As the days go by, the new year is getting closer and closer. Thinking of the origin of the word "nianguan", it is a difficult emotion. Of course, for the common people, no matter how difficult the new year is After all, no matter how hard it is on weekdays, the so-called is to have a good year. Of course, this ambition is really small, but there is nothing wrong with it.

And this year, although it has not yet passed, since the day has entered the twelfth lunar month, it has been more than 20 days now, and tomorrow will be a new year. In short, this year makes the people feel that at least the past ten years , the best year ever.

When it comes to major issues, of course there is nothing to talk about. My answer is that we have now negotiated peace with Daming and exchanged tribute. Although there have been minor frictions in the frontiers, major conflicts have disappeared. Of course, even the frontiers have nothing to do with Even the common people living in the capital city that is very close to it have nothing to do with it, but there is no bad news, which really makes the common people feel safe.

Last year, the Bo people were exterminated, and there was no news of turmoil from the southwest, but this year, especially for the people in the capital, they are very familiar with the Liaodong, the Liaodong in the past, It was really chaotic, especially at Wang Gao's meeting. What happened, how many people were killed, how many people were killed by this kind of news.

But now, Wang Gao has been captured without a fight, and is still in the capital, sentenced to death in front of the emperor, and has already been executed in September.

At that time, many people went to see it, even if Wang Gao was sentenced to death, and this criminal law was really miserable when it was implemented, it was completely inhumane, and it separated people alive. The car cracked; more popularly, it would be the five horses dismembering the corpse. Compared with the beginning that ordinary people in the capital are used to seeing, this kind of scene is really too heavy.

It's just that even if a group of people were stunned on the spot, they even vomited out, but no one left. All the people almost suppressed their nausea and watched the execution process from the beginning. tail.

Many of the people who came here came from Liaodong, that is to say, many of them were poisoned by Wang Gao. For them, today is a day that must be understood. It is also necessary to watch Wang Gao bear the price he deserves with his own eyes.

It’s almost New Year’s Eve, and it’s really not a good thing to recall. All in all, after Wang Gao was executed, the Ming Dynasty was really stable for a while, although it has been like this since Wang Gao was arrested before, but In fact, after Wang Gao was executed, this stability became more stable.

And because of this, from that time to now, although it was only three months, for the Ming Dynasty, there was no news of a man-made disaster in three months, which is really a miracle. And even these things don't have much impact on the common people, but this kind of thing is to the common people, or the common people like to pay attention to this kind of thing. In short, therefore, the mood of the common people It is indeed very good.

But this year, the meaning is completely different. The year before last, I negotiated peace with me; last year, I conquered the Bo people. After conquering the Bo people, Wang Gao was indeed very far away from the southwest, so Wang Gao didn't care about these things at all, and he continued to make trouble.

But this year, the situation is quite different. Before Wang Gao subdued the law, although there were not many internal and external troubles in the Ming Dynasty, it was because of Wang Gao that there was still no way to end all this.

And with Wang Gao being arrested, all this will really come to an end, and after Wang Gao is executed, it will be really safe, and absolutely no one will dare to challenge the authority of the Ming Dynasty. Because of this, it really settled down this time, and it was also because of this kind of stability, even if it was only for two or three months, but even so, what the common people felt was completely different, and this A series of reasons caused this year's Chinese New Year to have such an atmosphere and such joy.

And the so-called some people are happy and some are worried, since some people are happy, then there are naturally some people who are troubled and can't be happy. As a society of this class, since the common people are happy, then naturally, those gentlemen who are officials should be happy. There are unhappy people, and in fact that is the case. Those people in the court are really unhappy now.

Although it was also because of the New Year's Eve, Zhang Juzheng did not let them go for this reason, but Zhang Juzheng felt that what he had done before was enough, and there was no need to continue doing it. Therefore, Zhang Juzheng just stopped. This does not mean that Zhang Juzheng has any compassion for those people. Besides, Zhang Juzheng didn't intend to destroy those people, but just make them nervous. Now he is about to It can only be said that it was a coincidence that it stopped before the Chinese New Year, and there was no other reason.

