The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1842 The So-Called Change

Zhang Fan figured it out, and he also asked clearly. When he mentioned Feng Bao, the reluctance on Zhang Ju's face was indeed because of Feng Bao. After that, Zhang Fan asked it himself. , That's the thing, and there is nothing unclear about it. Zhang Fan knows that Zhang Juzheng has shown such emotions to Feng Bao, and it is entirely because of Feng Bao's recent changes that Zhang Juzheng has some The place began to alienate Feng Bao.

But for Zhang Fan, the more he didn't understand what was going on, although he did understand that Zhang Juzheng's behavior was due to Feng Bao's change, but at the same time, Zhang Fan knew about Feng Bao's change It is clear, after all, Zhang Fan can also be said to be the most fundamental reason for Feng Bao's change, but at the same time, Zhang Fan also knows that Feng Bao's change is a good thing, after all, Feng Bao in the past is not the same as he is now. Feng Bao, although they all do the same thing, but the style of doing things is indeed very different. All in all, this change of Feng Bao is a good thing.

However, Zhang Juzheng is now not optimistic about Feng Bao's change in a good direction, and instead frowned, which makes Zhang Fan a little confused. If Feng Bao's change is If things got worse, then Zhang Juzheng frowned at this, but he still felt nothing, but now, Feng Bao's change of direction was obviously good, but Zhang Juzheng frowned at this instead, which made him a little confused .

"I don't understand what the teacher means." At that moment just now, Zhang Fan had a feeling that something very bad would happen in his heart for no reason, because Zhang Juzheng's reaction was too much. It was too abnormal, which made him not think about it that way, and Zhang Fan had been hesitating just now whether to ask, always feeling that something would happen, so he didn't dare to ask, but in the end, Zhang Fan Fan still intends to ask clearly. Although he feels bad in his heart, it is precisely because of the bad feeling that he has to ask clearly. Otherwise, if there is any trouble in the future, Zhang Fan will not know what he is doing. Do you regret not asking today, "Feng Bao has indeed changed a lot compared to before, but the students feel that Feng Bao's change should be a matter of course. The good thing is.

"If you just talk about this matter, the students feel that no matter what changes Feng Bao has made, as long as the teacher tells him the beginning, he will agree no matter what, but why did the teacher frown on this matter just now? "

"Oh," Zhang Juzheng sighed after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and said, "Yuande, you don't know something, you should know, the relationship between me and Feng Bao, and the things between me and him Yes, in this way, you must also know about the private affairs between me and him, and there is no need to hide them. Anyone who wants to come to court will know.

"That's right, even though he and I were in no danger in the court at the beginning, people would not be willing to let it go. Therefore, Feng Bao and I also supported each other. This is how we have reached our current position. Whether it is him It's still me, if there is no help between the two of us, I'm afraid it won't be like this today.

"But Yuande, you want to listen to my heart,"

"From the bottom of my heart... what... what does this teacher mean?" Zhang Juzheng was originally talking, but suddenly asked such a sentence, which made Zhang Fan a little confused.

"No matter what Feng Bao is, he will always be an eunuch," Zhang Juzheng said.

As for Zhang Juzheng's words, although they were very short, Zhang Fan immediately understood as soon as he opened his mouth.

Just like what Zhang Juzheng said, no matter what Feng Bao is like, no matter how talented he is, and no matter what achievements he has made in the government, these still cannot change his essence as an eunuch, And the eunuch, plus the eunuch who is in charge of the eunuch, the person who is in charge of criticizing the red, that is to say, Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant scholar of the cabinet, actually has a conflict with Feng Bao, and it is to resolve it. There is no contradiction.

But now, Zhang Juzheng said that Feng Bao was always a eunuch, so everything became clear.

That's right, although Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao had a cooperative relationship in the past, of course, this relationship has not changed until now, but Zhang Juzheng was only because he had no other choice at that time, and because of the fact that the Ming Dynasty In other words, no matter what you say, eunuchs will always and must exist. What's more, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao also had the same needs at that time, so this is the reason why this relationship was formed.

But now, their respective goals have been achieved, but now, although the two have achieved their goals, they have not reached the point where they need to turn their faces. What's more, in today's court, even Zhang Juzheng It is already under one person and over ten thousand people, and the power is in its hands, but there are many things that actually need Feng Bao's help to proceed more smoothly.

