The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1890 The Day of the Beginning

Just after Zhu Yijun told Zhang Fan about it.Zhang Fan agreed without even thinking about it.even though.Zhu Changxun, who is only six years old, can read and write.This kind of thing is actually the same no matter who you come to.Whether it's a student in college or a random scholar from the folks.There is no essential difference.certainly.The prince is naturally impossible.

About asking Zhang Fan to teach Zhu Changxun.Zhu Yijun's thoughts are naturally obvious.Although Zhu Yijun's enlightenment was not Zhang Fan.But the knowledge that Zhu Yijun was able to acquire later.It is also inseparable from Zhang Fan.But for Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan is even more important.And an irreplaceable role.therefore.for this.Zhu Yijun was naturally speechless.Zhu Changxun is also among his two sons.One of my favorites.therefore.After Zheng mentioned the matter of letting Zhu Changxun study.The first thing Zhu Yijun thought of was Zhang Fan.

certainly.For this matter.Zheng Shi naturally didn't like it.So many years.Regarding matters in the DPRK.She also understood a lot.And among them.The most important thing for her to understand is that.The emperor is in court.Perhaps the biggest in terms of status.But not in power.Because there are many people in the court.Many ministers can restrain the emperor.And Zheng Shi is very clear.She knew that Zhang Fan was one of them.

In addition, Zhang Fan was really loyal to the imperial court.Maybe he will follow Zhu Yijun's petty temper.Do something really ridiculous.But once things get involved in very important places.Then Zhang Fan will never compromise.But that's not the point.The point is if Zhang Fan really disagrees.Then Zhu Yijun didn't dare to come here indiscriminately.

In this way.Such Zhang Fan.That really made Zheng feel a little scared.therefore.What Zheng is thinking now is.Can not provoke Zhang Fan.Can not get involved with Zhang Fan.That's the best thing.As for other things.Mrs. Zheng didn't want to bother.She also knew what Zhang Fan was thinking.therefore.Although she is exploiting power in the harem.But it is also kept within a range.She will definitely not let Zhang Fan notice her.

But now.Mentioned the matter of letting Zhu Changxun study.Naturally, the Zheng family did not discuss this point.After all, as a prince.In the future, it is possible to inherit the great rule.And if the prince doesn't have much knowledge.Then it won't work Shi is naturally very enthusiastic about this matter.After Zhu Changxun reached a similar age.She also told Zhu Yijun about it.

Zhu Yijun naturally agreed.To this.Zheng felt that everything was normal.And this matter was in her mind.After Zhu Yijun agreed.She will recommend a few candidates.Let these individuals teach Zhu Changxun.certainly.Naturally, these people had already been selected by the Zheng family.They are definitely on the side of their Zheng family.

But.From Zheng's point of view, this was already planned.It was Zhu Yijun who had a problem.original.After hearing about this matter.Naturally, Zhu Yijun should start thinking about who to teach.Or just ask Mr. Zheng for his opinion.but.Obviously, Zhu Yijun had already made plans for this matter.After Zheng finished speaking.He didn't wait for Zheng Shi to speak at all.He didn't even think about it himself.There is already a candidate in mind.good.That is Zhang Fan.

This incident surprised Zheng Shi greatly.She felt that she still underestimated the relationship between Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan.Originally in her opinion.Although there is a long relationship between the two.But how to say it.But after all, they are the emperor and his courtiers.Even intimacy should have a limit.But obviously.The relationship between Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan.It's not that simple.the relationship between the two.It is also far beyond Zheng's imagination.

Insufficient consideration has been given to this aspect.The reason for this matter is actually also Zheng Shi.She did investigate Zhang Fan in the early stage.But after investigating some situations.She felt that she had fully understood.And after that, he began to deliberately stay away from Zhang Fan.In this way.This is what caused the current situation.

Face it.Zheng Shi even talked to Zhu Yijun several times.Nice words are also good.Even get angry.But Zhu Yijun is on this matter.It can be said that oil and salt do not enter.He's just single-minded.Ask Zhang Fan to call Zhu Changxun.

at last.Zheng sees this matter.In any case, I have no way to convince Zhu Yijun.In the end, she could only let things be like this.

but.This is not because Zheng has completely compromised.Of course, she has considered this matter.And the result of her consideration is.Ask Zhang Fan to teach her son to read.And nothing.As a result, it is only the most basic reading and literacy.It doesn't matter who comes to teach.Second.Even if it is to teach advanced in the future.Zhang Fan has no problem either.the most important is.Zhang Fan can be fair.He will never be biased because of likes and dislikes.Although Zheng Shi was indeed afraid.And some hate Zhang Fan.But at least this.She still agrees with Zhang Fan.

Mrs. Zheng wanted to understand these things.This is the meaning of agreeing to Zhu Yijun.Let Zhang Fan come and ask Zhu Changxun to study.

only.Zheng's consideration is not complete.Ask Zhang Fan to call Zhu Changxun.This is indeed no problem.But there is one more thing.She ignored it.That is the question about Zhu Changluo.

