The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1837 Problems Emerge

The implementation of the "One Whip Law" is naturally a good thing, that's for sure, but sometimes, a good thing may turn into a bad thing, it all depends on whether there are any omissions in the process of implementation , or in the process of implementation, whether someone did not abide by it, these things, it is not easy to say.

For example, the most fundamental purpose of the "One Whip Law" is to exempt all the harms imposed on the common people. It doesn't exist anymore, but when it is implemented, can it be done, or can it be strictly controlled, after all, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is too large, and officials in some places feel that the mountains are high here, and the emperor is far away. It's one thing to do it in a different way, and it's another thing to sit up by yourself.

This kind of thing will definitely happen. In fact, no matter what dynasty it is, or whether it is any reform regulations, as long as it is promulgated by the court, then there will be corresponding countermeasures below. When it was found out, I don't know how long it took.

Moreover, once this "One Whip Law" is implemented, if someone really dares to do it, it will be a disaster. The money still has to be collected, otherwise it will be troublesome if it cannot be handed over to the court, but at the same time , but the people are required to serve corvee. In this way, there is no way to spread the complaints, and the people in the court think that the world is peaceful. This is definitely the root of the chaos in the country.

Therefore, how to effectively prevent this kind of thing from happening is a very important issue, and how to do it is still unknown. After all, Zhang Fan only discovered this problem now, but it is Haven't thought of a good way yet.

And this matter is urgent, so after Zhang Fan discovered this problem, he immediately went to discuss it with Zhang Juzheng.

Now Zhang Fan is not afraid to go to see Zhang Juzheng, in fact Zhang Fan still wants to do this, so those people in the court thought that Zhang Fan took the trouble and finally decided to discuss their matter with Zhang Juzheng, so , since Zhang Fan went to Zhang Juzheng's place, the troubles at home have decreased a lot.

Come back, this matter is really troublesome, although it is said that the officials who execute the orders are local and central officials, and since they are officials, they are scholars, and since they are scholars, they should be honest and trustworthy, and as an official , then you have to follow the orders of the court carefully, but people are really hard to believe, otherwise, there would not be so many dynasties in history that perished.

In short, how to prevent this possible situation from happening is a problem, and it is still a big problem, and whether it is for Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng, this matter must be resolved. It's okay, otherwise, just leave it alone, then the "One Whip Law" will not only not benefit the people, but will make the people suffer from it, and even turn into a terrible situation in the end, this is Zhang Juzheng Definitely not wanting to see.

However, although this question has been raised, it is difficult to figure out what to do.

Now the DPRK and China already have the "Kaocheng Law" to complement each other, but similarly, if it is too remote, the effectiveness of the "Kaocheng Law" is also very limited.

Of course, it is also possible to increase manpower, and the imperial court will send more people to various places to supervise. Although this will increase or decrease certain costs, it is nothing to the current imperial court. If this situation develops, then this method is also quite good.

But even so, Zhang Juzheng was still worried. He was afraid that the person appointed by the court to supervise would join forces with the people there after he arrived at the locality. And if one more person takes a share of the pie, the exploitation of the people will be further deepened, and if this is the case, the counterproductive effect will become greater and greater, and the original intention will become more and more deviated.

However, Zhang Fan came up with a method. This was not a whim on his mind, but a method derived from his later experience. The imperial court sent people to the local area to supervise. This method is certainly correct, and it is possible. Greatly curb the undesired situation from happening, and in order to prevent the people sent over from being corrupted, it is not enough to just choose those people who are trustworthy, or have an external reputation, and are very honest, because people are so variable. There are too many, no matter how well behaved a person is in front of you, no one can be sure that he can remain the same after changing to a place where you can't supervise him.

Therefore, Zhang Fan's plan is that this person must be sent there, but the person sent there cannot stay there for a long time, and must be replaced after a period of time.

