Yu'er stayed at Wang Meng's house for the past few days. Of course, the injury she suffered was serious, and she really needed someone to take care of her. According to Yu'er's previous temper, in this case, she She would never let a man get so close to her, but facing Zhang Fan's arrangement, she had no intention of objecting.

That's right, Yu'er did have some different emotions towards Wang Meng, maybe it can't be called a feeling, but it is indeed different, and Zhang Fan also saw this, so he did this Yes, and Yu'er might not have understood it at first because of this matter, but after she thought about it carefully, she was able to understand Zhang Fan's intentions, even though she thought about it so much. For her, it really made her feel a little embarrassed, but she did not refuse this matter.

And this can completely explain why Yu'er embarrasses Wang Meng so much on the first night, and even, not only because of embarrassment, but even on some normal days, she would never let a man do it. , and will never let men touch her special case, she also opened it for Wang Meng, of course, Wang Meng really won't be happy because of this matter.

After living in Wang Meng's house for a few days like this, although Yu'er still likes to trouble Wang Meng so much, and Wang Meng still has such a headache, there is a tacit understanding between the two of them because of this, and Yu'er is still So much enjoyment, but Wang Meng is still troubled, but he will still do it. In short, this situation is very strange, but also very natural.

At that time, Zhang Fan's reason for placing Yu'er with Wang Meng was not that Yu'er was injured and couldn't go home, but she needed someone to take care of her. If it was just for this reason, Wang Meng could easily shirk it. Yes, Zhang Fan's real reason for getting Wang Meng to agree was that he was afraid that Fang Zhenqian would not give up. Even if Yu'er had already arrived in the capital, he would still send someone to plot against her. People need to protect it.

There is no need to worry during the day, no matter how blatant those people are, they would never dare to commit murder in the capital under such circumstances, not to mention Wang Meng's house, although he has to do business during the day, but There were also people watching.

And there is no need to worry at night. In fact, compared to daytime, night is safer. After all, Wang Meng is not there during the day, but he is at night. As long as Wang Meng is there, there is really nothing to worry about.

However, this is just Zhang Fan's reason. Although Wang Meng was forced to agree, both Zhang Fan and Wang Meng knew in their hearts that after Yu'er entered Beijing, it meant that she was completely safe. However, the possibility that Fang Zhenqian would let people enter the capital to find Yu'er who had already met Zhang Fan, and plot against her afterwards was really slim.

But even if they all understood it, they couldn't completely rule out this possibility. Therefore, even though Wang Meng knew it in his heart, he still didn't reject it in the end. That's why this kind of situation happened today. situation.

However, there are always unexpected surprises when things happen. No matter who they are, they feel that it is impossible for the people sent by Fang Zhenqian to enter the capital to do something, but unfortunately, this matter is really serious. happen to practice

After Yu'er stayed at Wang Meng's house, on the fifth night, Wang Meng's house really had an unexpected visitor.

When Yu'er was sleeping soundly, she woke up suddenly and found that someone was in front of her bed. She just wanted to shout, but was covered by that person's hand. Yu'er is not an ordinary person. At this time, she was able to keep calm. Although she was really frightened, after she calmed down, she realized that the person was Wang Meng, not someone else.

And after seeing that it was Wang Meng, Yu'er felt relieved a lot, and she even had a sudden thought in her heart, thinking that Wang Meng had finally let go of that gentleman's face and wanted to do something to her, and what was even more strange was that, Facing this kind of Yu'er is the most annoying thing, but she has no resistance in her heart now, and even looks forward to it.

But right away, Yu'er realized that she had misunderstood, because after she woke up, although the room was dark, it wasn't that there was no light at all, and after she gradually got used to the darkness, although she didn't know clearly , but it can also be seen that Wang Meng's other hand is holding a knife.

Yu'er was very calm, and she never thought that Wang Meng would harm her. After all, Zhang Fan had an explanation, and Zhang Fan would never do anything to her, so she immediately judged that something was wrong. The result is that someone has come, and the target is herself, and now there will be no one who will target her, except for the people of the Five Poison Sect ordered by Fang Zhenqian.

To be honest, when thinking of this result, Yu'er really felt scared. Yes, she is indeed willing to die for Fang Yueling's affairs, but this does not mean that she is not afraid of death, especially Now, she has fulfilled Fang Yueling's orders and brought the words to Zhang Fan. If she is allowed to die now, she really does not want to.

