Kangguru thing.Zhang Fan readily agreed.Not because of the gift from Kang Gulu.He also didn't care about Zhang Fan's sympathy for Kang Gulu.What really made Zhang Fanhui agree to this matter.Because of what Kangguru wanted.It coincides with what Zhang Fan wants to do.That's why Zhang Fan agreed with Kang Gulu.

and.Although Zhang Fan agreed to this matter.But Zhang Fan didn't have much to do.very simple.What I said before is very clear.Once something happens in Liaodong.And it was the time when people from the Hada Department needed to come forward.That's why Zhang Fan recommended Kang Gulu to do it.Although this kind of thing.When it comes to asking which specific person to do it, it is too obvious that there is a relationship between Zhang Fan and Kang Gulu.But it doesn't matter.There are many such things in the court.In addition, Zhang Fan is the commander of Jinyiwei.Know more about this kind of thing.He can completely say that he has investigated Wang Tai and his son clearly.Hence this is the result.There's nothing wrong with that.

Of course.Liaodong today.Li Chengliang is usually in charge of the general.Coupled with the current situation.Want something big to happen again.That is also unlikely.And other things.For example, the internal affairs of the Jurchen tribe.Including those who were originally under Wang Gao.Then it is up to the Hada Department to do it.But even so.In fact, the imperial court only needs to set rules for the Hada Ministry for this kind of thing.There is no need to ask too much.That is.In fact, there are not many aspects that the imperial court can intervene.

but.Just like what Zhang Fan said before.this kind of thing.Maybe for others.Even for Kang Guru.It all depends on luck.Luck has arrived.Something really happened.It is time for the court to intervene.Zhang Fan mentioned Kang Gulu again at the right time.That's it.But this kind of thing depends on luck.There is really no way to make people feel safe.

But.This kind of thing is for Zhang Fan.That's totally fine.If there is nothing to do.That's not easy.Just find something in the dark and come out.For everyone else.can do the same.But what other people are looking for.I am afraid that the Hada Department alone can solve it.There is no need to report to the court.That would defeat the purpose.

But Zhang Fan was different.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.This is not the first time this kind of thing has been done.think about it.At the beginning, he even framed Zhu Xuanqi and sent assassins to assassinate Zhu Yijun.They can do this kind of thing after Queen Mother Li authorized it.There is nothing they can't do.

And not just Zhang Fan.The people under Zhang Fan.It is also very thoughtful about this kind of thing.under their experience.They can completely control the intensity of their work.Let this matter never be so small that Hadabu can solve it by himself.It will definitely not make things so big that the world knows it.controlled within a range.Let the court need to speak.But at the same time, it won't be too ostentatious.This kind of thing sounds difficult.But for Zhang Fan and his Jin Yiwei.This kind of thing is really too easy.

Perhaps it is a bit unethical to do so.But this is for Zhang Fan.To complete his plan.It is necessary to do so.Fortunately.The object is the Jurchens.That alone.It also made Zhang Fan feel less guilty.As for the Jurchen Kang Gulu.He doesn't care about such things.to him.As long as you can fulfill your wish.As for being on the road to fulfilling his wish.Will any of his fellow clansmen be injured by this.To be honest, this is really not something that Kang Guru needs to consider today.

certainly.Although this decision has already been made.But it was impossible for Zhang Fan to do so right away.After all, this is not a big deal.Talk about little things.Although it is said that it will not be spread everywhere.But if say too much happens.It will also arouse the suspicion of others.Zhang Fan was not afraid that he would be found out.He was just worried if it was exposed.His plans will be affected.Now Zhang Fan has found such a perfect pawn as Kang Gulu.Let him give up and find another one.Zhang Fan obviously would not agree.

and.Although it was agreed with Kang Guru.But it is definitely not now to do it.After all, everything in Liaodong is now at peace.If anything really happened now.Then Zhang Fan would naturally abide by what he made with Kang Gulu.let him do it.But if not now.But it's not the time to figure something out.

therefore.Although Zhang Fan has already discussed this matter with Kang Gulu.But actually do it.But it still takes a long time to wait.Otherwise it would be too blatant.Nature is bad.

But fortunately.As said before.After all, this is a long-term solution.Not imminent.It doesn't need to be done right away.now.Wang Tai is also in his prime.There is still a long time before that time.And even Kang Gulu is now thinking about his future.But that is after all a long time in the future.It is not something that can be done immediately.Let alone do it now.It may not be able to do well.There might even be trouble.

