The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1846 The 8th Year of Wanli

It is now the eighth year of Wanli.Honestly.These years.It really went by really fast.Take Zhang Fan as an example.He always feels.Thinking about it was the same thing yesterday.My own child can't even speak a complete sentence.Call your parents.The mouth is also vague and unclear.but now.own two oldest children.It's almost ten years old.

sometimes.Seeing children grow so fast.This is really a joy for the parents.But come to think of it.This time is indeed too fast.Although Zhang Fan is now in his prime.It's too early to say old.But think differently.If you go at this speed.It won't be long.He is also getting old.

but.Children are always growing up.And you always get old.This is when there is no way.What's more, Zhang Fan is not very old now.Enjoy the process.But it is extremely easy.

With age.Zhang Fan's face did not change much.It looks exactly the same as it did five years ago.But the person who met Zhang Fan five years ago.Goodbye to him now.That would definitely be an unusual feeling.since five years.Zhang Fan is no longer what he used to be.Still need to run around.Even if it is an occasional trip.But also very easy.There will be no more troublesome things for him to worry about.

And in this way.Such an identity in the court.It also made people in the court respect Zhang Fan extraordinarily.Maybe before.Zhang Fan was indeed a little younger.So others look like Zhang Fan.I always feel that whether it is because of good luck or because he has real talents.But at that time, it was such an important position in the court.That is indeed a bit too much.therefore.that time.Those in the court.Even those whose official positions are much lower than Zhang Fan.I met Zhang Fan.Although it will be very polite to say hello.But anyone can hear it.There was indeed no sincerity in the tone.

But now it is different.Today's Zhang Fan.These five years.This kind of temperament cultivated in the imperial court.That's really real.Zhang Fan didn't have to think about it at all.This breath can also be expressed.Today's Zhang Fan.Even if it is to change him into coarse clothes.Make a stop on the street.But it will also make people see at a glance that his identity is not simple.

Facing the current Zhang Fan.No one in the imperial court will treat him like he used to.But very respectful.Whatever the occasion.met.That is absolutely respectful.

certainly.If that's average.another thing.It also highlights the importance of Zhang Fan in the court today.

As the current Taifu.Zhang Fan also came to the morning court every morning.And every day like this down.It was fine before.Zhang Fan would never speak to the court at all.Unless there is something.Or someone asked him to speak.

And now.In fact, it is almost the same.only.What Zhang Fan said in the hall now.That's not easy.whats the matter.If there is endless debate in the court.Don't say it.Once Zhang Fan spoke.Then what he said was the same as Zhang Juzheng.As long as he said so.No one dared to refute him.It can be seen from this point alone.What is Zhang Fan's status in the court now?

Speaking of morning affairs.There is one thing to mention here.It is now eight years of Wanli.then.When Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Longqing six years.He was only ten years old at that time.Eight years have passed now.Zhu Yijun has also grown into a young man.

Zhu Yijun is getting older gradually.Although the government is still in the hands of Queen Mother Li.Although it is Zhang Juzheng who speaks the most in the court.But Zhu Yijun also gradually began to ask about some court affairs.

This is a big shift.From the beginning.He is still young.At most, it means some things that have already been decided.As emperor.And after that.He began to get over these court affairs gradually.But it was not his turn to call the shots.Just let him watch.See what's going on.And how to deal with different things.And now.Basically some daily things in the court.It's all handled by Zhu Yijun.Occasionally something big happens.Zhang Juzheng and Queen Mother Li will also be handed over to him.After all, he is not young.After the pro-government in the future.These things are all for him to ask himself.So now.It was right to let him do that.

There have always been rumors in the DPRK and China.Say another three to five years.Empress Dowager Li is about to return to power.But for people like Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng, Feng Bao who can often enter the palace.They are even more aware of Queen Mother Li's plan.Empress Dowager Li intends to be 20 years old in Zhu Yijun.Return the great government of the DPRK and China.That is.There are still two years left.Zhu Yijun is about to be in charge.All the affairs of the national court, big and small, will be handled by him personally.Start getting him in touch now.It's not too early.

Speaking of Zhu Yijun.I would like to mention one two years ago.That is, in the sixth year of Wanli.Zhu Yijun got married. Married at the age of 16.This is not too early in this era.Not to mention the royal family.The emperor got married earlier.An heir was born earlier.This is the more important Yijun is also married.

certainly.that time.Zhu Yijun is only 16 years old.Not to mention young.the most important is.that time.He doesn't need to intervene too much in daily government affairs.So Zhu Yijun is not busy on weekdays.Still quite playful.For Zhu Yijun at that time.He also doesn't know what love is.All he knew was his mother's order.Then it must be obeyed.

