating him.But even Wang Meng understood that Zhang Fan was prevaricating him.But he couldn't say anything.He could only watch Zhang Fan leave helplessly.And Zhang Fan.It really doesn't mean any guilt at all.Just walked away like that.

to be honest.Zhang Fan really didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.If you let outsiders know.I'm afraid he will say that he messed up the mandarin ducks or something.But actually.Zhang Fan did this with some intentions.Not just for what was said before.In fact, Zhang Fan was most concerned about Wang Meng.

Wang Meng is now alone.It really is carefree.And because of it.Wang Meng got to work.There is no fear at all.No hesitation at all.This is certainly not bad.For Zhang Fan.Or for the Yamen.It is very good for Wang Meng to do so.It is also something that makes Zhang Fan feel very good.

And Zhang Fan is also because of Wang Meng.At first, I felt that Wang Meng was very good.Until now.The two really became a very, very good relationship.They are subordinates outside.And the two are in private.But they are very good friends.Even Wang Meng respected Zhang Fan in private.There is never any Passover.But Zhang Fan could tell.

And it is precisely because of this relationship.Zhang Fan hoped that Wang Meng could live an ordinary life like an ordinary person.Even his attitude probably won't change much.But this way of life.But it is always changing.

Zhang Fan once asked Wang Meng on the sidelines.Why is he not married.He knew that it was not that Wang Meng had no interest in women.Not for any other reason.Although Wang Meng has always been unwilling to speak clearly.But after such a long time.So many insinuating inquiries.No matter what, Zhang Fan understood what Wang Meng meant.

It turned out that Wang Meng didn't do this.It's all about him.It is because his own sense of responsibility is too strong.Why do you say that.Because Wang Meng joined the army in his early years.And even if it is because of a lot of credit.Able to enter Jinyiwei.But he is not a son of an official.There is no family background at home.He himself was even less knowledgeable.It's just that he knows martial arts.This situation.No matter how good his martial arts are.But in a place like Jinyiwei.There is no way to go up.It may even be just a pawn running around for the rest of your life.

And this situation.Jin Yiwei would carry out such and other dangerous actions on weekdays.Even Wang Meng's martial arts is very high.There are really few rivals in the world.But he is not completely invincible.In case you meet someone with higher martial arts skills than him.If he just died.If he is alone.That's all right.But if he has a family.Wouldn't that be too much to add to the pain?

After understanding Wang Meng's thoughts.Although Zhang Fan understood his mistake in thinking so.But he couldn't blame Wang Meng.He understood why Wang Meng had such an idea.It's all because of his early years in the military.The root of the disease that fell.Because that is the time.Life and death in the army.Compared with those life and death matters in Jinyiwei.It's just too much.It's not just about looking at his comrades who were drinking and eating meat and telling jokes with him before.But in such a short time.Killed by the enemy right in front of his own face.All the joys, anger, sorrows and joys before have disappeared.Turned into a cold corpse.

and.What was encountered was not only that.After these people died.their family.The reaction to hearing the bad news.And all kinds of things that happened later, etc.all in all.Wang Meng has seen too much.Although very unbearable.But in the face of this kind of thing.There was simply nothing he could do.I can only watch helplessly.

And after watching too much.He also felt a little numb.But this numbness.But it gave him another idea.That is, you must not be like this.Although he has chosen such a path.And it is also possible to fall into the kind of fate he has seen in the future.But Wang Meng didn't want anyone to be sad for him.therefore.Wang Meng chose the current way of life.alone.

Some people may think so.Wang Meng is just a warrior.Perhaps the martial arts are excellent.The brain is also very smart.But on weekdays, Wang Meng is always serious.Very serious.Therefore, Wang Meng gave people the feeling.It's the kind that only knows how to use brute force.But it's someone who doesn't have too many ideas.

But actually.Wang Meng is not without ideas.On the contrary, he has a lot of ideas.The mind is also very delicate.And he would have such emotional thoughts.To be honest, after Zhang Fan thought about it.There was no sense of surprise either.only.Wang Meng's sensibility.But it is such a rational way to think out.This was not what Zhang Fan wanted.It can even be said.Zhang Fan didn't expect him to be like this at all.Go on so alone.

therefore.Zhang Fan wanted to help Wang Meng.Really did a lot.On weekdays.Zhang Fan also let Wang Meng get in touch with some things in Weizhong.It's not just for him to fight and kill.But want to bring him up.Do paperwork that isn't dangerous.This is for Wang Meng.It's not a difficult thing.

Although even so.There are some special cases.It still has to be done by Wang Meng.And actually.What Wang Meng is doing now.Most of them are martial arts first.But Zhang Fan is also working hard to reverse this situation.He is hoping this way.Let Wang Meng feel what he has done.It's not as dangerous as it used to be.There is a possibility of dying at any time.In order to change Wang Meng's point of view.

certainly.If only that's the case.Obviously this efficiency is very slow.It can even be said that it is completely inefficient.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't stop doing this either.And at the same time.Zhang Fan was also looking for another way to change Wang Meng.

And after much deliberation.In the end Zhang Fan made up his mind.I want Wang Meng to make a huge change.The most important point.Just take strong medicine.If it is still according to his own previous method.That's not to say it can't be successful.But when will it be.Then I really don't know.therefore.Strong medicine must be given.Let him shake it.

But even though it is said so.But Zhang Fan has never found out that the medicine has such a powerful effect.It can act on Wang Meng's body.only.Zhang Fan also never gave up.

And now.Finally, Zhang Fan found such a strong medicine.certainly.Of course it was Yu'er.and.From the effect of this first day it seems.This curative effect is really true.Go down one pair.It took only one night.There have been such obvious changes.In this way.Zhang Fan is also more confident.It was able to bring back Wang Meng's distorted thoughts.

therefore.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to make Wang Meng go back on such a matter no matter what.

And the fact proved it.Zhang Fan was right to do so.After a few days.Although Wang Meng still had a headache.It still looks like a nervous breakdown.But he didn't mention any regrets anymore.Perhaps he understood that Zhang Fan would not allow it.Or in other words, he has somewhat gotten used to Yu'er.No matter what kind.For Zhang Fan.It's all good.

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