The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1880 Not the Same

With the development of things, some things are already doomed. Although some people look forward to these things very much, some people don't care about them. What changes come about with anticipation and concern.

Take for example the current matter. Although many people in the court have their own ideas, some of them think that it would be good if the little-known Wang Shuyuan can be named imperial concubine. His father's status is not very high, and even though he is in Jinyiwei, it is very easy to make friends with him.

And since there are people who support Wang Shuyuan, there are naturally people who support Zheng Shi, but those who support Zheng Shi are somewhat different. Afterwards, she didn't stir up any big disturbances, she just made a big fuss about the relationship with Zhu Yijun, but even so, her reputation was still very important, and her father, Zheng Chengxian, now He is also a person of high status in the court. In this way, the family surnamed Zheng has some power in the court. In this way, the court supports the Zheng family and hopes that she can become a member of the court. There are naturally many people who are the emperor and concubine.

In the same way, since there are people who support the two of them, there are naturally people who neither support nor oppose, don't ask anything, just watch the show from the sidelines, no, it's not right to say that these people are watching the show Many, some people are not gloating, they are also very concerned about this matter, but they know that there is nothing they can do about this matter. People bring trouble, so although they can't do anything, they are very anxious.

However, no matter what these people think, the most important thing now is that their thoughts are irrelevant, and this matter has actually come to fruition. In fact, the selection of the imperial concubine has already come to a conclusion. Of course, this result was not made by Zhu Yijun, but by the Empress Dowager Li. This matter was first proposed by the Empress Dowager Li. How this matter will be decided is beyond Zhu Yijun's ability to decide.

In fact, that is the case. What should be done about this matter is ultimately up to Queen Mother Li, and Queen Mother Li's earliest plan was to let Wang Shuyuan, who is now pregnant with Zhu Yijun's flesh and blood, be the royal concubine Well, since that's the case, in fact, the ending of this matter was already determined as early as the beginning, so there was no need to think too much about it.

Of course, there are many people who can think of this, but there are not many people who can really act according to this idea. How should I put it, even if you understand this kind of thing in your heart, many Sometimes, but still can't help but think that way, this can be regarded as a kind of ambivalence of people.

All in all, this matter has been doomed for a long time, and there is nothing to say, and the final result is exactly as people think. After a decree, the person who became the imperial concubine , that is the former court lady, Wang Shuyuan.

This incident, when everyone knew it would end like this, also went where it should have gone, so it can be said that there was no surprise.

But the problem is that the outcome of this matter may have been doomed from the very beginning, but even so, the final result of this matter will have many impacts.

Perhaps the impact on the Zheng family is not very great. After all, although it is said that the Zheng family has not been able to become the imperial concubine, there are indeed many problems, but the key point is that things in the harem are not just based on status. Because in the harem, the most important thing is to see what the emperor thinks of you.

Although it is said that in today's palace, the one who holds the real power is really the same, and that is the Empress Dowager Li, but after all, the Empress Dowager Li is the Empress Dowager, and there will always be a day when she doesn't care about things, and when that time comes, things in the palace To put it bluntly, you still have to listen to Zhu Yijun, so even now when the queen mother is in control, these are of no great use. In the final analysis, you still have to listen to Zhu Yijun in the final palace.

That is to say, no matter how this matter looks now, the most important thing is to have a good relationship with Zhu Yijun. It is very important, so Zhang Fan's future naturally does not need to worry much.

For the people in the palace, especially those concubines, no matter how good the relationship with the Empress Dowager is, it will not last for a few years. Even though the Empress Dowager Li is not very old now, but wait for a while, Empress Dowager Li will not ask questions anymore, and at that time, matters in the palace, especially in the harem, were ultimately decided by the emperor. Therefore, even if the Empress Dowager Li cannot be pleased now, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is to be able to please Zhu Yijun, that's the most important thing.

In this regard, the current incident fully embodies this truth. Today, Wang Shuyuan has indeed become the imperial concubine, and the reason why she was able to become the imperial concubine was not because of her stomach. Being pregnant with Zhu Yijun's flesh and blood, in the final analysis, is nothing more than the most basic condition. The fundamental reason why she can become the imperial concubine is actually because the Empress Dowager Li is behind her to make decisions for her.

