The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1879 is not over

The palace has already caused ups and downs because of this incident, and this incident is not only in the palace, even the entire court knows about it, and those who know about it, That's why they are really concerned about this matter. Some are eager to know what the outcome of this matter will be, and some simply want to intervene in this matter.

Of course, this is just the thinking of these people, and they can only think about it in their hearts, but they can't take it seriously.

Regardless of these people, let's just say that in this matter, being caught in the middle seems to be innocent and wronged, but in fact it is Zhu Yijun who has brought it upon himself.

It has been nearly two months since Empress Dowager Li told him about it at the banquet, and during these two months, Zhu Yijun, don't care what he thinks about this matter But he was really annoyed to death by this matter.

Every day, he has to be passed on by Queen Mother Li, but the result is that Queen Mother Li keeps asking him if he has made a decision, and Zhu Yijun is not stupid, he can hear it, and he doesn't know what his own mother is. The idea of ​​making Wang Shuyuan the imperial concubine became more and more firm.

Regarding this point, originally, he thought it was Wang Shuyuan who was behind the scenes, relying on the fact that his mother loved her very much, so he just chewed his tongue like this. No, in fact, Zhu Yijun still thought that way, but he was taught by Zhang Fan, As for anything, it is naturally possible to think preconceivedly, but you must never use this preconceived idea to make a decision for yourself, so Zhu Yijun still asked someone to check it out, and found that Wang Shuyuan was really very calm, what? She didn't say anything to Queen Mother Li. Even if Queen Mother Li went to see her in person and asked her something, Wang Shuyuan didn't say anything inappropriate.

And if it really made Queen Mother Li's thoughts deepen, it was actually the gossip in the court. Zhu Yijun understood that almost everyone in the court today has made up his mind and thinks that Wang Shuyuan must Being able to give birth to a boy, and Zhu Yijun also understands that his mother wants to have a grandson very much, so this is so determined.

Regarding this matter, what can Zhu Yijun do? He hates Wang Shuyuan, but Wang Shuyuan has never said a word; he can't hate his mother, even if his mother brought up this matter, but the queen just gave birth Princess, and Zhu Yijun didn't understand Queen Mother Li's desire to embrace her grandson. Even if he wanted to hate those people in the court for talking nonsense, it reached the ears of Queen Mother Li and made Queen Mother Li change her mind. What people say is their business. Of course, the emperor can order these people to be punished, but Zhu Yijun will never go to this trouble.

In short, these kinds of situations have made Zhu Yijun very troubled today.

And Zhu Yijun's troubles are not limited to these.

Every day, he has to face his queen mother, but at night, no, in fact, it won't be at night at all. In the afternoon, when he returns to his bedroom, Zheng Shupin, who has been waiting there for a long time, will A new round of fatigue troubles for Zhu Yijun has begun.

Speaking of it, Zheng Shupin was indeed a little wronged, and no matter what kind of thoughts she had in her heart, or the thought of fighting for power and profit in her heart was very heavy, but she was indeed very What's more, she only worked hard on Zhu Yijun alone, and she didn't harm other people.

How many years has it been since she first entered the palace, seven or eight years, she wasted her good years, in this deep palace, even at the beginning she was just a palace maid, but she didn't feel wronged On the contrary, she is serving Zhu Yijun wholeheartedly, not only caringly, but more importantly, she is trying her best to understand Zhu Yijun, seeing all Zhu Yijun's thoughts and activities in her eyes, and now, she has done it, She only needed Zhu Yijun's eyes and movements, but didn't need him to speak, she already understood what Zhu Yijun wanted.

After all these years, with his advantage of being close to the water, Zhu Yijun can hardly do without him, and finally, he has survived from a court lady to a concubine, although the title of concubine Shu is not very big , but this is an excellent springboard for her. Through this springboard, she can continue to go up, and it is not impossible for her to become an imperial concubine or even a queen in the future.

Even the only person who made her feel very threatening to her, Zhang Fan, to be honest, Mrs. Zheng was really afraid of Zhang Fan in the past, not because Zhang Fan was someone Zhu Yijun respected very much, nor was it because Zhu Yijun had great respect for him. Any decision made by Zhang Fan will be followed unconditionally. The reason why she is a little afraid of Zhang Fan is entirely because of the way Zhang Fan looks at people, or at her, as if he is always saying to her, "I know what's on your mind".

Mrs. Zheng knew what Zhang Fan was thinking, and knew that Zhang Fan was really dedicated to Daming and Zhu Yijun, and she was sure that if Zhang Fan saw that she had any unruly thoughts, or any actions that might harm Daming, If so, then Zhang Fan would definitely strike without hesitation and beat her back to her original shape. Zheng couldn't take the risk, so she was always afraid of Zhang Fan.

