The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1841 Good and Bad Things

The relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao is excellent.This kind of kindness is different from that kind of fellowship.But above that kind of friend.But at first.Involved in this relationship between the two.It is a question of interests.

At first in the court.Zhang Juzheng was under the protection of Xu Jie.Nothing to worry about.Even if he met someone from Yan Song's party.But Zhang Juzheng doesn't have to be afraid.Because Xu Jie helped him carry it.It's also impossible for something to happen.

But the problem is.This is Zhang Juzheng.Although what happened in the DPRK.You can see everything.But in his heart.See more.It also makes me feel a sense of powerlessness.That's right.At that time, he had Xu Jie's protection.Nature is not afraid of anything.But in colleagues who will not be afraid.He also deeply understands.I can't do anything by myself.This feeling.For a person who wants to make some achievements in the imperial court.It was too bad.

And at that time.Feng Bao is also in court.The difference is now.Feng Bao at that time.It's just a little eunuch who just entered the palace.Although the chief executive at the time.There is also some relationship with Feng Bao.He also took good care of him who had just entered the palace.But Feng Bao was also facing the same situation as Zhang Juzheng at that time.

Feng Bao just entered the palace.It was through the relationship with the supervisor of ceremonies.Although it doesn't mean anything in the supervisor of ceremonies.After all, the Supervisor of Rituals is very big.There are also low-status eunuchs among them.This is natural.And Feng Bao at that time.The humbleness among the chief inspectors is also very lowly.In addition, the environment in the palace is inherently complicated.What's more, it is among the special group of eunuchs.therefore.Even Feng Bao has someone above him.But he also had a hard time among the supervisors of ceremonies.

Great summer.The sun was shining.He had to stand in the sun for a long time without being able to move.He didn't know how many times he passed out from the heat.And when the world is icy and snowy.He is still guarding the palace gate.I don't know how many times I was frozen.Almost out of breath.

even though.Only in terms of experience.Feng Bao was indeed a bit more miserable than Zhang Juzheng.But essentially.There is actually not much difference between the two.

And since it is no difference.Plus the situation is pretty much the same.In this way.The two just saw each other.after the initial acquaintance.The relationship between the two has also grown by leaps and bounds.After arriving.It becomes what it was before.the relationship between the two.Whether on the bright side or the dark side.All very good.

With the help of Zhang Juzheng.Feng Bao also went smoothly in the palace.finally.He also got his wish and became the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies.Great eunuch.Climbed to the highest place that the eunuch could climb.

And Feng Bao doesn't just know how to get.Don't know what to pay back.With the help of Feng Baoming secretly.Zhang Juzheng also went smoothly in the court.Especially afterwards.After Xu Jie left the court.Zhang Juzheng was able to go so smoothly.And in the end, he became a cabinet minister of the first assistant university.It is also the highest place that a courtier can stand on.

These two people are like this.The relationship is very good at the same time.The relationship between them is also very good.Although compared to Zhang Juzheng.Feng Bao, the eunuch, did have all the bad habits of power.Also love money.After all, for eunuchs.They are unable to produce offspring.These two things are the only thing they can pursue.

Say something off topic.This is also why eunuchs abused their power after gaining it.Because they know.things in your hands.Whether it is money or power.There is no next generation to follow.therefore.what you get.Then you have to squander it immediately.

all in all.This is the case between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.And although at that time.The relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao is already very good.But even so.Zhang Juzheng also understood.I want to maintain the relationship with Feng Bao.It can't just rely on previous friends in need.What is more important is the immediate interests.

therefore.Between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.Or simply say Zhang Juzheng.He has given Feng Bao many benefits.For example.A few priceless famous paintings and a few equally priceless Guqin.These are Feng Bao's favorite objects.At the same time, it is difficult to judge the value of this kind of thing.Said it was a bribe.But it can also be put aside.

In short.In this way.Between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.That really is the relationship.And the people in the DPRK are also aware of this relationship between the two of them.And the people in the DPRK did not find it strange.After all, Feng Bao started from that time.Looking at the momentum, he is the person who will be in charge of the supervisor.Although it seemed at that time.Feng Bao did not go well.But this cannot conceal Feng Bao's ability.therefore.Everyone knows.

In this way.It is also known at a glance that it must be Zhang Juzheng who can become the chief assistant of the cabinet.I want to make friends with such a eunuch.That is nothing more than normal.After all, the future.The cabinet played.If the supervisor of ceremonies fails.It is also impossible.In short.The relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.That's all very normal.

And this normal.It has also been maintained for a long time.From the time when Yan Song fell from power.Zhang Juzheng turned over in court.You don't have to be as tolerant as you used to be.And the same.Feng Bao is also because of this change in the situation.So it's very different.

