The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1881 Won't End

This matter in the palace, whether it is in the palace or in the court, everyone is very concerned about it, and now, the dust has finally settled and it has come to an end. However, this result, although it is said that this matter Before the result came out, many people were noisy about this matter, but in fact, they already knew in their hearts what the end of this matter would be.

The final outcome was indeed as everyone had guessed. The person who became the imperial concubine was supported by the Empress Dowager Li, and she was pregnant with Zhu Yijun's flesh and blood for nearly eight months, Wang Shuyuan. No, she should be called Wang Shuyuan now. It is not surprising that Wang Shuyuan is pregnant with Zhu Yijun's flesh and blood, but since Queen Mother Li supports her, she can become a royal concubine. It's also a very normal thing.

In short, the final result was like this. Wang Shuyuan became Wang Guifei, although it seemed that she had indeed won, not to mention the support of Queen Mother Li. From this point of view, her future seemed bright.

But Zheng Shupin, although she has served Zhu Yijun for so long, was suddenly robbed of the imperial concubine's seat, which is naturally not a good thing for her. There is still a long way to go to fulfill my wish.

However, in fact, this matter is not the case. Wang Shuyuan has indeed become a royal concubine, and she is even about to give birth to the emperor's child. If she can give birth to a boy, then she will take it seriously. He can go to a higher level, and in the future, his child, as the emperor's first son, will be named the prince, and then in the future, he will become the emperor. At that time, she, the empress dowager, will be the crown prince It's so bright.

However, the actual situation is that the sudden occurrence of Wang Shuyuan's incident ruined Zheng Shupin's good deeds, because the seat of imperial concubine originally belonged to her, of course, it is nothing to ruin Zheng Shupin's good deeds, The most important thing is that the relationship between Zheng Shi and Zhu Yijun is very good. Of course, due to some changes, Zhu Yijun is not as empty and lonely as in the original history, so Zheng Shi can do what he likes. There are not too many places, but even so, in this deep palace, she still won a lot of favor from Zhu Yijun.

In short, regardless of the amount of affection between the two, at the very least, Zhu Yijun did agree to the title of imperial concubine, but now, the surname of the person who becomes the imperial concubine is not Zheng, but Wang, and Not to mention anything else, this already made Zhu Yijun unbelief.

As a man, of course he can't keep his word, and likewise, as an emperor, he can't just talk about it, but this matter, although it was his mother's decision, made him fail to do these two things, so Zhu Yijun was not happy on the surface when facing this incident, but was hiding the anger in his heart.

But when it comes to this, I have to say one thing. Although Zhu Yijun is indeed very angry about this matter now, he knows that he has nothing to do about it, because it is his mother's decision, and Queen Mother Li's decision, He has no way to object, and no way not to comply.

But at the same time, he also knew that in this matter, Wang Shuyuan hadn't actually made any mistakes. In the final analysis, it was probably a matter of fate.

Therefore, although Zhu Yijun is angry now, in fact, his anger makes him lose his way. He is indeed angry, but after thinking about it, he can't figure out what his anger is. Who should be the target, Mrs. Zheng, of course it won't work. He promised her this matter, but he hasn't fulfilled it now. Not only is she not angry, but she even comforts herself. How could she be angry with her? , Empress Dowager Li, that's still not enough. Anyway, Empress Dowager Li is his mother, his biological mother. Although it is said that this matter is due to the decision of Empress Dowager Li, it is even more impossible for him to go. Blame my mother.

In the end, it seemed that Wang Shuyuan was the only one left for him to blame, but in fact, Zhu Yijun couldn't hate even Wang Shuyuan. Wang Shuyuan has nothing to do with it at all. If it is really investigated, it is his own problem that is the biggest, but for Zhu Yijun, he must have someone to vent to, and Wang Shuyuan is obviously this object.

This should have been the case, but because of Zhang Fan's influence, Zhu Yijun had someone investigate Wang Shuyuan before he began to regard Wang Shuyuan as a target of anger. It was only then that Zhu Yijun knew that Wang Shuyuan was such a person, and facing such a person, no one in this world would be able to hate him.

In this way, Zhu Yijun even lost the only goal that he could vent. Now, he has no way to vent his thoughts. This kind of uncomfortable emotion will really drive people crazy, and Zhu Yijun himself understands , I need to find a target that I can hate to vent my depression, not to mention, in the end Zhu Yijun really found a target, which is himself.