Speaking of this lucky mother.Her father was still Zhang Fan's subordinate.

Honestly.If Zhang Fan's daughter was not too young.The head of the country is definitely a decision.Regardless of whether Zhang Fan is willing to let his daughter be the queen.At least if the age is right.Whether it's Queen Mother Li or Zhu Yijun.That would definitely be the case.sometimes.Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking.It's really good at my age.If it is bigger.If the daughter was born seven or eight years earlier.That's really hard to say.

At the beginning, Empress Dowager Li was still looking for it.See which girl is suitable.The result is to let Zhang Juzheng, Feng Bao, and Zhang Fan, the three with the best relationship, go looking for them.

Feng Baoben was a eunuch.Even in the past few years.His temper has become particularly good.And follow those people in the court.The relationship is also very good.But he was also a eunuch after all.Let the eunuch go matchmaking with the emperor.It's nothing.Only obviously.Although Feng Bao accepted the order of Empress Dowager Li.But he really didn't intend to do it.So this matter was all placed on Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.

But Zhang Juzheng knew quite a few people in court.It goes without saying about family background.Very suitable.But it was impossible to find a woman of this age.Not at all.But obviously.There must be a problem.I don't know if it was the family or the girl.Not as good as Zhang Juzheng's eyes.

It was Zhang Fan.In the end it was looking around.found one.original.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng knew almost the same people.Can't find it either.But Zhang Fan thought about it the other way around.It doesn't have to be found among those people in the court.And if you look for it from among those people in the court.It will also be a problem in the future.So he is the other way around.look down.This look really saw the right person.And that person is still in his Jinyiwei.

Zhang Fan had two fellow commanders under his command.One of them was named **.He was younger than Zhang Fan and played just one round.And he has a daughter.It's exactly 15 years old now.It is the year to be married.

for**.Zhang Fan is also familiar with it.This person has also worked in Jinyiwei for a long time.Long before Zhang Fan became an official.He has been with Zhu Xizhong for a while.And this **.Not just for a long time.The most important thing is that the ability is also very good.And people don't like to be in the limelight.

But this person.There is a downside.It can even be said to be his only shortcoming.That's why this **** is very horny.If Zhang Fan remembers correctly. ** In the sixth year of Wanli, he was 44 years old.But at that time. ** Already accepted six concubines.Except for these women who brought them home.Only Zhang Fan knew.He also has three or four women outside.And even then.He also still likes to go to those fireworks places.

But these don't matter.This kind of thing is really not worth mentioning.And more importantly.Zhang Fan knew his daughter, Sister Wang Xi.That was a fine girl indeed.Zhang Fan had seen her several times.Knowing this girl is very peaceful.And the birth is also very delicate.Mainly because of her temperament.Really good.the most important is.Although Zhang Fan hadn't seen her a few times.But it can also be seen.This girl is not the type to gossip.There is such a woman as a queen.At least the harem in the future.Even if she doesn't ask.She herself would not cause any trouble.That alone.Will suffice.

Commander Tongzhi is also a third-rank official.Although the status is slightly lower.But also very appropriate.Plus.At that time, it happened that there was a shortage of generals in the Dudu's Mansion of the Five Armies.Zhang Fan also recommended him.Right now.Take this opportunity.Zhang Fan happened to recommend this girl's name to Queen Mother Li.It can be regarded as a help.

And Queen Mother Li's side.Although she believed in Zhang Fan very much.But this matter is of great importance after all.That's not just a simple matter of helping his son find a wife.This is even more looking for a queen.A future mother of state.So this thing.That has to be cautious.

therefore.After seeing Sister Wang Xi's name.Empress Dowager Li also immediately went to find out.Finally let her into the palace.I met in result.Queen Mother Li is naturally very satisfied.then.This matter has also been settled.certainly.Zhu Yijun did not comment.Although it is said that this is his wife.But she has no right to publish any of this matter.Just listen to his mother's edict.

for this.Zhu Yijun also complained to Zhang Fan.He didn't blame Zhang Fan for helping him find a wife without authorization.Because he knew this matter even if Zhang Fan didn't help.In the end he couldn't escape.Rather than that.It's better to ask Zhang Fan to help.At least relying on Zhang Fan's understanding of Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun thinks.Zhang Fan should find a suitable one for himself.

Here it is a little different.In this male supremacy.The age of patriarchy.People with higher status.The contempt for women is getting heavier.It was Zhu Yijun.Under the subtle influence of Zhang Fan for so many years.Instead, some different thoughts arose.Some things may be innate.But some things can also be cultivated the day after tomorrow.This is.

