Recently, people in the court once again set their sights on Zhang Juzheng.

It hasn't been too long since Zhang Juzheng threatened them with the embarrassing things about those high-ranking officials in the court, and even though Zhang Juzheng personally came to the door and asked their respective people to tell them about it, it still caused ups and downs However, everyone in the court was worried about whether something was about to happen, but in the end, things gradually stabilized, and nothing major happened as some people thought.

But even so, Zhang Juzheng's actions made many people in the court a little scared. It's not that they committed any crimes. After all, these people may have thought that what they did was perfect at the time, and there would be no one at all. found, but in fact, they have more or less prepared the results after being found out.

However, for these people, if they were really discovered, then they would not feel that there is anything to be afraid of. Fangzheng is like this, so it's no big deal. .

What these people are most afraid of is not being found out, but that this matter is known by someone, and that person will use this matter to threaten them. This feeling, in fact, everyone knows, this feeling It is very uncomfortable. Therefore, Zhang Juzheng's doing this can be said to be a direct attack on the weakness of these people. If he does too much, it is not good, but those people will not be afraid. It will make them feel scared, after all, they feel that there is still hope, so this is what will scare them.

What people fear most is not despair, because despair means that there is no hope, and since there is no hope, there is no need for people to do anything for this matter.

What people are most afraid of is that they have already reached the edge of a very dangerous cliff, but in fact, they still have a way out. This kind of behavior is like walking a tightrope, which is very dangerous, but at the same time there is hope, and at this time Only people who have a strong personality will become constrained and cautious, and dare not go too far in anything. This is the expression of fear, and this expression of fear is exactly what Zhang Juzheng wants.

In addition, Zhang Juzheng is doing this thing now, not only because he has such a legitimate reason to do it, but the most important thing is because of Zhu Xizhong's death now, and Zhang Juzheng also happened to do it after Zhu Xizhong's death This matter, so, even for those people, what Zhang Juzheng did really made them hate it very much, but they had no way to refute it at all. Firstly, the reason was legitimate, and secondly, Taking advantage of Zhu Xizhong's name, in short, Zhang Juzheng did this matter very thoroughly.

Moreover, Zhang Juzheng's thoroughness this time is not only that, but more importantly, what Zhang Juzheng did this time is no longer just as before, it is aimed at a few specific people in the court, but a large number of people. , It can be said that he did this to everyone. Therefore, what Zhang Juzheng did this time caused the situation to become more panicky for those in the court.

What's more, Zhang Juzheng's action this time is not too long from the last time he did this kind of thing. Therefore, just when everyone feels that even if Zhang Juzheng wants to do it, he has to wait a little longer. For a period of time, it was unexpected that Zhang Juzheng's action this time would come so quickly. Therefore, almost all the people had no preparations for it. This kind of sudden attack made these people It simply lost its size.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of complaints in the court nowadays. Naturally, they dare not say anything in front of Zhang Juzheng, but they will gather together and tell each other their difficulties. , of course he knew it, but Zhang Juzheng had already expected this, so he didn't care about these words at all.

The focus of everyone's discussion is why Zhang Juzheng came so quickly this time. Although Zhu Xizhong's death is indeed an opportunity, it is indeed unnecessary to use it now. Even in the future, Zhang Juzheng wants to do so. If you do it, and use Zhu Xizhong's name, there is no problem at all.

However, Zhang Juzheng didn't delay at all. He did such a thing at this moment. It gave people the feeling that he was insane. For a while, people couldn't understand why Zhang Juzheng seemed to have gone crazy. Generally speaking, people who do this, of course, people who say such things, naturally have problems. They must have done something they shouldn't do, but it's true, Zhang Juzheng does seem to be doing too much. It went too far.

However, after the initial confusion passed, these people also wanted to understand why Zhang Juzheng wanted to do this. In fact, this is a very simple truth, that is, no matter what Zhang Juzheng wants to do, he is already on the verge of started.

