The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1845 Time Flies

I still remember that year.The so-called cold window of ten years.When I was a scholar.He wholeheartedly wants to be able to become an official in the future.I bury my head down and study hard.And once the book is read in.Then it won't feel too boring.And at that time.Although the time passed quickly.But people don't feel anxious.

On the contrary, it was when he just entered the official career.Because I am not familiar with many things in many officialdoms.In addition, the officialdom is an extremely complicated place.So face that.Many people who have just entered are difficult to deal with.Some people survived.Then get out of the way.The days to come will be easier; but if you say you can't make it through.No matter what, there is no way to adapt to this kind of thing in the officialdom.Then there are only two outcomes in the future.Or go home by yourself.Or be sent home by someone else.certainly.There are also exceptions.Take Hai Rui for example.He and the reality of officialdom.That's absolutely out of place.But Hai Rui survived.And it's still doing fine.

In short.People who have just entered the official career.J.All will not adapt.Therefore, I will also feel the days of that time.It was really hard.And in this way.It will also feel that period of time.Time really passed very, very slowly.This situation.J.Let alone Zhang Fan.Even those people at the beginning.Such as Xu Jie and Gao Gong who were no longer in the court.Or Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan who are in full swing today.Even when Feng Bao first entered the palace as a eunuch.It's all the same.

but.Once you get used to it.And get over it.Then all this will be easy to handle.And wait until you get to the point where you feel like a fish in water.So what does it all feel like.That's good.Even wait until then.You will feel that time flies by again.

Just like Zhang Fan's feeling now.Since he became an official.It seems that this matter has not been broken.Just entered the court.He was hostile by Xu Jie because he didn't know.Fortunately, Long Qing was optimistic about him.This is what keeps him from being placed at the bottom.And after that.again.The struggle between Gao Gong and Xu Jie.It involved him again.And among them.Zhang Fan didn't just have to think about the affairs of the court.What's more, there are all kinds of things that Long Qing asked him to go to various places.

Just kept busy.Been busy for several years.Although there are days of rest.Although Zhang Fan was promoted very quickly because of this.But.That was really tiring.And it's very tiring.therefore.Zhang Fan also wanted to hurry through the time that made him feel the most uncomfortable.But that's how people are.Even if it doesn't matter what you think.This day still has to be lived day by day.You can't live without an hour.But even so.At that time, Zhang Fan always felt the same.It's a really slow day.Slow to die.Slowly want to die the heart has.

And now.Zhang Fan has already passed this stage.And now.Although the DPRK and China are said to be the only one.But Zhang Juzheng, who was in power.Although exclusive.But he will not act recklessly.therefore.There will be no major problems in the political affairs of the DPRK and China.And most of all.What Zhang Juzheng is doing now.Even if it makes people in the court feel uncomfortable.But after all, they are all good things.therefore.There will be no major problems.At least not anytime soon.

But nothing happened in the court.There is nothing wrong with the outside. The promulgation of the "One Whip Law".It may be a headache for many people.But since it is only a matter of unanimous agreement by those who can keep their word in the DPRK and China.Then obviously it doesn't matter how much other people disagree.This matter has already been though there are many people with many emotions about it.But actually nothing happened.In addition, Zhang Juzheng attached great importance to this matter.therefore.The supervision of the "One Whip Law" is also very strong.So it won't be a big problem.

As for other things.Liaodong now.Some imperial courts supported the Hada Ministry.And the Hada Department is also very powerful.Although it is not enough to unify Jurchen.Or it could be said that Ming Ting was manipulating it behind the scenes.The Hada Department could not unify the entire Jurchen.But obviously.Jurchen tribes of all sizes.All must listen to the Ministry of Hada.And the Hada Department has to listen to the Ming court.Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Liaodong.

Nothing major happened in the country.Even if there are some droughts and floods.But now the court has enough money.There are many ways to regulate the officials below.So there is no problem.

the most important.That is to the north.Make peace with me.The situation in northern Xinjiang has really improved a lot.

The problem of northern Xinjiang.It has always been the biggest problem of the Ming Dynasty.Since Zhu Yuanzhang drove the Yuan people back to the grassland.just started.And historically.Until the fall of the Ming Dynasty.This problem is also not resolved.That is.There is tomorrow.The entire northern Xinjiang.From start to finish there was no escape from the strife.There has always been a substantial military conflict with that side.

Even now.I have already negotiated with me.This conflict still exists.But today's conflict.At most, it is just encountering a small group of people.Those people are basically outlaws.These people will come to Daming territory to plunder.But actually.I replied that the people under the jurisdiction would not come.therefore.The situation in northern Xinjiang.It can be said that it is the best situation since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

in this case.Even if you want to.That's also not going to time.It really makes people feel very relaxed.certainly.Not for everyone.At least for Zhang Fan.