Zhang Fan is also very familiar with matters in the officialdom. Although the atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty has not been completely resolved and has always existed, it is much better than it used to be, and even Pai The people in the past wanted to collect some money, and the people over there also wanted to buy a relationship, but even so, it was impossible to talk about it, the two people who had never met before, and had no intersection at all, could hit it off right away , and immediately began to cooperate, which always requires a process.

And in this process, the person sent there will still fulfill the tasks assigned to him by the court.

After a certain period of time, when both of them are almost familiar with each other and can establish that kind of gray deal, but at this time, the term of the person sent over will expire, and it is time to replace them. It is impossible for people to develop a stable relationship, and it is really impossible to continue to do the original thing in this unstable state.

Of course, if this happens, the cost will naturally be even greater. Originally, the Ming Dynasty had a vast territory. If you want to do this, you need to add a lot of people, and this is an expense in itself. , stipulate a term of office, and replace people at the end of the term, then the expenditure will be even greater.

However, if this can effectively curb that kind of corruption and allow the "One Whip Law" to be implemented smoothly, there is still value in doing so, even if the expenditure will increase a lot, but this "One Whip Law" If the "Whip Law" can be effectively implemented, the benefits brought about will also make the court not care about such things at all.

Of course, there is still a problem with this method, and that is the term of office. If the place to be dispatched is relatively close to the capital or the local government, then it is easy to handle. After all, the distance is not far. If it is a remote place, it will be troublesome, and there are so many places like this in the Ming Dynasty, it is impossible not to consider it, and it is not good if the term of office of this kind of place is adjusted to every three years, after all Three years is too long.

In other words, although Zhang Fan proposed a usable method, there are still many problems to be solved in this method itself.

But even this method has many problems, but for Zhang Juzheng, he can't think of a better method for a while now, so the two of them also think that on the basis of this method, it is better to think about it again. There is no way to perfect it, if it can be perfected, it would be even better.

In addition, there are many problems, one of which is the problem involved in Zhang Fan's previous life's major. Of course, Zhang Juzheng did not think of this problem. After all, Zhang Juzheng is indeed not as professional as Zhang Fan in this aspect. .

The "One Whip Law" exempted the people from corvee, and various head taxes, grain taxes, etc., were all replaced with colored silver. The people paid taxes with silver, which is naturally a good thing, and the The tax standards are different, and there will be no preference for one over the other. Most importantly, after the common people are liberated from corvee, the voluntary labor time of the common people is also indirectly increased, so that they can obtain more property.

And the tax collectors no longer have li chiefs, Jia chiefs, etc., but are directly collected by the official uniform.

However, what Zhang Juzheng proposed is that the common people pay silver directly. In this era, although silver is used as a common currency, its value is very high. For those ordinary people, they rarely use it on weekdays. When it comes to silver, copper coins are mostly used for business transactions, that is to say, people need to exchange the copper coins they usually spend into silver in order to pay taxes.

In this way, the problem arises, people want to exchange copper coins for silver, who do they turn to for exchange, naturally those merchants, and if it is said that these merchants, every time it is time to pay taxes, they are driving up the price of silver If so, what will happen.

How much tax should be paid per mu of land is stipulated, and it is calculated in units of silver. In other words, no matter how much silver is worth now, five taels is five taels, even if the current five taels can be used The previous [-] taels were used, and the common people still had to pay [-] taels.

But when the common people are exchanging the five taels of silver, they need to pay eight taels of silver. In this way, the merchants have made money, but the common people have to lose money, and they may even be unable to make ends meet. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help sighing, the word profiteer is really true, the Ming Dynasty doesn't collect business tax now, the only one is for those who go to sea, but you must know that those who go to sea can be protected by warships, this They all cost money, so this is not a commercial tax at all.

But even so, those merchants will still be greedy, and this "One Whip Law" has not been implemented yet, but Zhang Fan can foresee it, which on the contrary gives these merchants a good opportunity to make money , at least, if Zhang Fan was one of these businessmen, even if he couldn't do it, he would definitely have this idea.

Now, the second problem has come out again, what should be done, this is another difficult problem,

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