The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1821 The future is uncertain

The imperial court was not very cheerful, but no matter whether it was among the people or the palace, at least the atmosphere of the New Year was still very strong. Although it was a little unpleasant before, at the very least, it was the New Year now, and before the New Year, Zhang Juzheng was not happy. I'm going to trouble them again, so although there were indeed some unpleasant things before, at least this year, I can still live a good life.

At the very least, before the winter solstice, when the emperor went to the Temple of Heaven to offer sacrifices to heaven, the ministers at that time still looked sad, but now, the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, and they all look, even if they are not As pleasant as ever, but much better.

Of course, the atmosphere of the new year has become like this, but it also makes things more and more obvious after that. Those people before were a little strange because Zhang Juzheng suddenly stopped moving. Don't bother them anymore, in their view, it must be because of what Zhang Juzheng wants to do.

Up to now, almost a month has passed, and the Chinese New Year is almost here, but Zhang Juzheng still hasn't moved at all, but the more silent Zhang Juzheng is, the more these people can't feel relieved, after all, the atmosphere today is really too much It's a little more obvious, it's so different from the tension before, it's no wonder it makes these people feel nervous.

Now it seems that at least after the Shangyuan Festival, Zhang Juzheng will not make any movements. It will follow.

But now, although these people are worried, not many people are prepared. It's not that they are slacking off because of the approaching Chinese New Year, but because of this time, whether it is short or long, but They couldn't do anything, and more importantly, what Zhang Juzheng did before made them really a little scared. After all, it was really unbearable to do it twice before, and they didn't dare to do it again and again. I'm thinking about it.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Juzheng's grasp of the time is in place, he specially picked such a time, although the Chinese New Year is not within his consideration, but this year is just right, and this atmosphere is greatly improved eased.

Moreover, when Zhang Juzheng stopped at this time, he also thought that it was impossible for those people to come up with a solution in such a short period of time. In addition, Zhang Juzheng also knew that if he was pushed too hard, there might still be problems, so Zhang Juzheng also chose to stop at this time, give them some time to breathe, and then make their own plans, and he stopped at this time, at this time, he will not give them too much breathing room to come up with a solution, This series of plans was obviously already made by Zhang Juzheng a long time ago, and it is definitely not something that can be done so perfectly on a whim.

In short, Zhang Juzheng is comfortable this time, but he has suffered for those people in the court. Of course, those people in the court will never be depressed because of this. It has been seen that Zhang Juzheng's actions are not very drastic to them, it's just that the combination of two things makes them feel a little unbearable, and what Zhang Juzheng does is mainly warning, not serious They were the ones who took the knife. In short, all of this is under Zhang Juzheng's control now.

And it is not other people who have the best year this year, not the royal family in the palace. For them, this year is just more comfortable than previous years, and it is not the common people. For the common people, the New Year is still the New Year, the difference is just It's because this year's money is more, food and clothing are better, but it's not Zhang Juzheng either. Although Zhang Juzheng makes so many people in the court feel uncomfortable, in fact, he himself has no way to relax, because There are too many things that he needs to think about, and the things that will follow, and even the things that will come after, are all things that he needs to think about.

This year is the most comfortable one for Zhang Fan, not only because the family matters have been settled, not only because he has two more sons this year, but also because this year is the most leisure time for Zhang Fan. one year.

I still remember that before he became an official, he didn’t talk about it, but after he became an official, he liked that he rarely lived a steady life. Either he would have something to do immediately after the new year, or he didn’t have time at all. The New Year at home, and this year, everything has been done, and there is no pressure on him, things that need to be done immediately, and now he doesn't want to, and can't interfere with the affairs of the court, so this year, Zhang Everything is really free.

And not only that, but Zhang Juzheng must be blessed again during this period, because Zhang Juzheng, the ministers in the court are all sad, and they are all thinking about what they have and what they don't have. The provincial Zhang Fan went to take care of their affairs, at most it was just a meeting to say hello or a few pleasantries, but he would not bother Zhang Fan.

