Year after year.It was a little too fast.sometimes.look back.I always feel that even if it is ten or eight years.But it's just like yesterday.Maybe for people.This time changes.But it also means that things have changed.most of the time.Even if only for a short time.There will be huge changes.Not to mention such a long time.And for such a long time down.Even people.There will also be huge changes.

And the only constant.I'm afraid it's also the capital.And the magnificent and magnificent Forbidden City.perhaps.No matter what happened.These will just watch silently from the sidelines.Or.Occasional natural and man-made disasters.Only then will they be hurt.But these are for them.But it's painless.

It has been 20 years since Wanli.think about it.This decade.It was really too fast.For Zhang Fan.He especially has this idea.Although ten years.He never misses a day.But looking back now.But it still feels like yesterday.just like.His mentor Zhang Juzheng had just passed away in just a few days.

but.Ten years is ten years.Time passed.Regardless of how people feel.But this is the real deal.ten years time.Of course there are changes.And it's a pretty big change.

Speaking up.The "One Whip Method" established by Zhang Juzheng back then.After he died.There are indeed many people in the DPRK and China who want to find a way to abolish it.But because of some reasons back then.Let the people in the court have a way to refuse.therefore.This "One Whip Method".Whether in name or in reality.Neither was abolished.In addition, whether it is the emperor or the chief assistant.I am very concerned about this matter.So for this matter.The court is also very tight.So although ten years have passed.But the operation of "One Whip Law" is still good.Nothing went wrong.

at this point.For the Ming court.Nature has its benefits.Corvée was abolished.Although taxes turned into silver.But they will not worry about merchants driving up the price of silver.the most important is.People who have extra time.You can also increase your own income.Make your day easier.And since the common people use their spare time to make money.Or rest.In this way.There are a lot fewer people who want to have messy thoughts.In this way.The situation in Daming has also become more stable.

Speaking of the past ten years.There have indeed been great changes in the DPRK and China.

then.Zhang Juzheng died in office.Instead, Zhang Siwei took over the position of chief assistant.And Zhang Siwei was indeed the best candidate at the time.Not just this qualification.Also has this ability.the most important is.Zhang Siwei is really able to continue Zhang Juzheng's ambition at the same time.But he is also better at being a man than Zhang Juzheng.That already very important.

After Zhang Siwei took office.It really did not live up to everyone's expectations.Regardless of whether it is the continued implementation of the "One Whip Law".Or face the troubles of those people in the court.He can handle everything properly.It can even be said to be watertight.This is of course a good thing.

but.The good times don't last long.Zhang Siwei only worked for one year.His father died the following year.And Zhang Siwei is not Zhang Juzheng.Really can let go of all this.In addition, Zhang Siwei's power in the court is indeed not as good as Zhang Juzheng.So Zhang Siwei could only go home to mourn.

And then.Zhang Siwei's health is not very good.Day and night.After rushing home sick.But just got home.His stepmother and two younger brothers died one after another.In this way.Grief mixed.Plus Zhang Siwei, who is not in good health.It also completely collapsed.But even so.He was also in mourning at home.This is how he died.

What happened to Zhang Siwei really made people lament the impermanence of the world.But the DPRK and China cannot delay it because of Zhang Siwei alone.So after Zhang Siwei left.The cabinet must immediately elect a chief assistant.

Speaking of which.I would like to say something.Someone suggested Zhang Fan at that time.

Speaking up.With Zhang Fan's current status, official position and title.Enter the cabinet as a minister.It is not a big problem to be promoted to a bachelor.even.Be the chief assistant.Absolutely.not to mention.Zhang Fan also contributed a lot to the court.And won the trust of the emperor and queen mother.But the key question.It is because of Zhang Fan's age.

To know.How old was Zhang Fan at that time.But more than 30 years old.Almost 40 years old.And those who can sit in the position of chief assistant.Even recently.Zhang Juzheng is the youngest one.But also 47 years short.It's just that Zhang Fan still lacks qualifications.

certainly.Actually for Zhang Fan himself.He also didn't want to take the position of chief assistant.Not what Zhang Fan saw.Those who became the chief assistant did not end well.So he was afraid.Not so.Zhang Fan was worried.After sitting in that seat by myself.The situation in North Korea and China will be unclear for many reasons.Even forget me.He always feels.You should still stay awake.And under the environment of the DPRK.Want to stay awake.Just leave it a little bit.

In short.It was indeed mentioned at the beginning.But Zhang Fan obviously wouldn't agree.

And finally.He took over Zhang Siwei's burden and became the chief assistant of the cabinet.It's Shishihang.This Shishi OK.Also a number one.After becoming an official.It was also a smooth journey.When Zhang Juzheng was in power.Many conservatives were dismissed from office.And Shen Shixing really hides his temper.Nothing leaked out.result.Instead, he rose step by step.He even joined the cabinet as a minister.

