The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1806 A Little Misunderstanding

Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling haven't seen each other for such a long time, so this time they meet again, it feels completely different, although it can't be said that it has been a long time since they haven't seen each other However, the emotion between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling cannot be avoided by the two of them. Therefore, when the two meet again today, there is really an indescribable feeling.

Moreover, now Zhang Fan can clearly see that Fang Yueling is pregnant. Although it is not too obvious, it can be seen that her belly has become bigger. Although it didn't take long, even after the two met, they could not even talk. He didn't say it, but Zhang Fan always felt that when he saw Fang Yueling again, he found some changes. Fang Yueling's whole person and temperament were completely different.

Although things like temperament are completely different from person to person, and it may even be because the two haven't seen each other for a long time, which caused Zhang Fan to have an illusion, but Zhang Fan firmly believes in this.

In comparison, Fang Yueling wanted to see Zhang Fan even more. For such a long time, Fang Yueling had been here, and even she was ordered to ground her feet by her father, which did not mean to restrict her. The activities are just to prevent her from seeing outsiders. In this way, it is conceivable how boring Fang Yueling's life has been during this period of time. What's more, now that she is with Zhang Fan, many things in her heart have already changed, and now, not only has someone come, but also Zhang Fan, whom she most hopes to see, how can this be possible? Doesn't make her happy.

Similarly, Zhang Fan was very happy to see Fang Yueling again. In fact, Zhang Fan at this time felt the same as Fang Yueling's psychological feelings, but compared to Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan at this time had to He became more rational, and he understood that now is not the time to be so slack. After all, things have not been done yet. No matter what, everything has to wait until things are done. Now it is more important to get down to business first.

Zhang Fan also forcibly suppressed the longing in his heart, and Fang Yueling nodded. Although he didn't say anything, Zhang Fan's eyes clearly meant to let her be patient and patient, and he knew Zhang Fan well. Fang Yueling also understood right away, and forcibly suppressed the longing in her heart, so she stopped for now.

"Old Master Fang," Zhang Fan looked at Fang Zhenqian, and said, "I have something to tell you this time, you see, I have come all the way here just for this matter. Although it's settled, I can't stay away from the court all the time, why don't we delay and get the business done quickly, how about it?"

"That's true," Fang Zhenqian was naturally extremely calm when facing Zhang Fan. Even though he knew in his heart that the current situation was extremely unfavorable to him, he could clearly understand that, at least The most important thing is that when facing Zhang Fan, he must remain calm. After all, he does not have the upper hand. If he panics, then there is really no hope. , and it’s not that I came to chat with the old man, since that’s the case, it’s much easier to say a lot, I’ve prepared the room, come on,” Fang Zhenqian turned and left.

And Zhang Fan also signaled to the people around him, including Fang Yueling, and then followed. Wang Meng and Liang Chao were naturally worried. After all, Zhang Fan was only allowed to be with Fang Zhengan, and there was no one else. If it was said that Fang Zhenqian was planning to do something, Zhang Fan would have no power to fight back, and Fang Yueling was also worried, but Fang Yueling understood that her father would not make things difficult for Zhang Fan, after all, there was something in it. Fang Zhenqian would not be allowed to do that kind of thing because of many entanglements, but even so, Fang Yueling was still a little worried. What she was worried about was whether this matter would go smoothly.

Followed Fang Zhenqian to an empty room next to it. The layout here is elegant, and the tea has already been prepared. Obviously, Fang Zhenqian and Zhang Fan wanted to go together, and they wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible. , don't waste time, of course, the difference between the two is that they both hold opposing opinions on this matter.

After Zhang Fan sat down, he didn't care what Fang Zhenqian would do. He took a sip of the tea in front of him. Now Zhang Fan really didn't worry about what Fang Zhenqian would do to him. As I said before, the front face is too big, and it's not just about the unborn child in Fang Yueling's womb. Therefore, Zhang Fan is self-restraining and is not afraid that Fang Zhenqian will harm him.

The whole matter, for Fang Zhenqian, at this point, it is very difficult for his plan to succeed. Although it is not impossible, it is really difficult to succeed.

But for Zhang Fan, this matter is also not easy. It does not mean that it is difficult for Fang Zhenqian to do things now, so it is easy for him to do it. , but even for him, it is still not an easy thing to accomplish.