Unlike the troubles of these ministers, at least in the palace, it is still peaceful. After all, as the royal family that rules the whole world, if the people are happy, they are naturally happy, especially now that the queen mother is in charge. And when Empress Dowager Li heard the news reported from below, even she understood that this was only the situation in the capital, and even she knew that the news she heard must be exaggerated, but Even so, when Empress Dowager Li heard the news from the newspaper below, saying that the people in the capital are in a bad temper and every family has enough food and clothing, she was also very happy.

No, today is a new year, each family reunion in the evening, and at noon, Empress Dowager Li also issued an order to hold a banquet in the palace to gather with these courtiers. Now she is the head of the family, but she doesn't have that much desire for power, and she doesn't want to get involved too much, so Zhu Yijun is the one who comes forward.

Although Zhu Yijun is not very old, he really knows a lot. In addition, now that Zhang Fan is persuasive, the current Zhu Yijun is also very smart when he can still maintain such a childlike innocence. It is smart, Zhu Yijun is now able to use this smartness where it should be used, so now Zhu Yijun, not only can learn things immediately during the semester, but also effortlessly. Although it is still a bit boring, it is not as difficult as before.

This luncheon, the lineup is really luxurious, nothing to say, the palace is also rich nowadays, since it is rich, it doesn't matter if it is a little extravagant, so this year, whether it is the display or the wine and food, although it is said to be the same as Compared with previous years, there is not much difference, but it gives people a completely different feeling, and I always feel that compared with the past, it is also more luxurious.

Of course, since it is a grand banquet in the palace, there will naturally be many people invited. In the capital, even those princes who can come without having to travel too much, all of them are present. Now But no prince dared to show off, there will be in the past, but since the incident of Zhu Xuanqi, no prince dared to make excuses at this time, think about it, even Zhu Xuanqi is so far away from the capital Well, such a powerful vassal king has now been defeated. In the capital city, or in the princely gates next to the capital city, if they dare to make mistakes there, they will do whatever the palace tells them to do.

However, for these princes, they didn't think it was aggrieved. The reason why they were so arrogant before was not because they were relatives of the emperor, but their seniority also had important reasons. After all, this is the era of imperial power. Long Qing didn't care about them before, so they were naturally a little bold, but now, Queen Mother Li doesn't care, especially after Zhu Xuanqi set an example, they also know that Queen Mother Li can't move, and they can't do anything. So he restrained himself and began to listen.

For these princes, it is the same whether they listen to the words of the court or not. Even if their attitudes are more respectful, their lives will not change, and they will still take their share of money and enjoy the beauty life, no difference.

But this time, all the people who came to the banquet this time included all the officials above the fourth grade in the entire capital. You must know that this level is already very high, but this is the capital after all, so this number will not be small.

And these people, compared to those princes and unrelated people who were talking and laughing at the banquet, these people are really uncomfortable. After all, Zhang Juzheng just made trouble with them, and now it has been a month It's not over yet. Although the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve has indeed eased their emotions, how could they return to their former ease so quickly.

So for these people, they are not happy at all, even at the banquet in the palace, they understand that they can't keep a cold face, even if they feel uncomfortable in their hearts, even if their parents are dead, they are now To put on a smiling face, but the more so, the more uncomfortable these people will be.

At the very least, Zhang Fan looked at the appearance of these people, and he really thought it was funny in his heart, and then turned his head to look at Zhang Juzheng's appearance as if nothing had happened. He should drink, should drink. Joking and joking, Zhang Fan couldn't help sighing in his heart, Zhang Juzheng was simply making those people more unhappy, of course, no matter how those people think that Zhang Juzheng is protesting against them, they have no choice but to I suffer like this.

The New Year is getting closer and closer in this atmosphere,

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