The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1885 I Can't Believe

Sometimes, the life of this person is really quite strange, which makes people feel a little unbelievable. Sometimes it is obviously a person who is on the verge of death, whether it looks on the outside or actually diagnosed, but this person But they can live for a long period of time, and sometimes, they are obviously well, without disease and pain, and they are not often sick on weekdays. They are very healthy, but they just leave.

It can only be said that this person's life is sometimes extremely strong, but sometimes it is also extremely fragile.

Some people just disappear without knowing anything; but some people have a premonition about this kind of thing, always feel that they know when they will leave this world.

This kind of thing sounds really unbelievable, but even Zhang Fan, who has received education from later generations, knows that those strange things should not be believed, he has heard of many such things.

Take Zhang Fan as an example, he once saw it with his own eyes, that was when he was still living 500 years later, when he went to his hometown with his mother in that year, he saw a Fengshui master at that time, he himself said I would die the next day. Of course, no one believed what he said, even Zhang Fan. He was also very energetic, but he was the only one who firmly believed in this.

And this person even asked his children to buy him a shroud that day. Although his children didn't believe it, but seeing his father was so stubborn, they followed him. And that night, this person I changed my shroud for myself and just lay on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, he was not dead, he got up, made himself a breakfast, and continued to lie back after eating, but in the afternoon of the same day, he really just died on his bed.

At that time, Zhang Fan was very surprised when he heard the news. He was very unwilling to believe it. Of course, Fan didn't become obsessed with feudal superstition, but obviously, Zhang Fan didn't dare to just blindly disbelieve such things, and sometimes he became half-believing.

Of course, when I mention this now, I don't want to say anything, but to say something about Zhang Juzheng.

After going through so many things, no matter what happened to Xu Jie or Gao Gong, to the later "Testing Method" and "One Whip Method", to returning from monopoly to affinity, and the death of mentor and opponent, etc. The thing is, Zhang Juzheng has been on the official career since the Jiajing period, and now he has gone through three dynasties, and his experience is really rare.

However, this year, when his mentor Xu Jie passed away, Zhang Ju took a special leave of absence to go to condolences. It is a great honor to issue the imperial edict and praise Xu Jie.

However, after Xu Jie's funeral was over, Zhang Juzheng returned to the court, as if he had changed into a different person.

In the previous things, Zhang Juzheng has changed, and he has become very powerful, but now, Zhang Juzheng has changed again, and this change is still very powerful, and he is still a little different.

Compared with before, Zhang Juzheng seemed to be more taciturn. Although the matter in the middle of the court was still about the "One Whip Law", if it was put in Zhang Juzheng's place, he would still ask questions and would not relax, but In addition, he has become extremely silent, and he is simply following a rule on weekdays, try not to speak if he can.

This in itself is already a very strange thing. Of course, some people think whether Zhang Ju is taking care of his health. After all, since the serious illness, his health has not been very good, but now he can see After coming out, Zhang Juzheng's body is getting better day by day.

But Zhang Fan knew that this was not the case at all. Of course, Zhang Fan was very familiar with Zhang Juzheng. He knew what Zhang Juzheng's every move represented. , but now, with Zhang Juzheng's abnormal appearance, Zhang Fan doesn't think it's a good thing, but in fact, Zhang Fan always has a bad opinion about this matter.

Originally, Zhang Fan thought that he was overthinking, and started to think wildly. He reckoned that this kind of thinking would slowly dissipate within a short time.

But in reality, this was not the case. As the days went by, Zhang Fan's feeling that something bad was about to happen became more and more intense.

At first it was just uneasy, but after another two days, Zhang Fan felt uneasy at all. He always felt that something bad must happen, and this time Zhang Fan's thoughts were very clear. Yes, he knew that he had this kind of thought, and the goal came from Zhang Juzheng, and it was because of Zhang Juzheng that he would be like this.

Therefore, Zhang Fan, who was too much about this, couldn't help his curiosity in the end, so he couldn't help but go to Zhang Juzheng's mansion in person to ask him to understand.

In fact, even at this time, Zhang Fan just felt that his feeling was just his own illusion, and nothing would happen to Zhang Juzheng. Moreover, even if he went to Zhang Juzheng's residence and asked Has he said anything recently, but from Zhang Fan's point of view, he still feels that Zhang Juzheng will answer him that everything is fine.