What's more, there are still many things that Zhang Juzheng wants to do, that is to say, there are still many places that need Feng Bao's help in the future. Therefore, Zhang Juzheng will not have any problems with Feng Bao, so the two will run counter to each other. .

However, even if that is the case, the problem is that there is still that potential conflict between the two of them. Perhaps now, the interests of the two of them are still tied together, so there will be no conflicts. Something, but it doesn't happen now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future, maybe at some point in the future, there might still be that kind of conflict between the two people.

And now, maybe that is the time when that contradiction will happen, but even if Zhang Fan understands this point, he still doesn't understand what Zhang Juzheng said, because Zhang Fan just recognized it, and Feng Bao The change is a good thing, and it is not a relatively good thing. It is a good thing for both Feng Bao himself and the court, but why, when it is obviously getting better, Zhang Juzheng On the contrary, I am not happy.

Seeing that Zhang Fan was also frowning, Zhang Juzheng understood that Zhang Fan hadn't figured it out yet. For Zhang Juzheng, there was nothing difficult to explain, or it could be said that he had nothing to hide from Zhang Fan. , He explained: "Yuande, think about it, the ministers in the court, regardless of martial arts, will always have conflicts with these eunuchs. This is something that can't be helped, and we can't change it. matter.

"And the relationship between me and Feng Bao is indeed good, but he is a eunuch, maybe you may have misunderstood, I say this, not to say that there must be any conflicts between me and Feng Bao, but eunuchs have Sometimes, it is very convenient to act in the court, and sometimes, even if they do something wrong, they don't have to be held accountable.

"I asked you to send people from Jinyiwei to do this matter now, and Jinyiwei's job is to supervise the officials on behalf of His Majesty, so it is absolutely no problem to let people from Jinyiwei do this. Even if something happens at that time, it will definitely not be blamed on you.

"But if you let the people from Dongchang go, it will be different. You should also know that the job of Dongchang is to supervise Jinyiwei, and Dongchang has no right to intervene in other matters. There are so many things that Dongchang is in charge of, and the people in the court have acquiesced in this, turning a blind eye to it, but this does not mean that the people in the court will forget about this matter. When something happened, they really didn't care too much when nothing happened, but once something happened, they would remember it.

"Now, the "One Whip Law" has just started, and it has not even started to be implemented, but we have already found two problems, but do you think there are only these two problems? There must be other problems. , It’s just that you can’t see it now, and when the problem comes out, it’s not just about the "One Whip Law", all the things that can be involved in it will happen.

"So, I let the people of Jinyiwei do it. In this way, even if something goes wrong, even if those people in the court want to make trouble, they can only come to me, and they can't find you. Yes, even if a few stunned youths really found you, you don't need to pay attention to them at all, and they won't make any waves.

"But if you use people from Dongchang, it will be different. Once something happens, if these people don't go to Feng Bao, then forget it, it doesn't matter; but if these people are really bold, If you found Feng Bao and went there, it would be different.

"If Feng Bao is still the same Feng Bao from before, then I'm really not afraid. I think you know better than me what Feng Bao used to do with this kind of thing. Let Feng Bao do this matter, not only that Feng Bao has a way with these people, but also transfer more of these people's grievances to Feng Bao. It saves a lot of trouble," Zhang Juzheng paused and sighed at this point.

And during this pause for a while, Zhang Fan was also recalling what Zhang Juzheng said just now, but the words that Zhang Juzheng said just now were heard in Zhang Fan's ears, which was not so comfortable. Yes, because Zhang Juzheng already made it very clear that he was using Feng Bao as a shield, but just like what Zhang Juzheng said, Feng Bao at that time didn't care about such things at all, anyway, regardless of the court No matter how those people in the middle came to him, he didn't care at all.

However, based on his own understanding of Feng Bao, Zhang Fan knew in his heart that the reason Zhang Juzheng said was absolutely correct, but it was not all. Feng Bao not only didn't care about this kind of thing, in fact Feng Bao also enjoyed it. This process, you know, only in this way can Feng Bao’s authority in the court be shown, you can come to me if you have any questions, but when I have more power than you, you can’t control me at all, that’s the case.

"But now..." Zhang Juzheng continued, "Feng Bao has changed his appearance now, no matter how he acts in the court or his temper when dealing with others, they are all completely different. I'm not saying that What's wrong with him changing for the better, but I can't do this because of his change, "

This time, Zhang Juzheng's explanation was a little clearer, and Zhang Fan, through Zhang Juzheng's words, also understood a little bit, no, it's not just a little bit, it can be said that Zhang Fan completely understood how he came back thing.

