Zhu Xizhong's death.It is indeed a major event in the court today.Although it is true that Zhu Xizhong did not do any earth-shattering events in the court during his lifetime.But his loyalty is indeed beyond words.Moreover, Zhu Xizhong has experienced three dynasties.No matter how the government changes.Zhu Xizhong was also unaffected.After all, Zhu Xizhong does not have a wide network of contacts in the court.Nor was it because of his family background.So no one dared to touch him.It's because he wasn't involved in those things at all.he did.Just what the emperor needs him to do.As for other things.He really didn't ask any questions.

such a person.Now it is gone.This is naturally a big event in the court.think about it.Regardless of Jiajing.Long Qing.It is still Zhu Yijun who has not been on the throne for a long time now.For Zhu Xizhong.It is the same trust.To be honest, for people like Zhu Xizhong.Life can be like this.It's really not easy.

One month after Zhu Xizhong's death.Posthumously named him King Dingxiang.

But no matter how big Zhu Xizhong's matter is.He is also just a person.Even the emperor.indeed.The emperor died.That is of course the biggest thing.But after the emperor died.The country has to keep going.And the new emperor came to power.It is also inevitable.

Although Zhu Xizhong is gone now.But it can't affect the government because of him.

Logically speaking.Zhu Xizhong's death.It won't have much impact.At most, it is just a memory of such a loyal and loyal minister.But Zhu Xizhong's death.But it made some people do something with it.

Speaking of some people.It is actually very simple.It was Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng is now.Actually something special.People talk about bribery.But although Zhang Juzheng also participated in it.But it is different.

Bribery.people below.After getting money, bribe the people above.And after the people above took bribes.Then bribe the people above.In this way, this kind of unhealthy tendencies in the official career has been formed.That's why.Throughout the dynasties, emperors have severely punished corruption.Even to the time of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.This has reached a peak.And the punishment is severe.It is the most in history.But even so.This kind of thing is still repeated.In fact, it is completely impossible.

But this also has to have a source.Impossible to appear out of thin air.Want to bribe.That has to be rich.As for how you got the money.It came by force.Or say your family is rich.None of this is a problem.

But Zhang Juzheng is completely different in this aspect.Zhang Juzheng had indeed done such a thing.But there are not many objects.When he first entered the official career.He got Xu Jie's favor.Therefore, he survived several political struggles between the DPRK and China.And wait until Zhang Juzheng came to power.He didn't need to spend so much trouble.However, there are still some places that need to be sorted out.Take Feng Bao for example.

so.Between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.There are really many things that are not clear.On the other hand, Zhang Fan knew a little better.He knew that Zhang Juzheng had given Feng Bao many things.but.Zhang Juzheng himself did not collect money from the court.Maybe his family has a few acres of land.But he has never received any property from others.

And the things he gave Feng Bao.Some are indeed very valuable.For example, those few guqin.Really priceless.But there are things.But it's not worth much.Just do what you like.It's just something Feng Bao likes.Of course.For Feng Bao.He is not short of money either.In his position.It is impossible to lack money without anything.

So here comes a question.If we talk about the future.Zhang Juzheng lost power in the court.Someone wants to check him.If so.It was not found that Zhang Juzheng accepted bribes.But at the same time, Zhang Juzheng was not found to have bribed.Why.Those things he gave Feng Bao.It's not like those famous paintings and famous posts.Or real gold and silver property.On the contrary, they are all elegant things.And this kind of stuff.It is also difficult to confirm its value.You say it is worth money.But in the eyes of some people.These things are worthless.But if you say it is worthless.But some people regard it as more important than their own lives.It's really weird.

certainly.Let's talk about this now.It's not that what happened to Zhang Juzheng.

only.Zhang Juzheng took advantage of Zhu Xizhong's death.And the DPRK and China are also trying their best to publicize their loyalty.Zhang Juzheng also started a new round of actions.

The previous "Testing Law".Now it has been successfully implemented in the court.And the effect is also very obvious.certainly.The most important thing about this "Testing Law" is not to prevent officials from corruption.It is about enabling officials to do what they are supposed to do.certainly.This also includes whether the inspectors are diligent.Whether there is any effect of undue behavior.Just this aspect. "Testing Law" is not very important.After all, the two sides are not in conflict.After taking care of one side.It doesn't take much effort on the other side.

but.You must know that the "Testing Law" has been promulgated for a long time.And the object of action is the very smart ministers in the court. "Taochengfa" is just Zhang Juzheng alone.certainly.Also with the help of other people's strength.But at best.This is what these few people think.And those people in the court.But it is an extremely large number.