That's right, Zhu Yijun began to hate what he did on this matter, which was actually pretty good. After all, since he had a good relationship with Zheng Shubin, and he also agreed to give her the seat of imperial concubine, then he should Just keep to yourself.

Although it is not wrong for him to be an emperor and a maid in the Linxing Palace, it can even be said to be a matter of course, but these things today are all because of what he did for granted Therefore, for Zhu Yijun, he understands that he is also responsible, and since he can't hate other people, Zhu Yijun wants to vent, so he can only find himself to hate.

It sounds really interesting, but for Zhu Yijun himself, he really didn't think it was interesting at all, he just felt that this incident made him very uncomfortable.

Except for Zhu Yijun, the other two people in this matter have different views.

For Zheng Shi, it is true that she felt very uncomfortable because she did not become an imperial concubine. Of course, Zheng Shi is not an ordinary woman, and she will not put herself in other people's shoes, so when this matter comes out, She really hated Wang Shuyuan, no, in fact, not only Wang Shuyuan, but also Zhu Yijun.

No, if Mrs. Zheng really wanted to think carefully, compared to Wang Shuyuan, she hated Zhu Yijun even more. After all, Wang Shuyuan was just a maid of honor for Zhu Yijun. Another person, I'm afraid the situation is similar now.

What she hates about Zhu Yijun is that Zhu Yijun has clearly agreed to her own affairs, but he has no position. It's just that the empress dowager Li's words made him confused, and what he said after his confusion was also very wrong. Rationally, it was not a matter of negotiating, and he went straight into a dead end, there was no other way at all, and in the end, this was the way it is now.

For Mrs. Zheng, Zhu Yijun is definitely responsible for this matter, but because Zhu Yijun is the emperor, and she still needs to rely on Zhu Yijun for her future, so this kind of thing, at this time Not only can she not get angry with Zhu Yijun, but she has to help him solve his problems. She even clearly hates Zhu Yijun, but now she is trying to persuade him with good words and comfort him.

To be honest, this situation really made Zheng very uncomfortable. It was obviously the fault of the person in front of him, and he hated what he did in this matter very much, but just because he was the emperor's Because of this, she can't turn against him in this matter. At most, she can only play the role of a woman, act like a baby with him, or just have a few words without pain, and more Yes, she even used an appearance of "I understand you very well" to comfort Zhu Yijun by saying something that she herself felt disgusted, and she couldn't even say it.

This kind of thing, no matter who it is, I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable to do it, but for Zheng Shi, she has to do it, otherwise, it will hurt her big goal.

In short, for the current Zheng family, maybe she was not able to become the imperial concubine, which really made her very unhappy, but she thought about it carefully later, and this time she failed to become the imperial concubine, for her, it was also It's not a bad thing, it can even be said to be a good thing.

She suddenly realized that if she became the imperial concubine now, although she could achieve her goal in one go, it would be too fast. She is a very smart person and can see things clearly. I feel that although her relationship with Zhu Yijun is already very good now, it is always a little bit worse.

And this time, it just happened to give her a chance to cultivate more relationships with Zhu Yijun. If she can go further, this is the most important thing for Zheng Shi.

Moreover, this time Zhu Yijun had promised himself a long time ago, but in the end it turned out like this. Zheng found out that this was an opportunity to take advantage of Zhu Yijun's feeling of guilt towards herself, so that she could let Zhu Yijun treat her more conveniently. My feelings are deeper.

In short, Zheng Shi found out that this was an opportunity, so although she was indeed unhappy about this matter, she felt that what she gained from this matter was more than what she lost.

What's more, although Wang Shuyuan has become an imperial concubine, she has not yet given birth to the child, and she doesn't know if it is a boy or a girl. If it is really a boy, then she is not helpless, but if it is a girl, hehe , for Zheng Zheng, she has many options.

As for Wang Shuyuan, who has become an imperial concubine, her mood is actually not very happy.

She was originally a person with a relatively weak personality, and she was not the kind of person who wanted to compete with others by nature. In fact, her father helped her decide the matter of entering the palace for the draft, and she herself did not Objected, but did not agree. In fact, for Wang Shuyuan, she had no plans for herself at all. She just felt that since her father made such a decision, she, as a daughter, would naturally have to abide by it. That's all. Simple.

But after entering the palace, Wang Shuyuan didn't have any ideas, especially when she just entered the palace and before the draft was over, because of Zhang Fan, by chance, she let Queen Mother Li fancy her. , went directly to serve the queen mother, she knew that this was a step up to the sky, and also knew that everyone in the palace was envious of her.