In such an instant, Fang Yueling seemed to have returned to the time eight days ago. At that time, the time was almost at this time, and the attack also came at this time. At that time, Yu'er, at that time, really insisted on arriving. Beijing, and was rescued, but she was also very scared.

In just such a split second, although he didn't tremble with fear, his hands and feet felt cold.

And Wang Meng, perhaps sensing Yu'er's fear, moved his face closer and whispered to her: "Don't be afraid, there are not many people here, only three, and since they can be discovered by me, they are definitely not my opponents." ,"

Wang Meng's words seemed to have magical powers. After hearing just such a passage, Yu'er really didn't feel afraid. I really don't have to be afraid, this feeling is even more wonderful for Yu'er.

"It's just that it's not easy to stay here." Wang Meng also felt Yu'er's peace of mind. Although he was sure that Yu'er's peace of mind was related to what he just said, he didn't know the kind of feeling in Yu'er's heart. Strange idea, "Go to my room, it's better there, I'm offended," Wang Meng didn't wait for Yu'er's consent, he held a knife in one hand, and picked Yu'er up from the bed with the other hand, after all, it was a hand with one hand. , even with great strength, but in order to take care of Yuer and her injuries, Wang Meng leaned most of Yuer's body on his body, although Wang Meng had the idea that the female professor could not bear to kiss her before. , But this time is not the time to talk about those things, Wang Meng is very clear about this kind of thing.

But now, Yu'er is only leaning on Wang Meng's body. After all, it is the time to rest at night, so she is not wearing much underwear. Leaning closely on Wang Meng's body, the warm feeling is also through her body. The clothes passed into her body, her heart, and Wang Meng's arm around her waist, even in this dangerous time, it still gave her a feeling of distraction. Yu'er didn't know how long it had been. I have never felt the mood of a little girl like this before, but it just happened to rise in my heart at this time.

To be honest, Yu'er thinks it shouldn't be, but now, she feels so at ease, and this kind of peace of mind, even when Wang Meng put her on his bed, Yu'er was still a little bit reluctant, but when she thought that this was Wang Meng He was the one who was here just now, and now she was lying here, and when she could even feel the residual warmth, Yu'er's entire face turned red. In the darkness, there was no one except her. I know, and no one saw it.

But then, things were different. Just when Yu'er's heart was rippling, the attack also launched at this time.

Where Yu'er lived before, there was a window at the back. If the enemy wanted to attack from there, it would become a face-to-face attack. Although Wang Meng felt that he had no problem dealing with these three people, but now the most important thing is The purpose was not to meet the enemy, but to keep Yu'er safe, so he took Yu'er to his room, and behind his room was the opposite house. The gap, it is almost impossible to attack from there.

At the beginning, no one took a fancy to this house, but Wang Meng took a fancy to it, obviously because of his sense of being a warrior.

And the people outside obviously also saw Wang Meng moving Yu'er to the next room. They originally planned to attack back and forth, one from the front door and the other from the window. The purpose was to kill Yu'er, even if they were injured. No hesitation, but they didn't expect Wang Meng to do this, so the only option left for them is to attack from the front together. After all, they also know that Wang Meng's martial arts are amazing. If they go one by one, they will just die. , Only by going together can it be possible to complete the task.

And Wang Meng was not in a hurry when he was in the room. At this time, he was not in a hurry to attack at all. After all, he is mainly defending now, so he just waited calmly and waited. The opponent takes the initiative to attack.

Of course, Wang Meng was able to hold his breath, not only because he possessed a high level of martial arts and didn't pay attention to the opponent at all. In other words, Wang Meng had never thought of this before. , he will treat it with caution.

And being able to be so calm is really because he has seen too many situations like this, and even more dangerous situations than this can be found everywhere, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

However, Wang Meng's calmness may be taken for granted in his own eyes, but for Yu'er, it is not normal. Although Yu'er is much better with Wang Meng's comfort at this time, it is not the same. She was not afraid at all, and it was not that she was not worried, but when she saw Wang Meng's calm appearance, she no longer worried about everything, and this feeling also deepened some of the feelings in Yu'er's heart. idea,

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