After the age when Zhu Changluo should be studying.Mrs. Zheng was blowing in Zhu Yijun's ear.Trying my best to stop this.certainly.Her reasons are naturally very good.I just think Zhu Changluo is still young.That's when I started reading.It is against the nature of children.It should be a few years later.

And Zhu Yijun heard what she said.It also reminds me of my childhood appearance.In addition, although he didn't care deeply about Zhu Changluo's son.But it was his son after all.I know he's a little weaker.Not like him.Even if someone took care of it back then.But still very Yijun also agreed to this matter.Zhu Changluo was not allowed to study.Let him stay by Wang Guifei's side.

And this thing.After Zhu Yijun did it.Also forget.certainly.If someone reminded him.After a few years.It's time for Zhu Changluo to study.Then it was obviously impossible for Zhu Yijun not to ask.Precisely because there is so little caring.Zhu Yijun couldn't think of this at all.

But he couldn't think of it.Someone wants it.Cheng is one of them.And she was even more cautious.Don't let Zhu Yijun think about this issue.

certainly.most concerned about this.Naturally, Zhu Changluo himself and his mother, concubine Wang Guifei, must be counted.Both mother and son absolutely wanted it.But.This pair of mother and son.Temperament is the same somewhat weak.therefore.Even so.The kid Zhu Changluo couldn't speak.Even Wang Shuyuan is a noble concubine.But she couldn't matter has been delayed like this.

But now.The situation is different.Because now.Zhang Fan is coming to the palace.Taught Zhu Changxun to read.And now that I have come to the palace.It is also responsible for teaching the prince to read.How could Zhang Fan fail to think of Zhu Yijun's other prince.

so.When Zhang Fan came to teach Zhu Changxun on the first day.It was after Zhu Changxun saluted according to the reminder of the accompanying reader.I just saw such a huge room.There were only him, the eunuch who was waiting on the sidelines, Zhu Changxun and his companions.There are only four of them.Zhang Fan was naturally puzzled.

"This father-in-law." Zhang Fan turned to the eunuch who was waiting here.Zhang Fan was always very polite to the eunuchs in the palace.Even if the other party has just entered the palace.Zhang Fan never underestimated them in words. "Why is there only His Highness the Third Prince here. Your Majesty has three princes now. The Fifth Prince is too young. But the First Prince is a man. Could it be that the First Prince has already passed this stage. Someone taught him to read."

"This..." the eunuch.The time in the palace is not short.For things in the palace.Nature is very clear.The matter Zhang Fan asked about.He naturally understood very well.Also know why this is so.But unluckily.Let him talk about it.He has no way to say.Tell Zhang Fan the truth.I'm afraid Zhang Fan won't let it go.But if he lied.I'm afraid I can run today.Can't run tomorrow.At that time, the emperor will not move.Zhang Fan was going to make Feng Bao trouble Fan's question.It really stumped him.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan waited for a while but did not hear an answer.Can't help but feel strange.Turn around and look over.I found the cold sweat on the eunuch's head.Look at the expression on his face again.Zhang Fan understood immediately.There must be something unspeakable in this.

random.Zhang Fan's reaction was quick.He bowed to Zhu Changxun and said, "Your Highness, I have a little matter. I will take my leave for now." Finish.Without waiting for Zhu Changxun's reaction.So he took the eunuch out.

And Zhu Changxun, who is only six years old.Don't care about these things at all.

After Zhang Fan pulled the eunuch out of the house.I found a place where no one was there.Then he asked, "What do you have to say? Tell the truth. You can rest assured. Even if His Majesty asks, I won't tell you your name."

That eunuch.See Zhang Fan like this.He didn't want to say it at first.Also hesitated.Plus Zhang Fan said so.That's the same as talking about it.If he did.Naturally everything is fine.But if he doesn't say.Then Zhang Fan will not give up.

Pondering over and over again.Although he felt that both sides could not be offended.But Zhang Fan's side is even more troublesome.After all, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.It was too easy to fix him.

"Master Zhang. That's what happened." He said. "If you want to come, Mrs. Zhang also knows. The imperial concubine does not like the eldest prince. Therefore, when the eldest prince reached the age of schooling, the imperial concubine spoke to His Majesty. What did she say. The slaves don't know. But in short, the eldest prince did not study. .I heard that the eldest prince now is only taught by the imperial concubine to read and write. It’s just simple things to read and write.”

hear about it.Zhang Fan gritted his teeth at that moment.Zhu Changluo was born in the tenth year of Wanli.It is now ten years old.And a ten-year-old child.And he is also the first son of Da Ming Zi.Didn't even read the book.It's just that his mother taught him to read and write.this kind of thing.Simply unheard of.It's not even possible to imagine.

And now.Zhang Fan stopped talking too much.Go directly to the Emperor's Hall.

The time is still up.Because Zhang Fan is going to take over the task of teaching the prince to study.So he didn't come to court.

One can imagine.Zhang Fan went to find Zhu Yijun at this time.I was really annoyed by this matter.Even Zhu Yijun has no scruples about his face.It's not that Zhang Fan feels the relationship between himself and Zhu Yijun.Don't be afraid to offend him.It is really because of this matter.I really couldn't stand it anymore.

