After Zhang Juzheng said such a thing to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan naturally had no way to accept it, but this kind of thing is not a problem that can be solved if he accepts it or not. Sometimes, this kind of thing is really serious. It was hard to imagine what was going on, and even Zhang Fan, for some reason, actually believed what Zhang Juzheng said was true.

But no matter what, all of this has been said now, and it is obviously impossible to take it back. Even this matter, if it really happens in the future, I am afraid it will be the same whether it is said or not. It's just that now, since Zhang Juzheng told Zhang Fan about this matter, Zhang Fan can't treat it as someone who has never heard of it. Moreover, this matter is not a trivial matter to Zhang Fan, and its meaning is also very important. .

Of course, although Zhang Fan said he knew about this kind of thing, and he had no way to ignore it, but even so, no matter how worried Zhang Fan was about this matter, he couldn't say it out loud, he could only keep it in his heart Yes, Zhang Fan can only think about it by himself, and being so tormented by this matter, he has no way to tell anyone, and no one will come to enlighten him. This makes Zhang Fan feel very uncomfortable that's it.

However, Zhang Juzheng has a different look. It seems that after he said this, he became more relaxed. Although after Zhang Juzheng said such a thing, he himself is not as good as Zhang Fan This kind of worry has become more relaxed. Perhaps it is because he has been worried about this matter in his heart, so he has never been able to let go. Now, he puts his own After speaking out what was on his mind, he became more relaxed.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Juzheng uttered the thoughts that had been buried in his heart all this time, so his whole body became more relaxed, and it was even more obvious that now Zhang Juzheng could clearly notice when he went to court every morning. It can be seen that his mood has really improved a lot, and he has also relaxed a lot. Moreover, because his mood has improved, his whole person looks much better.

For other people in the DPRK, although they can see Zhang Juzheng's change, they don't know the reason for Zhang Juzheng's change. On the contrary, Zhang Fan does know why Zhang Juzheng has changed. There was such a change, but even though Zhang Fan saw that Zhang Juzheng's current situation was good, he couldn't be happy at all. He always felt that Zhang Juzheng became more relaxed because of this kind of thing. Zhang Fan couldn't let go.

However, even though this is what he said, it is true that Zhang Juzheng's situation is much better now than before. Of course, it may be because Zhang Juzheng understands that his time is really numbered. It was unprecedentedly peaceful, although Zhang Juzheng would still not make any concessions as long as it was about the "Testing Method" or "One Whip Method", but in other respects, Zhang Juzheng was really Unprecedented relaxation, he will not quarrel with them at all, even if he encounters something he disagrees with, he will not be as strong as before, but will calmly reason with the other party.

But the facts proved that even if Zhang Juzheng didn't rely on the power in his hands, but just reasoned with the other party, few people in the court could speak against him.

In short, Zhang Juzheng's current situation in the court is like this, and his change really made many people in the court wide-eyed. They really didn't expect Zhang Juzheng to be like this, but, This is only for those who don't know, but for those who know, for example, Zhang Fan's words, the more Zhang Juzheng is like this, and the more Zhang Fan feels uncomfortable after seeing this situation.

Although it is really inappropriate to say this, every time he sees Zhang Juzheng like this, Zhang Fan will always have the feeling that "a person who is about to die is good at his words". Perhaps, if other people know about this matter Maybe they would be happy because of this, but at least for Zhang Fan, he really didn't want to see this kind of thing.

All in all, this incident really made Zhang Fan feel very bad. Zhang Fan even began to think about it, thinking that since Zhang Juzheng had already said these words, and he seemed to be more than just relaxed. Quite a lot, even his spirit is much better than before, and even his body and bones look much better than before.

So, sometimes Zhang Fan would always feel that after Zhang Juzheng told him about this matter, he would get better because of his relaxation, and thus be able to live a few more days.

Of course, this is nothing more than Zhang Fan's hope in the final analysis, but is it really the case? To be honest, Zhang Fan has no way to be sure. Now I am very worried about Zhang Juzheng, and this kind of kind, which can be said to be a compulsive thought, and to be honest, Zhang Fan is really not mentally prepared at all, even if he listens to Zhang Juzheng said so, but he couldn't believe it, but he couldn't pretend that Zhang Juzheng didn't say it.

In short, today's Zhang Fan has such a very complicated psychology.