However, it is precisely because she has always been afraid of Zhang Fan, so when she manages her future in the palace, she only focuses on Zhu Yijun himself, trying her best to please him, and the rest She doesn't ask about things, including many things in the palace. She understands that doing those things to make people in the palace fear her, or to show off her power, not only has no effect on her goals, but will still cause her But she understands that as long as she can be completely favored by Zhu Yijun, then everything is enough.

And it is precisely because of her that Zhang Fan didn't do anything to her. For Zhang Fan, he could see clearly that the emperor's harem has always been a troubled place. In order to win favor, anything can be done. It can be done, but now, Mrs. Zheng just wants to please Zhu Yijun, and has not done anything excessive. In this way, even Zhang Fan can see that she has a little bit of care. Yes, but Zhang Fan also thinks it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't do those messy things and don't make the palace a mess, then that's fine. As for other things, Zhang Fan will follow her.

In this way, even Zhang Fan, whom Mrs. Zheng was most worried about, would no longer hinder her, so she really had nothing to worry about. In this way, Mrs. Zheng began to concentrate on managing the relationship between her and Zhu Yijun. relationship.

And with the passage of time, it is obvious that she has done a very good job in this aspect. Zhu Yijun also had a good impression of her from the beginning, and now, he really likes her. In fact, it was at Zhu Yijun's wedding Afterwards, the Zheng family was the first to be canonized as a concubine.

Of course, Zheng's ambition is naturally not just a concubine. She naturally thought of becoming a queen, but this queen is obviously a tolerant master. It's not ostentatious at all, Zheng Shi has already calculated in her heart, and it is basically impossible to get her down.

Therefore, although Mrs. Zheng did not give up on the seat of the empress, she put it in the back seat. The most distinguished person under the empress is naturally the seat of the imperial concubine. Naturally, Mrs. Zheng, That's because she took a fancy to this, plus her current relationship with Zhu Yijun, it's really good, and she gets tired of being together every day, so Zheng Shi also found a good time to tell Zhu Yijun about this matter .

As for Zhu Yijun, although he understands Zheng's little thoughts, since he likes Zheng, he doesn't need to mention them anymore. Therefore, when Zhu Yijun heard Zheng's mention of this matter, he naturally didn't think about it. Thinking about it, I agreed directly. This is not Zhu Yijun's entrustment or something. Although this matter is important, it is also a matter that he can decide for the emperor. It is just a sentence, and there is nothing to say .

Originally, all of these things were planned, but they did not expect that such an incident happened halfway through, and in this way, all Zheng's plans were disrupted.

After hearing that Wang Shuyuan was pregnant with Zhu Yijun's child, Mrs. Zheng still didn't think too much about it. After all, Zhu Yijun was the emperor and a maid in the Linxing Palace, and it would be perfectly normal if someone among them was pregnant. Even from a woman's point of view, Mrs. Zheng understands the truth of Zhang Chi, and she can't take Zhu Yijun too seriously, otherwise it's not a good thing for her. Therefore, Mrs. Zheng didn't ask about it, but she didn't Thinking about it, it turned out like this.

To be honest, when she heard that Empress Dowager Li insisted on making Wang Shuyuan the imperial concubine, Zheng's first person to hate was not Wang Shuyuan, nor Empress Dowager Li, but Zhu Yijun. It was not wrong for her to think so, after all, It all started with Zhu Yijun. If Zhu Yijun could control his lower body, then all this would not have happened.

Of course, this is not to say that she has no hatred for Queen Mother Li's decision, but it is the Queen Mother after all, not to mention that she is just a concubine now, even the queen or the emperor, there is no way to influence the Queen Mother's decision, but Wang Shuyuan Over there, Mrs. Zheng wanted to hate, but couldn't.

Firstly, Wang Shuyuan was not to be blamed for this incident. She knew more or less about Wang Shuyuan, and she knew that Wang Shuyuan was not a person who likes to exploit others. Second, what happened before made her feel afraid of Wang Shuyuan.

Up to now, Mrs. Zheng still remembers that Zhang Fan had visited Wang Shuyuan by name when she had just entered the palace and was still drafting, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was not bad. At that time, Zhang Fan and Wang Shuyuan There, and Mrs. Zheng was hiding behind, watching all this clearly, and she even knew that it was because of Zhang Fan's visit that the Queen Mother Li who passed by happened to see it, and it was precisely Because of Zhang Fan, Wang Shuyuan reached the sky in one step, directly skipped the hurdle of the draft, entered the Palace of Compassion and Serenity, and served beside the Empress Dowager Li.

This matter really had a great impact on the Zheng family. Although all of this is a coincidence, after all, no one knew that Queen Mother Li would come at that time. However, in Zheng's view, the If Zhang Fan didn't know Wang Shuyuan, the one who played the most important role must be Zhang Fan. If it wasn't for Zhang Fan who knew Wang Shuyuan, then whoever served in the Palace of Compassion and Ning may not be known.