After Zhang Siwei.Shen Shixing took the seat of the chief assistant.He really did what a chief assistant should do.Government affairs are lenient and can accommodate people.And during the period when he was the chief assistant.There are many contradictions between the DPRK and China.Even if it cannot be completely eliminated.But there is a great harmony.

but.Shi Shixing also understands.This first assistant of his own.In fact, there is not much credit.When he was the chief assistant.Although Zhang Juzheng had just left not long ago.Moreover, those people in the court are still worried about the "One Whip Law".But these situations are no longer intense for him at this time.Bottom line.Still because of before.This upsurge has been suppressed by Zhang chief assistant of shishihang.Still very comfortable.

But it is also because of comfort.So SHIH knows when to retreat.he understands.I have been the chief assistant for ** years.It is also enough.And he is indeed not young.therefore.Just in the 20th year of Wanli.At the age of 57.Shen Shixing resigned from his post.Retired and returned home.Zhu Yijun also agreed to his request.

think about it.Shi Shixing retired after the success.It's really amazing.Some people have just become chief assistants at his age.But for Shishi Bank.At this age, you should retire and return home.

After Shishixing.The person who became the chief assistant was Wang Jiaping.This Wang Jiaping.If you describe him.Can only use one sentence.a just person.His integrity.It has reached an extreme state.When Zhang Juzheng was in charge of the government.Those people in the court were all flattering and flattering to him.Zhang Juzheng fell ill.These people went to temples and other places to pray for Zhang Juzheng all day long.Also advertised.I'm afraid that other people don't know.But Wang Jiaping was indifferent.

And wait until Zhang Juzheng leaves.Those people in the court changed their minds immediately.He wanted to trouble Zhang Juzheng.Although Zhang Siwei stood up to these people at that time.But these people really found a lot of evidence against Zhang Juzheng.But Wang Jiaping is at this time.But he was able to stand up and say something fair for Zhang Juzheng.He didn't just praise it blindly.Instead, it clearly stated Zhang Juzheng's merits and demerits.

It can be seen from this.This man really made integrity his style.Bring it into all your actions.

And this kind of person.Actually very troublesome.But at the same time.The court cannot lack such people.After Wang Jiaping entered the cabinet.Especially when Shishi Bank is the chief assistant.He is also very fancy.Because of Shen Shixing's gentle attitude towards the court.He also understands.You can't be the only one like this.There must be someone who dares to speak.

And before shishixing left.He recommended Wang Jiaping.Maybe.Let Wang Jiaping be the chief assistant.It is indeed somewhat inappropriate.But Shishi Bank has his own consideration.He understood that he had served as chief assistant for so many years.Be gentle.Although North Korea and China are peaceful.But there are also many problems.

And now he's gone.If you continue to replace with a person like him.Then nothing changes at all.There may even be problems.Therefore, Shen Shixing felt that it should be replaced by someone who dared to speak at this time.Outspoken people.This form in the court was changed.

And this proposal.was passed.therefore.Wang Jiaping became the chief assistant.

But Wang Jiaping had just become the first assistant for a few days.Zhu Yijun regretted it.indeed.Wang Jiaping is a man who dares to speak.But this is not just for those ministers in the court.For the emperor.Wang Jiaping still wouldn't keep his mouth shut.

There is no need to mention the past.And after Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.There are five chief assistants.Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Siwei, Shen Shixing.And now to Wang Jiaping.Among these five people.Gao Gong doesn't need to be considered among them.And among the rest.Dare to contradict the emperor.Even people with extremely "bad" attitudes.There are only Zhang Juzheng and Wang Jiaping.

The situation of Wang Jiaping and Zhang Juzheng is not the same.Zhang Juzheng contradicted.It's because he holds power.He is not afraid of anything.That's why I dare to contradict.And anything.He dared to say it.But Wang Jiaping is not Zhang Juzheng.His rebuttals are really justified.Although it is not unreasonable.But as long as Zhu Yijun did something wrong.Wang Jiaping would never hold that in her heart.Will definitely say it.

This situation.Naturally, Zhu Yijun was very annoyed.But elegant.The position of chief assistant did not follow the emperor's happiness.Just change it.Moreover.Wang Jiaping has reason.Nothing wrong Yijun also had nothing to do with him.

now.This is the situation in the court.

The mention of Wang Jiaping annoyed Zhu Yijun.Here I have to say Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun is now 30 years old.And he was emperor for 20 years.He has been in power for ten years.this kind of experience.Whoever it is.The emperor's temper has also grown out.

During these ten years.Zhu Yijun had four more sons.three daughters.But among the four sons.One was born dead.One died prematurely.Only two survived.And three daughters.Not a single one was kept.

so.Now Zhu Yijun only has three sons and one daughter.

