The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1832 Unwillingness

Seeing Kang Guru gritted his teeth like this.Zhang Fan took a bath, and Hong somewhat understood.perhaps.Kang Gulu is the son of the concubine of Wangtai.There was no discrimination among the tribes.even.Even Hu Ergan looked down on him.But it didn't humiliate him.And Wang Tai is against him.Even if it is not as good as Hu Ergan.But it's not much worse.But even so.Kang Guru would still feel reconciled to this.

Although Kang Guru.Even if you don't talk about the issue of whether he and Hu Ergan were married or concubine.But he is also a brother after all.That being the case.Stand tall but not young.It is also very normal that Hu Ergan will inherit the throne position in the future.But Kang Gulu was still not reconciled.Because originally.This kind of thing is really uncertain.But compared to him, Hu Ergan.Really talented.This is not just his own feeling.J.As long as you know about the two brothers.They all see it that way.That is.If you don't consider the issue of identity.So who can inherit the throne in the future.Becoming the leader of the Hada tribe is really not certain.And Kang Gulu's chances are obviously greater.

But now the problem is.Hu Ergan is the eldest son.But Kang Gulu is a concubine.In this way.No matter how talented Kang Gulu is.But it is impossible to inherit the seat of Wangtai.No.Nor is it impossible to inherit.If it is said that Hu Ergan has no way to inherit it by then.Then Kang Gulu naturally refused to let it go.Just that kind of thing.Even Kang Guru considered it.But there is no way to do it.It's not that he doesn't want to.It's that he can't.There are many reasons for this.

but.In the case of Hu Ergan not disappearing.Kang Gulu wants to ascend to the position of leader.Although it is extremely difficult.But it's not even the slightest possibility.therefore.Kang Gulu is not just low-key in his daily life.But any dirty work.Or something Hu Ergan didn't want to do because he thought it was troublesome.Kang Gulu rushed to do it.for.That is to leave a good impression in the heart of his Amawangtai.

but.This is clearly not enough.Honestly.Kang Gulu's identity as a concubine.Originally, Wang Tai really didn't care about him.And now.Wang Tai treated him pretty well.But that's all.And it was only because of Kang Gulu's hard work that he got it.But the exchange is so meager.

To this.Kang Gulu will naturally not be satisfied.After all, if only that's the case.Then there is no difference at all.And what Kang Gulu wants is obviously more than that.He still has more ideas to realize.

but.Although that's what it says.But for Kang Guru.He really did his best.Not that he's done everything he can.It means that he has done everything that can make Wang Tai happy.Although he still has energy left.But those other things.Did it to no avail.The main problem is that.The situation today.For Kang Guru.There is simply nowhere to use it.He didn't know other than those things.What else do I have to do to make Wang Tai value him more.It even goes beyond the views on Hu Ergan.

this problem.Kang Gulu had been bothering him for a long time.But the matter of Wang Gao.And Jin Yiwei found the Hada Department.When Kang Gulu learned about this from Wang Tai's mouth.He immediately realized that this matter was definitely an opportunity for him.Even Hu Ergan was also found.But Kang Gulu was not discouraged either.After all, this matter belongs to Ming Ting.The Ming court didn't care about who he and Hu Er did, who was a concubine and who was a concubine.Just get it done.Then there will be rewards.

Kangguru understands.The Ming court will definitely not just reward some yellow and white things in this matter.There must be officials.Although he didn't know that Ming Ting's plan was to use the Hada tribe to lead the Jurchen.But it is enough for him to understand that this matter is an opportunity for him.

And the final result.Sure enough.After they captured Wang Gao.When the court tried Wang Gao.The three of them, father and son, were also invited to Beijing as meritorious officials.After the trial of Wang Gao.There are also rewards for each.That is.Kang Gulu today.Although his background was not as noble as that of Hu Ergan.But now he is standing in the same position as him.Compared with the status among the tribes.Or in terms of the name owned by the Jurchens in Liaodong.Obviously, the official positions conferred by the Ming court are more important.Especially in this period.

And obviously.After going through this thing.Wang Tai's opinion of him is also better than before.And his elder brother Hu Ergan.But still the same as before.Swagger around.certainly.Now it is even worse.It's just that Hu Ergan didn't cause any trouble.Therefore, Wang Tai would not blame him for anything.

