The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1847 The So-Called Born

In late spring, it was only early in the morning, but there was a shout of "drinking" from the courtyard in the backyard of Zhang's mansion.

This is not a strange thing, it actually happened last year.

Before Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling gave birth to a son named Zhang Yi, you must know that Zhang Fan was born handsome, while Fang Yueling was even more beautiful, so Zhang Yi can be seen from a young age, in the future Master Zhang, The appearance is really handsome and extraordinary, but these are not the point, the point is that this child is only six years old now, no, he is not yet six years old, of course, it is not surprising that he is practicing martial arts at the age of six , but the problem is that Zhang Yi, a child, has many special features.

You know, for the sake of this child, Zhang Fan traveled all the way to Sichuan to discuss this matter with Fang Zhenqian. It wasn't Zhang Fan's will at the time, but because of the situation at the time, there was really no other way but to do it this way.

However, even if he wants to fulfill the agreement he made with Fang Zhenqian at the beginning, Fang Zhenqian will only start teaching him martial arts after sending Zhang Yi to the Five Poison Sect in the future. There is no need to start now, but now this child, That's really hardworking, I get up early every day to practice, and I never miss it every day.

This wasn't anyone's request, and even Zhang Fan objected to it from the bottom of his heart, but all of this happened, and to be honest, it started last year.

Last year, Zhang Yi was only five years old, and at that time, Zhang Fan also let him go to school.

Zhang Fan treats this child as his own, and has no prejudice against the other children, but Fang Yueling loves him very much. The reason is probably that Fang Yueling knows that after a while, She is not sure whether this child will stay by her side for a long time. Therefore, even when the child is just born, when she doesn't know whether it is good or bad, and can't tell the truth, Fang Yueling loves him very much. Seeing Zhang Yi, Fang Yueling absolutely refused to give up.

In this way, if you think about it, Fang Yueling wouldn't be able to teach him martial arts.

All because of last year.

Fang Yueling now also wakes up early every morning to practice martial arts. She has never changed this point. In the past, when Zhang Yi was still young, this was naturally no problem, but one day last year, Fang Yueling still Get up early in the morning to practice martial arts, but this time, it's not just the maids or family servants who come to watch, but Zhang Yi.

Fang Yueling naturally saw that her son was also watching her practice martial arts, but she didn't care, or it was a strange psychology of a mother, she practiced more and more vigorously, but Fang Yueling really didn't expect that , and she regretted doing so very much afterwards.

On the same day, Fang Yueling found out that something was wrong with Zhang Yi. As his mother, Fang Yueling was naturally very sensitive to her son, and she naturally saw that there was something wrong with her son. In the end, Fang Yueling was really worried and couldn't help but asked.

I didn't say such a question, but I heard Zhang Yi say: "Mother, I want to practice martial arts,"

Hearing her son's words, Fang Yueling was really taken aback. To be honest, no matter what Zhang Yi said, Fang Yueling would not feel anything, but the only thing about martial arts training made Fang Yueling really feel a little bit. Surprised, but also unexpected.

Compared with Zhang Fan's indifferent attitude, Fang Yueling really opposed her son's martial arts training from the bottom of her heart. As for the future, if her son had to go to the Five Poisons School and Fang Zhengan taught him martial arts, then there was no other way. Even if Fang Yueling disagrees with the matter, Fang Yueling has nothing to do, but Fang Yueling does not want him to go on such a path from the bottom of her heart, so she is also very resistant to Zhang Yi's martial arts training. Things in the future, but not now, nor in front of her.

Therefore, after Zhang Yi expressed his thoughts, Fang Yueling objected immediately, and when Fang Yueling refused, her expression was extremely serious, even angry.

It's just obvious that Zhang Yi is not an ordinary child. If Fang Yueling yelled at him with such an expression, was so serious, and was so angry, that child would definitely be frightened. I'm afraid I'll have to cry again.

But the child Zhang Yi is different. Although he is only five years old, and he grew up under the doting of Fang Yueling since he was a child, but the child Zhang Yi is really strong, or his temper was that day. Life is like this, except for the moment when I was born, I have never cried, whether it was when Shanshan was a toddler and fell to the ground because of instability; or she was bullied by her older brother and robbed her beloved toy In short, Zhang Yi, a child, has never cried, and has never relied on adults to solve the problem, but relied entirely on himself.

But now, facing his mother's refusal of his request, Zhang Yi didn't mean to be afraid or cry at all. On the contrary, he put on a very firm expression and looked at his mother.