Speaking of this, I have to mention one thing. Five years ago, Zhang Juzheng's father passed away. According to the official system, Zhang Juzheng should go home to observe mourning for three years, and then return to office after three years. Of course, this kind of thing is really serious. It is very important, after all, it is three years. For those people in the court, there are too many accidents in three years, and even a change of dynasty is possible. Therefore, if the court If a person in a high position wants to go home to observe mourning for three years, then when he returns to the court, many things will probably change.

Therefore, these three years are really very important, and for Zhang Juzheng, he was at the most critical moment when the "One Whip Law" was implemented. Several other people, as well as many people including Zhang Fan and Feng Bao, will also pay close attention to this matter, but for Zhang Juzheng, as long as he is not personally supervised, he has no way to rest assured.

However, although the official system stipulates that you have to go back and observe filial piety for three years, there are naturally exceptions to this kind of thing, and this kind of exception is blamed as "duoqing". If something happens, such as the death of a father at home, they don’t have to go home to observe mourning for three years, and some only need to go back to deal with the funeral before they can go back to work, and these people don’t have to abandon their official positions during these three years, No official clothes, plain clothes to manage affairs, no pre-congratulations, ceremonies, banquets, etc. are represented by Zuo Er.

Speaking of which, in such a feudal era, it is really an extremely unfilial act, but if you really care about it, "heaven and earth monarchs, relatives and teachers", this monarch should be ranked in front of relatives, and first put state affairs aside. In front of him, that is also normal.

But this kind of thing is not so simple. For me, he naturally knows that if he leaves the court for three years, many changes will take place, and even after he returns, the court will completely change. It was possible, so, for him, he naturally didn't want to leave.

But in the same way, this matter is not only what he himself cares about, it is also very important to other officials in the DPRK. After all, Zhang Juzheng just made up this "one piece Therefore, the officials in the court were very happy after knowing that Zhang Juzheng's father had passed away. If Zhang Juzheng had left the court for three years, even if the cabinet and Zhang Fan were in control, there were some things that Zhang Juzheng would not be able to do. In the same situation, it is really easy to handle too much.

Obviously, at that time, Zhu Yijun didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhang Juzheng, so in the end he also supported Zhang Juzheng's act of "seizing love". Of course, Queen Mother Li also acquiesced in this.

In short, Zhang Juzheng did not go home to observe mourning for three years in the end, but just returned home to deal with his father's funeral in a hurry, and then returned to the court again.

They didn't tell the outside world about this matter, so when Zhang Juzheng returned home, many people in the court were very happy. They were all celebrating this event and made good prospects for the future, but this This prospect is not over yet, not to mention whether they have considered what to do, but after going to court that day, they saw Zhang Juzheng standing in the court hall without court clothes, which made these people grow up in surprise Mouth, at a loss.

And now that these people know that Zhang Juzheng actually "seizes love", he does not go home to observe his filial piety, but continues to go to court. There is no hope anymore, but what happened before gave them some hope suddenly, but now, this hope has disappeared again, how could they be willing to do this kind of thing.

Therefore, after these people knew about this matter, they did not hesitate at all, and immediately started bombarding Zhang Juzheng. Of course, their so-called reasons were naturally very serious and very simple, that is, the status quo Sue Zhang Juzheng for his unfilial son.

Of course, this matter is only as simple as four words, but if these people are really asked to speak, then naturally all the messy things will come out, but think about it, this should be the case, after all, at that time, They had already been compared by Zhang Juzheng, but now that they finally had a glimmer of hope before them, how could they just let it go.

Therefore, these people have spared no effort for this matter. Of course, this is actually their last chance to struggle.

As a result, almost all the people in the court who were involved in this matter came up to speak in turn. Of course, in fact, what they said was just a few kinds of truths, and if they were summed up, the meaning There is only one thing, that is, if Zhang Juzheng does not go home to keep his filial piety, it is an act of unfilial piety. If a person can't even do a good job at home, what qualifications does he have to be the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty and assist the emperor in governing the country? Woolen cloth.

The truth is naturally a big truth, and it is also a big truth that makes people unable to pick out any faults at all, but for today's imperial court, these principles are useless at all. Today's imperial court urgently needs Zhang Juzheng. With such a point, it is completely useless for these people to come forward to speak.