History seems to have changed no matter how big it is.But it is still constantly being corrected.Just like today.Because of Zhang Fan's arrival.The current situation of the Ming Dynasty.It is very different from the original history.But even so.Zhu Yijun's queen.It's still this Miss Wang Xi.

And now.Zhu Yijun's change in thinking about women.I don't know if it will be possible to make this queen empress feel less neglected in the future.The mind is less twisted.

In short.Zhu Yijun is also married.The emperor's wedding.That was really a big deal.Zhang Fan has been here for so many years.Also in court for so many years.But it was the first time for him to marry the emperor.I guess it was the last time I encountered this big wedding.Zhang Fan really cared a lot.

original.This is something that needs to be done by the Ministry of Rites.But Zhang Fan didn't think it was hard work.As long as he can do it.Then he will definitely be there.Absolutely will not refuse.

The emperor's wedding.Very tired.But although Zhang Fan also felt tired.But he didn't want to rest at all.He really wanted to witness the whole process.Perhaps it is to keep in mind.Or it might be written into a book.

In short.Wanli six years.Zhu Yijun is married.The Wang family was proclaimed the queen.

The affairs of the court continued. The "One Whip Method" is now in the territory of Daming.Nearly [-]% of the places have implemented it.The remaining [-]%.It's not that I don't want to.But each has its own reasons.Some are because the place is too far away.Others are because local conditions are simply too different.It cannot be achieved in one step with the "One Whip Method".but.Bacheng place.It is already very good.

And this "One Whip Law" has been implemented in this way.The effect is really good.Before.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng had already discovered the problem.Also two years later.When some signs just appeared.It was changed by Zhang Juzheng.

certainly.It's been said before.It is absolutely impossible for this "One Whip Law" to have only these two problems.There must be something else.Only for the time being.Haven't found it yet.

Sure enough.After so many years.Many new problems arose.Some are just problems in various places.And there are people from Dongchang to in a timely manner.That is very easy to solve.And some are big problems.Need to go to war.

For example.Everywhere is a clever name.A "fire consumption" problem.Once again, it has become a tool for officials everywhere to collect money.

This tax.Zhang Juzheng had already changed it before.The people just handed over copper coins to the government.Go to merchants from official uniforms to exchange money.In this way.Naturally, those merchants did not dare to harm the government.In this way.It also saves the people from a big loss.

But the money that the government exchanged from merchants.All ingots of silver.However, there was no way for these ingots of silver to be handed over to the court.Not only is it hard to count.And it's not the right standard.therefore.Governments everywhere.Still have to melt the silver again.Make it into a set shape.Then type the names of the state capitals.

But this minted silver is not free either.It also costs money.And it cost a lot of money.

It was fine at first.After all, at the beginning.These government offices didn't dare to do anything.But later.when they found out.When you can make a lot of money in this area.And no matter whether it is in the court or in the "One Whip Law".There is no provision for this aspect either.They understood right away.This is an excellent way to make money.And where does this money come from.Naturally, it comes from the hands of the people.

then.That's it.Those places near the capital are fine.But start a little farther away.Governments everywhere.Every year, the "fire consumption" fee will be added.And the cost is quite high.Count it down.Every tael of silver.They were able to collect half a coin more from the hands of the people.think about it.This adds up.That's a pretty big amount.

And this thing.It will also be uploaded soon.It reached the ears of Zhang Fan and the others.

After Zhang Fan found out.He immediately told Zhang Juzheng about it.And Zhang Juzheng had just heard about it.But still feel nothing.And Zhang Fan saw that Zhang Juzheng didn't care.Just settled an account for him.

Now only cash.The imperial court collects taxes of nearly 500 million taels of silver every year.And on average.One tael and a half.So that's it.Every year these people.Just from the common people, it will cost more than 20 taels more.That's it.Then this is not a small number.Although it is said that the whole country is only more than 20 two years.But be aware.For hundreds of years, it was a very small sum of money distributed to each household.But if this kind of thing is ignored.I don't know what the government in those places will do in the future.

When it comes to this.Zhang Fan even warned Zhang Juzheng with words like "The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest".This is what made Zhang Juzheng alert.then.Zhang Juzheng revised it again.It is not allowed for the governments of various places to set up names.Charge "fire consumption" to the people.And those people below are very unhappy.Because of this.A method of earning money that they finally thought of was blocked.But after all, this is something that shouldn't be done.It's just that there were no regulations.Now that it is stipulated.Then there is nothing to say.Just follow suit.

basically.These two years.That's all.But for Zhang Fan.These things really won't be so troublesome.But annoying thing.But not in the palace.But at home.

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