And at this time.Above the main hall.The ministers are discussing state affairs.Zhu Yijun felt a little boring during this time.So just listen.Not when it is absolutely necessary.He doesn't speak either.

But just when the Ministry of War was discussing the current situation in northern Xinjiang.Suddenly, the sharp voice of the eunuch came from the hall.Zhang Fan is here.

Hearing Zhang Fan's arrival.people present.Whether it is the emperor or the ministers.That's all kind of weird.Both the court and China know.Zhang Fan is now going to teach the prince how to read.So don't come to court.And this time.He should be studying with the Pope.But now Zhang Fan rushed to the hall.This naturally made everyone a little confused.

After Zhang Fan came up.Kowtow to Zhu Yijun and salute.And Zhu Yijun hurriedly invited Zhang Fanping to live.Ask him why he's here.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan stood up.He looked up at Zhu Yijun.The expression is not good at all. "My minister just came from the palace. I have something to ask His Majesty."

people on the sidelines.Including people from Wang Jiaping.Seeing Zhang Fan like this.He also knew that something must have happened.For so many years.Zhang Fan never did this in court.This also explains.Now Zhang Fan will be like this.Something terrible must have happened.

"Teacher please tell me." Zhu Yijun was naturally aware of Zhang Fan's displeasure.So be careful.

"Your Majesty ordered the humble minister, the Pope, to study. Then it should be more than just the professor."

"Naturally. They are all my children. It is right to read some books. That's right. Tomorrow. If it is the master, it will not be troublesome. Let my son go and listen to it."

"Princess wants to come and listen. Naturally, there is no problem. But Your Majesty may have forgotten something. Your Majesty does not only have a prince like the Third Prince. The Fifth Prince is too young. Naturally, I will not mention it. But the First Prince. It is past the age of the yellow mouth. But the humble minister heard it. The eldest prince did not read. It was just that he was taught to read by the imperial concubine. Your Majesty. The prince is the future of my Ming Dynasty. As the eldest son of your majesty, the eldest prince is the foundation of the country. Today The Eldest Prince is ten years old but studying for school. This matter, I really can't bear not to talk about it."

As soon as Zhang Fan finished speaking.people present.All were stunned.Zhu Yijun was stunned.Because he didn't care about it.When he wants to come.Reading is a matter of course.Even if he doesn't like Zhu Changluo very much.But this kind of thing is also a matter of course in his opinion.But now I heard what Zhang Fan said.That's what he remembered.And that's how it really is.Zhu Changluo had no one to teach him to read.

And the ministers next to him.Also stunned.They really didn't expect it to be like this.They also knew more or less what was going on in the palace.I also know that Zhu Yijun favors Concubine Zheng only.So not only the imperial concubine was left out in the cold.And he doesn't have deep feelings for the eldest prince.But they really didn't expect it.Zhu Yijun could actually do such a thing.

And obviously.For the vast majority of people in the DPRK.Regardless of their political differences.But they are concerned about the word "orthodox".That is of great concern.Regardless of which son Zhu Yijun likes after all.But Zhu Changluo is the eldest prince.That status is very special.But now.But there is such a situation.This is naturally to make this Manchu civil and military.They were all stunned.

And next.Everyone in the hall.Immediately started whispering.for this messy situation.Zhu Yijun didn't ask any questions.Because he doesn't know what to do now.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan spoke again.Said. "I request Your Majesty to allow me to teach His Highness the First Prince together. Starting today."

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan had just finished speaking.Wang Jiaping on the side stood up. "My minister seconded the words of the Grand Tutor. I implore His Majesty to allow His Royal Highness the First Prince to study."

"My minister seconded the proposal."

"My minister seconded the proposal."

"My minister seconded the proposal."


All of a sudden.Most of the people in the court spoke up.And they all said the same thing.

certainly.Just the vast majority.Some people did not speak.And these people are those who have belonged to Zheng's side in the court.They understand.In this form.They can't do anything at all.We can only protect ourselves wisely.Do not say anything.

"My dear friends, don't say any more." Zhu Yijun spoke up.The expression is also very self-blame. "I was negligent about this matter. I made a mistake. Just follow the Taifu's words. Feng Bao. You go and pass on my oral instructions now. Let Luo Er go to the Taifu's place to study together."

Zhu Yijun obviously.It was indeed negligence.If not.He would not admit his mistake so simply.

And for these people in the DPRK.Because Zhu Yijun admitted his mistake this time with a good attitude.simply.Even for a diehard like Wang Jiaping.Also did not say anything.They just said "Your Majesty is wise" in unison.

this matter.Menacing.It goes really fast too.It seems to be such a matter of effort.It's over.But the thing itself.But it is the detailed situation in the harem.Tell the ministers in the court.

And this thing.But it also opened a beginning.Over there is the most famous "country-ben dispute" in the Wanli Dynasty.Only this time.It is very different from the "country-based struggle" in history.

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