Nothing is perfect in the world.For these people.Perhaps they really couldn't find any flaws in the "Testing Method" at the beginning.In addition, Zhang Juzheng found someone to act in a few plays.It really frightened those people.In this way.For a while, everyone was indeed in danger.No one dares to do that kind of excessive thing anymore.

But over time.People's minds will be revived again.After all, I am used to the extreme luxury of the past.A day when nothing is missing.But now it is to save money.Although the salary of the court has risen.But for them.It is still not enough.Even they have to work diligently every day.This leaves less free time.But it is also because there is not much free time.On the contrary, they want to pursue that extremely enjoyable life even more.And want to enjoy that life.Silver is naturally indispensable.

all in all.In a word.Those in the court.Still can't live this poor life.Still have to find ways to make money.

Although the "Testing Method" stood in front of them.But there are many of them.Plus there are a lot of smart minds.therefore.They are also very convenient to think of.

In short.In the end, these people still thought of a flaw.certainly.Zhang Juzheng also knew about it.Although these people thought about it.It is also very secretive.But this kind of thing can't be hidden at all.What's more important is that although this kind of thing can't be brought out in the open.But the speed of its spread.That's nothing to say.very fast.

so.Although very undesirable.But in the end Zhang Juzheng knew about it.It's just that Zhang Juzheng didn't feel any frustration because of this incident.This situation is also what he has already thought of.Although he also pursues perfection.But at the same time, he also realized it very clearly.Nothing in this world is perfect.This "Testing Method" was made even after he spent a lot of effort.And he is very confident.But he figured it out from the beginning.There must be some flaws in this.Even if he couldn't think of it.Others will too.And now.This kind of thing still happened.

Face it.Zhang Juzheng didn't think there was anything wrong at all.only.It cannot be said that such a thing was known to happen.Then forget it.Not prepared before.I didn't do it because I didn't know what would happen.And now.Since it has happened.And how the hell do they do it.Zhang Juzheng also knew about it.so.The evidence is now that this is the time to start thinking about how to solve this matter.

Zhang Juzheng thought about it for a long time.And the method has already been thought of by him.But there's been a lot going on in that time.Zhang Juzheng also didn't want to do it at that time.

After that, things are over.But Zhang Juzheng was also busy with the new law.Forgot about it for a while.

But this time.Zhu Xizhong's death.It reminded Zhang Juzheng of this incident.And Zhang Juzheng, who was active in his mind, immediately thought of it.Zhu Xizhong's death.for him.Also a good thing.After all, Zhu Xizhong's loyalty.That is of course nothing to say.so.Zhang Juzheng was thinking of taking advantage of Zhu Xizhong's reputation.to do this.

even though.Zhang Juzheng's motives are good.But Zhang Juzheng always had some other ideas in his heart.certainly.If it is done by taking advantage of Zhu Xizhong's death.for this.Zhang Juzheng didn't feel embarrassed at all.In his opinion.Zhu Xizhong was loyal to the imperial court all his life.If he uses Zhu Xizhong to do this kind of thing.Thinking about it, Zhu Xizhong is considered to be known under the spring.I will not object to it either.After all, it doesn't matter what Zhang Juzheng's original intention was.But as long as Zhang Juzheng did this, the result would be good.It is beneficial to the court.Then he will have a clear conscience.

And Zhang Juzheng is going to do it now.There is also a reason.

his new law.Promulgation is imminent.Although it was said that it was helped by Zhang Fan before.Zhang Juzheng also made trouble for many people.Let those people not dare to come out and object at that time.And as long as no one is leading the way.The people below don't care about coming out to make trouble.

but.This is just an estimate.What will happen then.No one knows this.therefore.Zhang Juzheng took advantage of this matter.It is also to hit those people.This time it hurt them.After that, they didn't dare to stand up.

but.in other words.Zhang Juzheng did this.In fact it means.Now the new law is really about to be promulgated.It won't be long.even.Although Zhang Fan didn't hear Zhang Juzheng say it.But Zhang Fan already felt it.Zhang Juzheng is concerned about this matter.There is already a specific time.This is what made Zhang Fan.Also paid attention to this.

It seems.Just now, the court has not been calm for a long time.It's going to mess up again.

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