And this made it difficult for Fang Yueling. After all, since Zhang Yi was born, she has been taking care of Zhang Yi like a baby bump, and she has never yelled at him. Just now, she yelled at him out of excitement. In fact, she already had some regrets in her heart, and began to care about whether Zhang Yi would be frightened or something else, but she never thought that Zhang Yi would be like this, with a firm and unwavering expression on his immature face all the time. The appearance of the girl, with an expression of swearing not to give up until the goal is reached.

As a result, Fang Yueling was really in trouble, she didn't know what to do now.

After a stalemate like this for a while, Fang Yueling's heart softened first, but softness does not mean agreeing, so Fang Yueling also slowed down her voice, telling Zhang Yi that this matter is not a small matter, she needs to talk to Zhang Yi Let's talk it out before making a decision.

And that afternoon, when Zhang Fan came back, Fang Yueling told him about it without delay.

When Zhang Fan heard what Fang Yueling said, his first reaction was to let out a big sigh.

Zhang Fan has really thought about this matter a lot, but no matter what it is, Zhang Fan feels that no matter what the parents think, they should respect the children's own decisions. If Lai Zhen is really interested in martial arts and wants to inherit the position of the leader of the Five Poison Sect, then even if Zhang Fan will find it difficult to see his son again because of this, he will not force him to make any changes , or have to ask him to follow the path he arranged for him.

But even so, Zhang Fan still had thoughts in his heart, and Zhang Fan had observed Zhang Yi for a period of time since he was a child. Things can be seen, and what Zhang Fan can see is that Zhang Yi's future choice may not be the one he hoped for.

To be honest, Zhang Fan really struggled with this matter for a long time, but in the end, he also thought about it. It is useless to think about it now. If Zhang Yi really wants to go that way, Zhang Fan will fully support it and will definitely not oppose it.

Therefore, when he was five years old, Zhang Fan also asked him to study, and Zhang Yi, a child, did not show a lack of interest in reading, but he was not full of interest either. Let him read and read. , he will naturally be very serious, but obviously, Zhang Yi did this only because of his temperament, don't tell him to do it, he just did it.

Now, Zhang Fan has finally heard Fang Yueling's words, and he also knows that some things really cannot be escaped, no matter how much you think, what should happen will always happen.

Although Zhang Fan also knew that Fang Yueling told herself that she was definitely not just asking for his opinion, but hoped that he could figure out a way to reject Zhang Yi's request, or let him stop his intention to practice martial arts now, but Zhang Fan did not agree to do this, after all, this was the first thing the child asked his parents to do, and Zhang Fan also talked to Zhang Yi, and knew that he was really interested in practicing Wudang, so , even though he didn't want to do this in his heart, Zhang Fan finally agreed, and let Fang Yueling teach him, of course, just teach him some basic things.

At the beginning, Fang Yueling still disagreed, and even because of this matter, Fang Yueling, who had never been cold-hearted after the two were together, left Zhang Fan alone for several days, but in the end, Fang Yueling was still Agreed to this matter, and personally began to teach Zhang Yi to practice martial arts.

It's nothing, anyway, this is the time when the foundation is just being laid, and it's not a problem to let a woman like Fang Yueling teach it. What's more, Zhang Yi will also learn the martial arts of the Five Poisons Sect in the future, so this is just right up.

Speaking of which, when Fang Yueling first started, although she also agreed to Zhang Fan to teach Zhang Yi martial arts, but in fact at that time, even though she had already agreed, she was still a little unwilling. It is clear that once this matter starts, that is to say, Zhang Yi's future has already been determined and cannot be changed. In this way, the future must also take that path.

However, when Fang Yueling started to teach, it changed. Either she didn't teach, and since she wanted to teach, she had to teach well, otherwise, she would be in big trouble.

Before that, Fang Yueling just had this feeling, but after it really started, Fang Yueling naturally had to teach it well, and even some things that she didn't care much about, or that she didn't need to say in detail , she will also explain clearly one by one, after all, this is her own flesh and blood, and such things as martial arts, there really can't be any mistakes.

In the beginning, after all, she was just learning, and Zhang Yi was really young, so when Fang Yueling was teaching, she naturally didn't dare to be too hard, but did what she could according to Zhang Yi's age.

