The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1843 Take it all

What is the problem? Zhang Fan already understood very well. Feng Bao's change is naturally a good thing, but this kind of good thing is also relative. Perhaps for the court, or most of the people in the court, It is said that Feng Bao's transformation is also a good thing, but his transformation may not be a good thing for Zhang Juzheng.

It's not that Feng Bao will hinder Zhang Juzheng's affairs, but because of Feng Bao's change, Zhang Juzheng has many things that he can't do. In the past, Zhang Juzheng had many things, many of which were very difficult and would offend others He handed over all the affairs to Feng Bao. In this way, people in the court would not dare to trouble Feng Bao. They don't care if they plant Feng Bao.

But now, if these people go to find Feng Bao, it will be troublesome. The current Feng Bao is different from the previous one, and if it is the current Feng Bao, if those people in the court go to him , then Feng Bao might be quite troublesome.

All in all, for Zhang Juzheng, the former Feng Bao could be pulled in front of him casually as a shield, but Zhang Juzheng didn't feel any guilt about it, after all, Feng Bao was that Feng Bao, so there was no need to Worry.

But facing the current Feng Bao, Zhang Juzheng couldn't do this anymore, or in other words, facing Feng Bao like this, Zhang Juzheng couldn't do it anymore.

But in fact, Zhang Juzheng was too worried. Although Feng Bao had indeed changed, and this change also made Feng Bao more talkative than before, this is naturally true, but what Feng Bao changed It is only the way of acting and speaking, but his essence has not changed.

Today's Feng Bao is indeed more talkative than before, but that doesn't mean that Feng Bao is now easier to bully than before, and Feng Bao today is indeed more able to listen to other people's words than before. , but in the same way, this does not mean that Feng Bao will agree to everything he listens to, and in the same way, even today's Feng Bao can show a kind expression no matter who he meets, but this is also It's also not a mark, under Feng Bao's amiable look, he has no other thoughts.

In other words, although Feng Bao seems to have undergone a huge change today, in fact Feng Bao's essence has not changed. This point, whether it is Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng, is actually clear in their hearts It's clear, but even so, even if they all know that Feng Bao's nature has not changed, but for Zhang Juzheng, Feng Bao's change is a very different situation for him, and even Zhang Juzheng also knew that Feng Bao's essence had not changed, but even if he only looked at the surface, Zhang Juzheng still felt that he couldn't do anything about it.

"The teacher's thoughts, the students understand," Zhang Fan said to Zhang Juzheng. He did understand Zhang Juzheng's mood, but at the same time, Zhang Fan's thoughts were a little different from Zhang Juzheng's. Well, the teacher really cares too much about this matter, and the matter is not as troublesome as the teacher thought.

"Feng Bao has indeed changed now, but what he has changed is only externally. Although his change is a good thing for both the court and himself, it's just that Feng Bao himself is still It really hasn't changed much, so the students feel that this matter should be done by Feng Bao, and the teacher doesn't have to worry about it at all, and doesn't need to care about anything, and if the teacher can't say this, then the students will do it themselves ,"

"This..." Zhang Fan's words made Zhang Juzheng think about it.

Naturally, what Zhang Fan said was not wrong. Feng Bao did experience this change because of some things, and at that time, Zhang Fan also made it very clear to Feng Bao that Feng Bao must Changes must be made, whether it is for the future or for Feng Bao himself, in short, Feng Bao must change, but at that time, Zhang Fan also made it very clear to Feng Bao, whether Feng Bao wanted it or not. Changes, but at the very least, superficial efforts must be done very well.

In other words, Feng Bao's change was instigated by Zhang Fan, and Feng Bao really only changed his appearance, at least to make it look like others, so no flaws can be seen, but in reality Actually, Feng Bao hasn't changed much, at least not in essence.

Zhang Juzheng can naturally see Feng Bao's change. He has been in court for so long, how could he not see this, but even so, Zhang Juzheng is facing Feng Bao like this. When I was a treasure, I still couldn't do anything.

However, Zhang Fan also saw what Zhang Juzheng meant, but for Zhang Fan, there was nothing embarrassing between him and Feng Bao. There is no such emotion at all, so Zhang Juzheng can't talk about this kind of thing, but Zhang Fan can talk about it.

After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng began to think about it.

In fact, Zhang Juzheng's emotions are really strange. After all, Zhang Juzheng knew that Feng Bao hadn't fundamentally changed, so he shouldn't be reluctant to let go. But unexpectedly, Zhang Juzheng is now It's really hard to do anything.