However, although Wang Shuyuan became the imperial concubine, Zhu Yijun did not have too much affection for her, not to mention, because Wang Shuyuan took the seat of imperial concubine, Zhu Yijun had no way to honor his love for Zheng Shuconcubine. Although Zhu Yijun knew that Wang Shuyuan himself was not to blame for this matter, and even if it was really pursued, it would still be his own fault, but even so, Zhu Yijun would involuntarily complain to her in his heart .

Similarly, look at Zheng Shubin, who was supposed to be, but has not become an imperial concubine now. Although she did not get what she dreamed of, this matter is not only harmless to her, but also has many benefits .

First of all, compared to Wang Shuyuan, whom Zhu Yijun is not very familiar with, Zheng Shi and Zhu Yijun have more affection, regardless of whether this relationship is deliberately managed by her, but the result is like this, there is no objection to this .

Secondly, Zhu Yijun promised her the seat of the imperial concubine, but now, it is not her who becomes the imperial concubine, but another woman, and this matter is not Zhu Yijun's repentance, but that she has nothing to do about it the result.

And because of this matter, Zhu Yijun has always felt a little guilty about the Zheng family. After all, he has promised something, but he has not fulfilled it now. This makes Zhu Yijun no matter whether he is an emperor or a man. , are really very shameless things. You must know that although face is invisible and intangible, it is really very important to many people, especially those with noble status. Based on this, Zhu Yijun already felt that he owed Mrs. Zheng too much.

What's more, because of this matter, Zheng Shi was noisy in front of Zhu Yijun at the beginning, but even if Zheng Shi was noisy, there was a limit, not the kind of endless, like a shrew Moreover, after this kind of noise went on for a period of time, she stopped, and even more than just stopped, Zheng comforted Zhu Yijun, telling him that it was nothing, and that she could still be wronged. bearable or something like that.

It is conceivable that Zhu Yijun, who originally felt guilty for not being able to fulfill what he said, would feel in his heart after hearing what Zheng said, and he must feel that he is too indebted Cheng's.

And since Mrs. Zheng didn't get what she originally deserved, and didn't become an imperial concubine, then Zhu Yijun would naturally have to compensate her in other ways. As for what the compensation was, I don't know, but what I can be sure of is , is definitely much more precious than the imperial concubine who is just a title.

So speaking of this whole matter, it seems that Wang Shuyuan suddenly appeared halfway and snatched something that should have belonged to Zheng Shubin, but in fact, Wang Shuyuan's sudden appearance only caused a momentary ripple. It will disappear soon, but the things Zheng will get because of this are even more.

The outcome of winning or losing may be far from happening, but in fact, it can be seen now who will win and who will win in the end.

Of course, there was a small exception, and that was because of Zhang Fan.

Why, regarding the matter of the emperor's harem, mentioning Zhang Fan does not mean that Zhang Fan directly intervened in this matter, but that Zhang Fan's appearance made many things a little different.

First of all, it is because of Zhu Yijun. Originally, when Zhu Yijun came to the throne, he was just an emperor, and even his mother who was in power did everything for his own good. He is a ten-year-old child. If he does the right thing, it should be done, but if he does something wrong, it will be unforgivable. This alone will distort a child's growth psychology. Woke up.

But because of Zhang Fan, this is different. After all, Zhang Fan has already been by Zhu Yijun's side when he was still the prince, and Zhang Fan's thoughts prevent him from being like the current ones. People come to educate Zhu Yijun like that, but in the way of later generations. In this way, even though Zhu Yijun will be under a lot of pressure, Zhang Fan can release it in a very relaxed way. In this way, Zhu Yijun's mentality has actually been adjusted by Zhang Fan all the time. Even if he has been wronged, maybe Zhu Yijun can't be sad in front of others, but in front of Zhang Fan, he can't even cry loudly. Yes, not only would Zhang Fan not reprimand him, but he would also comfort him, which reduced Zhu Yijun's mental pressure a lot.

Not only because of the Empress Dowager Li, but also, if there is no Zhang Fan, Feng Bao may not have changed much now. If the former Feng Bao is by Zhu Yijun's side, think about it, Zhu Yijun became more cautious, and it could even be said that he lived in fear every day, for fear that he had done something wrong somewhere, so that Feng Bao would know and report to Queen Mother Li.