But in the end, Zhang Fan's feeling this time was not wrong again, right again, his feeling came from Zhang Juzheng, and his feeling was not wrong at all, Zhang Juzheng was not all right, maybe he seemed It is indeed very good, but he is not appropriate.

And when Zhang Fan asked him if something was wrong in front of him, Zhang Juzheng let out a long sigh, and just such a sigh was to let Zhang Fan know that things were probably not going well.

However, even he knew that this might not be a good thing, but since he had already come and asked this question in front of Zhang Juzheng, then he had to listen to understand what was going on, if I am afraid that Zhang Fanzhi will feel even more uneasy if he escapes so vaguely.

And under Zhang Fan's questioning, or in other words, no matter what Zhang Juzheng had, obviously he didn't really want to hide it. , then it will definitely not be easy news.

"Yuande..." When Zhang Juzheng said these words, he didn't look at Zhang Fan, but seemed to be recalling something, "This time, my teacher passed away, and my heart is really sad, but people have to die. No one can escape, think about it, there are so many people in the court back then, how many can still stay now, and the older generation has gradually left, "

"What the teacher said is human nature," Zhang Fan said, "This kind of thing does make people feel sorry, but since we live in this world, we can't always feel sorry for this kind of thing, and even, Students feel that it is precisely because they know that life is short that they should hurry up and do more things.”

"Of course what you said is right," Zhang Juzheng said, "Some people say that life is short and you should enjoy yourself in time, but some people think that life is too short and there is no time to do many things they want to do. In other words, people would laugh at the former and praise the latter, but now it seems that there is no big difference between these two kinds of people, they are almost the same, "

"This..." Zhang Fan was a little confused. It wasn't that he couldn't understand what Zhang Juzheng was saying. He had always understood what Zhang Juzheng was saying, but he couldn't figure it out why Zhang Juzheng would tell him now. These things, "What the teacher said are indeed thought-provoking, but what is the relationship between these things and the teacher?"

After all, I still have to go back to the original question. No matter what, Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why he was so flustered in his heart now, so he wanted to ask clearly.

But now, he did ask Zhang Juzheng, but he didn't get a clear answer. Zhang Juzheng didn't answer him directly. No, Zhang Juzheng and Ben didn't answer him about his question. In this way, Zhang Fan felt that something was wrong in his heart.

Therefore, after listening to Zhang Juzheng's few words, Zhang Fan, who felt more and more inappropriate in his heart, also decided not to talk too much, and once again asked the question he originally wanted to ask, or, for today's As far as Zhang Fan is concerned, he doesn't want to say anything more at all. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, he has to know it. Always hanging on to himself like this really makes Zhang Fan feel very uncomfortable.

"This time I went to mourn my teacher, I really had a lot of thoughts," Zhang Juzheng turned his head to look at Zhang Fan this time, and said to him very seriously, "It's just that these thoughts are not at all right now. If there is no time to do it, there is no need to talk about it.

"Because, I feel that my life is not long,"

Zhang Juzheng said these words in a plain, extremely plain way, but no matter how plain he was, what he said really couldn't be described as plain, and in fact, in Zhang Fan After hearing what he said, the monstrous waves in Zhang Fan's heart immediately surged. For a moment, Zhang Fan, who was so shocked, didn't know what to say at all, so he could only stand there in a daze. .

Indeed, from Zhang Fan's point of view, he couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Zhang Juzheng say such a thing. After all, this is the least possible of the countless possibilities that Zhang Fan has thought about. One, no, Zhang Fan didn't even consider this possibility.

But now, Zhang Fan heard Zhang Juzheng say such words, which made Zhang Fan unable to pretend to settle down. It can be said that this was absolutely unexpected by Zhang Fan.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be taken seriously just by talking about it casually, even if Zhang Juzheng himself said this kind of thing, he can't just believe it casually.

However, for Zhang Fan, even if there is no basis for such a thing, even if there is only Zhang Juzheng's words, but for Zhang Fan, he is not the kind who can just treat these words as if nothing happened. Just ignore it.

As I said before, Zhang Fan had experienced similar things when he was young, and since then, even if Zhang Fan didn’t have any feudal superstitions about it, he still couldn’t do it. Don't worry about it at all, don't worry about it at all.