As for Zhang Juzheng, he was already fully prepared. Although Zhang Fan was there to help, but now, Zhang Fan didn't need to ask too much.

Even if he still has to go to see Zhu Yijun in the palace, when he is with Zhu Yijun, it is very relaxed, at least there is talking and laughing, even if it is preaching, it will not make people feel so uncomfortable.

Speaking of the palace, there was one thing that Zhang Fan was concerned about. It was related to the two maids in the palace.

One is Zhang Fan's subordinate, Wang Shuyuan, the daughter of Wang Chaojuan. Zhang Fan has met this little girl and likes it very much. Wang Shuyuan herself is also very sensible. Being a maid by the Queen Mother's side, her status is different. After all, it is the queen mother who holds the real power now, and the people around the queen mother are naturally noble, but Wang Shuyuan will not wink because of this, she still has a pleasant appearance, and she will not bully others. Moreover, she is also very beautiful. Although she is not very old, it can still be seen that she will definitely become a stunning beauty in the future.

And under the queen mother, although she has some power, Wang Shuyuan never thought of using it to make a profit for herself. Even though her status is a little different because of serving the queen mother, she doesn't want to offend others.

And this little girl's biggest wish is to be able to communicate more with her family, but even this is very difficult. Originally, she could find someone by herself, but she didn't want to do it, but it would be troublesome Zhang Fan, although it is not a big deal for Zhang Fan to bring a letter to their father and daughter, but after all, Wang Shuyuan is a maid in the palace, and Zhang Fan is a foreign minister, even if he can enter and leave the palace casually, he has too much contact with a court lady It's also not good, so Zhang Fan often entrusts the eunuch serving in the Compassionate Ning Palace to deliver the letter to Wang Shuyuan, and Wang Shuyuan's letter is also handed over to Zhang Fan by the eunuch, and then Zhang Fan forwards it to Wang Chaozi.

For this reason, Wang Shuyuan felt quite sorry, and felt that she had caused trouble for Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan didn't care about these things. How could he be afraid of those eunuchs and maids talking about him? In short, this is the case with Wang Shuyuan. it's not a big deal.

On the contrary, it was the other one, that Zheng Chengxian's daughter, the girl who served by Zhu Yijun's side, that little girl was really scheming, and she followed Zhu Yijun in everything just to please her.

Of course, perhaps because of her age, the methods she uses are still full of flaws and can be easily seen through. However, Zhu Yijun has no defense against the people around him. There is no way to see through it, that is to say, Zhu Yijun is coaxed comfortably by her now. Of course, at least for Zhu Xuanqi now, he doesn't need to care too much about this matter.

But Zhang Fan's views on this matter are somewhat different. This little girl's ambition is very obvious. Isn't that the same thing, don't even think about it, and this little girl's mind may be very immature now, but Zhang Fan can also see that she is very smart, and now she is In the palace, the speed of growth is not unpleasant. In short, I am afraid that it will be a troublesome thing in the future.

It has to be said that even Zhang Fan, who doesn't know how the future history will develop, can see this problem, and Zhang Fan's view is really correct. The cause of the dispute was this little girl, and for Zhang Fan, even if he didn't know it, he knew that there would be troubles in the future.

However, it is really difficult for Zhang Fan to handle this matter. After all, the other party is a court lady, and Zhang Fan can't do whatever he wants. Zhang Fan himself had to get in.

However, if Zhang Fan knew, I am afraid that he would have to act now. After all, the other party is still just a court lady. Even if he can please Zhu Yijun, it is still very simple for Zhang Fan to do anything to her. The reason is that Zhang Fan doesn't know what will happen in the future.

This really can only be said to be helpless, maybe it is God's will, even if Zhang Fan returns to this era, the Ming Dynasty may still be unable to escape this catastrophe after all.

As for Zhang Fan, even if he wants to help, it is difficult. After all, for a foreign minister like him, even if he wants to contribute, sometimes he has nowhere to do so. Instead, he will get himself involved. , but what Zhang Fan will do at that time, even he himself doesn't know now, all of this will not be known until there is a clear and clear time,

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