But Zhang Fan, who knew about this matter, had no way to blame Zhang Juzheng. In other words, Zhang Fan, who knew about this matter, was not only unable to blame Zhang Juzheng anymore, but also wanted to feel troubled by Zhang Juzheng. up.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng had a conflict with Feng Bao was because when Zhang Fan mentioned this matter just now, Zhang Ju's impatient, even unhappy expression appeared on the front.

But when Zhang Fan really knew why Zhang Juzheng was unhappy, Zhang Fan also understood. Obviously, Zhang Juzheng did not have any malicious intentions.

In fact, at the beginning, when Zhang Juzheng hadn't explained the matter clearly, Zhang Fan had this kind of wrong judgment. He felt that Zhang Juzheng wanted to shirk the possible problems to Feng Bao. , but because of Feng Bao's current changes, Zhang Juzheng has no way to shirk this responsibility, so Zhang Juzheng will feel troubled.

But in fact, things are not like this. The reason why Zhang Juzheng feels troubled is indeed because of Feng Bao's matter, but what Zhang Juzheng feels troubled is not because Feng Bao will shirk, or because Feng Bao will shirk. Feeling that there is something wrong with being shameless, the real reason is that Feng Bao has changed for the better.

As for Feng Bao's improvement, whether it is for Feng Bao himself, or for people related to him such as Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan, or even for the entire imperial court, it is beneficial. This point is beyond reproach, absolutely no problem.

However, for Zhang Juzheng, this matter is not so simple. Feng Bao's improvement is certainly good, but for Zhang Juzheng, this matter means another thing.

If Feng Bao is still the old Feng Bao, then it doesn't matter. Anyway, the old Feng Bao is thick-skinned and doesn't care about anything. No matter how many people trouble him, that Feng Bao can cover him. Therefore, if it was the former Feng Bao, Zhang Juzheng really didn't care at all.

But the current Feng Bao is not the same. Feng Bao has become better, or he has become different no matter whether he is in government or in affairs. Things are different now.

For Zhang Juzheng, if he faced the old Feng Bao, no matter how despicable it was, Zhang Juzheng would be willing to let Feng Bao do it. Don't care about such things.

But in the face of Feng Bao now, Zhang Juzheng can no longer do this kind of thing. This sentence has no special meaning, it means that Zhang Juzheng can't do this kind of thing anymore. He can still do it for a very thick person, but it is too much to say that Feng Bao is submissive now, but Feng Bao today is really different, at least, other people No matter how much Feng Bao himself disagreed with what he told him, he would not bluntly oppose it as before.

Or, to put it another way, Feng Bao's face has become a lot thinner than before. Many things, even if he knows in his heart, this thing cannot be done in this way, but many times, it is because he can't get rid of this. For the sake of face, there was no way to refuse, so this created a problem.

All in all, in a word, Feng Bao is still the same Feng Bao, but it is because of this change in his mood that he can do many things that he could not do before, but there are many things that he could do before. Things, he can't do it now.

If this kind of thing is placed on someone else, it will only make people feel very strange, after all, it is a very big one, but for these people in the court, this kind of thing is very normal, with such a violent People who have undergone major changes have either experienced very large changes in foreign affairs, or experienced unusual changes in mood. Compared with foreign affairs, changes in mood are also the most difficult to achieve, but at the same time, Once you really have any changes in your state of mind, then your own changes will be the most thorough.

All in all, the situation is like this, and Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng can not only see this change in Feng Bao, those people in the court have spent most of their lives in the court, what is the matter? They can't see it.

As for Zhang Juzheng, he is so embarrassed now, not because he can't tell Feng Bao about the matter, but because Feng Bao will help after he has said it, but at the same time as helping, other people will obviously go to Feng Bao to reason. The former Feng Bao could ignore these people, Zhang Juzheng could believe that.

But whether the current Feng Bao doesn't care about those people, or whether the current Feng Bao will become softer than before, so that he can let go of this matter, this is what Zhang Juzheng has no way to guarantee , and precisely because of this, when Zhang Juzheng heard Zhang Fan mention Feng Bao, that's why Zhang Juzheng showed such a embarrassed expression.

Originally, Zhang Fan didn't know it, but now, he knows it clearly.

It's just that even though he understands this matter clearly, it is very difficult to handle.

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