And that's when it started.The relationship between the two became clearer.

In this way.People in the court also knew about the relationship between the two.But this relationship.It's okay even if you know.For a while, the two of them didn't do anything harmful.What's more, such a relationship can be maintained in the DPRK.It is also a very normal thing.There is nothing to worry about.Second, the relationship between the two.Although Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao also had some secret contacts.But generally speaking.There is nothing to worry about at all.At least Zhang Juzheng is very accurate in this kind of matter.It will also not leave any handles for other people at all.

It should be said.This relationship between the two can be maintained.Even now.One is the Cabinet Chief Assistant University Bachelor.One is the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and holds the seal.It can be said that they are the top leaders in the court.And there should be some conflicts between them.But the two of them.Maintaining this relationship is quite good.It can be said to be very unusual.

But now.After going through so many things.After the situation has also stabilized.Both parties have also gotten what they want.There is a good saying.Can suffer together.But we can't be the same.Perhaps it is not appropriate to use it on Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.Even the two of them supported each other through the most difficult time.up to now.Both of them have climbed to the highest peak.settled down.But be aware.Even if it is two people at this time.The two of them still have a lot to deal with.And for the benefit of both of them.Still tied together.

That is.For both of them.Even at this position.There is actually no relationship.There shouldn't be much change either.

But this time.When Zhang Juzheng asked Zhang Fan's Jin Yiwei for help.But Zhang Fan couldn't spare too many people.So it is recommended that Zhang Juzheng use Feng Bao's people.Zhang Fan found out.A strange expression appeared on Zhang Juzheng's face.And that look.It's a completely unwilling look.

This made Zhang Fan very strange.There are also countless guesses in my heart.Although Zhang Fan is very sure.But he still wanted to ask Zhang Juzheng what was going on.

After hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhang Juzheng was also a little hesitant.It seems to be worrying about whether to speak out or not.But obviously.He needs someone to help him with this.therefore.For Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, he had to say what happened.

"Feng Bao he..." Although he had already decided to speak out.But even so.After Zhang Juzheng's words came to his lips.But still hesitant. "Feng Bao is a bit different recently. Although speaking, he is still not much different from before. But recently, he has become taciturn. And his daily behavior is not as ostentatious as before. On the contrary. It's a lot more restrained."

"This is indeed..." Zhang Fan responded.But at the same time.Zhang Fan also had some words in his heart that he didn't dare to say.Why is Feng Bao like this.After all.Zhang Fan has a big reason for this.If not for the original.After Feng Bao did many things.Zhang Fan looked for him several times.Talk to him.I'm afraid Feng Bao is still as flamboyant as before.

That is.Feng Bao will become what it is today.In fact, Zhang Fan has absolute credit.But this thing.After Zhang Juzheng said this.Naturally, Zhang Fan couldn't say it out loud.

"It's just..." Zhang Fan said. "Feng Bao has changed like this. Wouldn't that be a good thing? If his behavior is no longer as flamboyant as in the past, many things will become much easier in the future. And how does Feng Bao change? He It's still that Feng Bao. What's more, the teacher just asked him for help. It has nothing to do with how Feng Bao has become. "

"That's right. It doesn't matter what happened to Feng Bao. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. As for this matter, it doesn't matter what happens to Feng Bao. If I think about it, I just need to open my mouth. Feng Bao will definitely agree." Zhang Juzheng said.But his brows were slightly wrinkled. "It's just that I'm not worried about this matter. It's Feng Bao's words. In the future..."

"In the future." Zhang Fan couldn't figure out what Zhang Juzheng meant.But this time.Zhang Juzheng kept silent.Even Zhang Fan raised such a question.But Zhang Juzheng didn't explain to him what was going on.And this look.Zhang Fan didn't like to ask too many questions.But in his heart.It was even more strange about this matter.

This moment.Zhang Fan could clearly feel it.Zhang Juzheng should be planning something.But what the hell.Zhang Fan was a little confused.But the kind of prediction in my heart.But it didn't make Zhang Fan feel at ease.

original.The matter between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.Zhang Fan even knows how to ask.But it never interferes.Because he knows the relationship between the two.I also know the relationship between the two of them.So Zhang Fan was not worried at all.Will there be any problems between the two of them.

