The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1817 The so-called home

Having another child is naturally a very happy thing for Zhang Fan. After all, the most important thing for Zhang Fan is that he has no pressure in life, and his mother Zhao also likes it. In her opinion, it is the son and grandson of the family With a full house, the more children the better, of course, the same is true for Zhang Fan.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan didn't think too much about this in the past, even when he married Ru Xue. He naturally felt that having children is a very important part, not only to be able to continue his life. It is also a responsibility of oneself to the society to reproduce the offspring. Of course, this era does not have such a profound statement, but at least Zhang Fan thinks so.

However, after going through it a few times, Zhang Fan's thinking has changed. It's not that it didn't become a yes now, but that it has changed from not caring much to now caring about such a situation, saying In the end, it was because Zhang Fan also had such an idea in his bones. Although he never expressed it, the birth of his child made him understand it. Today, Zhang Fan also likes children very much. , I always tease a few little guys when I come back every day.

Perhaps, it was also because the affairs of the court were exhausting physically and mentally. After returning home, playing with the children also allowed Zhang Fan to completely put aside those matters, and being infected by this kind of innocence was even more so. It made him feel extremely relaxed, and this warm feeling couldn't be bought no matter what the price was, which also made Zhang Fan cherish it even more.

Now, the birth of Ting Fang made Zhang Fan feel this way even more. It was not about favoring one over the other, nor did it mean that Zhang Fan only had special feelings for this child, but because his birth not only represented There are more people supporting the Zhang family, and more importantly, there will be more people joining this big family in the future, and Zhang Fan is really very happy about this.

However, Zhang Fan never thought that if there are too many people, there will always be troubles in the future. Perhaps when he was a child, even if there were conflicts among so many children, it would not be a big deal. These adults feel upset, but it doesn't matter if they are children after all.

But when these children grow up, I am afraid that by then, the troubles will not be so easy to solve, especially in a situation like Zhang Fan's home. In the future, with so many people, there will be no troubles. Less.

When it comes to the children's future, although Zhang Fan doesn't want to intervene too much, at most he will lead the children a way. How they will go in the future depends on themselves, but this does not mean that Zhang Fan will not ask any questions in the future, and he will definitely help those who should help at that time. After all, this is his own child, so being a father naturally has nothing to say.

However, when the time comes, whether there will be any accidents, to be honest, it is really impossible to judge, especially when the boys grow up, it will be even more troublesome.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan only has two sons now, and the mothers of these two sons, Ruxue and Zhaoxue, are still sisters. The possibility of trouble in the future is very small, and the other children are all daughters. Not one, how should I put it, in the words of later generations, it is a "daughter control", Zhang Fan is not a daughter control, but for the future, when thinking of his lovely daughters who are going to marry into wives, Zhang Fan As a father, I really can't accept it, but the same, after all, it is more than ten or twenty years later, it is too early to think about it now, but Zhang Fan, who is a father, also I really care about it.

But at the same time, Zhang Fan also understood in his heart that there is no way to avoid this matter, and it is not like escaping into Buddhism. In the future, men will be married and women will be married. This is a very normal thing. If he does not even allow this , is obviously wrong, so under such contradictory psychology and circumstances, Zhang Fan can only choose his future son-in-law extremely carefully.

Although it is still the same sentence, it is a bit too much to start thinking about this matter from now on, but this is something that Zhang Fan, a father, cannot escape, and Zhang Fan also cares about it, so even if he knows There is nothing at all now, but he is still thinking wildly.

And he thought of everything in detail. He knows his identity, so there is no need to underestimate himself. That is to say, there are absolutely no people who will propose to his daughter because of Zhang Fan in the future. There are only a few of them. Therefore, Zhang Fan also warned himself that when the time comes, his vision must be brighter. Don't be intoxicated by those people. Unfortunately, this kind of thing should never happen.

Zhang Fan even made up his mind that when the time comes, he must ask Jin Yiwei to find out the people who ask for marriage, and even find out where the ancestral graves of his ancestors are buried. Otherwise, he has absolutely no way to feel at ease. .