At the beginning, I just taught some very common things, such as Zamabu, the basic of the basics, and Fang Yueling really did her duty. She really didn't want Zhang Yi to learn it before, but now that she taught it, she was very strict. If Yi Ruo did something wrong, if it was unintentional, or if he didn't know it before, then it would be fine, but once Zhang Yi Ruo did something that Fang Yueling had said before, then Fang Yueling would never show mercy, even though he said It's not enough to do it, but it's definitely not a good face.

For Fang Yueling, this is a matter of principle. After all, she also started practicing martial arts since she was a child, and when she was young, Fang Zhenqian taught her the same way. When she is not practicing martial arts, she can play as she likes. Play, but once you practice, you must practice hard, and you can't be sloppy at all.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Yi was not ambiguous at all. Although he was still young, he never slacked at all from the beginning, and he never said that because he was a child, he was taught by his own mother. , so he can act like a baby, and once what Fang Yueling said, if he commits a crime and is taught a lesson, then he will never do it again. This child, in this regard, really remembers it very well I didn't forget anything.

Moreover, Fang Yueling also noticed that this child may be really stubborn, but he is indeed a good material for martial arts training. Although it has only been a short time since the beginning, it is not clear why, let alone What's more, Fang Yueling taught him some basic skills, but you must know that it is the basic skills that are the most challenging.

Some people who learn martial arts rarely practice the basic skills, and some even skip this section altogether. Perhaps if these people do this, they will indeed start faster, and if they learn martial arts at the same time, they will definitely practice earlier than those people. Those who have mastered the basic skills for a long time are stronger.

But later on, when those people who have practiced the basic skills very solidly practice these moves again, the gap will appear. As long as they learn it and perform it, it will definitely be much better than those people. The basic skills are solid, and many movements are relatively stable, and those who practice martial arts first, and then practice kung fu, after understanding this truth, it is no longer possible to go back to practice. First of all, if they go back to practice, they have long since lost their mind. ; Secondly, they have already missed the best time to practice basic skills, even if they go back to practice, there will be no effect at all. In this way, the height that these people can achieve in a lifetime is also very limited, so the basic skills , this must be practiced, and it must be practiced well.

The reason why everyone understands this truth is that there are still many people who do not practice basic skills. One very important reason is that practicing basic skills is too boring. Take the most basic Zama step as an example. It’s just a few hours, it’s not to say whether it can last, but the most important thing is that this station lasts for such a long time, many people don’t have that patience, and they always want to learn those skills quickly. Looks like a very nice move.

All in all, practicing martial arts is just like that.

However, this kid Zhang Yi is very different. He was able to survive a movement that seemed very boring to others, but he was able to survive it.

Maybe it's because he's too young, even if he can stand, he can't hold on for a long time, but as long as he can hold on, he will never rest, and he will never cry tired. And not only that, the next day, Zhang Yi didn't even need his mother to tell him, and he practiced on his own very consciously.

Of course, as I said before, after a period of time, Fang Yueling also discovered that Zhang Yi is indeed a good material for martial arts training, but the reason why Fang Yueling said this is not because the child is very patient and wants to achieve something in martial arts. Patience is required, and this understanding is also required.

There is a good saying nowadays, "Just talk but don't practice fake moves, just practice don't talk about stupid moves", this is not wrong at all, if you just practice, no matter how patient you are, you will not be able to master it. Essentials, that's useless, and just being patient, just knowing that you have done everything that the master told you, is useless. After all, the moves you learn in martial arts are rigid, and they are dead. But if you have to face the living people, if you use death moves at that time, it will not work.

Just by practicing basic skills, it is naturally impossible to tell whether a person is suitable for martial arts, but Zhang Yi has absolutely no problem with his body at least in this regard.

She was only five years old, and she had never been in contact with her since she was a child, but on the first day, Fang Yueling discovered that Zhang Yi was better than the people of the same age she knew, and much better, which meant that Zhang Yi This child Yi is really in good health.

Afterwards, Fang Yueling also felt that just Zhamabu could not do it all day, so she taught him some simple moves, which were not very powerful, at most it was just to exercise the tibia. Used to relieve boredom.

But even with these rigid one-liners, there will be no changes at all in the future, and even things that are not used at all, Zhang Yi practiced them differently. At least in Fang Yueling's memory, when he practiced by himself, there was absolutely no such thing as his own. My son is like this, he can learn it in three or two days, and he can become proficient immediately.

Although I didn't want Zhang Yi to practice martial arts at first, but since I did, I should practice hard. Moreover, Fang Yueling was very happy when she knew that Zhang Yi was like this.

In this way, a year has passed, and it has really come to that time,

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