For this matter.Zhang Fan was not in a hurry.And Kang Guru is also not in a hurry.Perhaps for Kang Guru.He naturally hoped that this matter could be resolved immediately.But he also knew that this matter could not be done immediately.not to mention.He has endured the same for more than 20 years.And now it's always off to a good start.Even if he is allowed to endure for another 20 years.So what.In short.It's all off to a good start.Then keep going.You can't ruin a big event just because you can't help it for a while.

That is.Now.It's still time to prepare.It's not yet time to exert strength.For Zhang Fan.It is even more unnecessary for him to start preparing now.Although if nothing happens by then.He needs to find something.But even so.For Zhang Fan.Those things are also very simple things.It can be done easily.Don't need to spend too much thought to bother now.

But for Kang Guru.Now he sees hope.This spirit is naturally different.After discussing this matter with Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan followed the previous plan.Introduce several ministers in the court for Kang Gulu.certainly.The people Zhang Fan recommended were not unrelated.He specifically went to find those who could communicate with Hada.Or people who have connections in Liaodong say it.And when Kang Gulu met these people.Although he is speaking or in expression.Faced with this kind of thing, there are many immature.But obviously.Once the spirit of this person is there.Then he looks different too.

Even Kang Gulu is the first time for this kind of thing.Behavior is still very immature.But what he can do.In Zhang Fan's opinion.It's already very good.

Sometimes Zhang Fan felt that.Even Kang Gulu's status as a bastard.Zhang Fan even agreed to his request.In fact, it wasn't because he sympathized with him that he really considered him.It was more because Zhang Fan wanted to use Kang Gulu to fulfill his plan.But even so.See Kang Guru so.Zhang Fan sometimes thinks about it.Perhaps this is how Kang Gulu inherited the position of leader of the Hada tribe.It's also a good thing.certainly.If Zhang Fan really wants to do this matter.It is also very simple.

but.After a few days.Zhang Fan went back and thought about it.This thing will not work.Can't do that.Kangguru is smart.Also excellent.And it can suffer.Can endure.Doing things is also more practical.That kind of people.If you become the leader of the Hada tribe.For Hada Department.That is of course a great thing.But this is a great thing for Hada.But it might not be all right for Ming Ting.

If there is such a leader as Kang Gulu in the Hada tribe in the future.That's for Ming Ting.In other words, for Zhang Fan's future plans.It's all a very dangerous thing.

Figured this out.Zhang Fan has made up his mind for the future.Now he promised Kang Guru to help him.And Zhang Fan didn't intend to break his promise.He would indeed help Kang Gulu.There is absolutely no problem with this.

But although Zhang Fan promised to help Kang Gulu.But he just agreed to help Kang Gulu improve his status in Wang Tai's mind.Zhang Fanke never said that he would help Kang Gulu ascend to the position of leader of the Hada tribe.

Even wait until the future.Zhang Fan could turn around and help Hu Ergan.But it will not violate the promise he has made to Kang Gulu now.That's totally fine.

That's Zhang Fan's plan.Use kangguru to confuse the Hadabu.Perhaps the Hada Ministry itself.In this period of time.will continue to grow.And Zhang Fan helped Kang Gulu.It will not have any effect on this.It's even a good thing for the Hada Ministry.But Zhang Fan's help.The original intention was to plant a seed of instability within the Hada Department.future.Wait until Wang Tai is about to die.Zhang Fan had also made up his mind.I am afraid that the Hada Department at that time also developed to the point where someone needed to restrain it.And this time is just right.Kang Gulu who was raised by Zhang Fan.Then he has the strength to challenge Hu Ergan.In this way.The chaos of the Hada department.It will also make it prosperous.Lower slightly.There is even the danger of collapsing.

But these things.For Zhang Fan.It's all for the future.And these things.For Zhang Fan, it was a matter of course.He does these things.There will be absolutely no intolerance or sympathy.Definitely do it with an attitude of course.

As for what will happen when the time comes.No one knows now.But this seed.After all, it had already been buried by Zhang Fan.And the rest.That is to say, how Zhang Fan will irrigate in the future.But this thing.Zhang Fan didn't think it would be too much trouble.In other words, this matter is for Zhang Fan.It's really not difficult.

In short.Things about Liaodong.Just for a while.It has already been decided by Zhang Fan.and the future situation.It will not be out of Zhang Fan's control.

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