And this incident was the first time that Zheng felt a sense of fear towards Zhang Fan. Although she had met Zhang Fan before that, she did not have this feeling at that time. Shi has this feeling.

And after that, she was by Zhu Yijun's side, and she could often see Zhang Fan. Just what she saw with her own eyes, she knew how important Zhang Fan was to Zhu Yijun's heart. As long as it was what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun would definitely be will agree.

Of course, Mrs. Zheng didn't just observe, he also asked Zhu Yijun insinuatingly, and even asked all the eunuchs and maids in Qianqing Palace about Zhang Fan, and in the end, the answer she got was that Zhang Fan is People, she really can't afford to offend, no, let alone her, I'm afraid there is no one in the palace who can offend Zhang Fan except the queen mother and the emperor.

The preconceived notion made Zheng have this idea early on, and after so many years, this idea has penetrated into her heart even more, making it impossible for her to change it.

Therefore, when Wang Shuyuan was involved in this matter, she would involuntarily think of Zhang Fan. There are many ways for her to take revenge on Wang Shuyuan, and she knew that Wang Shuyuan's temperament was almost resigned, so she knew that it would be a good idea to do it. It was very easy, but the problem was that she didn't dare, she was afraid that if she really did it, she would cause trouble for Zhang Fan, because compared to her, Zhu Yijun trusted Zhang Fan more.

Sometimes, Mrs. Zheng couldn't help but think that if Zhang Fan wasn't there, then Zhu Yijun would be completely under her control and at her mercy, but all of this was just her fault. fantasy.

However, although the reality is like this, and even Zheng Shi has heard that Zhu Yijun has let go of his mouth, she can't just let this matter go.

At the beginning, she also had a fight with Zhu Yijun. Of course, her fight was limited. Apart from Zhu Yijun's disgust, that is of no benefit.

However, even if she limited this disturbance to a certain limit, Zhu Yijun was still troubled by it. Think about it, after all, he would be talked about by his queen mother during the day. He was very troubled at first, but when he returned to the bedroom, he couldn't rest peacefully even if he wanted to rest. No wonder Zhu Yijun felt even more troubled.

However, after so many days, she also found out that this kind of trouble is really useless, not only can't solve any problems, but also makes Zhu Yijun feel a little bored with herself, so, Mrs. Zheng resolutely gave up this kind of trouble. method, but in another way.

Since it is useless to blindly persecute, what's more, this matter is not decided by Zhu Yijun. If he decides, he also hopes that Mrs. Zheng can become the imperial concubine, but the problem is that Zhu Yijun cannot decide this matter, so, Mrs. Zheng understood this matter, no matter how much she went to find Zhu Yijun, it would be useless to force him.

Therefore, Mrs. Zheng simply changed the method completely. She originally talked about this matter with Zhu Yijun all day long, but now she is also talking about it, but the content of what she said has really changed a lot.

Originally, she was blindly forcing Zhu Yijun to tell Queen Mother about this matter quickly so that Queen Mother could change her mind.

But now, she has changed from persecuting to persuading. During this time, she would comfort Zhu Yijun every day after he came back. Zhu Yijun, she also understands his difficulties now, and knows that this matter is not up to him. She was too capricious before, which caused Zhu Yijun a lot of trouble. In short, these are the words.

Not to mention, such a play-by-play method has always been tried and tested. Originally, after Zhu Yijun returned to his bedroom after experiencing the troubles of the day, he still had to listen to Mrs. Zheng's nagging. This really upset him. Yes, but now the Zheng family has changed from the attitude of the past, and has completely changed his appearance, which surprised Zhu Yijun very much.

But Zhu Yijun also had to admit that this change in the Zheng family really made him feel happy. At the very least, after experiencing the troubles of the day, he returned to the bedroom. Annoying myself so that I can rest quietly, and more importantly, there is someone here who can understand him and know his difficulties in this matter. For Zhu Yijun now, this is a kind of spiritual On the comfort, is very important.

As a result, Zhu Yijun paid more attention to the Zheng family.

As for Zhu Yijun's very obvious performance, it was naturally seen by Mrs. Zheng, and Mrs. Zheng was very happy after seeing this change.

Although she failed to become the imperial concubine, at the very least, she has become more important in Zhu Yijun's mind, which is naturally a good thing.

But this matter, Mrs. Zheng obviously does not intend to stop here. Perhaps this imperial concubine, she really can only watch Wang Shuyuan do it. However, Wang Shuyuan is about to give birth. If it is said that a princess is born, then Everything is easy to talk about, but if a boy is born, the boy will be the prince in the future, who may inherit the throne.

But for Zheng Shi, the person who can inherit the throne in the future is not her child, which is something she cannot bear, so this matter is not over for Zheng Shi, even though she lost a game , but not all is lost yet, she still has a lot to do,

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