What's more, what Zhang Fan experienced last time, the person who said that about himself was really dead, and now, Zhang Juzheng has also said these words, although in terms of the definition of time, there is no such thing as that Feng Shui person. Mr. so specified, but this does not change the original meaning of these words, they are essentially the same.

Besides, the feng shui master who said that about himself back then didn't look unhealthy at all, he just had a red face, and even so, that man died the day after he spoke up.

As for the current Zhang Juzheng, he has just experienced a serious illness, but in the face of this, can Zhang Juzheng really be able to obtain it longer than that one? Zhang Fan has no way to be sure about this.

Of course, as far as Zhang Fan himself is concerned, he really doesn't want to believe this matter and what Zhang Juzheng said. He always feels that Zhang Juzheng is just talking nonsense, but at the same time, he has no other choice. I don't believe it at all, even what Zhang Juzheng said just now reminded Zhang Fan of his childhood, and Zhang Fan, who remembered that incident, couldn't forget it, and even, the more he thought about it, the more I thought it might be the case.

All of a sudden, Zhang Fan was at a loss, he didn't know what to do, he rationally told himself that he shouldn't believe it, and not only couldn't believe it, but he wanted to persuade Zhang Juzheng instead, to stop thinking wildly, and to recuperate with peace of mind. , and make suggestions for the court in the future, although everything in the court has stabilized now, but who can say what is going on in the court, maybe what will happen in the future, what will happen that Zhang Juzheng can only solve Maybe, all in all, it is just one sentence, that is, Zhang Juzheng is inseparable from the court.

But at the same time, Zhang Fan was also beginning to think about it. If what Zhang Juzheng said really happened, what should he do? How to do it, just like that sentence, people are inherently mortal, not to mention the latter, just this sentence is enough, no matter how rich or poor you are; no matter how healthy you are, or weak and sickly; No matter how comfortable you are, or how chaotic your life is, no matter whether you will die on the battlefield or in disputes in the future; maybe on a sick bed, even if some people can live to that age without disease and pain before dying, But obviously, no matter what the situation is, as long as he is born in this world as a human being, he will inevitably die after all. This is certain.

However, even so, even everyone understands this truth, but people still want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are thousands of reasons, but obviously, the idea of ​​wanting to live more, This is of course unmistakable.

Zhang Juzheng will say such a thing, but does it mean that he doesn't want to live for a few more years? Of course it won't be the case. Even if it is Zhang Juzheng, he can't just die willingly. As I thought of it, how could Zhang Juzheng himself not understand the affairs of the court, no matter how he looked at it, Zhang Juzheng would never wish that he would die early.

However, even with this kind of thought, Zhang Juzheng still said such a thing in front of Zhang Fan. If it wasn't that he really knew something, it was obviously because he already had this kind of thought in his heart. felt it.

Facing Zhang Fan's reassurance, Zhang Juzheng understood that what he said was correct, and that he really shouldn't say such things, let alone think so, but no matter what, he still said such things to Zhang Fan From these words, it can be seen that Zhang Juzheng is really very psychologically prepared for this kind of thing in his heart.

However, no matter how prepared Zhang Juzheng was, since he said it, Zhang Fan would never believe it.

For Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng has a very different meaning to him. Think about it, when Zhang Fan first entered the official career, he encountered resistance, and this resistance came from the court at that time. The most powerful Xu Jie there.

If it weren't for Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Fan would definitely not have the status he has today, and it can even be said that Zhang Fan can have today because of Zhang Juzheng.

And it's not just that, afterward Zhang Juzheng even took Zhang Fan under his door. As Zhang Juzheng's disciple, Zhang Fan didn't learn too much knowledge from books, but more from the sophistication of the world in the officialdom, as an official should There are some things.

Now everyone knows that Zhang Fan is able to have what he is today, entirely because he was favored by Emperor Longqing because of his luck, and thus he was reused. There will be no such luck.

After that, various things happened between the two of them. Although Zhang Fan also helped Zhang Juzheng a lot afterwards, in general, Zhang Juzheng gave Zhang Fan the most help.

But now, Zhang Fan heard what he said from Zhang Juzheng, how could Zhang Fan calm down,

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