Kang Gulu's status has indeed been improved because of this incident.But obviously.He knew it wasn't enough.therefore.Kangguru wants to go one step further.And this time I came to the capital to celebrate the New Year.He fought for it.Came to the capital.To work hard for your own Gulu also sat in front of Zhang Fan.The conversation officially started.

Unwilling.This feeling of unwillingness.Zhang Fan hadn't thought of it before.But now he saw the expression on Kang Guru's face.But it can be understood immediately.Perhaps speaking of it, this feeling is really strange.After all, as said before.Everything about Kangguru.Zhang Fan only saw it from the files.He had no contact with Kangguru.So he didn't know exactly what happened to him.I don't even know what Kang Gulu thinks in his heart.

If you look at it that way.Kang Gulu's expression in front of Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan probably couldn't figure it out.Or at least not so quickly figured out.But it is biased.Zhang Fan is still so easy.I figured out the reason for this so quickly.This really makes people feel strange.But Zhang Fan just figured it out.And even Zhang Fan only imagined it that way.But how much can feel Kang Gulu's mood.

That kind of unwillingness.Obviously he is better than that brother.And not just good.whatever it is.Kang Gulu is willing to do it.And no matter what.Kang Gulu can do it well.Not only that.Kang Gulu understands more about the affairs of the clan.It's also easier to do.But such Kang Guru.Such hard work is only to gain some goodwill from Wang Tai.

On the other hand, Hu Ergan.Although it's not really lazy and accomplish nothing.But after all, Hu Ergan was also relying on his status as his son.So unscrupulous.Although he didn't do anything bad.But also did not do anything practical.But even so.It is because he is the direct son of Wang Tai.therefore.Even if he does nothing at all.But as long as he doesn't get into trouble.So what does Wang Tai think of him?But it is also very different from Kang Gulu.

this kind of thing.It has existed since ancient times.And it's been thousands of years.But there is still no change.But no matter how long it took.There is still no way to make people feel balanced in this kind of thing.I feel like I can live with this.After all, no matter how long it took.But as a human being.Life is only a few short decades.But this matter is to determine what will happen to their future.It was replaced by anyone who looked at this matter from the standpoint of Kang Gulu.None of that will feel good.therefore.For Zhang Fan.He was able to understand Kang Gulu's thoughts so quickly.Nothing.It's normal.

"The situation of the prince. I understand roughly." Although Zhang Fan understood Kang Gulu's feelings.But after all.This is still a matter of nothing to do with oneself.therefore.Zhang Fan could only pretend to be helpless.sighed.Said. "It's just that. Although I sympathize with the prince for this matter, I also feel unhappy about what happened to the prince. It's just this matter. I don't know how to help. What does the prince think?"

"Master Zhang. I have also considered this matter." Obviously.Kang Gulu came prepared this time.He had already thought about how he should talk to Zhang Fan about this matter. "I don't want my lord to mention me on weekdays. I think this is also a difficult thing for your lord to handle. It's just that if something happens in Liaodong in the future, I hope your lord can entrust it to me. If I handle things well, I don't ask for it." A reward from the imperial court. I just hope that the lord can mention me a little bit. It is best to let me, Ama, know. I know that the imperial court trusts me very much. I have changed my career. After all, this is a long-term matter. There is no rush. No need Your Excellency will start to think about it now. If there is nothing wrong, let it go. Once there is something, I hope you will take care of it."

The request made by Kang Guru.It's actually that simple.And among them.There is also a lot of luck involved.Said it was something.But if it's okay.Then there is no need for him.But even so.Kang Gulu still wants to do this.Now this trip to Beijing.It's not just about telling Zhang Fan about it.After that, he still wanted to pass Zhang Fan's recommendation.At the very least, get acquainted with the ministers in the court.By the time.Even people in the court knew that Kang Gulu was just the son of a concubine of Wangtai.But whether it is Wang Tai or Hu Ergan, they have nothing to do with them.On the contrary, he is the bastard.But these ministers are familiar with it.In this way.It will work very well in the future.

In short.If this is the case.In fact, it can be regarded as Kanggulu's investment in his own future.But is this investment worthwhile?Or even if it works.When will it work.This is all completely unknown.But even so.This is for Kang Guru.It is also very important.

But for Zhang Fan.This matter is not troublesome at all.Actually.Even Zhang Fan's original consideration.There is no better way than this.

Moreover.Even if nothing happens.Come up with something for Kang Gulu to do.This is for Zhang Fan.It's not a matter of flipping hands.

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