If this is the case, it is conceivable that Zhu Yijun is already struggling to face his mother, but Feng Bao is added. Every day, even if he returns to the palace, he still cannot An Xin, but still worried, if this happens, one can imagine what will happen to Zhu Yijun's heart.

But now, this point has changed greatly because of Zhang Fan. When Feng Bao first became the great eunuch, he was really able to do so. He always felt that he no longer had to care about anyone, but Therefore, Feng Bao was also extremely arrogant during that time, and he didn't pay attention to those people in the court at all.

Until that time, he was severely reprimanded by Empress Dowager Li. Originally, although the reprimand was effective, it would not last too long. Perhaps Feng Bao would indeed be more at ease for a while. But after a while, he might return to the previous state again.

But Zhang Fan did not stand idly by. The relationship between him and Feng Bao is still very good. The friendship between the two has been going on for a long time, and they have helped each other a lot. What's more, for Feng Bao Zhang Fan, who is still familiar, knows that Feng Bao is a human being. Although he has many small problems, he is not a bad person. Therefore, Zhang Fan doesn't want to see him because he can't control his small desires. , and offended too many people because of this, and there will be no good end in the future.

Therefore, Zhang Fan also found an opportunity to explain this matter to Feng Bao very clearly, and obviously, not only Zhang Fan regarded Feng Bao as a friend, but also Feng Bao regarded Zhang Fan as a friend, otherwise Feng Bao may not be able to listen to what Zhang Fan said.

Anyway, in the end, Feng Bao listened to Zhang Fan's words and understood the importance of this matter, knowing that if he went on like this, something would definitely go wrong.

Fortunately, Feng Bao is not a hesitant person, otherwise he would not be able to get to where he is today. In short, Feng Bao has made a change, and his change is extremely fast, and his attitude At the same time, he was resolute, but also very thorough. It is no exaggeration to say that Feng Bao changed completely overnight. At that time, many people were surprised and surprised by this.

Anyway, Feng Bao has changed, and his change has really affected many people, but what I want to talk about now is not other people, but Zhu Yijun himself. The biggest impact of this change is Zhu Yijun.

As I said before, Feng Bao's change took place in an instant. It was the same as before yesterday, but it has completely changed today.

This kind of change is very big and obvious, and Zhu Yijun can see it naturally, but the problem is that when Zhu Yijun first started, he was frightened by Feng Bao's change, and he didn't quite believe it. .

But after a few days, he found that Feng Bao was still the same, so he started to do some testing, and as a result, Zhu Yijun found that Feng Bao had really changed, and he was no longer as rigid as before. If it is really impossible, Feng Bao will still persuade him, but even so, his attitude is much better than before, and some things are not unaccommodating, Feng Bao just turns a blind eye to him now Eyes, pretending not to see.

Feng Bao's change naturally made Zhu Yijun happy. At the very least, he didn't have to be locked in a cage, and even his movements were restricted, but now, such restrictions are not there. Yes, this naturally made Zhu Yijun very happy.

And it is precisely because of this that Zhu Yijun's originally lonely and depressed psychology is missing.

The most important thing is the point about Zhang Juzheng. From the beginning, Zhang Juzheng treated Zhu Yijun in a way that could even be regarded as pampering. After that, Zhang Juzheng became authoritarian. Dictatorship, maybe it's nothing to children, but for young people who are getting older and want to be an emperor, it will definitely be extremely disgusting.

However, Zhang Juzheng also experienced a great change, and even almost ended his life. During this period, Zhang Fan, who was also for Zhang Juzheng, also persuaded him a lot. Similarly, Zhang Fan's consolation was With the effect, Zhang Juzheng also began to relax, he was no longer as strong as before, especially his attitude towards Zhu Yijun.

All these things add up, and this is what makes Zhu Yijun's current life much better than he should have been. In addition, Zhang Fan will enlighten Zhu Yijun from time to time, so Zhu Yijun now, at least Psychologically, there is no pressure.

The only thing that might make Zhu Yijun feel uncomfortable is that he has to be locked up in this closed place every day.

And this is exactly what Zheng Shi can give him, at least so that he will not feel bored. Similarly, this is also the reason why Zhu Yijun is so fond of Zheng Shi.

But in the end, that's all there is to it.

However, this is not so simple, this will change many things in the future,

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