And at this time, it's not that she didn't think about it, as a court lady, she was very filial to serve the queen mother, and the emperor who came to visit the queen mother every day fell in love with her. Made a concubine to the emperor and gave birth to a child.

Although people in this era don't understand what the word "romantic" means, it is obvious that anyone in any era will have the kind of thinking that romance represents.

However, compared to this unrealistic romantic fantasy, Wang Shuyuan is still a very realistic person. In addition, serving in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, most of the people she comes into contact with are those who have stayed in the palace for a long time. As a long-term court lady, these people have been in contact with a lot of things. Therefore, on weekdays, Wang Shuyuan would also hear these people talking about things in the palace.

As for the things in the palace, people always feel mysterious and noble before getting in touch with them, but after really getting in touch with them, they will make people feel dirty and unbearable, and what is accompanied by it is only tragedy.

Under such influence, Wang Shuyuan gradually realized that what she had fantasized about was nothing but fantasy, and even compared with those things, it is best to be a court lady with peace of mind.

So, she let go of that heart and did what she should do with peace of mind.

However, her stability did not last long until Zhu Yijun found her one day.

In fact, since she is a court lady, Wang Shuyuan is naturally prepared for this kind of thing, and she is not boastful. Wang Shuyuan understands her appearance, even if it is not called a stately beauty, she can still be ranked in the palace. And she is serving the Queen Mother and often sees Zhu Yijun, so she has already prepared for this kind of thing, so when Zhu Yijun found her, she didn't feel any sadness , I just feel that this is her own fate.

In fact, it can be seen from one point that Wang Shuyuan really has no ambitions at all. If she really has ambitions, even if she just has a little desire for prosperity and wealth, after Zhu Yijun came to her, She will not be silent at all, not to mention that she is serving Queen Mother Li, she just needs to tell Queen Mother Li about this matter, based on how she has followed Queen Mother Li for so many years, and what Queen Mother Li thinks of her It's also very good. It's very easy to be a concubine and live a life of prosperity and wealth without needing to serve others.

However, Wang Shuyuan obviously did not choose this method. It was not that she wanted to wait until Queen Mother Li found out. After all, she didn't even think that Zhu Yijun just had a chance on her once, and she was pregnant, and the final result was She didn't want to say it, but because she was pregnant, there was no way to hide the change in her figure, so she was finally spotted by Queen Mother Li.

Therefore, although the current result is not what Wang Shuyuan wanted, she has no other choice. Now that she has reached her, she has no way to escape and can only continue.

In this way, now, she has risen from a small maid to the sky in one step, and became an imperial concubine overnight, and became the most noble person in the emperor's harem except the empress.

As a result, Wang Shuyuan will never forget that on the night she became the imperial concubine, Zhu Yijun shared the bed with him, but although Zhu Yijun was not indifferent to her, he had nothing to say to her. When entering the room, he said a few words politely, after which Zhu Yijun even fell asleep, and the next morning, after the maid dressed him in the dragon robe, he left without even saying goodbye. Having said that, no, not really, when Wang Shuyuan sent her off respectfully, Zhu Yijun just hummed lightly.

Faced with this situation, although Wang Shuyuan had already prepared for it, even if she had been prepared, this kind of thing still made her a little unacceptable, and even after Zhu Yijun left, she shed tears tears.

But now that this is the case, no matter how much you think about it, you can't solve this matter, so Wang Shuyuan can be her own concubine with peace of mind. Fortunately, although the emperor doesn't like her very much, he doesn't hate her very much. At least, no one will come to trouble her every three days.

And as her belly got bigger and her movement became more and more inconvenient, Empress Dowager Li would even come to visit her in person. Perhaps, in this palace, it was Empress Dowager Li who could make her feel safe and have a sense of security. The feeling of having loved ones by your side.

And this situation has continued. When Wang Shuyuan became the imperial concubine, she was already pregnant for nearly eight months. Therefore, within a few months, the time to conceive in October will come. After she gave birth to the child and found out whether it was a boy or a girl, all this would come to fruition

It seems that all this will come to an end with the birth of this child, whether it is good or bad, but for Wang Shuyuan, all this can be said to be over.

It's just that her thoughts are too naive. It's far from impossible for all of this to end like this. Otherwise, wouldn't this palace be too boring?

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