Speaking of which, Zhang Fan really had a lot of different feelings this time. Speaking of which, when he came to Sichuan again this time, compared to the last time, he didn't even have half a year's time. It makes people feel that there is almost no change. Of course, for Zhang Fan, he is not in the mood to appreciate the scenery and humanities at all. After all, there are things in his heart that have not been completed, how can Zhang Fan relax.

Therefore, after Zhang Fan came, he didn't stop at any irrelevant places, and went directly to the place of the Five Poison Sect.

Because this time, Zhang Fan is also asking for leave from the court, and it is not because of an errand that he needs to go out, so this time, Zhang Fan came to Sichuan to try his best to hide from the eyes of those who are interested, but this is nothing to Zhang Fan. Yes, the most important thing is that at least the places he will pass by along the way do not know of his arrival, which saves a lot of trouble and allows him to arrive in Sichuan earlier.

Although he had something to do in his heart, but when he came back here this time, even if he had something on his mind, Zhang Fan had to sigh in his heart, but there was too little time left for him to sigh.

When Zhang Fan first arrived in Sichuan, people from Jinyiwei immediately came to meet him. Zhang Fan didn’t stay in any place before, but the Jinyiwei in various places also attached great importance to this. Even if Zhang Fan didn’t explain why he came here in detail, But it also explained that this time I came to come and go to the Five Poison Sect. This is the main point, and the others stand aside. Therefore, those people have already passed on the news.

Now, Zhang Fan has just arrived in Sichuan, and since they already knew the purpose of Zhang Fan's visit this time, the people here are also well prepared. When they entered Sichuan, they had already sent people to inform the Five Poison Sect about the matter, and now they are waiting for Zhang Fan to pass by.

Looking at the Five Poison Sect, Fang Zhenqian was really a little irritable during this time. He clearly planned something. Even if he understands that the possibility of this plan is not great, Fang Zhenqian thinks it can last for a period of time. Of course, for Fang Zhenqian, the longer it can last, the better. In the end Zhang Fan found out, but as long as Fang Yueling can give birth to this child, everything will be fine.

Therefore, when Fang Zhenqian heard the news of Yu'er's disappearance and figured out that it was a good thing his precious daughter did, Fang Zhenqian was really angry, but facing his daughter, Fang Zhenqian couldn't do anything, No matter how angry he was, it was impossible for him to lose his temper with his precious daughter.

However, Fang Zhenqian will never just give up on this matter. After all, this is the wish he wants to achieve the most. Even now, the hope of success is very small, but he still has to try.

Although after he found out that Yu'er had left, and he sent people to chase after him, after waiting for a while, he also received the news, that is to say, Fang Zhenqian already knew that Yu'er had rushed to the capital and met Zhang Fan. This means that Zhang Fan already knew about this matter, but Fang Zhenqian felt that Zhang Fan might not react so early.

But I didn't expect that the order he gave before had a counterproductive effect. Before that, he asked people to hunt down Yu'er, and his tone was very tough, which made the people below feel that something big must have happened, so they responded with They didn't dare to be sloppy at all, and therefore, after seeing that Yu'er had entered the capital, those people also knew that Yu'er had entered the Jinyiwei. Although they knew that there must be something strange in this, but even so, they will After the news was passed to Sichuan, they did not wait for a reply, and still decided to carry out the order Fang Zhenqian had given before. They must kill Yu'er without dying. Therefore, this is why the attack happened that night.

After this incident, they were also shocked by Wang Meng's force, so they also paused for a while, and then received a message from Fang Zhenqian, asking them to stop, but the news from Fang Zhenqian came It was too late, they had already tried, although without success.

And after that, Fang Zhenqian also knew about what they did again, and after knowing it, Fang Zhenqian knew that something was wrong.

If things are still the same as before, even if there was a matter of chasing and killing Yu'er before, and even killed three Jinyiwei people, how could Fang Zhenqian, who had already calculated this matter, not know Well, when things got to that point, everything was still under control, and if something like this happened, Zhang Fan would not preemptively strike.

