The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1848 Always Coming

A very ordinary morning.Zhang Fan was the same as usual early in the morning.Woke up early.Dress well.Ready to go to court.It is late spring now.It's almost summer.Although located in the north.But the capital is gradually getting hotter.certainly.This heat is only relative.At least compared to the South.It's much better here.

Zhang Fan didn't care much about the weather.After all, it's not winter and summer yet.It is also impossible to cause any drought and flood disasters due to weather problems.not to mention.Even if there is any drought or flood disaster.That's not too much to worry about.After so many years.The imperial court was in order to cope with similar things.That was a lot of preparation.Including the yamen in the court that was re-established specifically for this purpose.Once there is a disaster.Basically, you can start right away.

But for Zhang Fan.Now he only needs to go to the morning court every day.Now Zhang Fan is different in the court.It's not about Zhang Fan's status in the court.It refers to what Zhang Fan needs to do every day.

turn out to be.Zhang Fan just had to go to court every day.After all, identity is like this.But Zhang Fan actually spoke very little in the court.It's not that Chaozhong doesn't have his turn to speak.But he didn't need to say those things at all.Just hold on.But at that time.Although usually do not say.But once something serious happens.Zhang Fan will never keep his mouth shut.avoid trouble.Some things must be said.

But now.Zhang Fan is no longer what he used to be.If you can't open your mouth, you won't open it.Today's Zhang Fan.Inside the court.Especially the words above the court also increased.The reason.In fact, it was because of Zhu Yijun.

Today's attention army.Not young.Already ten ** years old.There is still a year or two of work.He's about to take over as well.This is what the Empress Dowager Li has already decided.Of course it must be's Zhu Yijun is not just meddling in the daily affairs of the court.Basically a major event in the court.He will pass the purpose.Although among these major events.It is only a small part that Zhu Yijun can make his own decisions.Those are more important.We still have to discuss it with the cabinet.But even so.through this exercise.Zhu Yijun is concerned about how to manage the country.It also has a lot of confidence and experience.

But even so.before making a decision.Zhu Yijun also had to ask other people for their opinions.certainly.This is not to say that Zhu Yijun can't make up his mind by himself.One of those little things.Whether Zhu Yijun is in judgment or in power itself.Everyone has the right to decide these things.But.Even so.Zhu Yijun still wanted to ask.Among them.It is also a matter of habit.After all, he has always been like this.It's normal to want to ask.And that's it.Zhu Yijun is still not very confident about himself.I always feel that there is something I haven't thought about.So I will ask more.

certainly.Zhu Yijun asked the most questions.That is Zhang Fan.

at the very beginning.Zhu Yijun would still ask Zhang Juzheng first.If Zhang Juzheng didn't say anything.Or what Zhang Juzheng asked him to think about.Then Zhu Yijun will ask Zhang Fan.After all, no matter how naive Zhu Yijun is.He is still very clear about this kind of thing in the court.

And Zhang Juzheng is concerned about these things.He really didn't care too much.In fact, although Zhu Yijun always asked him first.But Zhang Juzheng's answer.Virtually without exception.Almost all of them are "please your Majesty to decide on this matter".

And when Zhang Juzheng couldn't get an answer here.Zhu Yijun would turn around and ask Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan is different to Zhu Yijun.As long as Zhu Yijun asked.Zhang Fan will absolutely tell the whole story.Nothing will be hidden.Or don't say it.

That is.Since Zhu Yijun gradually started to make decisions in the past two years.Actually toward China.But whenever Zhu Yijun personally decides.In fact, it is basically Zhang Fan's method.

But for this case.Those people in the court did not have any complaints.It wasn't that they were afraid of Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan never did anything to them.first.Even the emperor Zhu Yijun who did this didn't say there was anything wrong with it.Then these are the courtiers below them.Why bother to talk about these things?There is no need at all.

Second.It was Zhu Yijun.In other words, these things were decided by Zhang Fan's idea.It can be said that it is all satisfying.Zhang Fan can be said to be deeply rooted in the doctrine of the mean.And this golden mean.It's not just about saying that what you do and what you say can't be offended.the most important is.this kind of thing.Colleagues who are making it.It must be acceptable to both parties.Even satisfying both parties.This is the most important.

certainly.This idea is certainly a good one.But in fact, there are so many easy things to do.therefore.Zhang Fan can only do this after encountering such a thing.Try to rely on it as much as possible.Want to be perfect.That is naturally impossible.But the bare minimum.It also needs to be closer.

In short.Now under Zhang Fan's method.The court is still peaceful.