And Zhang Fan also understood his mood. Although he couldn't understand the reason, he could understand it, so Zhang Juzheng also said that if Zhang Juzheng couldn't open his mouth about this matter, then he would tell Feng Bao at that time, Ask Feng Bao to help. In this way, even if everything is pushed to Zhang Fan's head, there is no problem. Of course, Zhang Juzheng doesn't have that kind of feeling towards Zhang Fan. After all, he and Zhang Fan are very familiar. But now Zhang Fan has not changed like Feng Bao, so if Zhang Fan is willing to take over this matter, then Zhang Juzheng will naturally be happy.

"If that's the case..." Although I already understood in my heart that if Zhang Fan were to do this matter, it would be just a change of soup but not medicine. Changed someone, from Zhang Juzheng to Zhang Fan, but this was an unusual relaxation for Zhang Juzheng, but even so, when making the final decision, Zhang Juzheng still hesitated , but obviously, Zhang Juzheng did not hesitate for too long, "In this case, let Yuande handle this matter, and tell Feng Bao that I will not go. If he wants to see me If so, let him come again.”

"Students understand," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Students will explain the matter clearly to Feng Bao. It's not a big deal after all. Feng Bao agrees to it. It's not a problem, and the teacher doesn't have to worry too much."

"Well, if this is the case, then it would be the best," Zhang Juzheng also nodded, maybe this matter was not a big deal in the first place, but for Zhang Juzheng, some things are different, at least this matter, From Zhang Juzheng's point of view, it was indeed more troublesome.

And now that he can have Zhang Fan to help him with this matter, it is naturally a good thing for Zhang Juzheng. What's more, for Zhang Juzheng, it doesn't matter who is doing it. Zhang Juzheng felt that it was nothing, as long as he could help him get things done, that would be fine. Zhang Juzheng was just worried about that person.

In short, even if this matter is settled like this, if Zhang Juzheng can't go by himself, then Zhang Fan can go instead, it's not a big deal, it's normal.

And after Zhang Fan made an agreement on this matter with Zhang Juzheng, he didn't delay at all, and immediately went to find Feng Bao and told him about this matter.

Sure enough, just as Zhang Fan thought, after Feng Bao heard about this matter, he agreed without even thinking about it. After all, this matter, whether it is about "One Whip" or Zhang Juzheng's plan , Feng Bao knew it all, and Feng Bao also supported it, but now, if Feng Bao is asked to help with this matter, then Feng Bao will naturally agree, not to mention, Dongchang has a large number of people. For Dongchang, this matter is just a piece of cake. All in all, for Feng Bao, this matter is not difficult.

But after Feng Bao agreed to Zhang Fan's words, he asked a question: "This matter, why did you come here instead of Mr. Zhang himself coming to our house?" Feng Bao asked such a sentence.

After hearing what Feng Bao said, Zhang Fan also had some thoughts in his heart. In fact, Feng Bao would ask such a question, which was already expected by Zhang Fan. It's not the first time we met, although he had expected Feng Bao to say that, but he didn't know how to answer Feng Bao.

Although it is said that Zhang Juzheng did not come to discuss this matter with Feng Bao himself, his starting point was naturally good, but even so, Zhang Fan didn't know how to tell him for a while, it was not that he couldn't tell the truth. Just tell him that, but Zhang Fan didn't know how Feng Bao would think about this matter for a while, so this is why he hasn't made up his mind what to say, but now Feng Bao has already asked, and Zhang Fan There is no way not to say it.

"Actually, the teacher..." Zhang Fan was a little twitchy, "My father-in-law has changed recently, and everyone in the court knows about it. Naturally, the teacher also noticed it. The teacher is worried. In this way, if those people If you come to find trouble with your father-in-law, your father-in-law will not treat you like before, and it will make your father-in-law troubled, so the teacher has always been afraid to come to your father-in-law for help."

"Hey, what's the matter with our family?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Feng Bao couldn't help laughing, "That's right, our family's temper has really changed a lot now, but speaking of it, it's all thanks to Zhang Fan. As for Mr. Zhang, it's just that, Mr. Zhang, you don't understand that this change in our family is only for those people in the court to see.

"Last time, what Mr. Zhang said to our family, our family has considered it, and it is indeed the case. If our family continues to go on like in the past, in the future, people in the court will complain about our family, and more What's more, after His Majesty takes power in the future, I'm afraid he won't let our family go.