And after the news of that attack was known by Fang Zhenqian, he knew that the big thing was not good. If the thing just stopped at the previous situation, then it's okay to say, but because of the current incident, everything is not going well. It's the same, Fang Zhenqian may not have a deep understanding of Zhang Fan, but he does know what he should know. Therefore, he understands that after this incident, Zhang Fan will definitely not be as he expected before. The kind of silence, on the contrary, will react immediately.

It has to be said that what Fang Zhenqian expected was not wrong at all. Just after he received the news of another attack by his subordinates, not long after he received a letter from Zhang Fan, saying that he would come to Sichuan to meet him in person.

At this moment, Fang Zhenqian knew that his own idea was about to come to nothing. The idea that he could delay it for a while has completely disappeared. The reason may be blamed on those who do it without authorization. If you think about it, it's just to shirk responsibility. If you really want to find the reason, it should be on Fang Zhenqian's own head. After all, this was when he gave the order, and he didn't explain clearly. What should happen if Yu'er enters Jinyiwei? This is what allowed the people below to faithfully carry out the order and continue to act, which brought about this ending. In the final analysis, it was all Fang Zhenqian's fault.

However, there is no point in pursuing these things now. After all, it is something that has already happened. There is no way to turn the situation around by killing those people. After all, Zhang Fan has already arrived.

This time Fang Zhenqian can be described as typical, one wrong step, one wrong step, the original plan was not very good, and now he has made such a big mistake, the possibility of success is really slim.

But even at this point, Fang Zhenqian didn't think about giving up on this matter, he still thought that this matter was not completely impossible.

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. Regarding this matter, Fang Zhenqian is naturally very upset, but for Fang Yueling, she also heard that Zhang Fan already knew the news and that he was coming here. Therefore, Fang Yueling is naturally very happy. Although she doesn't know what Zhang Fan will do, but for her now, as long as Zhang Fan comes, this matter will definitely be resolved. This is what she firmly believes, and now , Zhang Fan and everyone have already arrived here, and for Fang Yueling, it is now to solve this matter.

I personally have personal troubles, but for Zhang Fan, the journey from the capital to here is not short, and taking advantage of this time, Zhang Fan has also figured out how to talk to Fang Zhenqian about this matter, but in fact Even so, Zhang Fan is not too sure, but this matter is what he has to do, no matter whether he is sure or not, he must solve it. Therefore, even if Zhang Fan finds it difficult He can do it, but he will never shrink back, he must do it well.

After half a year, Zhang Fan returned to Sichuan again. After half a year, Zhang Fan came to the Five Poison Sect again. Although the things he saw didn’t change much, Zhang Fan’s purpose for coming this time was different. Last time, Zhang Fan came here out of curiosity, but this time Zhang Fan came here with troubles, although no matter what kind of trouble it is, it is obvious that this time is more troublesome than the last time.

Zhang Fan came here, as the commander of Jinyiwei who formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect to the end, Fang Zhenqian naturally would not neglect, even if both parties only care about what is going on now, but for them, these things cannot be done like this It was said in public, therefore, after the two met, they were polite, and they would talk about things inside, but when they were outside, they couldn't have a conflict in front of so many people.

Of course, the people of the Five Poisons Sect are not fools. Zhang Fan, as an official of the imperial court, has such great power, but he came here again in such a short period of time. It is obvious that something important has happened. , but although they understand, they don't want to ask. They understand that this kind of thing is not something they can interfere with. People like them just need to listen to the arrangements above. If you go deep, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Fang Zhenqian invited Zhang Fan to go inside. Naturally, it was time to talk about things, and at this time, the two of them were actually equally nervous. Zhang Fan found it troublesome, and Fang Zhenqian also I also find it troublesome, and the way the two of them want to solve this matter is to make the other party unwilling, and they are extremely unwilling. Maybe neither of them wants to do this, but this is the only way to do it when things come to an end The point, in short, is to no one's advantage.

Faced with this, both Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian felt that it would be difficult to accomplish something while they were fully prepared. With this contradiction, the two went into the room and sat down.

And Fang Yueling, who heard that Zhang Fan had arrived, had been waiting here early.

The two who haven't seen each other for more than two months, meeting again, this feeling is naturally different, but now, there are more important things than the two of them, and they must be completed first.

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