And through Zhang Fan's method.Zhu Yijun has learned a lot.Say nothing else.At least Zhang Fan's method.Zhu Yijun has learned it.

but.When once.When Zhu Yijun talked about this matter with Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan shook his head.Different words were spoken to him.It was also something Zhu Yijun hadn't expected.

Zhu Yijun told Zhang Fan.His ideas are good.And he will do so in the future.But Zhang Fan told him.The reason why he would say that now.It's all because everyone in the court knows it.All these things were his idea.No matter what Zhang Fan said directly in the hall.Or it was discussed with Zhu Yijun behind the scenes.But in fact, everyone in the court knows it.Zhu Yijun's decision now.Basically, Zhang Fan's idea was used as a reference.

But in the future.Zhu Yijun was an emperor after all.After all, it is to be pro-government.And after pro-government.If the emperor encountered any problems.That is naturally to be asked by the minister.After all, the role of the minister.It is to help the emperor rule the country.But it is impossible for the emperor to ask ministers to consult for him in any decision.There are many things that need to be considered by the emperor himself.Decide for yourself.And in the end he calls the shots himself.

Zhang Fan told Zhu Yijun about this very clearly.Wait until then.When the ministers wanted to help, they couldn't help.When the emperor wants to ask for help but has no choice.He can only rely on himself.And if relying on his own words.Then this thing will change again.The emperor acts.different.some things.If you can achieve the best of both worlds.That is of course the best.But if you can't.Then don't worry too much.In short.The emperor acts.with ordinary people.It's different from those people in the court.And what should be done.Still have to see what the same time.get things done.Make a decision.There must be absolutely no bias.

Hearing Zhang Fan's words.It really made Zhu Yijun think for a long time.But for Zhu Yijun who is very smart.It didn't take him long to figure it out.Zhu Yijun after he figured it out.He also happily agreed with Zhang Fan's words.

Zhu Yijun was very familiar with Zhang Fan.If there is anyone who really won't harm himself.Zhu Yijun believes that there is nothing but himself behind the scenes.It was Zhang Fan.And other than that.Zhu Yijun always had a feeling of distrust in his heart.And what Zhang Fan said.Do the opposite.While not agreeing with his praise.He also told him what to do as an emperor.this kind of thing.For Zhu Yijun.No matter how much you read from books.But it was also the first time he met.And the same.Zhu Yijun felt that there could be a courtier like Zhang Fan who dared to say such words to himself, the emperor.Really very lucky.

And since then.Whenever there is something that needs to be decided by Zhu Yijun, it's just.He would still ask Zhang Fan.Only this time.Zhang Fan's proposal.For Zhu Yijun, it was no longer decisive.Instead, it became a reference to give him guidance.When it's really time to decide what to do.Zhu Yijun will still make his own decisions.

even though.This change seems to be really not big now.Although Zhu Yijun had this kind of thought in mind.But in fact, all he had to do was ask about Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan told him.Then his final decision.In fact, it is very different from what Zhang Fan said.It's just different.Originally, Zhu Yijun could be said to have completely copied Zhang Fan's method.but now.He has made some small changes.Although this change is not big.But this is a beginning after all.It also indicates that Zhu Yijun is in power.I have begun to gradually add my own views.

Of course.This kind of thing is naturally a good thing for Zhu Yijun himself.But not necessarily for the Ming Dynasty.After all, nowadays.I just think Zhu Yijun is very smart.What should be done about the affairs of the government.He learns very quickly.But in the final analysis, Zhu Yijun's approach.Or to be more precise.It is Zhu Yijun's grasp and judgment on the matter.Can the court be normalized?Let the people be safe.It depends on the future situation.

But even now there are so many unknowns.But it does not mean that the future will be good or bad.At least for Zhang Fan.Now this matter.Looks like a good thing now.That's enough.As for what will happen in the future.That can only be said in the future.

In short.Everything is fine now.There is really no way to predict what will happen in the future.But since it cannot be determined.Then there is no need to bother.At least for now it's fine.That's enough.And for Zhang Fan.If the future is uncertain.So now he also continues to have the motivation to guide Zhu Yijun on the path he should take.This is better than what has already been finalized to come now.

so.Today's Zhang Fan.In fact, it is just busy with this matter.And this thing.Although it is extremely important.But it also cannot be rushed.If in a hurry.That would only be bad.So take your time.But for Zhang Fan.In this way, although I was thinking about this matter in my heart.But there is no need to worry too much.

Zhang Fan was not busy during this time.Even if something major happens in Jinyiwei.Zhang Fan will no longer be the same as before.So nervous.After so many years.Let Zhang Fan understand.Only deal with it order to solve the problem.Otherwise.They will do bad things because of mistakes.