If Zhang Juzheng doesn't intend to do anything right away, there is absolutely no need for him to do these things now. This will only arouse the hatred of those people in the DPRK towards him. There was no one in the court who could threaten him, but Zhang Juzheng was not so arrogant that he didn't care about anything, so he would do this must be because what he was going to do was about to start.

After thinking about this point, those people in the DPRK will also understand, and understand the reason why Zhang Juzheng did this, but knowing it does not mean that they can feel relieved about Zhang Juzheng doing this, Zhang Juzheng What they did was really unacceptable to them. After all, this time he did such a trick, so many people in the court were unlucky.

Of course, because of the problems with the "Testing Law", even if many people have problems with the things that have been found out now, it is also because the "Testing Law" is being implemented, so the problems that are found out are not serious. Not much, therefore, even if someone is unlucky, no one will be unlucky because of this, and absolutely no one will lose his face or even lose his head because of this incident, but the more so, this kind of punishment will still Make these people very uncomfortable.

When some people get together to talk, they always say that Zhang Juzheng is really superfluous. After all, he has done so much before and threatened so many people. When the time comes, no matter what Zhang Juzheng wants to do. How many people will object to something, but as long as those big shots don't stand up to oppose it, these small fish and shrimps will not dare to stand up.

It's just that they are now an afterthought. Now that something happened, they are just complaining here, but if Zhang Juzheng really didn't do this, I'm afraid when the time comes, I don't know if they will do anything different from what they are doing now. Say something different.

Obviously, Zhang Juzheng had expected this a long time ago, that's why he would do this. I have to say that Zhang Juzheng's doing so was really not wrong at all, although it is said that there are complaints from the court and people everywhere. It's the voice of opposition, but for Zhang Juzheng, he doesn't care about this situation, and it's no big deal if it happens a few times, anyway, he will grasp the degree of it, but it's too much.

And the most important thing is that Zhang Juzheng is very clear about what he is going to do, he knows that this matter will definitely cause a huge shock, and I am afraid that more than [-]% of the people in the court will oppose this matter , That's why he did this. It can be said that Zhang Juzheng really paid enough money to implement his new law smoothly this time, and did everything he could do. Zhang Juzheng's determination to make this happen, This is evident.

As for what Zhang Juzheng did, Zhang Fan was very clear from the beginning to the end, but honestly asking Zhang Fan to evaluate Zhang Juzheng's actions was indeed a bit too much. He didn't say anything about what he did, not because of any reason, but because Zhang Fan felt that there was no need to say anything.

Although Zhang Juzheng had indeed gone too far, Zhang Juzheng acted in a measured manner during this overshoot, and did not panic because of this, and thus did any radical things. It can be said that Zhang Juzheng was very confident.

Moreover, when Zhang Fan looked at this matter, he also felt that it was somewhat necessary for Zhang Juzheng to do this. As far as Zhang Fan is concerned, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with thinking this way. After all, the problems Zhang Juzheng is facing are things that are difficult for people to deal with, and he will use this method, but there will be no problem. Strange.

And it is precisely because of this that Zhang Fan's evaluation of this matter is still the same. Even if it is a contradiction, the contradiction is also reasonable, and it will not make people feel that there is anything wrong. , all of this is caused by the current incident, or simply said that there is no way to do it, and in the face of this kind of no way, people can only think of ways to deal with it, but there is no way Really do something.

However, speaking of it, Zhang Fan thinks this way. Sometimes, sometimes he feels that he is just talking sarcastic. After all, Zhang Juzheng will not trouble him with what is happening now, but he is complaining about himself here. , it really makes people feel that it is too leisurely, but in fact, for Zhang Fan, this is the case.

In such a situation, it is time for this matter to start. Zhang Juzheng has been preparing for this matter for a long, long time. No one knows whether it will go smoothly, but At least from the present point of view, there should be no problem in wanting to succeed, and the next step depends on how he does it.

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