And once this person is free.You will feel that the time flies by really fast.Just like Zhang Fan said.Now he gets up early every day to go to court.After retiring from the court, I will go to the palace to meet Zhu Yijun.Sometimes Empress Dowager Li would ask him for something.But not often.And after that.Go to the Yamen to deal with some things.after that.It is also concerned about the "One Whip Law".See if you want to talk to Zhang Juzheng or something.

And after all these things are done.Zhang Fan had nothing else to do.go home.Be with your own family.Tease and tease the books.Write or something.

And even if there is an unexpected situation occasionally.But it is also very little.And for Zhang Fan.It's all things that can be dealt with quickly.therefore.For Zhang Fan during this period of time.That really went by very quickly.

No.In fact, for a period of time, Zhang Fan just described this matter based on his own feelings.But actually.this period of time.That's really not too short.

Not even a blink of an eye.But actually.When Zhang Fan came back to his senses.own two oldest children.Yan Yi and Yan Yue are brothers and sisters.Now it's time to start reading.certainly.Perhaps for children aged six or seven.In this day and age.It's too early to read.But Zhang Fan felt that it was just right.Not to mention his previous life.It is about this age that children begin formal education.And even in this day and age.The child of a rich family.It is also possible for children to read at this age.

certainly.Zhang Fan was the number one in the three trials and won three consecutive rounds.Say nothing else.Such a thing as reading.Of course he didn't say anything.And he didn't just read it himself.Also teach others to read.Zhu Yijun is a good example.But even so.Zhang Fan also has no way to teach his own children to read.After all, the affairs of the court made him inseparable.Even now the court is very leisurely.But Zhang Fan was an official of the imperial court.Of course, it is impossible to stay at home and teach kid still needs someone else to teach.

About that though.Zhang Fan didn't need to worry about that.Identity is different.Even if it is impossible to let the academicians of the Hanlin Academy teach their children who are only a few years old.But it is definitely among the best in the capital.

about children reading.To be honest, everyone in the family has almost the same reaction.That is very supportive.Mrs. Zhao didn't say much.After all, Zhang Fan was born as a scholar.Now it is possible to make such a career in the court.It's all because of reading a lot.And as a mother of two children.Not to mention Ru Xue.She naturally hopes that her two children will be successful in the future.certainly.In fact, since they are Zhang Fan's children.In the future, even some things will have to be decided by themselves.But there are also some things that have already been stipulated.But even so.Ru Xue still hopes that her children can read more books.Yan Yi as a boy.That naturally should be the case; and even for Yanyue.Ru Xue also hoped that she could read some books.Even if there is no Li Qingzhao's achievements in literature in the future.But at the very least, there is no problem with literacy and hyphenation.

And the rest of the Zhang family.This is also how they view this issue.After all, the other girls already had children.

I would like to add a sentence here.In the scene of the past few years.Yingyue and Joanna, who have not been released before.She also gave birth to a child for Zhang Fan.Joanna gave birth to a boy.And Yingyue gave birth to a girl.

Joanna is European after all.This mixed race kid.Not exactly like the father.Or completely follow the mother.this child.From birth it looks like a mixed race.Although it is said that this is the Ming Dynasty.But for foreigners.With the maritime trade in recent years.People from the Ming Dynasty also saw a lot.Even if it is less in the capital.But there are.And even Zhang Fan himself.For his own child, he is actually a mixed race.That was also a little surprising.Even if this is already known.

As for Yingyue.That's unusual.Before.Yingyue always thought that she would not be able to have children.After all, Zhang Fan already had several children.And she worked very hard with Zhang Fan.But her stomach didn't move at this end.On the surface, Yingyue is extremely strong.But I don't know how many tears shed behind my back.

but.Ever since I heard Fang Yueling say.This is just a side effect of her undoing the poison of "Five Immortal Honeydew".It won't be long.It can also be untied.Yingyue has rekindled hope.As a result, Zhang Fan became even more "busy".However, Zhang Fan liked this kind of "busy" things very much.Of course this is off topic.I skip it.

In short.After some "hard work".Yingyue was finally pregnant with a child.And for this time being able to conceive a child.Yingyue really felt very lucky.I also cherish it very much.Although Fang Yueling had already told her.This incident did not mean that she would never be able to conceive.It's just because of the antidote.As long as this period of time has passed.She is perfectly healthy.I can have as many children as I want in the future.But even so.for this child.Yingyue still cherishes it incomparably.And she didn't know it was a girl until she was born.But not disappointed at all.It always felt like this daughter was after all the hardships she had been through.The best gift God has given her.