Now.That's it.

but.As the days go by.The uneasiness in Zhang Fan's heart also intensified accordingly.Zhang Fan has a good memory.So good that he will never forget a single thing.Even the smallest things.As long as Zhang Fan has seen and heard of it.That would be in his mind.And I will never forget upon a time.Even if it was a long time ago.But Zhang Fan will never forget.Take it to heart.

Honestly.This is not a good thing.Or maybe it's something that's annoying.If it's a big deal.If you come, you are in a hurry.The kind that goes in a hurry.That's okay to say.Anyway, faster.After coming.It's also fast.Not so much trouble.But it's the kind of thing that takes a long time.But it will torture people.

certainly.Actually.It doesn't matter if you have a good memory or not.At least Fang Yueling's memory is definitely not as good as Zhang Fan's.But she still remembers it very clearly.And over time.Especially since Zhang Yi's kid started practicing martial arts.This matter has always been on the minds of the two of them every day.Just think about it.That would definitely be a torment.Make people uncomfortable.

Fang Yueling was perhaps the most painful.After all, Zhang Yi is a piece of meat that fell from her body.And now.Their mother and son are facing the separation of flesh and blood.Neither is a farewell.Or in other words, we will never see each other again.Only obviously.Although the chance of meeting in the future can be decided by Fang Yueling herself.But it is also very few.But for Fang Yueling.She couldn't tolerate it the most.It is their own children who are going to suffer.In the future, he will have to take the position of the leader of the Five Poison Sect.And get involved in those martial arts disputes.Fang Yueling couldn't accept this kind of thing with peace of mind.After all, compared to the comfortable environment in the capital.The Five Poisons Sect is still too dangerous.

And facing Fang Yueling like this.Zhang Fan had no other choice.I can only comfort her.Although Zhang Fan also understands.Temporary comfort cannot relieve the pain in Fang Yueling's heart.When she thinks about it tomorrow.It will still be uncomfortable.Not to mention the future.After Zhang Yi left.Trying to adjust to life without children.I don't know how much more time it will take.After all, the current Fang Yueling is not the original one.After all, she is a mother with a child.This feeling of separation between mother and child.Even if you can't feel it.But it is also conceivable.

But for Zhang Fan.In fact, Zhang Fan felt even more uncomfortable.After all, Zhang Yi is not just Fang Yueling's child.It is also his own flesh and a father.For my own children.Naturally, there will be such inseparable feelings.But.After all, Zhang Fan is a man.It is the backbone of the family.And even if you encounter such a sad thing.Zhang Fan can't and shouldn't reveal this behavior to the outside.But keep it in your heart.silently bear.even.He may be in a more uncomfortable mood.But he still wanted to comfort Fang Yueling.but.Whenever Fang Yueling can be comforted by him.While falling asleep in his arms temporarily.But no one could come to comfort Zhang Fan.All in all.He has to bear it by himself.

so.This thing actually gives the biggest impact.It should be Zhang Fan.But just because Zhang Fan is a man.So he can't show this kind of thing.Only in the bottom of my heart.And this matter also made Zhang Fan feel powerless.Although he is an important member of the court.You hold a lot of power in your hands.But there was no way to get this done.Can only watch it happen.This made Zhang Fan's heart ache even more.

therefore.this time.In fact, Zhang Fan also cherishes the time he can be with Zhang Yi even more.As long as it is available.Zhang Fan will stay by Zhang Yi's side.This even misunderstood the other women.I wonder if Zhang Fan is particularly fond of Zhang Yi, the child.

to this end.Zhaoxue, whose temperament has not changed much.He also told Zhang Fan about this matter.But in the end, he was severely scolded by Zhang Fan.This was really the first time Zhang Fan would scold her.And therefore.Zhaoxue cried very sadly.

But fortunately.Finally, Mrs. Zhao spoke.Let Zhang Fan apologize.This is the end of the story.

certainly.This matter is for Zhaoxue.It doesn't have much impact.After all, Zhaoxue's temperament.Really not a person who likes to hold grudges.

but.From this matter, it can be seen that Zhang Fan cares about this matter.

There is no other way.It really does make people feel powerless.And when lamenting powerlessness.People will be complaining again.people at this time.It also becomes more irritable than don't blame Zhang Fan for being like this.

but.It was impossible for Zhang Fan to tell this matter.Maybe it's time to say it.But not now.He didn't want his family to worry.

And in this worry.The days passed day by day.And Zhang Fan already had a premonition in his heart.This time is very close.He always feels.Just recently.Will get the message.And it's news about Zhang Yi.So this time.If the following people come to him.Zhang Fan was also worried.I was afraid to hear news that it was the Five Poison Sect.

But this matter.After all, it has already been said.There is no way to hide.What was supposed to come finally came.

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