Regarding this matter, it cannot be said that Zhu Yijun is not wrong. After all, he is in his teens regardless of whether he asks Zhu Changluo, but he still can't remember the matter of letting him study. For him, whether as a father The emperor is still negligent, but although Zhu Yijun is indeed at fault, he did not commit this mistake on purpose. In the final analysis, Zhu Yijun made this mistake because someone instigated him.

Otherwise, just now when Zhang Fan came to the hall and talked about this matter, it can be said that Zhu Yijun didn't save any face at all. If there were some differences, Zhu Yijun would not be so accommodating, and it was precisely because of this matter, Zhu Yijun was so impressed by Zhang Fan that he knew that he had indeed done something wrong, so he immediately admitted it.

All in all, in a word, Zhu Yijun is indeed responsible for this matter, and it is an unshirkable responsibility, but the root of the responsibility does not lie with him. As for who the root is, I am afraid that everyone in the court knows After this incident, I will think of it immediately, yes, there is only one such possibility, and in this way, it may become affirmative.

However, even if everyone in the court knows about this matter, they still know it. It is useless to say this matter, because it is nothing more than their speculation in the end, and there is no evidence. In addition, now, no matter what, Zhu Yijun's favorite concubine is her, and it is simply impossible to bring her down just by relying on the current situation.

Therefore, the people present did not spend too much thought on this matter, but instead thought about how to solve the immediate problem.

Of course, since Zhu Yijun didn't do this on purpose, and Zhu Yijun has a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, he immediately corrected this matter. At Zhang Fan's request, he immediately ordered someone to go to the palace In the middle, let Zhu Changluo go to listen to the lecture together.

To be honest, facing Zhu Yijun like this, Zhang Fan couldn't help being angry anymore. He also realized that Zhu Yijun was indeed responsible for this matter, but he couldn't blame him entirely, so Zhang Fan was also silent. Although there is no way to completely solve this matter now, at least on the surface, Zhu Yijun agreed to his request. For the time being, Zhang Fan feels that it is still the case for the time being, and we will talk about it later.

Since Wang Shuyuan became the imperial concubine, it is true that she is not as relaxed as when she was serving the Empress Dowager Li. Although she used to serve others, but now she is being served, but no matter what, she couldn't be happy.

She gave birth to a son for Zhu Yijun, and he was the eldest son. This was a good thing and a very important thing, but when this happened to her, she could only feel pain.

After she became an imperial concubine, it's not that Zhu Yijun has never visited her once, but in the past ten years, the number of times Zhu Yijun has visited her is really one of the few. On average, it may not be once a year. Of course, this refers to Zhu Yijun coming over on his own initiative, and does not include the number of times the two met at various banquets in the palace.

On the contrary, Empress Dowager Li came here more often. After all, Empress Dowager Li treated her very well and was very happy that she was able to give birth to her eldest grandson. If Wang Shuyuan was really careful, then she would naturally You can take advantage of this point. When Empress Dowager Li came to visit her, she only needs to mention the situation she is encountering now, and she will definitely not be in this situation now.

However, Wang Shuyuan didn't say anything once, and since Zheng's influence in the palace is not small, none of the maids and eunuchs below dared to say anything in Queen Mother Li's ear, so this matter has been going on like this for a long time. Being concealed, so many years have passed.

But obviously, this kind of thing can be hidden for a while, but it can't be hidden for a long time. Now, at this time, the problem has been exposed.

As far as Wang Shuyuan herself is concerned, her concubine is really boring, but compared to the queen who is also treated indifferently by the emperor, Wang Shuyuan's temper is there, and she is doomed no matter how much suffering she has. In my heart, I will not vent it.

In fact, for so many years, she has often heard things from the queen. The queen is not favored by Zhu Yijun just like her, and the two of them will also tolerate it. But the difference between the queen and her is that this kind of Although she can bear things, she also needs to vent. So, after so many years, as far as Wang Shuyuan has heard, there are at least 30 people who have been punished by various criminal laws in the palace because they offended the queen on some small things. Killed.

Naturally, Wang Shuyuan can't do this kind of thing, not to mention, she has a son, the only son she can rely on. Therefore, Wang Shuyuan can't do this kind of thing, and she really has no way to suppress her heart When she was depressed, she could only hold her son in her arms. Regarding his mother's strange behavior, Zhu Xuanluo was too young, and he didn't understand why his mother did this at all.

