"You're talking about the money..." Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhang Juzheng also frowned.I started to think about it.It was mentioned by Zhang Fan before.Questions about people.and methods of regulation.Although some trouble.And it will increase expenses.But for Zhang Juzheng.These are not unacceptable either.Even for Zhang Fan's proposal.Zhang Juzheng had already agreed in his heart at this time.What is lacking is only some specific methods.

But now.The second question raised by Zhang Fan.This made Zhang Juzheng frown even more.This is a question that Zhang Juzheng has never thought of.Even when he was enacting the "One Whip Law".Originally, I thought I had considered all the problems.but now.But he found out.This problem is not only not considered.And it's a very big problem.Once it is not handled well. The "One Whip Law" came into effect.It will only become a cancer that drags down the Ming Dynasty.It will definitely not be a good thing.

certainly.This can't be blamed on Zhang Juzheng's incomplete thinking.After all, he read since he was a child.Then he became an official.Now he is a cabinet minister of the first assistant university.The real power is in your hands.He has the final say on the entire government.But even so.Zhang Juzheng has never been in touch with anything about silver.But even so.This does not mean that Zhang Juzheng does not understand.and.Now there is Zhang Fan beside him to explain to him.And this kind of thing is Zhang Fan's specialty.So Zhang Fan spoke clearly and logically.Just listened to it once.Zhang Juzheng also understood.

But the problem is.After understanding.Zhang Juzheng became even more worried.It was precisely because Zhang Juzheng understood.So he also realized.This is indeed a problem.And it's a serious problem.And he didn't think of it before.It doesn't mean that those businessmen don't think that this is a good opportunity to make money.and.After Zhang Juzheng heard Zhang Fan mention this possibility.He can think of it immediately.That must be the way it is.At that time, those merchants will definitely do the same thing as Zhang Fan said.

this time.It's the same as the previous question.No.Compared with the question just now.This made Zhang Juzheng feel even more embarrassed.The one just now.After all, it's a human thing.But it can also be attributed to the system in the officialdom.But as long as it is something in the officialdom.Zhang Juzheng was not afraid at all.After all, he has been through so much.he understands.No matter how troublesome it may seem.There will always be a perfect solution.not to mention.A solution has actually been proposed just now.It's just not perfect.Just think about it.Sure it will work.

But now this problem.But it made Zhang Juzheng feel embarrassed at the same time.He had no clue at all.He simply didn't know what to do.after all.Zhang Juzheng had never been exposed to this kind of thing before.And this kind of thing.Even if Zhang Fan had explained it very clearly to him just now.And he also understood the difficulty.But understanding is understanding.He really wanted Zhang Juzheng to find a way to solve this matter.He has no clue.

and.This is still a problem that has to be solved.otherwise.The "One Whip Law" is nothing more than empty talk.Even put it into practice.There is more danger than there is now.

"Yuande. What can you do about this matter." Zhang Juzheng really didn't even have a clue.I don't think it would be embarrassing to ask questions to my students.he asked very bluntly.

"This..." Zhang Fan raised this question.But at the same time, he was also thinking.and.Zhang Fan didn't just think about it.He also has a way.but.Although there is this way.Zhang Fan felt that something was not going to work.Or anachronistic.But think about it.Zhang Fan still said. "Teacher, the students have a way."

"Tell me quickly." Hearing from Zhang Fan, there is already a solution.Zhang Juzheng hurriedly asked.

"If you are afraid that the merchants will drive up the price of silver, then when the time comes, the court will step in to stabilize the price of silver. If this is the case, the merchants will have no choice." Zhang Fan first thought of this. "In this way, the common people can exchange for silver at a fair price to pay taxes. There will be no such problems."

After listening to Zhang Fan's method.This time Zhang Ju just thought deeply.There is no expression on the face.He is considering whether this method can work.

And Zhang Fan saw Zhang Juzheng like this.Also did not bother.Wait quietly.

In fact, Zhang Fan already knew more or less.My own method doesn't work.The reason why he would think of it.Also because of economic things.There are not many contacts in this life.Although he learned this in his previous life.But the economics he learned in his previous life.It is also based on the situation of the hereafter.Plus domestic education.History of Economics.and analysis.The curriculum in this area is inherently weak.And Zhang Fan is not too interested in these.therefore.The first thing Zhang Fan thought of was the words "macro-control".