To this.Zhang Fan was somewhat dissatisfied.I always feel what Yingyue said.Forgot him to the side.Speaking of Zhang Fan.He even started eating his own daughter's jealousy.It's really too busy.

This is off topic.all in all.The people of the Zhang family are concerned about children's reading.Nature is very supportive.Of course Zhang Fan was also included.Nor could he object.

However, Zhang Fan had some special thoughts in his heart.Maybe it's an experience in a previous life.Or maybe his identity and ability now.Let him have this idea.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Children read and write.This is of course important.No matter in what some books.Know how to write.It's all good.It is always much better than an illiterate who does not know a single character.but.Zhang Fan does not think that reading is the only way out.Perhaps in this day and age.Reading is really good.But reading can only be said to be the best way out in this era.Not like the future.Reading has become the only way out.

future things.Or what the kids want to do in the future.Zhang Fan didn't want to impose death on the children right now.In the future, reading must be their outlet.It's not that Zhang Fan has more daughters than sons.Or it means that the daughter will always marry in the future.And under Zhang Fan's control.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan's daughter to marry into a family and aspect.Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't force it.Just ask them to be able to read and write.certainly.If any of them are really interested in reading.Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't stop him.On the contrary, I will fully support it.

And for his son.Zhang Fan also had the same thought.In the future, if one of his own sons.Really interested in reading.Zhang Fan will personally teach them.I will take the test in the future.Maybe after embarking on an official career.Zhang Fan was also able to take care of them in the court.

Of course.If it is even his son in the future.If any of them tell him.I feel that I am not the material for reading.Even if you say you don't want to study.Zhang Fan would not force him either.The so-called 360 lines.Every line is the champion.Perhaps for those who were born at the bottom.Although this sentence can also pass.But for those people.It is indeed more difficult.

But for Zhang Fan's children.Naturally, they will not have this problem.If it is said that his child wants to practice martial problem.Zhang Fan could find many masters.I want to join the army.That's fine too.It is also very convenient in the imperial court.Just one day.Zhang Fan's son told him.He wants to be a butcher.That is definitely the best butcher in the world.certainly.The possibility of this is not too great.

In short.Zhang Fan really didn't want to formulate anything for his children.He just packed his bags for his kids.As for where they want to go in the future.That is their own decision.And Zhang Fan, the father.Even if you have the right to decide.But it will not interfere with them.certainly.Naturally, it can't go to the bad.This is naturally guaranteed.

Zhang Fan even thought about it.In the future if say the children's request.Zhang Fan can agree.But when their mother couldn't agree.Zhang Fan will definitely withstand the pressure.Let children be able to fulfill their this point.Zhang Fan is confident that he can still do it.

Spring goes and autumn comes.Zhang Fan was in the middle of such a passage of time.It has also passed the 30th year. [-] years old.Coupled with such a long time in the court.And it has always been an important job.Under the influence of this atmosphere.Zhang Fan's whole person.The atmosphere has changed dramatically.It's become less sharp than before.But it also makes people dare not underestimate him.The youthful breath is gone.All that is left on the face is maturity.

It was Zhang Fan's face and figure.Not much has changed.It's still the same.about this point.Zhang Fan originally planned to grow a beard.But obviously.People in the family didn't quite agree.Zhao and his uncle Zhang Yufang thought it was okay.After all, I am old.Grow a beard.Also more mature.Moreover.In court.There's nothing wrong with that either.

but.Ru Xue and the others are very opposed to Zhang Fan growing a beard.As for the reason.But they refused to say anything.certainly.Zhang Fan did it out of love for them.Even if they didn't say why.But Zhang Fan agreed with that.It's not a big deal anyway.Even if there are colleagues in the court who think there is something.That's okay too.Just think of yourself as a maverick.

Speaking of North Korea.The situation today is also very good.Feng Bao has changed a lot because of Zhang Fan.Although essentially unchanged.what to do.Feng Bao did the same.But the way he does things is much better.So I didn't cause any trouble for myself.At the very least, the entire imperial court is harmonious.Even Zhu Yijun.The dislike and fear of Feng Bao as a child are gone.Still relatively close.Zhang Fan thought this was a good thing.

And Zhang Fan is in the court.It is also more comfortable.When the imperial tutor.Coupled with the identity of the commander of Jinyiwei.For so many years.It didn't waver at all.It can be seen that it is extremely strong.

only.In this good situation.But it's not that there are no worries.over time.Things that have been discussed long ago.Now it has become a problem.

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