The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1816 Unable to Escape

The weather is also getting hotter and hotter. When it just entered June, it was completely scorching hot. Not to mention July and August, it is really nothing to say, almost every day is scorching sun Even if it is an occasional cloudy day, the air is extremely hot, but the sticky air will make people feel more uncomfortable. It would be nice if it rains, but the summer rain will not last long, and the steaming heat , but it is even hotter.

Such a hot weather, but this day has to go on, people who should go to work have to go on to work, people who have to go to the imperial court or the government office have to go on, but this is a bit different, for those The rich family, or the official family, of course, let alone the palace. Although this era is very backward, there is no way to cool it in summer, but the ancients also came up with many ways for this, for example, in the cellar. Preserving ice cubes, but the price of this method is too high, so only the rich and high-ranking people can enjoy it. For ordinary people, this is absolutely impossible. They can only suffer like this, but there is no way to do it. After all, the difference in social class is doomed to have this kind of inequality.

Even those high-ranking officials want to help, but this is obviously unrealistic, and money can't buy coolness, so many people don't think about these things at all, and enjoy them with peace of mind, otherwise, they still have to worry about it , how troublesome it is.

In short, although there is no way to really be like later generations, with air-conditioning and the like, but in this era, even on weekdays, you have to endure the scorching heat, but if you have money, it is indeed easier to live, and For Zhang Fan, although he came from a later age, it is indeed difficult to endure the days without air conditioning, but perhaps it is also because this body grew up in this era, and he is somewhat used to this situation. In short, Zhang Fan can still bear it. Even though this summer is the hottest summer he has encountered in his two lifetimes combined, he can still get by.

At the very least, the place where his home is located is not bad, and the design of the house is also very good, staying at home in summer will not be too stuffy, and there are also ice cubes in the house, and it is true to drink some iced drinks occasionally. It won't be too difficult.

Of course, everyone in the family is actually like this. Even now, Fang Yueling and Wei Yaoyao are both pregnant, but after all, the two of them haven't been pregnant for too long, although it seems obvious now, But it's not too troublesome, but the other one, Zhaoxue, is really troublesome.

Now, Zhaoxue has been pregnant for ** months, that is to say, Zhaoxue is about to give birth, so now Zhaoxue's pregnancy reaction is relatively strong, and pregnant women are really not easy, Especially in such hot weather, Zhaoxue really couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, the family members are aware of this situation, so everyone is taking care of it carefully, but the weather is too hot, and sometimes there are even signs of heatstroke, especially one day, it really scares the people in the family. With a jump, Zhaoxue almost fainted.

But Zhaoxue didn't dare to eat too much of those iced things. After all, it was so hot outside, and she suddenly ate something so cold. How good, so I don't dare to let her eat too much every day, just let her drink more water, but drinking too much water will cause trouble, but fortunately, pay attention to it at home, and it will be fine.

Zhang Fan, on the other hand, understands that Zhaoxue must be very uncomfortable now, so Zhang Fan is now by Zhaoxue's side whenever he is free. Maybe this can't help Zhaoxue relieve the heat, but at the very least, it will make Zhaoxue feel a lot more comfortable. This is the most important.

Regarding Zhang Fan's actions, the others didn't have any objections, not to mention Ru Xue and the others, even Wei Yaoyao and Fang Yueling who were pregnant now, would not think there was any problem, after all the situation was different.

It is true that Zhaoxue is in a much better mood because Zhang Fan is with her every day, and this good mood is also very important for physical adjustment. In short, just like this, Zhaoxue still feels very not bad.

But now, the affairs in the court, such a series of things that Zhang Juzheng made, really made the court very chaotic. Of course, this so-called chaos does not mean that, after all, Zhang Juzheng is doing this thing Naturally, he will not act unprepared and recklessly, so he will grasp the speed, so the current situation in the DPRK and China seems to be chaotic, but in fact, everything is according to the line prepared by Zhang Juzheng in walking.