Although bereavement.This is a very sad thing.But for the imperial family.Being able to have a male heir is the most important thing.And now.Zhu Yijun has three sons.seem.On the issue of succession to the throne.It should be nothing to worry about.

But actually.this problem.But it is the biggest contradiction in the court today.

The ancients said.Stand tall but not young.And Zhu Changluo is Zhu Yijun's first son.It should be said that there is a great advantage in this regard.

even.Zhu Yijun treats his son.There is no big prejudice.It's just because of Zheng Shi.So Zhu Yijun couldn't like him.And for a long time.I can't like this.It's also somewhat disgusting.

And Zheng's.Because Zhu Yijun was not able to give birth to a son first.So I am very concerned about this the life of Wang Guifei and her son Zhu Changluo is not very bad.But it wasn't very good either.This can be said to be entirely caused by Zheng.

After Wang Guifei gave birth to a boy.Zheng Shi was naturally not reconciled.But the result was unsatisfactory.Zheng gave birth to Zhu Yijun for the first time.What was born was a daughter.This really made Zheng very angry.She even wanted to strangle her own daughter to death with her own hands.And because of my mother's disregard.Poor Zhu Xuanshu.I have not received any maternal love since birth.In addition, the body is not good.So when she was seven years old.illness.

after giving birth to a daughter.Zheng Shi will naturally not be reconciled.Results the second time.Finally, her wish came true.Here comes a boy.only.This son of birth.He died before he could name it.And Zheng's for this matter.That was truly heartbreaking.certainly.what she grieves.Only a small half is her son.And more of herself.

but.Obviously, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Shi to give up just like that.finally.Zheng finally got his wish.In the 14th year of Wanli.Successfully gave birth to a boy for Zhu Yijun.And survived.The boy's name is Zhu Changxun.He is Zhu Yijun's third son.

But anyway.Zhu Changxun was already a long way behind Zhu Changluo.Even because he is Zheng's son.The Zheng family is extremely favored by Zhu Yijun.So China Unicom Zhu Changxun.He is also extremely loved by Zhu Yijun.But after all.He is not the eldest son.therefore.Although Wang Guifei and Zhu Changluo are not favored.But in fact the advantage is still on their side.

then.Concubine Zheng is going to use some unconventional means.

Although Zhu Changluo is the Prince's No.1 choice.But be aware.This prince.Even the eldest son is not easy to be.If Zhu Changluo is really not up to the task.Then the reason is easy to find.

therefore.Zheng for this matter.That was really painstaking.And of course there are results.The most notable of these.It was when Zhu Changluo was eight years old.Didn't even know how to read.

This is for the education of the prince in the palace.That's definitely an outlier.Generally speaking.As a prince.It is even more important to be princes.But five or six years old.Then I started reading.And Zhu Changluo was eight years old.But they still haven't received systematic education.The words he can read and write.It was all taught to him by her mother, Concubine Wang Gui.

for this.The people in the court did not know.certainly.If the people in the court know.That was really a big deal.

Even Zhang Fan.It was also kept a secret for several years.After all, as Zhu Yijun got older.And the number of concubines has also increased.Even the relationship between him and Zhang Fan has not changed.But Zhang Fan is naturally inconvenient to go to the palace often.Plus some special reasons.The chances for Zhang Fan to meet Zhu Changluo are extremely Fan didn't know what was going on.

This still has to be said.That's what happened this year.Zhu Changxun is also six years old.Wang Guifei, who is extremely concerned about her son.Of course it goes without saying.Definitely very concerned.Just six years old.Zhu Changxun who has not enjoyed his childhood yet.She was asked by her mother to study.

And for the prince's education.This is naturally the top priority.Although North Korea and China can be qualified.And there are many capable people.But for Zhu Yijun.His inner choice.There is actually only one person.That is Zhang Fan.

certainly.Let Zhang Fan come to study with the Pope.There is nothing wrong with that.But start from scratch.It's true...but after Zhang Fan heard what Zhu Yijun said about it.That is of course incumbent.Immediately agreed to come down.

Here's one more thing.Let the Pope Zhang Fan study.Mrs. Zheng did not agree to this matter.Because Zheng was worried.Zhang Fan is likely to sabotage her plan.But this point.This is also the only place where Zhu Yijun did not make the end it was Zhang Fan who came.

And Zhang Fan will either not go.After going.The problem was immediately apparent.

Now that Zhu Changxun is studying.And Zhang Fan came to teach again.So no matter what you plan to do.Zhu Changluo also had to be together.And Zhu Changluo did this.This problem was immediately apparent to Zhang Fan.

and.Zhang Fan knew about this situation.Really angry too.This is also his first time.Feeling annoyed towards Zhu Yijun.

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