And when it comes to the issue of reading, how could Wang Shuyuan not understand that this is the result of Zheng's obstruction. As a prince, there is no one who can't read and write at the age of ten. Therefore, Wang Shuyuan has no choice but to face this matter. She didn't dare to talk about this matter with Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li. Although she said that if she said it, this matter could definitely be resolved, but she also knew that if she did so, she would definitely arouse Zheng's hatred Of course, she is not afraid of Zheng's grudge, but she is afraid that Zheng's grudge will retaliate against Zhu Xuanluo, so no matter what, Wang Shuyuan endured it and said nothing.

However, just forbearance does not mean that she has no idea about this matter. In fact, Wang Shuyuan also wants to solve this matter, but after much deliberation, coupled with her somewhat weak temper, In the end, she did nothing, her thoughts were very negative, and she felt that it was impossible to hide this matter for a lifetime, and that it would definitely be discovered in the future, and by that time, the matter would not only be resolved, but would not Let their mother and son bear the grudge of Zheng too much.

From a certain point of view, what Wang Shuyuan thinks is not wrong at all. No matter how much Zheng tries to hide this matter, there will always be a day when she reveals it. Therefore, Wang Shuyuan does not need to be too active in doing it What, just wait.

But on the other hand, Wang Shuyuan's idea was too naive. The moment she was pregnant with Zhu Yijun's child, Mrs. Zheng already hated her, and after she gave birth to a boy, Zheng Shi has already developed a resentment towards her that is absolutely impossible to eliminate, so speaking of this matter, there is no room for turning around.

Putting these aside for the time being, just a few days ago, Wang Shuyuan also heard from the maid in the palace that Zhu Yijun was looking for a husband for Zhu Changxun, and when she heard that Zhang Fan was looking for, she really had some ideas She knew that Zhang Fan treated her well. After all, her father and Zhang Fan had an unusual relationship. Wang Shuyuan had considered it at the time. If she went to Zhang Fan about this matter, I am afraid that Zhang Fan would definitely stand up and help her. Speaking, in this way, it is normal for Zhu Changluo to be able to read.

But in the end, after much deliberation, Wang Shuyuan didn't do it in the end, because for the same reason, it is indeed possible to solve this matter by finding Zhang Fan, but there will be more problems after this matter is resolved. , and in the same way, for Wang Shuyuan, no matter what Zheng Shi wants to do to her, she doesn't care, but if Zheng Shi turns the finger on Zhu Changluo, then it is not what Wang Shuyuan wants to see of.

Therefore, even though this incident happened now, Wang Shuyuan still held back and said nothing.

And obviously, her thinking is correct. Now that this matter has developed to this point, since Zhang Fan has already come forward, she and she don't have to think about anything or think of any way at all. As long as Zhang Fan is involved, Then there must be a solution to this matter.

Although she said she wanted to come this way, Wang Shuyuan felt that she was very sorry for Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan had helped her a lot since she entered the palace, and took good care of herself and her family. As far as Wang Shuyuan herself is concerned, she has always been grateful to Zhang Fan, and hopes that she can do something to repay Zhang Fan in the future.

But now, although she has become an imperial concubine, even so, she still has no way to repay Zhang Fan. Not only can she not repay Zhang Fan, but even at this time, she still has to rely on Zhang Fan. Helping, even this kind of helping, would cause Zhang Fan huge troubles.

Although she felt very uneasy about this in her heart, Wang Shuyuan also understood that in the current situation, she could only do this. Otherwise, her own problems might never be solved. It will be very dangerous.

Therefore, during this period of time, especially today, when Zhang Fan is here to teach Zhu Changxun, it can be said that Wang Shuyuan did not say a word, but just waited quietly. After inquiring, Wang Shuyuan was also very happy after hearing the news that Zhang Fan had entered the palace, but after waiting for a while, there was no news.

However, afterward, another new news came. Wang Shuyuan heard that Zhang Fan was going to the main hall in a hurry. It has something to do with Zhu Changluo, this time, she who can keep calm no matter what happens on weekdays is also a little excited.