But at the same time.Zhang Fan also understood.Times are different.The limitation makes the situation fundamentally different.Actually.Don't say Zhang Fan said it.It was when he just thought of this method.He already knew it wasn't going to work.But now.Zhang Juzheng was also worried about this issue.So he said it anyway.but.Obviously, it was just as Zhang Fan thought.Although Zhang Juzheng is concerned about the economy.I'm not good at this specific thing.But this will not affect Zhang Juzheng's judgment.He could see what was right.

And now.Zhang Juzheng's silent thinking.It also showed that Zhang Fan was right in thinking about it.

"Not right. This method is not right." Sure enough.Zhang Juzheng said what Zhang Fan had expected a long time ago. "Indeed. If the imperial court came forward to stabilize the price of silver, it would not be difficult. But if the imperial court does it, I am afraid that the price of silver across the country will become the same. But Yuande, you know. My Ming Dynasty has a vast territory The situation in each place is different. If you do this, some places are suitable. In some places, merchants can make a fortune. But in some places, the price of silver is already high. In this way If not, those merchants will also lose money. Although this matter is to prevent these merchants from tampering. But if they also go bankrupt, this is not my original intention."

That's right.That's the reason.Although this question.It is indeed born of distrust of businessmen.But at the same time.Even trying to find a way.Nor can it be turned around to find balance from these businessmen.not to mention.Just like Zhang Juzheng said.Prices vary from place to place.According to the rules.One tael of silver should be a thousand copper coins.But in some places, as long as eight hundred copper coins can be exchanged for one tael of silver.In some places, it takes about 1000 two hundred copper coins to exchange for one tael of silver.

But this strange price gap.But it has been there for so many years.And it has existed for so many years.No contradictions occurred either.The reason is that.The situation varies from place to place.And prices everywhere.It is also because of this situation that there is a difference.

Think about it too.Even in later generations.something.Prices are different in small cities and metropolises.Not to mention this era.This situation is very normal.

If it is really according to Zhang Fan's method.Use the imperial court to stabilize the price of silver.Well it's very possible.The price of silver across the country will be set at a unified standard.If so.There's a huge difference there.But if the imperial court also sets prices according to the different situations in different places.Then what will be spent.Be it money or time.It's a pretty huge waste.And even without talking about money.It's not enough to just talk about time.If time is not enough.Taxes cannot be collected.North Korea and China are also unable to count.It's even possible that some people will use this time difference to do something in it.

all in all.This approach has too many loopholes.It is indeed an unusable method.

But it can't be used.It's nothing.After all, it is still in the thinking stage.Just to find a way.Even Zhang Fan's method was rejected by Zhang Juzheng.Zhang Fan also felt nothing.He knew it would fail when he brought it up.Times are different after all.The methods are also different.

but.Although Zhang Juzheng vetoed Zhang Fan's method.But Zhang Fan didn't help at all.Although the method Zhang Fan proposed doesn't work.But his train of thought.But it raised a possibility for Zhang Juzheng.

"I said. Yuande." Zhang Juzheng thought of something.Said. "If... this matter is handled in this way... in the future, the tax will only collect money. And the government will only use silver. But if the people hand it over to the government, copper coins will be used. After that, the government will exchange the silver. In this way Even if those merchants want to increase the price of silver, the government will not suffer. Let the government do this. Those merchants will have scruples if you think about it. This matter is somewhat easier to handle."

"The teacher's method is not bad." Zhang Fan listened to Zhang Juzheng's words very seriously.I thought about it for a while.Only then did he speak. "It's just like this. The government offices in various places will receive a large amount of copper coins every year. It is also a trouble to exchange it. Of course. If the court decides this way, then the people below can only do it this way. It's just that all copper coins are collected. It is also troublesome for the government to count them. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. It will take a lot of time."

"I'm not worried about that." Zhang Juzheng said. "I can ask the court to give a sum of money to each place every year. It is specially used for this. It's not a big deal. It doesn't cost much. Moreover. If this can solve this matter. That would be the best .”

"Since the teacher has decided that way, then that's the way it is." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Maybe this method is a bit troublesome.But it's the best so far.Do this first.If there is a better way in the future.Then change it.

now.Two troubles.One is basically resolved.One can be regarded as a settled method.But there must be more troubles in implementing the "One Whip Law".from now on.But some are busy.

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