"Why?" Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't intend to speak first, Fang Zhenqian honestly and unceremoniously started, "Master Zhang has come to this old man so far away, isn't it just to ask for a cup of tea?"

"The tea here is really unnecessary. Such a special taste is probably hard to find, but it is just like what Fang Lao said just now. It is really not worth traveling thousands of miles. I’m here just to drink tea,” Zhang Fan said, “As for why I came this time, the old leader Fang must have already had an account in his mind, didn’t he?”

"Okay, now that you've made it clear, then we don't have to be suspicious of each other," Fang Zhenqian said, "I will keep the child in Ling'er's womb after it is born." directly stated his purpose.

"It turns out that the old leader Fang planned it that way." Faced with Fang Zhenqian's words, Zhang Fan did not frown. After all, this is what he had already thought of. "Then I have something to say to the old leader Fang, There's no way this is possible."

"You," Fang Zhenqian prepared some preparations, but Zhang Fan was so categorically rejected, he was also unhappy, "I am Ling'er's father, and I should be the one to decide this matter."

"Then I am the father of the child in Ling'er's womb, and my child should be decided by me as the father." Zhang Fanke really refused to let Fang Zhenqian have a chance at all.

The two of them had just started talking, and suddenly the smell of gunpowder became so intense. It seemed that this matter was really difficult to handle.

However, the two of them were in such a stalemate, but they also knew in their hearts that if this stalemate continued, not only would there be no way to solve this matter, but it would make it even more rigid.

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan spoke first: "Speaking of which, I don't understand why you have to keep the child,"

"I want this kid to learn from me, I want to pass on all my martial arts to this kid, and I want this kid to sit on the position of leader in the future," Fang Zhenqian said clearly when facing Zhang Fan's question. Said his purpose, there is nothing to hide, he let Fang Yueling follow Zhang Fan, it was for the Five Poisons Sect, but now, what he did is still for the Five Poisons Sect, for Fang Zhenqian It is said that this is an extremely aboveboard reason, and there is no need to hide anything at all.

"Then you are really so cruel, let Ling'er be separated from her child,"

"Who said that?" Fang Zhenqian scoffed at Zhang Fan's words, "I just want to keep the child to raise and teach skills, but I didn't say that I wanted to drive Linger out. This is still her home, and her child is here. , she can come back to see it whenever she wants, so there is no talk of separation, "

Fang Zhenqian's words suddenly made Zhang Fan understand one thing. Perhaps Fang Zhenqian did go too far in the whole thing at the beginning, not only with unrealistic ideas, but even for the sake of this matter. Things that dare to kill people can be done, but Fang Zhenqian's request is not so excessive. It is just because of the problem of the method that Zhang Fan finds it really unacceptable, so he has such a feeling that Fang Zhenqian now As soon as he said these words, Zhang Fan realized that what he had thought before was a bit extreme, and the matter was not as serious as he imagined.

Of course, even though he discovered this problem, Zhang Fan still couldn't accept it. Perhaps in the future, Fang Yueling would be able to run on both sides. Whether it was Zhang Fan or her child, it would take at most a month of effort on the road. We can meet each other, but Zhang Fan can't, Zhang Fan doesn't have so much time to run back and forth between the two places.

Therefore, even if he understands that Fang Zhenqian's thoughts are not too extreme, he still can't accept it. His own flesh and blood, but he can't meet him, I'm afraid he will wait until the child grows up. When he grows up, he has only heard of him, but he has never seen him at all, and he will never know him as a father. Naturally, Zhang Fan will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Why, could it be that you had some misunderstanding before?" Fang Zhenqian could more or less guess something when he saw Zhang Fan's expression, and he continued, "Now that you understand, maybe you understand what the old man means?"

"I understand clearly, but I still can't agree," Zhang Fan said.

"You..." Fang Zhenqian didn't expect Zhang Fan to be so resolute, and he was also a little annoyed. He put his hand on the case next to him and said, "This old man has made up his mind. If you really disagree, Then grab it yourself."

He understood that what Fang Zhenqian said was angry, but Zhang Fan didn't care, instead he showed a smile on his face and said, "Don't be angry, Old Master Fang. I really can't agree to this matter. After all, let me and I My own flesh and blood have never met each other, and if I want to change it to someone else, I will not agree,"

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