The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1818 Sudden End

this time.Zhang Juzheng used Zhu Xizhong's loyal name to punish corruption.There was really a lot of commotion in the court.Although talking about this time.No one lost his official position or lost his life because of this.But this time.The involvement is huge.Almost no one in the court was spared.They are more or less involved.

certainly.What is said here is the basics.That is to say, there are still people who are not affected.And those who are not affected are naturally those very few who are really clean and honest.A person who has never done anything corrupt.Zhang Fan is also within the scope of not being affected.

Speaking of Zhang Fan in this regard.Nature is not innocent.Although he is indeed very rich.But the money was given to him by the emperor.This is of course understandable.No one would say anything about Zhang Fan because of this.But Zhang Fan also received those gifts from other people.Be it money or gifts.have been.only.Those received by Zhang Fan.It's really not worth a few bucks.Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is indeed a lot.But really nothing.

Here I want to defend Zhang Fan.These things Zhang Fan received.There was simply no way for him to refuse.Or it's hard to say no.Everyone in the court knew Zhang Fan's attitude.Although in Zhang Fan's capacity today.Even if it's overdone.No one will check him.But Zhang Fan has never accepted any favors from others without reason.Not to mention collecting people's money.Eliminate disasters for people.Zhang Fan really didn't do it.

When Zhang Fan received the gift.It's all because the gift is unavoidable.For example, there is a happy event at home.People came to congratulate.This gift is indeed unavoidable.This is basically the case.And this kind of thing.It is really impossible to drop any handle.After all, there is a happy event at home.You go to congratulate but empty-handed.This is not at all in line with the rules.therefore.Gift giving is also normal at this time.

and.The purpose of those people giving gifts to Zhang Fan.It's also different from their usual days.If they want to send someone or something on weekdays.There must be a purpose.Or need help.certainly.They also had a purpose in giving gifts to Zhang Fan.But it wasn't for Zhang Fan's help.They understood that Zhang Fan would not do that.Therefore, I will not touch this brow.What they really want to do is.Even if Zhang Fan doesn't have a good impression of them.But don't hate them either.That is.Don't let Zhang Fan take the initiative to find trouble with them.that's enough.This is the purpose of these gifts.

To this.Zhang Fan did not refuse anyone who came.It's not a good time to say no.Second, Zhang Fan had a plan in mind.

A gift from those people.Be it big or small.It is light or heavy.It doesn't matter whether there is a reason for accepting the gift or not.In short, as long as it is a gift from an outsider.Zhang Fan would ask someone to make a list.present it.To whom.Naturally not the court.But in the palace.directly to the emperor.In the past, Zhang Fan had brought this matter directly to Long Qing.And after Long Qing passed away.The object was replaced by Queen Mother Li.certainly.In the future, it will be replaced by Zhu Yijun.

Zhang Fan did this.It made Long Qing back then and Empress Dowager Li feel strange.After all, no minister has ever said.After receiving the gift, I have to report to the emperor.certainly.Zhang Fan will do this.One of the main reasons.In fact, it is because he has won the trust of the emperor and queen mother.Otherwise, no one would dare to do so.

And it's not just this that Zhang Fan relies on.And that's it.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind on how to treat those people.Whether or not to take his stuff is one thing.But how Zhang Fan should treat it is another matter.But Zhang Fan wanted to come.No matter how.If these people don't make trouble by then.In other words, the trouble he was looking for was beyond Zhang Fan's control.Then Zhang Fan really didn't care about them.But if they really committed something big.Or in other words, it just happened to fall into Zhang Fan's hands.Zhang Fan will never be soft-hearted.What to do, he will still do.

This sounds really unreasonable.After all, you have received gifts from others anyway.It's okay if you don't help.But it's still going to be like this.But that's what Zhang Fan planned.

And it's not just Zhang Fan who thinks so.Those who gave gifts to Zhang Fan.In fact, what they thought was similar to Zhang Fan.their original purpose.Just hope Zhang Fan.If say they did something.As long as it's not Zhang Fan who should take care of it.I hope Zhang Fan will not interfere.At the same time they also know.If he really committed something, he needs Zhang Fan.When Jin Yiwei needs to intervene in the investigation.That's not something that money can settle.No amount of courtesy will help.

