Although it didn't take too long from Zhang Juzheng's proposal of the "One Whip Law" to its actual implementation, first of all, although people in the court opposed it, Zhang Juzheng was in power after all, so it was difficult for the court to However, the Empress Dowager Li also knew about the "One Whip Method". She also agreed to this reform. Now, since even the Queen Mother has agreed, it is useless for the people below to disagree no matter how much they object.

Therefore, Zhang Juzheng really tried to defy all opinions, and forcibly implemented the "One Whip Law", and the words "struggle against all opinions" are not a joke. It can be said that the obstacles in this are It's really big, even Zhang Juzheng had foreseen the possibility of this situation early on, so he made a lot of preparations for it, and it can even be said that he offended all the people in the court, but even This is the case, but there are still many troubles. Therefore, it can be said that this time the matter can be passed. Although it is an outcome that has been expected for a long time, it is actually a very difficult matter.

But all in all, no matter how difficult it is, this difficult moment has passed, and more importantly, the "One Whip Law" has been confirmed to be implemented.

Of course, there must be many problems in this "One Whip Method", and just a few days ago, Zhang Fan still raised a few points for Zhang Juzheng, and the few points that Zhang Fan raised, It is really very important. If something goes wrong, it is likely to turn the "One Whip Law" into a tool for those officials to make profits, and it is even more likely to become something that harms the country and the people.

Of course, although the trouble is big, it has been found after all, and not only these two troubles have been found, but the most important thing is that the solution has been thought of. Of course, although the solution has been found, but The problem is that the time when this solution was found was after Zhang Juzheng proposed the "One Whip Method" in the court.

If it is said that Zhang Juzheng just mentioned a name before it was brought up, it is naturally no problem if he wants to change it now, as long as the content has not been announced, it is natural that he can change it in any way, but the problem is Well, now the content of the "One Whip Law" has been announced, and if you want to change it now, of course it will not work.

However, there is no need to pay too much attention to this. Although the two problems that Zhang Fan thought of are really loopholes, after all, this has just been announced. The loophole, but when it was just promulgated, the people below would be very worried, and under the worry, even the people below had already discovered this loophole, but when it was just promulgated, they would still abide by it.

Although I don't know how long this compliance will last, but for Zhang Juzheng, as long as it lasts for more than half a year, it is enough, and after half a year, if Zhang Juzheng proposes to change the content, there will be no problem .

Moreover, after half a year of trial, maybe other problems can be found, and they can be solved together at that time, which is also a good thing.

In short, now it's not a matter of making mistakes, but it can only be like this, but this time it can only be like this, but it doesn't make people feel that there are too many regrets, after all, there are already countless things.

And Zhang Fan also understands the truth of this, so Zhang Fan has no intention of objecting to Zhang Juzheng's decision.

Now that it has been decided, then everything is easy to say.

Speaking of which, before the decision was made, Zhang Fan and the people in the cabinet were really disturbed by it. Those people didn't dare to look for Zhang Juzheng, and they all came to them. Those other people, who don't have new sons, daughters, or grandchildren now, are tired of thinking.

However, these people stopped bothering them after that, not because the matter had been determined and could not be changed. However, as the person in charge of the government today, the words of the Empress Dowager Li do not need to be written down to become Yizhi, but in fact, the words of the Empress Dowager Li are not even an oral order, and she does not even use any affirmation. In a calm tone, he just said that he thought the "One Whip Method" was pretty good.

Of course, Empress Dowager Li will naturally think that this method is good. After all, once the "One Whip Law" is implemented, the people who will benefit the most will not be the people, but the court. For a wish to leave a solid family fortune and a peaceful world for her son, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. Therefore, at least as Queen Mother Li, she will definitely agree, or , she has no position to oppose this matter at all.

In this way, even Queen Mother Li has already spoken, so this matter is equivalent to a certainty. In this way, if the people below continue to harass Zhang Fan and other people in the cabinet If this is the case, isn't this the same as courting death? After all, if this matter is now, they have to agree if they agree, and they have to agree if they don't agree. What.

If you don't argue, the future life may not be very easy, but it is not impossible, but if they have to agree to it now, then I am afraid that in the future, no matter whether it is sweet or bitter, then don't live it up.

So, these people saw that the matter was so clear, so they stopped harassing Zhang Fan and the others, but became quieter, let alone what they already knew.

Faced with this, Zhang Fan is really grateful. After all, although those people, whether in the capital or in the whole country, can be said to be famous people, but if there is any problem with these people, they will be involved. When their fundamental interests are reached, they will immediately throw away that layer of coat, and their face will become extremely thick. It is really thankful to be able to keep these people from bothering them.

The matter has come to an end. As for the next thing, that is, the implementation of the "One Whip Law", Zhang Fan's help is still needed, although Zhang Juzheng is not very worried that those problems will be exposed now, which will cause trouble. It's troublesome, but Zhang Juzheng has to be on the defensive. Therefore, Zhang Fan, the commander of Jinyiwei, and the Jinyiwei under him have become the best tools to supervise this matter.

However, Zhang Fan was a little reluctant to agree, not because of any reason, or because some unpleasant things happened between him and Zhang Juzheng, but because Jin Yiwei really didn't have many people. The actual manpower is twice as many as those found in the imperial court, but even so, these people are really a drop in the bucket compared to the whole country. After all, the territory of Ming Dynasty is so large, and "A Whip" The Law is to be passed throughout the country. Of course, some places that are too remote have been slowed down, but even so, there are really many places where it is implemented.

Besides, the scope of this "One Whip Law" can be said to directly affect the lowest level. Therefore, if you want to supervise it, you need a lot of people. Obviously it is not possible, if Jin Yiwei really wants to do it, then Zhang Fan can only stop all their actions now and supervise these people for Zhang Juzheng, but obviously this is impossible.

Of course, in fact, it is not necessary to supervise all places, but to adjust a few more conspicuous places, and then select a few extremely inconspicuous places. In this way, it is almost the same. There are many places where there is no way to take care of it. It is very likely that something happened in these unsupervised places, but now, there is no way to do it. What's more, this is only a small number. Just wait for a while. When will Zhang Juzheng change again.

But even so, there are still not enough manpower. Although the world is said to be peaceful now, even the situation outside Xinjiang is very good and stable, but stability does not mean that there are no hidden dangers. Besides, Jin Yiwei is engaged in intelligence. And information, no matter in any era, is time-sensitive. Outdated information is worthless at all, and Jin Yiwei can never wait until something really happens, and then send someone to see what it is. what happened.

In comparison, people were sent to the local area before, and once something happened, they could report it back immediately, and even, maybe before the accident, they could inquire about the news. In this way, it is possible to prevent it before it happens , wouldn't that be better.

In short, although the world of Jinyiwei is peaceful today, the manpower is not very abundant. Therefore, even if Zhang Juzheng doesn't ask for much, Zhang Fan is still very embarrassed. He is helping, but he can't do what he wants.

But although Zhang Fan couldn't do it, Zhang Fan knew that there was someone who could do it, and that person was naturally Feng Bao. It could even be said that there was no need to think about it other than Feng Bao.

However, when Zhang Fan proposed Feng Bao to Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Juzheng showed a displeased expression, and Zhang Fan was surprised when he saw Zhang Juzheng like this.

If it comes to something, Zhang Juzheng needs someone to help, and this person, Zhang Juzheng's first thought must be him and Feng Bao, this is not in any order, but now, after Zhang Fan mentioned Feng Bao's name, But seeing Zhang Juzheng showing a face of reluctance, this is the first time Zhang Fan has discovered that this is the case between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.

After all, what happened between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, Zhang Fan also became curious,

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