"So, instead of this, it's better to change it. At least it's just a superficial effort, at least it won't make those people in the court so hostile to our family, let alone your majesty, but Mr. Zhang It’s impossible not to know, those things are at most just superficial efforts, our family is still the same as our family, but some things are not as persistent as before, but once we encounter some things that cannot be compromised, our family will not give up. Absolutely will not back down,"

"I understand what my father-in-law said," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I also understand what my father-in-law said just now, no, not only I know it, but the teacher also knows it in his heart, but even if it is So, but the teacher also made it very clear, just seeing his father-in-law like this, he didn't want to do it anymore.

"At that time, I also wanted to persuade the teacher, but when I saw the teacher like this, I really couldn't say those words. All in all, this matter is like this, but since it is already like this, I think Well, that’s it for the father-in-law. As for the teacher, if the father-in-law thinks something is wrong, I can help the father-in-law to tell the teacher. Yeah, it's not a big deal."

"That's true," Feng Bao nodded after listening to Zhang Fan's words, expressing his agreement, "Then this matter is settled like this. When the time comes, I will find time to have a good talk with Mr. Zhang. , this matter is not big or small, but if you don’t make it clear, if there is any trouble because of it in the future, it will be bad.”

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore," Zhang Fan also nodded with a smile, and said, "I still have some things to do at home, I'm hurrying back."

"In Mr. Zhang's family, after our family, it didn't even take two months to add up. Mr. Zhang has three more sons. This is really gratifying, but the time before was not right. During the Chinese New Year Well, during that time our family was very busy in the palace and didn't have time to visit, but now it's the same thing, but don't worry, Mr. Zhang, our family will definitely visit the mansion, "

"Oh, why bother, Eunuch?" Zhang Fan waved his hand and said, "What is the relationship between us, why is this so?"

"That's not okay. No matter what the relationship is, if you don't visit this kind of thing, it's really unreasonable." Obviously, Feng Bao didn't think so. He was being polite just now, and Zhang Fan was also being polite. This kind of politeness is more than just politeness.

"That's ok, when the father-in-law is coming tomorrow, you must tell me in advance. I have to ask the family to prepare more good dishes and prepare some pots of good wine. Let's have a few drinks when the time comes," Zhang Fan said. He said with a smile, but he suddenly tightened his face, changed his tone, and said, "But father-in-law, let's have something to say first, when the time comes, father-in-law, don't bring any ceremony, as long as you are alone It's done when people come over, if the father-in-law brings it, don't blame me for being ruthless, and don't even let the father-in-law enter the door."

"Hehe, since Mr. Zhang speaks so thoroughly, then our family should be more respectful than obedient," Feng Bao said with a smile.

In short, this matter is now decided.

Afterwards, the "One Whip Law" was finally implemented. Although there were voices of dissatisfaction everywhere in the court, it was unanimously approved by the court, cabinet, ceremonial supervisor, queen mother, and emperor. No matter how much they objected, it was useless. Apart from these two complaints, they had no effect at all.

But these people are not just like that. You must know that what they are worried about is not only the "One Whip Law", but also the complaints from the people below. Compared with the court, the complaints below are also It bothers them even more.

But now, they are not bothered anymore. If it is said that before the implementation of the "One Whip Law" has not been finalized, no matter how loud the voice is, it is still possible to be rejected, but now, it can be said that the court Among them, all the people who have the right to speak on this matter have all agreed to this matter. In this way, what else is there to say, they only need to tell those who come to them to complain that this is There is no way to change the things that have been settled by the court, and it is impossible for those people to bother them anymore.

However, although the implementation of the "One Whip Law" really gave these people in the court a reason to reject those below, but because this matter really involved too many people, therefore, If they reject a group, another group of people will come to trouble them, and even some people will not give up at all once or twice, and they will come again two or three times before they are reconciled. Therefore, the court These people, even if they have a reason now, they are still very troubled.

So now, these people feel that there is no way to keep doing this. Although this matter is confirmed and there is no way to change it, they still want to make a statement. At the very least, let these people really know. There is no hope, at least they are completely hopeless here.

Therefore, these people all came to Feng Bao, and they also knew that Feng Bao had changed a lot now, so they were not afraid of what Feng Bao would do to them at all, so now Feng Bao's place has also become The crowd looked like a crowd, of course, these people could only be dismissed by Feng Baolai one by one, but Feng Bao himself didn't care much about this matter.

That's how it goes,

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