This is a no-cost deal.Anyway, Zhang Fan didn't care.That's it.

The above is just a digression.Now the DPRK and China are in this situation.It made everyone panic.Although it is said that from the beginning, some people have been unlucky because of this.But the end was not so good.Not even a single person was demoted because of this.The most severe thing is nothing more than fines and salaries.It's on such a large scale.And the intensity is quite strict.It also worries many people.After all, Zhang Juzheng had never promised them.Said it would never be done.It's so good now.But what if Zhang Juzheng suddenly changed his mind.Then it's people in the court today.Each is careful.I am afraid that I will be the first one.

This time thing.It also lasted for a short period of time.Zhang Juzheng started doing this in early August.And this whole hot summer.People live in this extremely tense atmosphere.It's not over until October.More than half of the people in the court did not even have a good Mid-Autumn Festival.

but.Zhang Juzheng was naturally aware of this matter.Know what you should do.And therefore.Zhang Juzheng had already thought about the timing.

This is what Zhang Juzheng wanted.He wants to scare these people.So dare not oppose yourself.But at the same time he knew.This kind of thing must not be done too much.Otherwise, it is likely to have the opposite effect.

And at this time.It must also be grasped.It's too short, of course.It doesn't work.It will only make people think that Zhang Ju is just bluffing; too long will not work.After letting these people relax.They will feel nothing.After all, no one was demoted or dismissed because of this.And no one died because of it.Then they will think that Zhang Juzheng is just a little bit of thunder and rain.It doesn't do anything to them at all.In this way, it will have no effect.therefore.This matter must end at an appropriate time.

And after that.It lasted for more than three months.Almost four months.It finally came to an end when it was just entering December.When people go to court for a new day.Facing Zhang Juzheng, they are all cautious in their words and deeds.Didn't even dare to look directly.But today.These people are found.Zhang Juzheng changed his previous serious appearance.It was as if nothing had happened.

certainly.This change alone is not enough to make these people feel that something has changed.They were just curious about Zhang Juzheng.

But next thing.Let them understand.It was really over.The DPRK and China no longer mention the matter of thoroughly investigating corruption and sycophants.And Zhang Juzheng didn't say anything more.A topic that always comes up no matter what.It didn't show up again today.all in all.That's all the stuff that was still happening yesterday.It's all gone today.

certainly.It's just such an early morning time.Not enough to make these people feel that the matter is really the matter is no longer mentioned.Even Zhang Juzheng treated people differently.But before they confirm it.There is no way to rest assured.

But this matter is not so difficult to confirm.Even today.Because they can't believe it.So there are still worries.But after a few more days.They found that it was still the case.Zhang Juzheng really didn't bring up the old things again.Even as if it never happened at all.This is also for these people to understand.Things are really over.

And know when things are over.These people are not happy.But surprised.Because they have experienced a lot of things.Even if it is such a thing.Not less.But whatever.They have never encountered such a situation.It can end so quickly.It feels really inappropriate.Those things in the past.Even if it's over.There should also be a process.There should have been an omen even before.But this time.Nothing at all.If you say no, there will be no more.This really made them feel very uncomfortable.

But not getting used to it is only temporary.Then they realize.It really is over.And after it's over.These people are starting to feel happy.After all, such a thing is over.No reason to be unhappy.In short.It's a happy event.

But.Not everyone is feeling happy.Some people frowned because of this.this matter.It came too suddenly.Of course even suddenly.There are also some people who can more or less guess Zhang Juzheng's plan.And now.It was still so sudden that this matter ended.This also made these people alert.They felt it before.Zhang Juzheng made several big moves in a row.It is to prepare for what is to be done next.Now he ended so suddenly.There must be a new move soon.

I have to say that these people's ideas are not wrong at all.That's what Zhang Juzheng planned.But after this second threat.Zhang Juzheng did not act immediately.One is because several times in a row.It really terrified the people in the court.Zhang Juzheng didn't want to push too hard.Second.Zhang Juzheng's timing was really accurate.He ends at this time.And it won't be long before the Chinese New Year.People at this time have many things to do.Invisibly buffered this matter.

That is.The year is over.It was time for Zhang Juzheng to take action.

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