But after that, Wang Shuyuan waited left and right, but she couldn't wait for the news, and she didn't see Zhang Fan coming back. The sound also made Wang Shuyuan nervous.

The person who came was famous, but Feng Bao came here in person, and this also let Wang Shuyuan know that things would definitely not be laughed at.

When Feng Bao said that the emperor ordered Zhu Changluo to change clothes and go to study, to be honest, Wang Shuyuan didn't know how to describe her mood at that time. She wanted to cry, yes, she really wanted to cry. Crying, but at the same time, she also knew that she couldn't and shouldn't cry out. Not only did she have the responsibility of being an imperial concubine, but she also had to set an example in front of her son.

In short, Wang Shuyuan knew that she had been making her extremely uncomfortable for so many years, and it was finally resolved today.

And looking at Wang Shuyuan who was so happy that she couldn't hide it, Feng Bao didn't urge her to do anything, but just waited quietly. Feng Bao was naturally very clear about the affairs in the palace, but she Even if Feng Bao has this power in his hands, if he intervenes, many things will change, and Feng Bao himself understands this truth very well, so although it is said that the Zheng family has repeatedly An olive branch was thrown at Feng Bao, but Feng Bao acted indifferently, which made Zheng gnash his teeth, but for Feng Bao, Zheng had nothing to do. The position in the palace is that the two do not help each other, so she gradually stopped paying attention to Feng Bao, no, it's not that she doesn't pay attention, but pays attention, and don't provoke Feng Bao by her daily actions.

But even if he doesn't intervene, Feng Bao naturally has his own thoughts on these things that happened in the palace. Feng Bao naturally has his own opinions on the matter of Wang Guifei, but Feng Bao has his own opinions on this matter. Bao also knew that if he got involved, there would be no peace in the palace. Therefore, Feng Bao, who had figured it out, turned a blind eye to this matter.

After Zhang Fan got a satisfactory, at least temporary, satisfactory answer, Zhang Fan left the hall and returned to the place where he taught Zhu Changxun, but Zhu Changxun was not too stubborn, perhaps because he still treated Zhang Fan He was not familiar with it, so he didn't dare to make any big moves. Of course, before this, Mrs. Zheng had warned him, asking him to be more polite to Zhang Fan and never play his temper. He knew his mother and concubine's temper Zhu Changxun naturally didn't dare.

After Zhang Fan came back, he didn't start teaching. Instead, he was waiting for something. Naturally, Zhu Changxun had no objection to this, so he started looking around.

And after a while, I heard the voice of the eunuch reporting to the door: "His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness have arrived, "

This time, both Zhang Fan and Zhu Changxun were taken aback. Zhu Changxun was fine, but was startled by the sudden voice, but Zhang Fan was really surprised. He did know that Zhu Changluo was coming, but he didn't expect it Wang Shuyuan actually followed.

In the next moment, after Wang Shuyuan entered the room, Zhang Fan also hurriedly stood up and knelt down to Wang Shuyuan: "My humble servant welcomes the imperial concubine, my empress is a thousand years old."

And Zhu Changxun on the side was a little at a loss. He had indeed heard of Wang Shuyuan, but he had never seen it before. He knew that according to the etiquette, he should also salute Wang Shuyuan, but he couldn't do it.

"Your Highness the Third Prince," Zhu Changxun said without moving, Zhang Fan naturally would not let it go, "This is the imperial concubine, who is second only to the empress in the harem. As a prince, how can you not be polite when seeing the imperial concubine? "

Zhu Changxun, who was a bit unfamiliar with Zhang Fan at first, and also a little scared, was taken aback by Zhang Fan's yelling at him. Originally, he only needed to stand and bow to Wang Shuyuan, but when Zhang Fan yelled at him like this, he only needed to stand and bow. Scared, Zhu Changxun knelt down.

Seeing such an appearance, Wang Shuyuan was also taken aback, and quickly asked the two to stand up. Naturally, she had nothing to say to Zhang Fan, but on Zhu Changxun's side, she was really afraid of the impact of this matter. up.

However, it is obvious that Zhang Fan doesn't care about this matter at all. That appearance can be understood by people who see it. Zhang Fan's view on this is absolutely very normal.

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