But this time.Zhang Fan had this kind of worry in his heart.And this worry.Although there is no reason.There are no signs at all.But it made Zhang Fan feel that.It's probably not that simple.Especially just now.When Zhang Juzheng was talking about Feng Bao's changes.that feeling.Although Zhang Juzheng stopped there.But this time it gave Zhang Fan the feeling.He could clearly feel it.What Zhang Juzheng did not say.Definitely not simple words.I'm afraid it will be very important.And this is important.It made Zhang Fan feel very bad.I always thought it was a very serious matter.

original.What Zhang Fan was thinking about was.Did Feng Bao do something to offend Zhang Juzheng?certainly.Based on Zhang Fan's understanding of Feng Bao.That is, the understanding of the recent Feng Bao.Zhang Fan believes that there is a relationship between Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.Even if there is any disagreement.Feng Bao would never do such a thing.That is.Zhang Fan was judging before.Did Feng Bao unintentionally do something that made Zhang Juzheng uncomfortable or unhappy?This gave Zhang Juzheng such an idea.

But now.After Zhang Juzheng spoke out.Zhang Fan knew this.That's not the case at all.This incident is definitely not because Feng Bao offended Zhang Juzheng to say.It cannot be said that there is no such thing at all.At least not recently.It's about the relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.From very good to the current situation that confuses Zhang Fan.Feng Bao never did anything against Zhang Juzheng that would make him unhappy.

But this thing.It was also because of Feng Bao.That's why Zhang Juzheng became like this.Or rather.Only Feng Bao can do this.It can't be anyone or anything else.It made Zhang Juzheng frown at Feng Bao.In this way.What Zhang Fan thought before was wrong.

And happy to think about this matter from a different angle.In fact, it is very simple to draw conclusions.Just a little.That is, the reason still lies with Feng Bao.only.What did Feng Bao do to make Zhang Juzheng frown at him.It's not a specific thing.On the contrary, it is Feng Bao's huge change now.

Nothing specific.It was because of Feng Bao's overall change.

But this kind of thing is different from the previous guess.What Zhang Fan guessed before.It's a more specific thing.Although Zhang Fan couldn't guess what was going on at the time.But what do you think.It should be just one thing.But now.Zhang Fan found a problem.Not one thing.Or.Even if Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng had a disagreement on a certain matter.It is absolutely impossible to make trouble to this point.That is.This is Feng Bao's big change now.In a completely different way than in the past.This is what made Zhang Juzheng have such a different view of Feng Bao today.

And this kind of thing.Honestly.Zhang Fan felt that the confrontation between the two of them on a certain matter was more serious than that.If only because of a certain thing.That's okay to say.And no matter how fierce the quarrel is because of a certain matter.But this will not have any impact on the relationship between the two.As long as this thing is over.There is nothing more.

but now.If it is a matter of general direction.Then all this is completely guesses.The best case is only a formality; but the real reason.But because of fundamental differences.

But.Zhang Fan thought about it again.this time.But he had no way to confirm with Zhang Juzheng.Because of this kind of thing.It would be fine if he guessed wrong.At most it's just a joke.But if he guessed right.And let Zhang Juzheng say what he said.There may be nothing.But it's also possible to exacerbate the situation.

But.Now the words of the two of them have reached this point.Zhang Fan couldn't do without this matter has come to a very embarrassing place.Of course I was wrong.But the possibility of error is very small.And if asked correctly.Either it's not a big deal.Either that is a big problem.all in all.Either way.Nothing seems to work out.Rather.Zhang Fan didn't ask at this time.It really made him feel difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is.Now that it has been said here.I couldn't help but speak up.

"Between Teacher and...Feng Bao. Is there something going on?" Zhang Fan finally asked.

After hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Fan could clearly see it.Zhang Juzheng's face.The expression has changed.And such a change.Zhang Fan also knew.I asked for ideas.And this look.Zhang Fan also sighed involuntarily.

"Yuande, you can see it too." When Zhang Juzheng said this.Also sighed. "Feng Bao wanted to be knighted last time. You know it too. That incident was quite a mess. The court and the central government also paid attention to it. Fortunately, Feng Bao did not succeed. Otherwise, it would be troublesome now .

"Although I don't know why Feng Bao stopped insisting in the end. But I also thought it was a good thing at the time. It's just that since that incident, Feng Bao's whole person has completely changed. Originally, he really was. Except for a few Except for the individual. That is something everyone looks down on. But now, he talks and laughs with everyone. He has a low eyebrow and is pleasing to the eye. He never quarrels with anyone. Even the people who didn't deal with him before. After we met, he wouldn't speak harshly to him. On the contrary, he could say hello."

"This student knows." Zhang Fan knew more than that.Feng Bao will become like this.Zhang Fan played a big part in this. "It's just. Isn't this a good thing?"

who knows.After Zhang Fan's words of course.Zhang Juzheng shook his head.This made Zhang Fan even more confused.

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