Now Zhang Fan has fallen into a demon because of this incident, and he would often stay there in a daze, asking him what he was thinking, but in the end it was Zhaoxue's question, Zhang Fan answered, and Zhang Fan also told the truth, he got After knowing Zhang Fan's thoughts, Zhaoxue also told other people, and other people's thoughts naturally felt that Zhang Fan was making too much of a fuss. After all, thinking about these things now is not necessary at all, except to increase troubles Other than that, it's of no use at all.

On the contrary, Zhaoxue, who is a little out of line, thinks what Zhang Fan thinks is very reasonable. Now, Zhang Fan and Zhaoxue really see each other, and they are discussing these things when they have time. Zhang Fan is good, talking about how to choose But what Zhaoxue was thinking was quite different. She was thinking about how to treat those people if they dared to lie to her daughters.

Obviously, even if they were not her own daughters, Zhaoxue, as an aunt, cared about her daughters very much.

In short, these two people get together every day now, just thinking about these things, and other people have nothing to do about this kind of thinking about the two of them, except for helplessness, even Mrs. There was no way to persuade them, so in the end, I had to let them go, since it was still early anyway.

Zhang Fan is entertaining himself here, but the family members don't think much about it. On the contrary, they feel that Zhang Fan was too serious in the past, but since he had a child, Zhang Fan has become more and more naive. I really don't know whether it should be said that he has matured or is becoming more and more childlike.

But the more this is the case, the difference between Zhang Fan and Zhang Fan is getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Fan outside is really a different look. If you are familiar with it easily, even if there is something that is not in place, it is because of age and lack of experience, but Zhang Fan will never do anything wrong, and he will act more sophisticatedly, which really makes those who are familiar with him People are impressed.

As for the way at home, Zhang Fan is also changing. From the beginning, he would never bring business affairs home to worry about the level of his family. He has also improved a lot, although Zhang Fan has always been This is done, but before, Zhang Fan still couldn't completely achieve this method of complete separation. In other words, Zhang Fan in the past did not bring business affairs home, but he brought back that emotion.

And even if he didn't say anything, when his family saw his face, they would know that he was in trouble outside, but they also understood what Zhang Fan meant, so they never asked, but In this way, the family members don't understand, and Zhang Fan is unwilling to tell, it will only make both parties feel uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Fan also learned about you in this area, so he changed his way. When he returned home, no matter how much trouble he encountered outside, he would not think too much about it. When that unpleasant emotion was brought home, the only image he could leave to his family was relaxation and laughter.

Of course, Zhang Fan, who did this at the beginning, was still not able to hide his emotions too proficiently, and the signs of forced smiles were very obvious.

And his behavior will only make the family more worried.

But now, Zhang Fan has been able to send and receive freely, and his family members will never see any flaws. Of course, the people in the family, Ru Xue and the others are not fools, so they can tell it, even from Zhang Fan They couldn't see any flaws in Fan's body, but they knew that Zhang Fan couldn't be so happy outside, and they knew that Zhang Fan didn't want to make them worry, that's why they had such a forced smile.

However, Zhang Fan hid it very well. The most important thing is that his family really couldn't see any problems. In this way, gradually, they felt that Zhang Fan could really do this, that he could separate family affairs from foreign affairs. It can be done, and business affairs are bothering outside, but I can really relax at home.

And gradually, not only they thought so, even Zhang Fan himself began to feel that he was not acting, but that he could really do it. After a while, it would not be Zhang Fan who thought so, but He really could do it.

It has to be said that this kind of strong hypnosis method, or the subconsciousness of people's subconscious, will indeed have an extremely powerful influence without knowing it, and Zhang Fan also made a move under this influence. After this change, although it seems contradictory, it is still so harmoniously integrated.

Today's Zhang Fan is really familiar with this kind of thing, there is no pressure at all, and there is no sense of oppression. As soon as he returns home, he can make such an expression naturally, but as soon as he goes outside, You can also see what people say, laugh when you should laugh, and be serious when you should be serious.

In short, everything is for the family, and as Zhang Fan has more children, his affection for the family has also deepened, and this emotion has become more serious.

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