At that time, this incident was very troublesome. Those people below already had the intention of forcing the palace. It looks like I'm giving up.

You know, Zhu Yijun at that time was only 15 years old. Perhaps he had heard about this situation in the court, and he had seen it in books, but it was the first time he encountered it. , and faced with this situation, Zhu Yijun naturally became flustered, he didn't know what to do at all.

However, you must know that the imperial court at that time was not decided by Zhu Yijun, but by Zhang Juzheng. Faced with this situation, Zhang Juzheng absolutely refused to let him stand up and speak, and not just talking, but what Zhang Juzheng said , It is really heavy, there is no room left.

But this time, although Zhang Juzheng is very strong, the people below feel that they have finally found a reason to fight against Zhang Juzheng, so they naturally will not give up so easily. Don't let anyone.

But obviously, Zhang Juzheng was really strong compared to them in matters of the court, and at that time, he had a very good relationship with Zhu Yijun.

After two days, Zhu Yijun was not only a little afraid of this matter, but also a little bored, so he simply said that he was not in good health and would not come to court for a few days, and he even went down the road The imperial decree gave Zhang Juzheng the power to decide how to deal with the affairs of the court.

Although it is said that Zhang Juzheng is the minister of Gu Ming, he can decide the affairs of the court without Zhu Yijun issuing this imperial decree, but the things represented by this imperial decree are completely different. After all, there are some things that only The emperor can make decisions, but even the Minister Gu Ming can't, for example, the court staff.

That's right, it's the court staff, the court staff that has taken the lives of countless officials, large and small, in the court. The matter of the court staff really frightened the officials in the court. Speaking of things, only the emperor has this decision, but now, Zhu Yijun has handed over this power to Zhang Juzheng.

This really made the people below a little scared, but these people were not so scared that they didn't even dare to stand up and speak out. After all, before this, although Zhang Juzheng's performance in some things was indeed much stronger, But it has not yet reached the point of dictatorship. At this time, these people still think that Zhang Ju just can't, and dare not use such a severe punishment on them.

But in the end, these people were all wrong. Zhang Juzheng really dared to do this, and he had a reason to do it, not just because he now has the emperor's imperial decree, and he has the right to do this. What's more, those below will stand Among the people who came out to talk about this matter, many of them had a very bad relationship with Zhang Juzheng, and even obstructed the two new laws promulgated by Zhang Juzheng.

As for these people, although Zhang Juzheng usually wanted to find a chance to get them out, obviously, Zhang Juzheng did not find a suitable opportunity, but this time it was completely different. Now Zhang Juzheng not only had such power, Even these people gave Zhang Juzheng the power to punish them.

In such a situation, these people were trying to die and stretched their necks on the cutting board. In this way, Zhang Juzheng had no reason to bear it any longer.

And the result was that Zhang Juzheng really dared to use the imperial staff.

The court rod is originally a punishment, not a fatal punishment, but obviously, this rule does not apply in the Ming Dynasty. Whether the officials who are punished can live or not depends on the will of the eunuch who is in charge of ceremonies. To judge this matter, it still depends on what the emperor thinks of this person. No, in fact, even the emperor's opinion is not used. Since the emperor has already ordered, then it will be carried out. If the time comes, the person is really beaten Dead, the most is that he did not make it through, unless the emperor had ordered before, to save his life.

But now, Zhang Juzheng came to give orders about the court rod. At the same time, the person who supervised the court rod was not someone else, but Feng Bao. Although Feng Bao had changed at this time, there were some things that Feng Bao But he was not so cautious, what's more, this matter was Zhang Juzheng's intention in the end. Compared with offending these people in the court, Feng Bao didn't want to offend Zhang Juzheng at this time.

Therefore, during the execution, this toe pointing inward almost made Feng Bao an inside character.

At that time, there were more than a dozen officials who were killed because they could not stand up to the imperial staff. This incident really scared these people in the court, and Zhang Juzheng was also because of this incident. Authorized.

Of course, these are the old calendars now, but now, when Zhang Juzheng thinks back on this incident by chance, he always feels that he deserves what he deserved, although after talking to Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng’s The mood has really improved a lot, and both the body and the complexion have become better, but Zhang Juzheng always feels that his time is numbered.

And sure enough, not long after this incident, Zhang Juzheng really died,

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