For Zhang Fan, of course there is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Zhang Fan knew in his heart that although Zhang Juzheng did not advocate it too much, he would not have any objection. Zhang Fan is greatly involved in the matter, not only because of Zhang Juzheng, but also those who have trouble because of this, even those who did not have a good relationship with Zhang Fan in the past, were afraid of Zhang Fan, and even had trouble with Zhang Fan. There are people who have had festivals, and now they all come to the door, hoping to avoid their own troubles through Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan, on the other hand, acted as if he stayed out of the matter. He was naturally nice to the people who came to him, but in the end he would not make any promises and sent them back. Not only that, but Zhang Fan did not help Zhang Juzheng in this matter. Maybe Zhang Fan helped in the previous matter, or Zhang Juzheng could only do it with Zhang Fan's help. But for this matter now, Zhang Fan did not help at all. Zhang Juzheng was completely alone, from planning to implementation.

However, in this matter, Zhang Juzheng did not ask Zhang Fan to help at all, or to ask anyone to help. He understood that this kind of thing has too much human relationship. People, this is really difficult to do, but if it is only Zhang Juzheng himself, then it will be more convenient, at least those people will never come to him to intercede.

As for Zhang Fan, because he did not participate in this matter, he was able to separate himself from this matter. Even if those people found Zhang Fan and wanted him to intercede with Zhang Juzheng, But Zhang Fan can use the reason that he has nothing to do with this time to escape, and he will not be in trouble if he does so, because he really has nothing to do with him, so Zhang Fan will not give himself What a mess.

Therefore, although things in the court are very troublesome now, for Zhang Fan, he is very leisurely and there are no major events. Therefore, even in the court, various things happen every day, and the things that happen are still It's not small at all, but Zhang Fan is once again at leisure. Even if he went to court and heard these things, Zhang Fan would consider these things as anecdotes and would not seriously care about them. How should things be done? In this way, Zhang Fan's mood became more relaxed.

And because of this, Zhang Fan now has more time to go home. He doesn't need to see Zhang Juzheng every day to discuss the future with him. The most is to go to the palace and talk to Zhu Yijun. During the time, Zhang Fan also returned home to accompany Zhaoxue who was in labor, and this also made Zhaoxue feel at ease.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, Zhang Fan sometimes felt that what he, the commander of Jinyiwei, was doing was too leisurely, and it was a bit outrageous to be leisurely, but who said that the current situation is like this? No one said that Zhang Fan did not do well, so Zhang Fan please go down first. Anyway, there are a lot of things at home now, and Zhang Fan is also happy to be at leisure.

At the beginning of September, it was time for Zhaoxue to give birth to the child. Although it was not the first time for Zhang Fan to experience this kind of thing, and it was not even the last time for him, even if he had experienced it, even if It was the time when Zhang Fan felt that he should have gotten used to this kind of thing, but when it came to an end, Zhang Fan was still very nervous.

But obviously, Zhaoxue is in a good mood recently, and there is nothing wrong with her body, so this time she gave birth to the child very smoothly. Zhaoxue didn't suffer much, and the loud cry of the baby resounded through Zhang's courtyard.

It's a boy, and this is Zhang Fan's second son, and Zhang Fan is naturally very happy about this son. Zhang Fan named him Zhang Tingfang, which sounds like a popular child, but sometimes, This person's temperament is really the opposite of his name, but now, this is still a baby, so there is no need to worry about it too much.

Zhaoxue gave birth to the child, and this matter spread like wildfire. Many people knew about it. Therefore, many people came to congratulate her. Of course, Zhang Fan had already stated his position before, and he would not disturb the situation. It is related to the current affairs of the court, but even so, there are still many people who come, not only those people, but even Zhang Juzheng.

Obviously, both those people and Zhang Juzheng felt that Chaozhong was too tense now, and therefore, they also wanted to take this opportunity to relax, so the Zhang family became lively again.

However, this also made Zhang Fan feel even more dumbfounded. Obviously, Zhang Fan planned to stay out of the matter and not ask questions at all, but in the end, he still couldn't escape the fate of being involved in it, even if it didn't happen. Conflict, but his place has now become a buffer place.

Although Zhang Fan didn't object, and didn't help, but now, Zhang Fan felt that this matter should be over quickly, and it would be better for Zhang Juzheng to finish the matter earlier, otherwise, he would not be in less trouble.

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